Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 550, Confession

Chapter 550, Confession
"Then, tell me, who are the two extra, Master Ye He." Li Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the bewildered 'Master Ye He'.

At this moment, Master Ye He is in a bad mood.
"No, no, I don't admit it, I've never drawn these things before." Ye He recovered from his nerves and continued to argue in a hurry: "By the way, this one is fake, and that one is real , That’s right, I was wrong just now, but this painting is actually my original work.” Ye He felt that it would be impossible for the imitation to recognize the painting in this painting.
"Are you sure? This painting is your [authentic work], sure and sure?" Li Yun looked at Master Ye He seriously and said.

Ye He hesitated, and finally nodded.
Li Yun smiled and waved his hands, and the light green fluorescent light approached the glass cover, just like the original version of Love and Family, with images appearing on it, but instead of a fetus and an old man, it was a dog and a cat.

Ye He just stared blankly at the painting, wanted to say something but couldn't
"Even as a copy of the painting, you are much more dedicated than Master Ye He. You have shown the essence of this painting and presented your important family members on this painting. Tsk tsk, it seems that this imitation Huashi is still a single nobleman, and he only has cats and dogs to accompany him." The fluorescent light disappeared, and the light has been restored, only Master Ye He, who is not panicked at all, is actually panicked to death.

"It's not that I want to be a single nobleman, it's that I really can't find a girlfriend." Among the crowd, an ordinary young man said helplessly. He was the artist who copied it.

At this time, Lu Wei stood up, pointed at Ye He and said, "At that time, my grandfather drew him to commemorate my family, but you stole him. When I found out, you had already It is the well-known 'Master Ye He' in the industry, I can't do anything to you, I can only use my own way to protect my family's paintings that day."

Li Yun looked at Ye He's appearance and knew that it was probably like this. This guy can't say anything else even if he talks about flowers. From today onwards, he will be ruined and lose everything.
"Master Ye He, exposing your ugly deeds is just a matter of chance. In fact, you still have an even bigger debt to pay. I'm afraid you will spend your whole life on this debt, and you won't be able to pay it off in the next life." Li Yun looked at it calmly. With Yeh.

The dark clouds cleared, and the sky was clear again. Along with the clear sky, sirens sounded outside the window, and policemen in police uniforms came in from outside the hall.

Ye He looked at these policemen, his eyes lit up slightly, since what happened just now happened in the guild hall, now he went outside, with his reputation and influence
Before the masquerade was over, the policeman looked at the photo in his hand, nodded for sure, and handcuffed Ye He roughly.

Ye He was a little confused.
"Well, you are Master Ye He, you are also a famous painter." The policeman looked at Ye He with contempt, without any sense of seeing art, and said, "Now, I will arrest you for intentional homicide."

"Who did I kill you, you wronged people! Do you know who I am? I am Ye He, and all your leaders want it"

Ye He spoke excitedly, while Li Yun on the side said calmly in front of everyone: "Do you still remember these two names? Mei Fang, and Ye Xiaoliu."

At this time, Ye He's body was shocked, and his expression was completely dull.
This is the name of the wife and child who died in the fire that year.
"What are you doing to bring up my sadness?"

"Your grief? After your wife and child passed away, love and family were born. A painting with strong emotions cannot be born from a blank slate experience. You just want to find an excuse to go out." , and killed his own wife, the woman who followed you since you were poor, and her own daughter, and burned them to death in their sleep that night."

"Skynet is not missing, it's not that it doesn't report that the time has not come."

Li Yun stared at Ye He's eyes, and shot a black phantom into his eyes.

That phantom could faintly see two human faces
Resentment will turn into a phantom to accompany him for the rest of his life.
After the police and Jin Yuan, the real owner of the guild hall, cleared the place, only Li Yun, Yang Yingying, father and daughter, and Lu Wei were left here.

"This exhibition really left a lot of things. It's really an annual drama." Yang Yingying didn't have enough potato chips in her hand, and felt that it was an eye-opener.

"Take this painting, it belongs to your family." Jin Yuan handed the painting to Lu Wei.

Lu Wei didn't accept it, but just said with a smile: "Our family already has more precious memories than this painting, and we no longer need to use paintings to remember our family. Thank you, thank you, my master and my benefactor. "

Lu Wei bowed deeply to Li Yun and Jin Yuan——

Li Yun complained silently in his heart, and his intuition (Tianmu) was telling him that he would not only be an apprentice in the future, but would sooner or later call him father-in-law. It was a cold slap on the face of dog food, and it was impossible to guard against.

At the same time, Lu Wei handed this valuable painting to Li Yun.

"Master Dao, I will give this painting to you. It is of no use to me anymore."

Li Yun didn't refuse, and put the painting directly into his sleeve, Qiankun.
Neither Lu Wei nor Jin Yuan asked, their intuition told them that this thing is definitely not magic.
"In the future, please create more memories, cherish the people in front of you, don't leave, don't leave." Li Yun turned around and left after eating the fruit in front of him.

"Master Dao, please leave some souvenirs too, so we can always remember that you are the one who helped us and the great benefactor of our two families." Jin Shanshan asked abruptly, also expressing her heartfelt thanks Li Yun.

Li Yun paused, did not refuse, did not turn around, and said with a half-smile.

"Okay, then you have to take good care of the things left by the poor."

With both hands on their backs, the white Taoist robe flutters in the wind, the spiritual sea surrounds the whole body, the howling warm wind wraps the entire guild hall, and the famous paintings around are rustled by the wind.

Incarnation, let's go--

The gray stone covered Li Yun's whole body, and in an instant, it turned into a lifelike statue, looking forward like a fairy.

Come lightly, go lightly, don't take away a trace of cloud, leave behind a stone statue of yourself
Both Jin Yuan and Lu Wei stared blankly at the stone statue in front of them, especially Jin Yuan, looking at the stone statue, immediately decided.

"I want to offer up this stone statue."

(End of this chapter)

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