Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 542, I wish you a happy birthday

Chapter 542, I wish you a happy birthday

Looking at the warm scene in front of him, Li Yun showed a gentle expression, and sang softly: "Happy birthday to you"

Before the words could be uttered, Yang Yingying burst her mouth with a carrot, and the huge carrot was so stuffed that she couldn't speak.

At this time, Yang Yingying said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yun. I know how you feel, but your singing is really hard to listen to. Appearing on such a warm occasion will only bring despair to people, and it will destroy the atmosphere. Please don't sing, my brother. .”

Li Yun: "."

Worried about the sudden quietness of the air, Li Yun was silent for a moment, and silently gnawed on the carrot.

Bah, raw radish is really bad
Life is already very difficult, please don't expose it, okay?
"Brother Yun, are those two really ghosts? I'm a little scared." Yang Yingying thought of something, and hid behind Li Yun, pretending to be trembling.

Li Yun really didn't want to complain about this, why both of them pretended to be afraid of ghosts, they were obviously not afraid at all
"These are not ghosts, but the memories left by longing. In this land, in the mind of Mr. Lu Zhengyi, these memories are the deepest longings. In Pindao's view, this may be the essence of the soul. The light of the stars formed."

Perhaps the soul has already been reincarnated
Maybe already alive as someone else
Maybe it's not that person anymore.
But the fact that they were Lu Wei and Lu Xian's parents before their death can never be changed.

Li Yun gnawed on the carrot with a calm expression, chomping and chomping, while speaking inarticulately.

"This is Mr. Lu's wish, to be able to have a meal together with Meimei, reunite the family, and celebrate a birthday party for the child seriously"

Looking at the parents in front of him, Lu Wei didn't think whether it was a ghost, an evil spirit, or something else, as long as he knew that his parents were here, it was fine.

Still the familiar taste, familiar formula.

"Mom and Dad, are you home yet?" Lu Wei wiped away tears.

"Silly boy, don't cry. Why cry? You're such a grown-up. Hurry up. Mom and Dad rarely come home today. Be happy." The thin man just sat down beside the cake, on top of it. There are also the words [Lu Xian, Happy Birthday Lu Wei].

Lu Wei sniffed and said like a child.

“Something as expensive as a cake.”

"It's the cake you bought for your birthday." The woman gently touched Lu Wei and Lu Xian's heads and said, "Hey, eat it. You don't need to think about expenses today."

The phantom formed by the light green fluorescent light did not feel like touching the real thing on the head, but Lu Wei and Lu Xian really felt the warm touch on the forehead.

"Well, we eat cakes and cabbage are my favorite dishes. Today I finally have braised pork. Xiaoxian, you can eat too." Lu Wei smiled and ordered five bowls of delicious rice. In front of his siblings and parents, There is also the demented Lu Zhengyi in front of him.

Lu Zhengyi, who was originally demented and unable to take care of himself, still had the same demented expression on his face, but his hands were already holding the bowls and chopsticks.

"Eat. Eat together"

"Well, let's eat together."

Lu's parents didn't pick up the bowls and chopsticks to eat, but just watched the three of them eat.

Lu Wei and Lu Xian didn't point out, and started to eat.

"Why, do you think about finding a daughter-in-law for your father and me? They've grown up so much"

"Cough, cough, daughter-in-law or something." Lu Wei choked on a gulp, took a big sip of water, and smiled wryly, "It's not so easy to find a daughter-in-law."

Lu Xian said earnestly while pulling the cabbage and radish.

"If my brother can't find a wife, Xiaoxian can only marry him. Nowadays, there are more and more single men, and girls are becoming more and more precious, especially poor and unattractive ones like my brother."


Lu Wei really almost spit out this time, is there a younger sister who hurts his brother so much, he patted Lu Xian's little head and said.

"Your brother and I are not so unbearable. I need the clumsy comfort of my sister marrying me."

"That's right, brother, you can only be a single dog with this condition."

"Single dogs don't need you to marry me! Don't think about these messy things."

The two brothers and sisters were fighting and quarreling, the Lu family couple next to them giggled, and Lu Zhengyi also showed a smile, eating their favorite braised pork.

At least at this moment, Lu Zhengyi is not dementia.

"Big Brother and Big Sister, let them come in for dinner too, they've done so much for us." Lu Xian stood up and wanted to search for Li Yun and Yang Yingying, but he couldn't find it when he looked around.

"Perhaps they have gone back. We must thank them well."

Lu Wei stood up and bowed towards the distance.

"Thank you, Mr. Fantastic Daoist. Thank you for allowing me to meet my parents and have a happy dinner together, have a meal, and celebrate my birthday."

The few people ate a meal happily, chatted about their parents, and talked about the things they had experienced over the years, from childhood to adulthood, when Lu's parents were away, they experienced little by little.

Take care of Lu Xian
Take care of Lu Zhengyi.
With the body of a young man, he has reached the age of youth.

"I haven't read any books. I want Xiaoxian to receive a good education and not become like me." Lu Wei smiled and touched Lu Xian's head and said, "Fortunately, Xiaoxian is also very competitive. Some of them are not serious and still love to play, but their grades are not bad.”

Lu Xian pouted and protested.

"Tch, you only saw me when I was playing. You didn't see when I was serious. I was serious when I was studying. You just don't know."

Lu Wei said with a smile.

"Well, be good, study hard and let my brother support you now, until the day you can stand on your own."

"Seeing that your relationship is so good, Mom and Dad are relieved." The man looked at Lu Wei and said with emotion: "Back then, Dad was incapable and caused the family to suffer so much. You must not learn from Dad and become a person like Dad. ah."

"Everyone. Together. It's like a family together."

Lu Zhengyi said with a huff at the corner of his mouth, his hands were twitching and shaking.

"Grandpa. I. Really happy."

"I am also today, our family is very happy"

Lu Wei hugged his grandfather and Lu Xian, trying to hug his parents tightly.

Family happiness, birthday together.
Lu's parents, made up of green fluorescent lights, also approached, and the family embraced together.

"Mom and Dad are happy too"

Green fluorescent lights scattered around the three of them
Slowly drifting towards the sky.

Lu Zhengyi's wish, Lu Wei's wish, the wishes of the two who passed away
(End of this chapter)

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