Chapter 553 Ghost!
"Daoist, do you mean over there?" A villager who was farming looked at the direction Li Yun was pointing at and said, "That place is kind of weird, if it's not something important, don't go there, live here. People are also weird."

The villagers looked jealous at the side Li Yun was pointing at, and exaggeratedly said that the side of the mountain was not good.

Li Yun nodded his thanks and smiled.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, thank you for your guidance."

"No thanks, no thanks, it's just a matter of raising your hands." The villagers continued to cultivate the land in front of them, and ignored Li Yun.

After Li Yunbai, Shen and Hanxiang left, the villager looked at his back and muttered.

"Weird Taoist priest, go to a strange place Well, in fact, Taoist priests themselves are quite strange."

The mountain road is difficult, but for Li Yun and Bai Chen, it is only a little more troublesome than the flat road. Hanxiang saw that there was no one around, and let her body appear in a semi-empty state, walking through these thorny roads There is no need to cut branches on the mountain roads, which is convenient for thieves.

"This road is too difficult to walk, just like the previous Sanqing Temple." Li Yun couldn't help complaining about this mountain road. It's not difficult for him to walk, but for ordinary people, this road is not ordinary difficult to walk. .

This road is sparsely populated and there is no human habitation at all. There is only a barren land, and there is no sound of small animals. It can be said to be a complete barren mountain. From time to time, there are crows flying over and calling.

Soon, Li Yun and others came to the destination at the end of the barren mountain, a courtyard that looked equally barren, with a dilapidated sign hanging on it.

'Orphanage on earth. '

The words on the wooden sign were crooked, without any strength at all, and the ink was still dark red.
Most importantly, Li Yun felt that the person who wrote the words definitely did not write it like this on purpose.

This sign gave Li Yun the feeling that a drunken alcoholic wrote casually on it, which is not the slightest difference from the signboards of places you must never go to that often appear in horror movies
"It's such a simple name. I've never seen such a simple name. Can you be more careful?" Bai Chen looked at the extremely simple signboard and said in shock: "You are called [Underground World] or [Heaven and Earth]. It’s better than this human orphanage. When I first saw it, I thought it was an organ trade.”

"Fortunately, you didn't name it, otherwise the orphanage would probably have been reported the next day. No, this orphanage must have been reported." Li Yun was a little helpless with Bai Chen's name, and at the same time looked at the orphanage. His eyes are also more serious.

It can be felt that the Kongtong seal is inside, that is to say, the little old girl wearing the Kongtong seal must be here too.

Perhaps the last shark in the world.

"You can feel the huge spiritual power of the merman here, or something like spiritual pressure. Anyway, it should be the spiritual pressure of the vice-captain level." Li Yun curiously asked Bai Chen next to him.

Bai Chen shook his head, and said lazily: "There is a fart's spiritual pressure, ghost pressure has it, tsk tsk, maybe she has no solution and I can feel her spiritual pressure? Anyway, even if there is now, it's too weak to be heard. That's right. up"

Li Yun didn't say any more, and knocked on the door of the orphanage.

No one opened the door.

Li Yun was not surprised, just quietly waiting at the door for the owner of the orphanage to open the door.

During this period, Li Yun also observed the orphanage, which gave people the feeling of being extremely poor and desolate, only a little green vegetables were planted in the Susukida in the backyard, and two free-range chickens were looking for big caterpillars to eat.

Everywhere reveals the breath of poverty, looking at this somewhat leaky room, murmured Hanxiang.

"This is an orphanage after all. Why does it seem to be very poor, won't your country fund it?"

"Theoretically speaking, there are two types of orphanages. One is a state-approved and state-funded charity organization, which relies on state funding to operate." Li Yun said: "The other is the orphanage of a private institution. Orphanage, this kind of institution is registered in the state and is responsible for its own profits and losses. It relies on love, belief, or a place for capitalists to show their love. This orphanage probably belongs to the kind that relies on love to generate electricity. .”

After listening to Li Yun finished speaking, little Su Li in Li Yun's arms poked out her little head and said innocently: "It's very poor here, but just now those children went to invest money to play game consoles. I heard that the strange uncle said that playing games is a waste Money."

Uncle Blame refers to Bai Chen. Bai Chen is already familiar with Su Li's specific title, so he can't be as familiar with her.

Regarding Xiao Su Li's question, Li Yun just touched her small head and fluffy tail, and said with a smile: "No, no, this game console is different from the games played by Uncle Weird. Hurt money, the games played by these children can be said to be very cheap, one coin may last a whole day and the game consoles played by those children are also different from the [game consoles] that everyone recognizes."

"Why do you call me Uncle Weird? Just because I allow Little Fox to call me that doesn't mean I allow you to call me that, you lolicon." Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Yun, as if he wanted to protest. .

Protesting is invalid, Li Yun is still popularizing the knowledge of this world with Xiao Su Li, such as what kind of violence should be used to deal with strange uncles
Su Li was also ignorant, curious about everything around her, listening to Li Yun's nagging, while still looking around, especially the free-range chicken walking in the field, looking at that chicken with burning eyes.

Seeing Xiao Su Li's expression, Li Yun couldn't help complaining.

"Um, please don't have bold ideas."

"No, I definitely didn't think about how it tastes." Xiao Su Li got into Li Yun's arms all at once.

Li Yun really wanted to complain, this bold idea was directly revealed.
At this time, there were bursts of crisp sounds from behind the gate.

"Come on, come on, who is it, is it delivering beer? Oh, thank you so much, you actually delivered it."

Liu Yanli happily knocked on the door, the corner of her mouth was still drooling, she asked subconsciously after seeing the person in front of her.

"You guys are shit. Damn it!"

Liu Yanli's whole body exploded suddenly, pointing at the translucent Hanxiang with a trembling face, and said.


Foaming at the mouth, rolling her eyes, her limbs twitching, Liu Yanli - fell.

The pretty-looking little sister (?) was so frightened by the translucent Hanxiang that she fainted.

Only Li Yun and Hanxiang were left with a bewildered expression, and even Bai Chen lit a transformed cigarette, trying to break the silent atmosphere.
Frightened fainted by a ghost.
(End of this chapter)

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