Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 543, the sharp eyes that see through everything

Chapter 543, the sharp eyes that see through everything

Thoughts fly to the sky with fluorescent lights
For Lu Wei and Lu Xian, it was more like a dream, not knowing if it was true or not.

Did the parents really come back just now?
"Although I don't know if it's true or not. But my heart is still so warm that I can see their figures again." Lu Wei smiled and looked at this little fluorescent light, even the memories are warm.

Although Lu Xian didn't have a deep impression of his parents, he still felt the warmth from them.

"Yeah. That feeling really belongs to them."

Hearing this voice, Lu Wei was a little stunned. It was not someone else, but his grandfather, the old man who should have been demented.

At this time, Lu Zhengyi was looking at Lu Wei and Lu Xian with a kind smile on his face.


"After so many years, you have grown into a young man, not bad. Really good." Lu Zhengyi's hands and feet are inconvenient, but his eyes are indescribably clear.

"Grandpa, is your dementia cured? Is it true? Great." Lu Wei laughed happily, but was interrupted by Lu Zhengyi.

Lu Zhengyi shook his head and smiled.

"Grandpa, it's not that I'm cured, it's just that I don't stay in a daze now. I know that in the future, I will return to that dazed look."

Lu Wei was a little dazed, his grandfather was clearly awake
"Don't be sad, grandpa, I am very happy to be able to see you who have grown up, and my greatest wish has come true. We are a family, happy to celebrate a birthday for you two, and your father Together with mother." Lu Zhengyi put his arms around Lu Wei and Lu Xian.

Lu Xian was still young, he didn't understand what happened, he was just crying, and he didn't know why he was crying, he was just crying instinctively.

Grandpa, who is sober, may leave soon and become that stupid look again.

Li Yun and Yang Yingying, who had been standing in the backyard and observed secretly with the invisibility technique, came out. Yang Yingying was still immersed in the complicated mood of hell, that feeling of fear and excitement mixed together.

Li Yun, who was standing with little Su Li on his shoulder, came to Lu Zhengyi, smiled lightly and said, "Mr., you are in good spirits."

"It's not bad, but it's a pity that it will be gone soon, I know that." Lu Zhengyi shook his head and laughed, and directly bowed deeply to Li Yun.

Li Yun accepted this obeisance frankly, and he deserved it.

"Thank you, Dao Dao Dao Dao, for allowing our family to celebrate Xiaoxian and Xiaowei's birthdays, and allowing me to wake up for a while. This is the happiest moment in my life."

Yang Yingying next to her looked a little sad. For their family, this was the happiest moment, but for others it was just an ordinary daily life.

Yang Yingying secretly thought that she should spend more time with her grandparents when she returned home, instead of just indulging in her own affairs.

"Big Brother, can we still see Mom and Dad?"

Lu Xian carefully pulled Li Yun's Taoist robe and said.

"Well, they went to a very distant place, very far away, and probably won't come back." Li Yun said with a smile: "But you are already a big child, and you can take care of yourself, so they can feel at ease Go to rest in that far away place."

Lu Xian immediately laughed when he heard Li Yun's praise.

"Well, I'm an older kid, and I can take care of myself. It's amazing. No kid at my age can take care of myself as well as me."

Lu Xian, who grew up strong in this kind of family, will definitely grow into a strong child, both Yang Yingying and Li Yun think so.

"Daoist. You. Why are you helping me?" Lu Wei couldn't help looking at Li Yun.

Lu Wei, who grew up in the real world, doesn't feel that he has any value in himself that can be given for free. In addition, it is not the second time to see Li Yun, so he knows the purpose of the person in front of him.

"Pindao naturally has a purpose. Whether it is helping Mr. Lu or helping Jin Shanshan, they all have their own purpose." Li Yun took out a small folding fan, covered half of his face, and said with a calm smile: "It's just that the purpose is not the same. You don't need to pay anything, it's just to wake up the old man of the Lu family for a moment."

Lu Wei was a little puzzled, how could his grandfather be sober for a moment to help the Taoist priest in front of him.

My grandfather is just a down and out old man
Li Yun looked at Lu Wei with scorching eyes. Faced with the sharp eyes like Detective Conan who seemed to be able to see through everything, Lu Wei turned his eyes slightly, and said, "I really don't know what our family has that can make us feel better." You, a mighty man, have taken a fancy to it"

"Your obsession is the reward of the poor, but this is just an appetizer."

Li Yun looked at Mr. Lu Zhengyi with a smile and said, "Master, take us there."

Father Lu Zhengyi nodded.

Li Yun also stepped forward to help push Lu Zhengyi's wheelchair.

“right in the attic”

The level of mess in the attic was beyond the tolerance of ordinary people. Even women like Yang Yingying did not continue to go up to the attic. It was not because of how dusty it was, but simply because there was nowhere to stay.

On the floor of the attic, all kinds of props were piled up, including tattered magic props, and some painting tools such as colored pencils and pencils.

Whether it's magic tools or colored pencils, they are all very old things, the kind that are so old that they can't be used at all.

"I remember that Xiaowei liked magic since he was a child. He thought it was cool and dazzling, and he could attract little girls. I still remember the scene when he performed magic in front of me."

Lu Wei looked embarrassed, a little embarrassed, the dark history of his childhood was exposed or something
"I also had this kind of thinking when I was in school. Using cool things to attract little girls is indeed a little naive from the current point of view, but isn't that naivety a memory of the era of innocence? "Li Yun said with a smile.

Hearing what Li Yun said, Lu Wei's mood also became a little better. It turned out that he didn't have such thoughts, and he was not alone.

Li Yun said happily after seeing Lu Wei's relieved expression.

"Well, the above are all lying to you. When Pindao was young, he wasn't a person who liked to show off so much. You are alone."

Lu Wei: "."

Is this man really a Taoist priest?
"found it"

Lu Zhengyi pointed to the place in the farthest corner, where there was a small box.

"Well, that's it."

Lu Wei looked at the box lying in the corner, his eyes froze suddenly, and he looked at Li Yun in disbelief.

"Master Dao, you...you know."

"Of course Pindao knows."

Li Yun opened the box with a smile. Inside the box was an old manuscript
The content of the manuscript is love and family——

In the bustling urban area, in a Mercedes-Benz, the little brother in a suit and driving said respectfully.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with that Taoist priest."

"What's wrong, isn't it just a very ordinary Taoist priest? The kind that can be seen everywhere, don't panic, and enjoy life gracefully." Ye He said calmly while closing his eyes and resting his mind.

While waiting for the traffic light, the little brother scratched his head and said, "I don't know, it just feels weird, especially the way he looks at me. I don't know how to describe it. If I want to describe it, it's probably Tumei-chan's eyes."

"What the hell is Tumeijiang?" Ye He wondered, he was at a loss about what Tumeijiang was.

The driver brother hesitated and said.

"Well, in short, it's the sharp eyes that see through everything. It feels like he has seen through the fact that I secretly went out to find the mistress behind my wife's back, and that the person who cheated on me was the mother of my wife's best friend's cousin."

Ye He: "."

Fearing that the air would be suddenly quiet, Ye He also fell silent, speechless for a moment.

After a long time, the corner of Ye He's mouth twitched.

"You are purely guilty of being a thief. Don't think too much, even if you are discovered, you will be discovered by such messy people as your wife, best friend and cousin, and it will not be that Taoist priest you have never met."

At this time, Ye He didn't bother to talk to his stupid driver, looking out the window at the busy bustling city, he expressed his sincere emotion.

"It's nice to have money."

"Yeah, it's great to be rich. Being rich like you, boss, is something that no one can achieve in a lifetime." The driver brother flattered Ye He calmly.

Ye He also directly agreed to this unstandard flattery.

"Boss, where are we going next? Should we go to a nightclub or the underground world?"

Ye He thought about it, then shook his head and said.

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood today. When I go home, I'm going to start creating, and I already have some inspiration. Let's call it [The Taoist Priest Who Appeared Suddenly]."

When he heard the inspirational name, the driver's brother almost turned his steering wheel crookedly, and complained in his heart about such a crappy name.

Ye He didn't care, he was still immersed in his inspiration storm——

"Well, the boss's inspiration is really powerful, it's really great. It will definitely sell for a good price."

The car didn't go to other places, but went all the way home, back to Ye He's luxurious villa, three independent floors, with a swimming pool, and a cat and a dog at the door to welcome Ye He home.

Ye He smiled and touched the dog's head and cat, entered the villa, and took out a glass of red wine from the refrigerator to refresh his mind, as well as the steak that the chef had prepared long ago.

"Fine wine, delicious food, my perfect life, tsk tsk." Ye He smiled, lamenting everything he had.

All of this is your own.
Eating with elegant music, Ye He enjoyed this unique style. After eating, he came to the room. The top-notch painting tools and top-notch environment revealed the top-notch taste everywhere.

"Only in the top environment can the top paintings be created"

Ye He smiles, today is a sketch
However, when Ye He touched the pen tip to the drawing board, he couldn't draw a second stroke.
no inspiration
Why no inspiration.
When the originally vague ideas were in his mind, Ye He felt that he had a great advantage, but as soon as the tip of the pen touched the drawing board, the inspiration seemed to have disappeared, without any remaining.

Ye He's hands trembled slightly, and finally he could only put down the brush, and began to drink the red wine next to him.

"I have no inspiration, a famous painter like me is doing nothing at home because of no inspiration? How is that possible?"

After drinking for three rounds, Ye He felt a little depressed, as if he wanted to get some inspiration, he just called in.

Ye He knew that this call was his good friend and buyer Curator Jin.

Without hesitation, Ye He took the phone and said with a smile: "Old friend, do you have anything to trouble me?"

Curator Jin was silent for a moment, and then apologized.

"Sorry old friend, I lost your most important painting, Love and Family."

"It doesn't matter, I sold that painting to you. It was originally yours. You don't need to apologize to me. The most urgent thing to do now is to catch that nasty thief and prevent my painting from getting dusty in the thief's hands." Ye He He said it on his lips, but in fact he felt disapproving for a while, looking at the rows of numbers on the bank account.

These are all the money from selling the paintings to Curator Jin
Now that the money is in his hands, it doesn't matter to Ye He where the painting is.

"Oh, I don't know where that little thief is. I can't find him, not even the paintings. It seems like the world has evaporated. I have investigated all the guests in private. There is no mistake at all. The guests are also in the city, and they didn't leave to cooperate with my investigation. Love and family are the best famous paintings here, the treasures of the town hall." Director Jin's heartbroken voice came.

Even Ye He could tell that the smell was not ordinary heartache, almost bursting from colic
Ye He didn't know what to say at this time, he could only comfort himself as a 'big customer'.

"Don't talk about these unhappy things. I will hold an art exhibition in a few days and let all the original guests come to participate. I am not reconciled, I don't believe it, I can't find out where the thief who stole my painting is. "Curator Jin gritted his teeth and finally calmed down and said: "Master Ye He, this time I would like to invite you to participate in this art exhibition. Without love and family, if you participate in it yourself , there will definitely be better results."

"Old friend, do you know that I will not participate in this kind of event, I think it is still"


"As your good friend, how could I not cooperate? Don't worry, I will definitely be there that day."

Ye Hemei complied, and started to have fun.
Today's drawing board is still as clean as ever——

In the urban area, Director Jin, who was also drinking a small wine, looked out the window and squinted his eyes.

"Which mouse stole my painting and where did it hide it?"

While Curator Jin was thinking, an older bodyguard in black came over to remind him, "Boss, Miss is back."

"Come back when you come back, don't bother me with these insignificant things."

"Is that thing ready?"

"Ready Boss"

"Very good." Curator Jin drank the red wine in one gulp, and said calmly, "Love and family. Hmph"

(End of this chapter)

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