Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 556, to find someone

Chapter 556, to find someone
"Evening Lily I will sing for you"

Suddenly, Xie Sujie, who was watching silently, suddenly spoke, and a hoarse singing voice came out from Xie Sujie's voice, which was even a little out of tune, and there was no demeanor of the leading singer at all.

But Li Yun still quietly listened to the old woman's off-key singing, the voice from the soul.

Xie Sujie only knew this sentence. After she finished singing, she stopped singing and continued to look at the small blackboard outside the yard and laugh blankly.

"Well, that's the only sentence left. Last year, there will be another sentence [that the south wind blows cool, and the nightingale crows sadly]. Sure enough, your human memory declines not so badly when you get old." Liu Yanli shrugged and said, "By the way, do you Taoist priests eat meat? I'll cook later."

"Of course it's for food," Li Yun said.

"Well, I'm a guest from afar, and today I'll make you my old lady's best beer duck."

Liu Yanli happily entered the kitchen, and Hanxiang next to her muttered.

"Why is it all about beer?"

"Because wine is a good thing." Li Yun said with a smile: "It can make people forget sorrow."

"Brother System, this Liu Yanli really doesn't seem to understand anything." Li Yun said looking at Liu Yanli's back.

At this time, the system that had been diving for a long time said: "There is no special quality on her body, no fluctuations in the spiritual sea, only the seal of longevity bestowed by the Kongtong seal on the mermaid clan in the East China Sea can prove that she is a mermaid. To you, she is just a mermaid." It’s just a woman who has lived for a long time, except that she can breathe underwater, she has no other characteristics, and maybe her personality is a bit bad.”

Li Yun didn't say anything more, there were still many doubts about this shark girl.

Liu Yanli went to the kitchen to prepare meals, Han Xiang didn't want to be outdone, and also went to help, while Bai Chen unexpectedly went to play happily with those little bear children, and made a letter of war saying that they would fight again someday.
Li Yun came in front of Xie Sujie, a singing girl whose old face could not hide her clear soul.

Listening silently to the voice from the soul, the voice covered under the lyrics, Li Yun feels that singing is always the best way to express emotions. Even if the language is blurred, you can still hear the meaning behind the singing———————————————— The god of the imperial bell is really easy to use, I can hear these things.
At this time, Li Yun thought for a moment and arrived calmly.

"You may not be able to wait."

"Ye Laixiang, I will sing for you." Xie Sujie's answer was not right, and she popped out a line of lyrics from time to time. Li Yun was watching from the side, supporting the centenary birthday star.

When Li Yun approached, Xie Sujie seemed to feel something, and moved her dry palm tremblingly towards her head, and took a small old hairpin from her head.

This hairpin is already very worn out, the copper skin on it has almost fallen off, leaving only a piece of black iron and rust, it has no value at all
"Evening primrose"

Xie Sujie smiled and handed the hairpin to Li Yun
At this time, Li Yun just silently accepted the dilapidated hairpin.

The traces of time are rubbing on this hairpin
The old dean looked at Li Yun with dull and tender eyes, and the smile on his mouth never disappeared.

"Give it to you."

"Did you take me for someone?"

Li Yun didn't think too much about it, but silently accepted the hairpin that represented longing.

"Your fate, the poor should agree."

The delicious beer duck was brought out, along with bowls of delicious rice.

Looking at these sumptuous dishes, Yang Chun and the other children were drooling all over the place, all of them were well-behaved, and they didn't have the confidence to call Liu Yanli a man-in-law before.
"You guys have no morals. Just now you were screaming like men and women, but now you are all better than monkeys, yes, especially you Yang Chun!" Liu Yanli brought the last plate of beer duck.

"Sister Liu, you are the best"

"Sister Liu is indeed the best teacher in the world"


"Hey, this little mouth is so sweet, don't wait until you're done eating and then call me old woman and man. It's really comforting to be called sister." Liu Yanli put down the food and went to the refrigerator to get a can of beer Come out, open it and take a sip.


"Tsk tsk, I can't tell, you are quite rich, supporting so many children and drinking beer." Bai Chen tsk said, "Big girl, I think you are very talented. I have a big investment, but I don't have any Cash, it doesn’t matter, as long as 648 is enough”

Liu Yanli rolled her eyes blankly after taking a sip of beer.

"Anyone with a little brain can see what you want money for, krypton gold hurts your body, classmate"

"Don't look at how poor I look here, but I actually have extra income." Liu Yanli smiled proudly, opened the app on her mobile phone with ease, and jumped to a pink webpage, which was even more pink against the backdrop of pink A colored title popped up.

【Women, you have to be harder on yourself, and better on him——】

"Chicken soup column for women?" Li Yun asked doubtfully.

"That's right, my mother is also a master of the Chinese Department, a proper literary girl, don't underestimate my ability to create economy." Liu Yanli smiled proudly as she tapped on Erlang's leg, drinking beer with one hand and shouting "Sweet, what?" The literary girl is simply an alcoholic who is addicted to alcohol.

The meal for Xie Sujie was prepared extra, a bowl of corn porridge, Yang Chun was skinny at the dinner table, after eating two mouthfuls, he picked up the bowl and fed Xie Sujie the porridge.
The dean's old lady ate very slowly, and Yang Chun fed very slowly, very patiently, feed a little, and eat a little by herself, without the slightest bit of the bratty demeanor of before.

"This little kid is quite obedient when he's not talking," Bai Chen admired from the side.

This Bai Chen had just finished complimenting him, and Yang Chun stuck out his tongue and said to Bai Chen, "Cai Cai Cai, you are so good, you can't even know how to do junior high school questions, how can you be an adult?"

"I choose to take back what I just said, you are a completely evolved brat." Bai Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Chun, without the slightest feeling that he was willing to admit defeat and admit that he was a rookie.
Yang Chun didn't lose the wind at all, and just spat with Bai Chen. How could Bai Chen lose to the brat when it comes to the posture of spraying people? Let him face Yang Chun with ease.

In the end, Yang Chungan bowed down.
"On the trolls, I lost."

"Hmph. You still have a lot to learn." Bai Chen crossed his arms, complacently, and smiled proudly, with the demeanor of being smug.

Li Yun felt that from the moment he and the little bear confronted each other, from the moment he argued with the little bear, he had already lost in a complete mess.
Bai Chen and Yang Chun bickered and spat at each other, and Yang Chun did not forget to feed the old dean.

The old dean Xie Sujie looked at the bustle and bustle at the dining table, and involuntarily, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

No teeth, not good-looking, but a smile from the heart
At night, the children in these orphanages had already fallen asleep - after finishing the nightmare homework left by Liu Yanli.

Under the bright moonlight, Liu Yanli pushed Xie Sujie out to bask in the moonlight, while she opened a bottle of beer to drink.

"Ah, we don't have any extra rooms here. If you don't mind, you can sleep on the floor, or you can sleep on the sofa next to me." Liu Yanli was drinking beer, lying on the lawn without any image.

"It doesn't matter to me, I'm fine like this." Hanxiang turned into a transparent appearance, expressing that she didn't need to sleep.

Looking at the translucent Hanxiang, the drunkenness on Liu Yanli's body was swept away, and she just hid behind Li Yun shivering unscrupulously.

Li Yun couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry.

"Uh, Hanxiang is not a ghost. Probably."

"I understand the truth. It's like knowing whether a horror movie is fake or you will be taken aback. Who the hell can explain something like instinct?" Liu Yanli poked her head out and looked at it suspiciously. The fragrant side.

Bai Chen was even simpler. He directly turned into a spear and stuck it on the floor. He was majestic and exuded an extraordinary temperament. He didn't put it away honestly until he was shitted by a passing chicken. own presence.

Only the old dean Xie Sujie was looking at the bright moon silently, neither singing nor talking to himself, just quietly looking at the bright moon.

After Hanxiang completely dissipated (actually Translucent was lurking behind Liu Yanli to study murlocs and humans), Liu Yanli stepped forward, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and pulled Xie Sujie to bask in the moon.

"The old dean likes Mingyue very much."

"Of course, little Su Jie has to bask in the moon every night to be able to fall asleep, and I have inconvenient legs and feet, so I can only come out to bask every night. Emmm, I really like the moon." Liu Yanli took a sip of the old wine Finally, he stared at Li Yun and pouted and said, "Also, you can't call her the old dean. You call her the old dean, and I call her Xiao Su Jie. Doesn't that mean I'm very old! Don't call me that."

Li Yun nodded and said with a smile.

"I thought the immortals would be more mature."

"I also thought that this world is based on the core values ​​of materialism. There will be no such things as ghosts and ghosts. Until the three of you came out and ruined my three views, I didn't expect that there really are these things. I don't know if there is a Huaxia Dragon Team, if there is any special investigation team, if there is a Ninth District or something like that." Liu Yanli's dog eyes were shining, full of curiosity.

Li Yun could tell that Liu Yanli was actually quite happy today.
It's like being a loner, someone who's been alone for years, and finding organization.
"Actually, living too long will be quite boring, but as long as you have a goal in life, you can spend this time quite fulfillingly, just like me now, taking care of this orphanage and watching a generation grow up slowly , get married, have children, grow old, live a fulfilling life, and finally say goodbye silently, forget, and go to live in another place." Liu Yanli, beside Li Yun, smiled and said: "Xiaochun this year may This is the last group of orphans I brought up, they are all children who lost their families because of the recent fire. Maybe you can't wait for them to grow up, right, little Su Jie."

The old dean Xie Sujie just turned around slowly and smiled at Liu Yanli
Liu Yanli is not sad, only in the aspect of life and death, she does not have too much sadness, after all, she has experienced too many life and death.

It's just that Liu Yanli feels a little pity for Xie Sujie.
At this time, Liu Yanli looked at Xie Sujie's head, and suddenly found something, and said in doubt.

"Yi? Daxian, I have a very serious question to ask you."

"If I know it, I can answer it naturally." Li Yun said.

"Little Su Jie, on her head, there used to be a very worn-out hot chicken hairpin, which seemed to be worth ten yuan at most, where did it go? This is her most important thing." Liu Yanli stood up a little worried, and began to look around for the hairpin.

Apart from longevity, Liu Yanli is an ordinary person who cannot be more ordinary.
Just when I wanted to squat down to look for it, Li Yun stopped me.

"Is this the hairpin you are looking for?" Li Yun took out the broken hairpin.

"Why are you taking Xiao Su Jie's hairpin? It's a very important thing for her. Even if you are a great immortal, you can't take it." Liu Yanli looked at the hairpin in Li Yun's hand a little angrily. This thing is her best friend. Things that were once more precious than life.
At this time, Xie Sujie looked at Li Yun slowly, looked at the hairpin in Li Yun's hand, and murmured something different.

"Like. You. Send. Return. You."

"She gave this to you?" Liu Yanli was stunned for a moment before she realized, she was a little surprised when she saw Xie Sujie's appearance, and said in surprise, "It's strange, even I can't touch her hairpin. will yell."

When the old dean Xie Sujie looked at the hairpin in Li Yun's hand, instead of shouting, he came with a more gentle smile.

"This is what the layman gave to the poor just now. It was formed by fate, born by fate, lived by attachment, and acted by attachment."

Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli with a smile on his face, and waved the hairpin in his hand.

"This is her obsession, and it is also your obsession. You survive through other people's obsession. Other people's goals and beliefs are the only comfort in a long life."

Only Liu Yanli was left at the scene, who was staring blankly at Li Yun's back.

In the end, Liu Yanli also laughed, and poured the last drop of beer down her throat.

"Well, it's so bitter."

The next day, the bear kids were very well-behaved, they didn't go anywhere, they just studied in the room silently.
Looking at this cute scene, Liu Yanli was very suspicious.

"You took the wrong medicine today, and you lost your skin?"

"Hmph, sometimes we have to be obedient too." Yang Chun wrote his homework disapprovingly, and the children around him were also very quiet and obedient, not a little bit like yesterday.

Liu Yanli felt a little uncomfortable all over. These brats suddenly stopped being a brat, but people were a little concerned, and always felt that something was missing.

Bai Chen was at the side guiding these brats with their questions, and Bai Chen was quite normal when he was silent because of his ancient and handsome white hair.
Li Yun stood up with a hairpin in his hand.

"Come with the poor."

"Where are you going?"

"Go find someone."

(End of this chapter)

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