Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 554, Daxian, worshiped by the little girl

Chapter 554, Daxian, worshiped by the little girl

When Liu Yanli woke up and saw Hanxiang floating in front of her eyes, she almost fainted again, and immediately ran to the corner of the room and said tremblingly.

"Ghost! Don't come here! I'll burn paper money for you, okay? Don't kill me! My meat is not tasty. Whoever said that eating my meat will make you live forever? I'll kill his bastard turtle, Spreading rumors five hundred times is going to get you into the game, you."

This time Hanxiang was very embarrassed, he didn't know what expression to use to face this big girl.

Li Yun was also amazed. He originally thought that this girl would not be afraid of ghosts and ghosts as a mermaid, so she continued to keep Hanxiang in a semi-blurred state. Unexpectedly, this translucent state scared the girl Foaming at the mouth.

At first, Li Yun thought that he had found the wrong person, until he saw the Kongtong Seal of the Five Heavenly Emperors hanging on the girl's chest, and the intricate and complicated body that could be seen through the Celestial Eye even though it was covered by the contact lens. Karma, I knew that the girl who was fainted by the ghost was really the one I was looking for.
A mermaid who was frightened by a ghost, Li Yun himself believed it.

"This girl, dare to ask Gui Geng?"

"Eight hundred.! Why, my meat is very old, it's not good, don't eat me, okay? Don't look at me so tender, in fact, it's full of old skin, old skin and old meat It doesn’t taste good even if it’s burnt.” Liu Yanli’s eyes were full of tears, she shivered behind the curtain, holding the empty wine bottle next to her in an attempt to defend herself
It's just that Liu Yanli didn't do a good move, and she tripped over a large number of empty wine bottles next to her, and fell to the ground, her pretty face was flushed red from the beating of the empty wine bottles, and she cried loudly.

"Mom! Ahhhhhh! Ghosts are coming to bully me. I won't go out. I won't go out again. I'll just stay at home and not go anywhere. Mom, don't leave me, and Ah Hua too, don't leave me. I, I'm scared alone."

Liu Yanli rolled while crying, Li Yun didn't know if she was really scared or because of something else, anyway, there was a strong smell of alcohol on her nose, the scene was so beautiful that she couldn't look directly at it.

As for the wine, Li Yun didn't feel anything when he drank it himself, but he felt uncomfortable when he smelled the wine in other people's mouths.

After thinking about it again and again, Li Yun took out his fly whisk, and used meditation techniques to calm the girl down a bit.

The power contained in the spiritual sea wrapped Liu Yanli, and stopped crying.

Li Yun patted her shoulder lightly, comforting Liu Yanli.

In the end Liu Yanli could only huddle there with tears streaming down her face, and Bai Chen who was watching from the side only hated that she didn't have a mobile phone, otherwise she could have photographed Li Yun and this scene, and then threatened not to give it to her. 648 was posted on the Internet, the picture is so beautiful.

Li Yun looked at Bai Chen and muttered.

"It always feels like you're thinking something bad"

"I think you have to apologize to my character, do I look like someone who would think bad things?" Bai Chen said with a serious face.

"No, your expectation of doing bad things is written on your face, I'm sorry I won't let you seize the opportunity to do bad things." Li Yun was speechless, and continued to look at Liu Yanli who had been spoiled.

"Sorry, Miss Yuren, I didn't know you were so afraid of ghosts. I thought you shouldn't be afraid of me in your capacity." The white Taoist robe is exceptionally cute.

Seeing such sweetness, Liu Yanli's mood also stabilized. She took three deep breaths and exhaled three more. She wanted to pick up the beer next to her and wanted to take a couple of sips, but found that there was no more beer, and said: "Who the hell are you? Do you know who I am? What are you doing here? Could it be that the dragon group really discovered my existence and wants to drag me into human experiments? Emmm, at least let me entrust you before I die. Let me know about these children, I will never run away, if conditions permit, can you give me time for a dozen beers, let me drink a dozen beers, not too much, really not too much"

At this time, Liu Yanli was still watching the surroundings suspiciously, with erratic eyes, as if she was about to run away at any time, and she was not qualified at all for observing and studying secretly.

Li Yun couldn't help but want to complain about how this character with everything written on his face has lived for so long. It must not be pure luck, this is unscientific.

"Sigh, it's hard to listen to her explanation. Why don't you just prove it with facts." Li Yun shook his head, turned around and gave Bai Chen a gesture, and said, "Show her the existence of us."

The handsome silver-haired guy smiled arrogantly, and put on an extremely flamboyant pose, surrounded by strong winds, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Bai Chen directly turned into a white light, the three-pointed and two-edged knife appeared, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and rose without wind——

The majestic long blade was thrown into Li Yun's hands, the three eyes on his forehead exuded a frightening light, and the Dharma image behind him appeared in front of him. Liu Yanli could see all these things clearly.

Liu Yanli looked at this scene in a daze, the beer can in her hand could not help but slipped to the ground, and she stared at the scene in front of her in a daze.

"In this way, you will understand, and you will understand why I waited for you. You are not alone." Li Yun tried his best to suppress his expression, pretending to be very cold, trying to achieve the greatest effect, and Xiao Su Li also jumped out, Next to Li Yun, he pretended to be majestic and majestic, his little tail fluttered with the wind, and it was comfortable to be blown by the wind.

The three-eyed Taoist, holding a three-pointed knife, Li Yun felt that he should be so handsome that he couldn't breathe, especially the Dharma figure behind him, who had the temperament of a god of war on top of the temperament of a banished immortal, which complemented each other. I knew it was not an ordinary substitute.

Li Yun thought that if he did this, the merman girl would understand, and she waved the three-pointed knife twice in a decent manner.

Soon, Liu Yanli dropped all the wine bottles and jars in her hands, and after a moment of stupefaction, she knelt down in a 360-degree spiral.

"Fuck! Gods! I didn't expect there to be gods in this world! Fuck! Fuck! It's not an illusion caused by the impact of air!"

"Great Immortal, please accept the little girl's bow, I will kneel down!"

Most afraid of the air, suddenly quiet again
Very quiet, very quiet.
Li Yun's expression was a little strange, he looked at the shark girl and said.

"Pimpedao. Did you mishear what you called me just now?"

"Great Immortal! It's really a Great Immortal! There really are immortals in this world! Damn! Nima, the legend is not a lie. It's so powerful, so powerful. Am I witnessing history? Witnessing the so-called world in China Gods, monsters, ghosts." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with burning eyes, then looked at Hanxiang next to him and said: "It seems that you are the ghost servant of this great fairy or something. I understand, I have often seen it in novels, the kind of master who will kill people as soon as the master orders you is so powerful my brother."

This Liu Yanli became more and more strange as she talked, and Han Xiang was speechless. In the end, Li Yun first changed Bai Chen back into a human form, and asked the nagging Liu Yanli to stop first.
After seeing Li Yun, the 'immortal', Liu Yanli became much more behaved, no longer afraid, no foaming at the mouth, no yelling and wanting to drink the last dozen beers, but her eyes lit up looked at Li Yun.

"Miss Yuren, Pindao is not a god. What I want to say is just an ordinary person with a little way. This is not a ghost servant, but a mountain spirit on the top of the mountain where Pindao lives, or a mountain spirit " Li Yun glanced at Bai Chen one last time, and said, "This indescribable object is a table mat for eating."

"Wait a minute, why is my introduction so low and piercing the center of the earth." Bai Chen said in amazement.

In the end, Liu Yanli looked at the person in front of her half-believingly, first took care of her own world view, and finally said: "That is to say... a god who hasn't become a god yet, um. Anyway, in my opinion, there is no difference, both are very different. It’s enough to be powerful, it’s said that someone as powerful as Mao will come to my crappy orphanage, I don’t have any valuable things except chastity.”

Li Yun really wants to say that everything in you is valuable except for your chastity.
"Actually, the poor are the ones who don't understand. As an immortal mermaid, they are afraid of ghosts and monsters. Logically speaking, you are the most unreasonable person, right. You are immortal, immortal for a thousand years." Li Yun somewhat Speechless, I could see that this mermaid girl is really afraid of ghosts, she is afraid from the bottom of her heart, she is no different from ordinary girls, the problem is that she is not an ordinary girl
Liu Yanli thought for a while, then said it as a matter of course.

"Great Immortal, how did you feel when you saw a ghost for the first time?"

"I was taken aback, and then I accepted this setting." Li Yun said disapprovingly.

"Well, it seems that your tolerance is quite strong. It's the first time you accepted this setting, and you didn't feel afraid to pee your pants. After all, you are a man, and your ability to accept this aspect is so strong." Liu Yanli was helpless. He said: "But I'm a girl, girl, girl, delicate and weak girl, young girl, if it's the first time for a girl to see a ghost, is there anything else besides being afraid?" Is it an option? Is it possible that I can pick up a fruit knife and kill this ghost? No, no, no, this is unscientific, okay?"

Listening to Liu Yanli's explanation, the more Li Yun thought about it, the more wrong he became, his eyes narrowed, and he asked suddenly.

"Miss Yuren, do you know what Linghai is?"

"I know the Aegean Sea."

"So, do you know what a monster is?"

"Monsters? The kind shown in TV dramas? The reruns of Journey to the West are very popular now. It's much better to remove ghosts and animals than modern spicy chicken movies, especially the plot. It's very good. "

"So, what about the top ten artifacts?"

"Sorry, I'm not young, I don't know how to add some middle school settings to myself. Is there really?"

The air became quiet again, even Bai Chen looked at Liu Yanli with a puzzled expression in shock.

Sharks don't know anything!

Finally, Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli with twitching corners of his mouth and said.

"Then Miss Shark, do you know what a Shark is?"

"People who can breathe in water have a long lifespan, and they will turn into foam after dying." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with a strange look and said, "Aren't you awesome people? Why don't you know this common sense? .”

Li Yun: "."

"Since you know about sharks, why don't you know about Linghai, Ten Artifacts, and monsters? You should be an abnormal creature that is different from humans." Li Yun said in shock.

"Merman, isn't it just a species different from humans, and they still live for a long time, so they should be regarded as treasures. After all, I haven't met the same race again, maybe I'm the only one left. " Liu Yanli paused, looked at Li Yun and said proudly: "Don't look at me like this, I am a serious college student who graduated from the Imperial University, and I even had a photo with Cai Yuanpei at that time."

After speaking, Liu Yanli took out a photo from the box on the table. On it was a group photo of Liu Yanli and a group of people. It was black and white, full of a sense of the times. On it was Liu Yanli, who was not much different from now. Yanli.

A solid-colored cheongsam, with water-like long hair tied together. In the photo, there is a person who is as moist as water and as beautiful as jade. Li Yun looks at the current Liu Yanli. She is a sloppy drunkard, wearing a small vest and jeans, and she likes talking. yawn.
"No, it's not called Jingshi Datang now, it's called Tianjing University." Li Yun complained silently.

Now Li Yun knows that Liu Yanli doesn't know anything about cultivation, including the fact that the Kongtong seal is hanging on her chest
I feel that my mermaid race is just a little different from ordinary people's lifespan
Liu Yanli made three cups of tea for Li Yun and Hanxiang Baichen, looking at the two cups of tea in front of them, Bai Chen and Hanxiang looked at Li Yun silently, their eyes seemed to say [This tea is of the same level as You are exactly the same.]

"Sorry, I only have tea dregs here to entertain Daxian. After all, we are still quite poor here." Liu Yanli yawned and said.

"Thank you, coarse tea is fine." Li Yun sipped the tea and said with a smile, "Miss Liu Yanli, it is also a skill to live for 800 years without being discovered by the authorities."

"Where is it? It's just some tiny skills. As long as you don't mess around, don't randomly appear in big cities, don't leave life records casually, don't stay in one place for a long time, and no one will notice when you wander around in small towns. They don't care where there is a beautiful woman who is always young." Liu Yanli brazenly praised herself at the end.

Li Yun can only say that Liu Yanli is probably a beautiful woman if she doesn't speak.
"I didn't expect that there are really supernatural things in this world, it really subverted my outlook on life," Liu Yanli continued with emotion.

Your very existence subverts your outlook on life, okay, [-]-year-old big sister
At this moment, when Li Yun was still about to ask something, he suddenly felt someone rushing in. After sensing the person, he smiled.


The door was opened, and a group of children with brooms rushed in.

"Teacher! Are there bad guys? Don't be afraid, Brother Chun will protect you"

(End of this chapter)

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