Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 549, painting thief

Chapter 549, painting thief
Li Yun's eyes drifted to Master Ye He, this highly respected oil painter, a famous painter both at home and abroad, many people traveled thousands of miles to see his oil paintings, for the love and family of this master, This is a painting full of emotion.

Facing Li Yunwan's sharp eyes like a beautiful rabbit, Ye He didn't panic at all, and said with a smile.

"This... Xiao Daoist, you said that I am a painting thief? Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, Master Ye He, you are the painting thief." Li Yun spoke bluntly and looked at Master Ye He with a smile.

Different from when curator Jin was exposed, when Li Yun pointed at Ye He, the people around were a little excited, especially those who were invited to appreciate the art, their expressions were even more excited.

Ye He pressed his hands vainly, looked at Li Yun with a wry smile and said, "You little Taoist priest, I didn't provoke you, and you don't have to pour dirty water on me. Although this painting no longer belongs to me, it belongs to this guild hall." , but I will never end up with the title of a painting thief."

"Besides, I'm good at stealing my own paintings, why don't I draw one myself?"

Ye He looked as usual and said, although he has never painted a better painting than love and family, but the artist's worth, why would he not steal paintings.
"Then...let's listen to Pindao tell a story." Li Yun looked at Ye He and said with a smile: "Master Ye He, you must be very interested in this story. After all, it is raining heavily outside, and you can't leave, can you? ?”

Ye He was silent for a moment, looking at the heavy rain and black clouds covering the sun outside the window, and now he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He was a little embarrassed for a while, and then he took a deep breath and said.

"Okay, I'll see what flowers you can come up with to frame me for stealing paintings."

Li Yun smiled and walked around while eating the fruit in the fruit plate. The small sound resounded through the entire hall without a loudspeaker, so that everyone present could hear it clearly, as if a loudspeaker was installed. of
"Once upon a time, there were two students who graduated from the same university. Oh, by the way, I forgot to explain the time and background. At that time, college students were very rare. The two of them at that time could be said to be friends who cherish each other. I understand, not a real brother, but better than a real brother, at least it was like this when I was in college." Li Yun picked the small grapes from the fruit plate one by one, and fed them all to Xiao Suli.

Only this time, the people around saw Li Yun bringing his pet in. As soon as the handsome little fox showed his head, the rich men around him staggered and couldn't hold their drinks securely, thus falling into a double situation of self-denial and loathing suppressed in pain
Li Yun patted Xiao Su Li on the head and said: "Don't put your skills indiscriminately, what will happen to others? They say that you miss your life when you see XX, but if people see you and miss your life, it will make people doubt themselves "

Xiao Su Li's eyes were watery, she shrugged her small shoulders, which meant to say [what can I do, I am also desperate! 】

Li Yun coughed lightly.

"Ahem, I was interrupted by all the Sad Wind Emperors."

Thanks to Xiao Su Li's appearance, the surrounding atmosphere eased a lot.

Ye He's eyes were a little erratic, he didn't know what he was thinking, some people noticed the change in Ye He's expression.

Li Yun ignored Ye He's uneasy expression and continued.

"But after these two students came out to work. How should I put it? The change in the relationship may not be too big at the beginning. He was very talented in his student days, so he didn't choose to stick to this major. Instead, he found a Ordinary work, and turned to treat painting as a hobby, married an equally ordinary person, gave birth to the same ordinary child, and continued to live an ordinary life. Before the misfortune, I lived a happy life every day." Li Yun said calmly: "But the other person is not reconciled, he obviously has no talent, but he wants to persevere in painting, highlighting a person who does not break the south wall and does not look back, but art is such a thing. , is not something that can be compensated by hard work. That student, ten years and twenty years. His parents have been hollowed out, and there is nothing at home for him to eat, but he still did not draw any decent works. Finally, until his parents died , all to no avail."

"It's impossible to work part-time. It's impossible to work part-time in this life. Dreams can't support yourself. That man finally had nowhere to go. He came to his friend's house. The friend was very happy to accept this brother who eats nothing."

Li Yun looked at Master Ye He with an unnatural expression and said with a smile.

"In the end, the brother who was eating rice found a treasure, a treasure belonging to a painter, and began to secretly copy the painter's treasure himself, and sold it for money. This is also the way for the student who has achieved nothing to rise."

What Li Yun said made many people around feel a little unnatural. It is self-evident who is alluded to in this story. The painter who steals the painting and copied it is Ye He. The innocent man of fame.

Ye He still pondered calmly.

"You, you are bloody. Do you have any evidence? You slander my reputation, and I will send you a lawyer's letter."

"Warning from the lawyer, do you have a stage name Wuwukai, or Lu Wei?" Li Yun couldn't help complaining about Ye He's low-level intimidation methods, and said with a smile: "Don't think that Taoists don't understand culture, now the lawyer's letter It’s useless, you need a court summons. If you still have the opportunity to send a summons to Pindao, Pindao is welcome.”

Seeing Ye He's expression as if he had eaten shit, Li Yun was so happy that he exploded.
"Oh, the story of Pindao is not finished yet. Master Ye He, please be patient. I don't refer to the student anymore. The student who has no talent refers to you." Li Yun opened the paper fan and covered it. He said: "Finally, Master Ye He, you became famous because of that painting. Yes, this painting is love and family."

"You didn't choose to copy this time, but directly took this painting as your own, and replaced the name on the painting with your own name. This is you, Master Ye He, the whole process of stealing the painting, and this The real author of the painting is Lu Wei's grandfather, the patient who became demented shortly after finishing this painting."

Li Yun pointed at Lu Wei, and everyone looked at him too.

Lu Wei's expression was calm, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"That's right, this painting was drawn by my grandfather. For so many years, the [Master Ye He] you admired is a deceitful rat."

Li Yun looked at the shocked guests around him as usual.

"Theoretically speaking, Lu Wei just wants to take back his family's paintings, that's all, to prevent his grandfather's painstaking efforts from being used by villains."

"It's still the same sentence, do you have any evidence to prove that I didn't paint this painting?" Master Ye He carried his hands on his back, his face gradually became sad, and said: "I admit that I am not a talented painter, but I am also a step-by-step artist." I have never plagiarized other people's works. This picture of love and family was created by me after experiencing the pain of the death of my family. You can insult me, but you, absolutely cannot, insult my painting! I My condolences to the family!"

In the end, Ye He coughed twice, with tears in his eyes, and the appearance of crying aloud, it was sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who saw it.

At the beginning, some people who believed in Li Yun couldn't help thinking, is it really good to slander a poor old man like this?Especially a lonely old man who lost his wife and child.

"Until now, I miss my wife and children." Ye He seemed to be caught in some good memory, with his eyes in the air, and said like crazy: "The clothes my wife sewed for me are in my poorest They never left me. My children, when I failed the most, gave me smiles and warmth. However, this warmth and beauty turned into pain when they died in the end, day and night Burn my heart."

At this moment, Master Ye He knelt down directly and sobbed to Li Yun.

"I just ask you. Take back that sentence, take back the sentence that insulted love and family. Apologize to my wife and children! Before that, you questioned me and insulted me. I can pretend nothing happened, but My wife and daughter are absolutely not to be insulted!"

Facing the pitiful Ye He, Li Yun looked as usual, and Yang Tianhu, who was familiar with Li Yun, approached quietly: "Xiao Daochang, could there be some mistakes? I know you are very capable, but everything must be done." Just give some evidence."

Yang Tianhu believed in Li Yun's words, but Yang Tianhu knew that his own belief did not mean that others believed it. This empty-mouthed story was told without any evidence, and no one would believe it. Li Yun also knew that this level probably did not exist. Who would want to believe that Master Ye He is actually a thief, a thief who steals paintings.

"I'm sorry, Master Ye He, Pindao didn't pass enough verification, so I suspect your character." Li Yun looked at Ye He sincerely and said: "Well, since it is Master Ye He, you can definitely see it. , Which of these two paintings is the real one?"

Love and family outside the glass cover, and love and family inside the glass cover, Ye He looked at the two paintings, wiped away the two lines of tears from the corners of his eyes, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and finally said sincerely.

"Of course, the painting outside the glass cover is the real one. The painting inside the glass cover is a fake placed by the curator in order to lure snakes out of the cave, in order to attract thieves out of the cave." Ye He looked at the painting outside the window. On this painting, there is a subtle mark, which is not found in fakes.
Not long ago, Hanyu Shinichi once said that the mark used to distinguish the genuine from the fake.
Looking at these two paintings, Ye He couldn't help but wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, feeling terrified at what Li Yun just said.

If it is really found painting
Li Yun rubbed his chin, looked at the painting outside, and said, "This family of three, I'm afraid it's your wife and daughter. The family of three is really happy. It's just you three."

Ye He didn't know what Li Yun was trying to sell, so he didn't answer immediately, but after looking at the painting carefully, he said affirmatively.

"On this painting are me, my wife, and my daughter. We were once a happy family of three, and we only have a few warm memories left."

At this time, Ye He held his chest again, limply on the railing with a heartache, and tremblingly took out the quick-acting heart-rescue pills in his arms. Yun cast a hostile look.

"I'm sorry. These memories are so heartbreaking. Every time I think of them, my heart can't help but feel cramped and uncomfortable, and I want to cry." Ye He said in a muffled voice.

"Well, a picture of a happy family of three. This is a good memory, isn't it?" Li Yun looked at this painting and smiled, "Then, Master Ye He, can you confirm and affirm this painting for the last time? , Is the above one a once happy family of three?"

Ye He hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes. There are three members of our family."

Seeing the half-smile expression on Li Yun's face, Ye He became more and more uneasy, but his dog's eyes widened. Looking at this painting, he could only see a happy family of three. and colors are not.

"Daoist, please don't poke Master Ye He's wound anymore, okay, he is already very pitiful." The fan next to him said a little excitedly: "Do you understand his feelings? Do you understand his pain? You can put yourself in the same place Think about Master Ye He?"

"Yes, of course I can, but the truth is not like this, isn't it? Don't you want to see the truth, so let you see, the so-called truth." Li Yun looked normal and snapped his fingers.

The sky was getting darker, with dark clouds covering the sun and the sky. It was clearly daytime, but the inside of the guild hall was like night.

The staff next to him wanted to turn on the lights in the guild hall, but another light came up.

The breathtaking green glow of beauty surrounds this painting.
"What a nice view."

This green fluorescent light floats and rises from everyone around, rushing towards this famous painting.

What is even more confusing is that under the reflection of the green fluorescent light, this painting shows a different scene. When Ye He saw this scene, he collapsed on the ground in a daze, and murmured: "No Maybe it's absolutely impossible"

"This is the difference between a mediocrity and a genius. That's right, this painting is not a happy family of three. It's a happy family of five. With special paint, it can only be fully displayed under fluorescent light." Paintings." Li Yun laughed.

Under the illumination of the fluorescent lights, two people who had not been seen before appeared on the painting.

One is a small fetus in a woman's body.

One is a kind old man, with a cane, following behind, silently guarding, silently happy.
A family of five, happy painting.
(End of this chapter)

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