Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 544, 2 fathers

Chapter 544, two fathers

Today's guild hall is still full, whether it's social celebrities or people who come here for fame, they all gather here. Apart from love and family, this is still a top art exhibition place.

In the same place, the same painting appeared, a painting that should not have appeared
"I didn't expect you, Mr. Jin, to hide the real thing at home." Yang Tianhu congratulated Director Jin with a look of surprise, but it was obvious at a glance that the love and family exhibited today were fakes.

Curator Jin and Yang Tianhu chatted for a while and then went to receive other guests.

A knockoff that looks almost identical to the real thing hangs where the real thing should have been.
Yang Yingying next to her also knew that it was a fake. Looking at the fake in the distance, she really couldn't tell the difference from the real one.

"Really, since it's almost the same as the real thing, what's the difference between it and the real thing?"

"The work has a soul, and the soul is poured into the painting. This is the difference between the real thing and the fake. A painting without a soul is just a fake after all." Li Yun said with a profound and indifferent face. , Li Yun also feels that this thing is not half a dime different from the original.
Yang Tianhu also nodded approvingly, and echoed in admiration: "Yes, this is the difference between an artist and a painter. Their paintings are full of souls that can make people understand emotions. This is the so-called art. It is a fake Something impossible to imitate."

Seeing Li Yun talking and laughing happily with Li Yun, Yang Yingying could only silently open the app that she downloaded not long ago, and found the original words of Li Yun's words, without any changes.
"Brother Yun is here again"

Li Yun looked at the gorgeous venue, and there was no change from the staff to the guests that day. It was still Lu Wei who led the way for Li Yun and Yang Yingying.

After seeing Li Yun and Yang Yingying, Lu Wei just bowed respectfully and continued to perform his duties.

At the same time, many more people came today. In addition to the guests, there were also many guests who came in through special permits, such as magicians from the circus, to organize a visit to the art exhibition here.

Jin Shanshan, who was standing not far away, saw Li Yun, took a deep breath, and walked over.

Today's Jin Shanshan came over wearing a dress, shining golden light, she almost blinded Yang Yingying's dog's eyes? Instinctive repulsion, the blood and tears of a female man
Originally, the sense of presence in this venue full of beauties was thin, but now Yang Yingying began to doubt the meaning of her life.

Jin Shanshan saluted Li Yun very respectfully.


Li Yun just nodded in response with a smile on his face, and at the same time wiped out the fruit plate at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing Li Yun destroying the fruit plate, Jin Shanshan was a little puzzled.

"Did I have an illusion? I seem to see that the Taoist priest is not eating the fruit plate, but throwing the fruit into the skirt of his clothes."

"It's an illusion caused by the impact of air. Listen, isn't there a clicking sound?" Li Yun said calmly with his back turned to Jin Shanshan.

Xiao Su Li ate the fruit plate to enjoy herself, licked Li Yun's chin, and continued to shrink into the skirt of her clothes to observe secretly
Jin Shanshan also shook her head, didn't want to continue to pursue it, but continued to look at the guests around, and said indifferently: "It's really hypocritical. Obviously, I didn't come here to see the paintings, but just to get the aura of [Looking at famous paintings] It’s just a body addition, by the way, Master Ye He is coming in person today, all of them are like flies smelling shit.”

Li Yun was stunned for a moment, a beautiful woman with a noble temperament suddenly said this metaphor from her mouth, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

"Come here for fame and fortune, and come here for painting, what's the difference?"

At this time, Director Jin not far away greeted Jin Shanshan. Beside Director Jin, there were some aggressive young talents who knew what Director Jin meant with their toes. Jin Shanshan just showed a disgusted expression. Come, he said: "Master Taoist, I'm going to my father's place, you can do whatever you want, I hope you have a good time."

Li Yun nodded and watched Jin Shanshan leave with a fake smile. The formulaic smile was very fake, but the smile was very realistic and skillful.

In other words, basically no one on the scene showed a sincere smile, except for Xiao Suli and Yang Yingying who had a good meal, Yang Yingying still maintained the girlish reserve, Xiao Suli didn't care, and there were assists under the cover of Li Yun Crazy eating, eat a cool.
At this time, Yang Tianhu came to Li Yun's side, holding a glass of red wine, and said with emotion.

"Guanzhu Yun, tell me, do people change?"

"People's hearts can change, but nature remains the same. Whatever our nature is, so will people's hearts. There is no such thing as changing or staying the same." Li Yun said with a smile.

Yang Tianhu was thoughtful, then shook his head and said.

"Hey, Guanzhu Yun, you also know that this curator Jin and I are old acquaintances. He was a more pure person before. He liked art and his daughter, but now he is also passionate about art. , but this enthusiasm seems to be a bit demonic. And the attitude towards my daughter is completely different from before, as if I am looking at a strange tool person."

"Time can really change a person's heart. Is it the magic of money or something else that makes a person who loves his daughter so much become like this?"

Li Yun didn't answer Yang Tianhu directly, but smiled.

"So Layman, will you be swallowed up by money and power, and become a person like Curator Jin?"

"No, I can abandon everything for my daughter, my belongings, my influence. My family is my most important treasure. Even if I sacrifice my life, I will not change my love for my daughter." Yang Tianhu looked at the sweeping food Yang Yingying, her own daughter whose mouth was stuffed with chicken legs, doesn't seem to have any ladylike demeanor at all. In the upper class, she is quite 'shameful' and 'uneducated'.

However, Yang Tianhu looked at his daughter's happy look, and his mood became better.

Li Yun smiled, and threw the piece of fruit in front of him into the skirt of his clothes, and Xiao Su Li ate the fruit in his mouth with lightning speed.

"That's it. Regarding the matter of loving their daughter, the two fathers have not changed."

"You said there is no change?" Yang Tianhu looked in the direction of Curator Jin, shook his head and sighed: "How is it possible, this change is huge, but I know that the former Lao Jin would never let his daughter come into contact with it." people you don't like."

At this time, Li Yun looked to the other side, not in the direction where celebrities gathered.

"How is it impossible?"

(End of this chapter)

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