Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 546 Don't leave, don't leave

Chapter 546 Don't leave, don't leave
The guild hall was surrounded by spells that called wind and rain, and everyone was shocked by the sudden thunderstorm.

Shadows cover the sun, ravens swallow the sky, black clouds cover the sky, no one can come in, and no one can go out.
The wind whistling with lightning, from the perspective of the hall, it really looks like the end of the world
"It's really a pity, the wind brought heavy rain. If Pindao leaves now, he will definitely be wet by the storm. I think Curator Jin is a kind person, so he will definitely not be cruel and drive Pindao away." Let's go." Li Yun took out the folding fan, covered his face and smiled, with a very kind expression on his face.

But Curator Jin's expression was not kind at all, he said.

"Sorry, I never knew what kindness I was"

These words were a bit harsh in the quiet venue. Director Jin did not hide what he said, and most people around him also thought that there was nothing wrong with what Director Jin said. Or, as a capitalist sitting in this position, he said that he was The painting of the good guy is a little too funny.

Jin Shanshan, who was listening next to her, just clenched her palms and gritted her teeth. Lu Wei, who was next to her, hesitated for a moment, walked up to Jin Shanshan, and said respectfully: "Miss, I think you are not feeling well, do you need my help?" help?"

Jin Shanshan looked at Lu Wei, who was respectful, and looked at the young masters and celebrities around her. Knowing that Lu Wei didn't want to explain the relationship between the two of them here, she just said silently.

"No need."

"Since you don't need it, then I'll leave."

"No, listen to me first. You don't have to help me, just listen to me." Jin Shanshan looked at her father and said sadly: "My father, in the past, was obviously a more Good guy, likes art, paintings, and antiques, although he has some bad little habits, such as gambling, but in general, he is a good guy, a really good guy, and a good guy in a broad sense."

"We will help those who are in trouble, and let the beggars who shiver outside the hall come in to shelter from the rain when it rains heavily. At that time, there were no celebrities and social people in the hall, only people who really loved art, and... He who is helped by his father."

Jin Shanshan squinted her eyes, looking at Director Jin's back, she always felt that she was not an ordinary stranger
"Curator Jin is a good man, he will take in the poor, he will help the unfortunate, and he will speak out against injustice." Li Yun approached Director Jin and said with a smile: "For example, 15 years ago, Jin The curator once took in a man in distress, a man in black who looked suspicious and looked like a good man, honest in appearance, and agile."

"That can only show that the curator was kind in the past." Ye He just wanted to say something, when he saw the curator Jin who was standing still and trembling.

Ye He was a little stunned, you have a wrong expression, why are you trembling in your home court?

People around looked at Director Jin's expression, and they knew that Li Yun was not talking nonsense, but the real thing, which hit the heart of the old director who had been running the club for so many years.

"I didn't understand what you were talking about." Curator Jin took a moment to adjust his emotions, and said calmly: "Yes, I took in a refugee 15 years ago, but this refugee is the real one. The white-eyed wolf stole things from my house, and even hurt me, causing me to have a concussion for a while, and my memory was confused. From that day on, I knew that these people are not good things, garbage like wild dogs , taking them in will only bring misfortune to my family. I am also glad that my lovely daughter was not at home that night. If my daughter was at home, maybe even more unfortunate things would have happened. You said that I have experienced something like this, how can I Can some changes be made?"

Curator Jin’s expression is mournful and sighing, which looks real. Everyone understands how he feels after being hurt by the person he helped, and it should be normal to become like this.

"Why are you bringing up these old things in front of me, these sad things of mine. I don't know where you know about this, but can I ask you to leave now, leave my hall, this is a private place if If you don't leave, I'll have the police come and ask you to leave." Curator Jin tapped the ground with his cane, and looked at Li Yun imposingly.

The bodyguards next to him were also ready to move, wanting to stand up and continue to arrest Li Yun.
But among them, the two oldest middle-aged bodyguards did not make a move, but stood still.

These two middle-aged bodyguards are also the most vicious in this group of bodyguards. The left Qinglong and the right Baihu wear big sunglasses and there is a long scar on their foreheads.

"Ah Niu Aaron, what are you doing?" Curator Jin asked.

A Niu was silent for a moment, then said.

"Curator, you said, those unfortunate people are not good things, right?"

"What are you?" Curator Jin was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Curator, the two of us are two of those bad things." Aaron said silently: "That day, our two brothers were attacked by wild dogs while begging. We were even scratched by wild dogs on our faces. Yes You took the two of us in, gave us hot food to eat, and warm water to drink, and from that day on, we both vowed to hang out with you."

"Didn't you tell me it was a knife scar?" Curator Jin looked at the long scar on Aaron's face. He seemed to have heard that it was a knife scar or something.

"I thought you were joking with us that day, and deliberately pretended not to know that it was scratched by a dog's paw, but today we finally found out that you must have something strange." Aaron looked up, glared at Director Jin and said, "Really The curator will never say that those people are garbage like wild dogs, because we asked the curator why he took care of people like us, and the curator explained the reason. In fact, the curator himself was also helped when his young family was in distress. The whole family has just survived the most difficult period, and from that day on, the curator decided that if he develops in the future, he will do good things in the best way possible.”

"Although people will change, their original intentions will never change. You are a wild dog when you say that. Didn't you scold yourself and your parents? It's still the curator Jin who loves his family the most and doesn't allow them to be insulted in the slightest. You Who the hell!"

Aaron and A Niu glared at Director Jin, who was a little at a loss, and his crutches fell to the ground.

The crutch fell, but Director Jin still retreated in an orderly manner. The legs and feet are abolished, it is a fake
"Then, Curator Jin. Oh no, it's time for Pindao to change what he calls you."

Li Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the white bearded old man in front of him and said.

"That's right, Mr. Shinichi Hanyu, the Black Feather Phantom Thief, the thief who ravaged the museums back then."

(End of this chapter)

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