Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 545, the shadow covers the sun, the raven swallows the sky

Chapter 545, the shadow covers the sun, the raven swallows the sky
Shinichi Hanyu looked at the exquisite paintings around him, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"It's much better here than before."

"You have been here before? Impossible." Looking at Shinichi Hanyu, the old magician next to him said in surprise, "The art gallery of Director Jin is a well-known gathering place for celebrities. Only real celebrities can visit this place." place"

The words of the old magician are obvious, what kind of celebrity are you to come here to fool around.
Shinichi Hanyu smiled, and then said: "Then, do you know that 15 years ago, this club did not set these prohibition thresholds, as long as you have a certain understanding of paintings and artworks, you can Come in to appreciate the famous paintings here, not with the so-called identity to come in. To be honest, identity is completely irrelevant to art. Whether you are a rich man or a beggar is the same. The understanding of art is engraved in the soul "

The old magician next to him seemed to have a long posture, touched his chin and said.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable. However, from the perspective of the operator, he is doing the right thing now. He has successfully managed this clubhouse into a meeting place for high-end celebrities. He has also grown from a small venue If he has grown up and become the current celebrity host, if he still manages with the attitude that anyone can touch art as before, this may still be that small club, and he can't afford love and family. A masterpiece at a very high price.”

Hanyu Shinichi shook his head, and did not continue talking to the old magician next to him.

Seeing the false wine pouring scene around him, Shinichi Hanyu didn't come closer, firstly because he wasn't interested, and secondly because if he got closer, others wouldn't pay attention to him.
At this time, Hanyu Shinichi looked for that figure in the crowd.
Soon Hanyu Shinichi found the focus of the scene, the girl, his own daughter, was being held in the middle like stars.

Beautiful and eye-catching, gorgeous and moving, she is the most beautiful girl present.

Shinichi Hanyu was very pleased that his daughter had finally grown up healthy and strong.

Li Yun came to Hanyu Shinichi's side with a bottle of old rice wine that he brought with him, and said with a smile.

"Old man, how do you feel when you see your daughter?"

"Great Master" Shinichi Hanyu slightly lowered his hat, a little nervous, since he was recognized so quickly, doesn't that mean that
"Don't worry, old man, at least when Pindao calls out your name, you won't be discovered, and you won't be discovered by that curator Jin." Li Yun smiled slightly, and poured the rice wine into his throat freely. Among them, the free and easy way of drinking is completely inconsistent with the elegant style of the surroundings.

After losing the sense of presence, no one paid attention to Li Yun, a lunatic Taoist.

Hanyu Shinichi looked at Li Yun's back, and bowed lightly.

On the day I saw my daughter, I already had no regrets. To be able to meet again today is definitely a profit
"I just have to watch from afar."

Master Ye He walked back and forth in the center of the crowd, accepting the compliments around him calmly, coupled with the smell of alcohol, Ye He felt that he was going to ascend to heaven now, with a face full of joy and joy.

After seeing Ye He, curator Jin also took a whole bottle of red wine over, poured it for him himself, and laughed.

"Old friend, thank you for coming to my exhibition today."

"Haha, I, Ye He, am very happy to help an old friend with such things." Ye He also poured wine, and silently added in his heart, thanking the 300 million for the credit.

Both of them had a 'sincere' smile on their faces, Yang Yingying who was next to her felt physically uncomfortable looking at this smile, she continued to run next to Li Yun and compete with Xiao Suli for eating speed
The people around were also tactful and did not continue to disturb Master Ye He and Director Jin. Director Jin smiled at Ye He seeing that there was no one around.

"How about it, this is my painting."

"Yes, it would be nice if I could get my painting back." Ye He looked at Love and Family in front of him, and said with emotion: "To this day, I can no longer draw a famous painting like Love and Family , It can be said that Jiang Lang is really at the end of his talents."

Ye He stroked the glass cover, admiring the paintings inside.

Curator Jin next to him continued to listen, drinking some wine while listening to Ye He bragging on the spot.

After playing for a long time, Ye He found that there was something wrong with Director Jin, and he kept smiling without talking to him, wondering, "Curator, is it because you are dissatisfied with me, old man?"

Curator Jin shook his head, drank the red wine, looked at Ye He with an inexplicable smile and said.

"This painting is fake."

Most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, even Ye He's hand holding the wine glass trembled a little.

Ye He just feels uncomfortable all over now, not ordinary embarrassment
Finally, curator Jin smoothed things over and said, "It's normal for you not to be able to see it. This painting was created by a master copyist under me. Not to mention a picture of love and family, even the Mona Lisa can do it." What you do is confusing the real ones, hahaha!"

Ye He also smiled awkwardly and politely.

"Haha, this painter's skill is really superb, and I have to admire it. Even I, the original author, can't tell the depth. If I have a chance, I will introduce him to you. I haven't accepted an apprentice for a long time. This person Qualified and promising! Admire, admire”

"Hahaha I will introduce you to Master when I have time"

The two uncovered the matter, started another topic, and started chatting.

"I don't know if the thief will take the bait today. I heard that the Black Feather Phantom Thief will not give up until he achieves his goal. If he thinks it is the real thing, he will definitely steal it again." Curator Jin squinted his eyes and looked at it. The love and family in the glass cover in front of him said: "Today I have set up a net, if this little thief dares to come, I will let him come and go, and he dares to be a thief in front of me."

"Old friend, don't take it lightly. I heard that this black-feathered monster has superb theft skills, and normal defenses can't guard against him." Ye He reminded earnestly from the sidelines, implying that although the painting is fake, But being stolen is no ordinary embarrassment, overturning the car twice in the same place.

"Of course this thing can't prevent the Black Feather Phantom Thief, but is he really the Black Feather Phantom Thief? No, he definitely isn't."

The corners of Curator Jin's mouth were slightly raised, looking forward to the big fish that took the bait——

Suddenly, the lights in the venue suddenly went out.

The celebrities and nobles present panicked for a while, and the lights went out so suddenly that it was impossible to guard against.

"It's coming! It's the Black Feather Monster Thief. The bodyguards are here, ready to catch that little thief!"

Director Jin calmly commanded and turned on the switch
After being prepared, the switch was immediately restored.

At this time, Director Jin and Ye He were both stunned.

In front of my eyes, there are two pictures of love and family——

Everyone's eyes were attracted by these two paintings of love and family. Who knows what happened at this moment, the disappearing paintings reappeared.

There is no difference between the two pictures of love and family, except that one is inside the glass cover and the other is outside the glass cover.

"Why are there two paintings?" Curator Jin was a little dazed, and told him intuitively that the painting outside was the authentic work of love and family, but what shocked him was why this little thief seemed to be able to come in and out of the hall Like Ziru, it didn't take long to turn off the lights to do such a thing, and he didn't notice anything yet.

Curator Jin couldn't help murmuring.

"Could it be that I'm really old?"

"Uh, is this painting back now?" Ye He next to him wondered.

This is the case in theory, the painting came back, but Curator Jin's heart is not at peace.
Curator Jin took a deep breath and said into the walkie-talkie.

"Lockdown the guild hall, don't let anyone leave now that little thief is definitely still in the guild hall."

Rows of bodyguards in black quietly blocked the exit.

Ye He's eyelids were twitching a little. Seeing the tense situation and battles around him, after thinking for a while, he straightened his expression and said, "Curator, I have some urgent matters now, and I may have to leave first."

Curator Jin looked at Ye He and didn't say much. Ye He's leaving or not leaving had no effect on the situation. Anyway, he himself couldn't be a thief.

"Although I really want to have a glass of wine with you, it's a pity that I'm a bit busy now. That's okay, I won't accompany you any longer"

After being courteous for a while, Ye He was about to leave, and just after a while, he saw Li Yun not far away.

Holding a glass of rice wine that does not match the temperament of red wine, it is a bit out of place in this elegant venue.

Li Yun slowly walked towards the two paintings of love and family.

Ye He looked at Li Yun who was slowly approaching, feeling a little unhappy, thinking of the scene when he was questioned that day.

That scene made Ye He very uncomfortable, as if he was being interrogated.
"Curator, look at this Taoist priest."

"Oh, it's Boss Yang's friend, Boss Yang, you know, my old acquaintance." Curator Jin said a little presumptuously: "He is a guest invited by Boss Yang, I heard he is a very powerful Taoist priest or something of."

"A very powerful Taoist priest. I didn't expect Boss Yang to believe in these things and fear ghosts and gods. Only people with ghosts in their hearts will be in awe. People like me who have no ghosts in their hearts will definitely not believe it." Ye He laughed disapprovingly. .

"No, Master Ye He, what you said is completely wrong." Curator Jin said indifferently: "Sometimes, even if there are ghosts in your heart, you don't respect ghosts and gods."

The two looked at each other and smiled, followed by a burst of meaningful
Ye He thinks that Director Jin is looking for a high school student Xiaosan behind his dead wife and daughter——

Curator Jin thinks that Ye He has been unmarried for many years in the name of commemorating his dead wife, but he is actually playing with women——

At this time, Li Yun also came in front of Director Jin and Ye He. Director Jin put on a warm and warm smile instead of the joke just now, looked at Li Yun and said, "Little Daoist, what are you doing?" Do you need my help? By the way, this is Master Ye He, didn't you want to meet him before? He is in Heli. "

After Li Yun drank a little rice wine, his eyes did not wander, but he just smiled lightly and said, "Pindao has met Master Ye He before, and he really deserves his reputation as a famous painter who can paint love and family."

Ye He just nodded with a smile and didn't answer.

Li Yun looked at the sudden appearance of love and family, and the love and family inside the glass cover.

"Of the two paintings, one is a fake."

"That's right, one of them is a fake." Ye He thought to himself, isn't this nonsense, there is only one authentic one, and the other one is a fake.
Li Yun stared into Ye He's eyes and said: "Then Master Ye He, can you tell me what is the difference between the real product and the fake one? From the perspective of the original author."

"There is no difference. The person who imitated me is a perfect imitation. Except without my bones and gods, this is an exact imitation of the skin. He is a real master of imitation. I admire him very much. I am old." Ye He said with emotion With a formidable appearance, he smiled at Li Yun and said, "Then, I won't bother you here to admire my paintings, Taoist priest, so I will leave first."

At this time, Li Yun came to the front of the stage, and the whole sky could be seen clearly through the glass cover.

It's daytime, but it's dark.
Li Yun said in a voice that was loud enough for everyone in the hall to hear.

"There are more than one counterfeit in this hall tonight."

Everyone was attracted by Li Yun's voice, and they all followed his reputation, whispering to each other.

Yang Tianhu's hand holding the wine glass almost fell to the ground.
Curator Jin was even more unhappy, frowning, and said.

"Wait a minute. Xiao Daoist, what do you mean? You mean there are fake paintings in my exhibition hall?"

Yang Tianhu also gave Li Yun a slap in the face. As a collector, he was accused of more than one fake here, and that was Chi Guoguo's slap in the face.
Li Yun looked at Director Jin and said with a smile.

"Of course not. You can't tell whether the paintings present are genuine or not, so it's not shameful here."

"Then you say you can't see the paintings? I only have paintings here."

Curator Jin squinted his eyes, watching Li Yun's expression becoming more and more hostile. The bodyguards next to him knew what they were going to do when they saw Director Jin's sharp eyes. Take it down.

The bodyguards went up, but Li Yun dodged them one by one. While dodging, he drank some wine and read with a smile.

"The day is bright, the night is dark"

"Spirits and demons, there is nothing to hide from"

"Director Jin, you must be very familiar with these two sentences." Li Yun came to the side of Director Jin.

Curator Jin's eyes froze for a moment, and he wanted to contact the bodyguard stationed outside to come in and deal with this person
Li Yun gave Curator Jin an ominous sign, very ominous
Before the walkie-talkie finished speaking, the sky went dark, and through the glass cover, one could see the darkened sky. From everyone's perspective, the black clouds were directly above Li Yun.

"No one can go out...and no one can come in until I hear what Pindao has to say."

The pure white Taoist robe rises without wind, and the black clouds outside the window block out the sun, like the end of the world.
Li Yun drank the last sip of wine.

"Shadows cover the sun, ravens swallow the sky"

(End of this chapter)

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