Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 557, so it is

Chapter 557, so it is

"Did the impact of the air cause me to hallucinate, why, why did I suddenly appear in such a place, can't I keep my three views and so on..." Liu Yanli murmured, pouring the beer in her hand Suppressed with a gulp.

In the blink of an eye, this place is no longer that small county town, but a metropolis full of luxury and money.
"Is this a fairy? It's amazing my brother, worship ing"

Liu Yanli knelt down without integrity, offering her cheap knee to Li Yun.

"Miss Yuren, are your knees so cheap? This is a big crowd." The corners of Li Yun's mouth twitched. Fortunately, the invisibility technique was applied to eliminate the sense of presence, otherwise passers-by would probably think they were playing a special game.

Liu Yanli's expression did not fluctuate, she continued to offer her cheap knees, and said calmly: "Knees are not important at all, Daxian, for the sake of my sincerity, can I use your magical teleportation technique?" Take me to a place that I dream of the most in my life. It’s very close, just like a bank vault. Just teleport me in and wait for me to teleport me home in 10 minutes. I can pay any price for this, What do you think of my virginity?"

"Aren't you just thinking of robbing a bank, and your chastity is not worth the money of a criminal record." Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli helplessly, and the gentle and beautiful mermaid image in his impression instantly collapsed It's all bad, just smiled: "We came here to find someone, as for who we are looking for, you should be the clearest."

Liu Yanli scratched her head and said.

"Who are you looking for, I don't remember who I'm looking for."

Li Yun took out the hairpin, looked at the tattered tail and said, "This man's name is Yang Yiqing."

Liu Yanli was speechless for a while, no longer offered her cheap knee, but stood up and wiped off the dust on it and said seriously.

"Can you really find him?"

"Since I brought you here, I can naturally find it, so let's go with Pindao."

Walking on the street, Liu Yanli was also attracted by this glamorous metropolis, grabbing Li Yun and asking this and that, she looked like an [-]-year-old child.

"It turns out that modern big cities are like this. I remember that the last time I was here was almost 100 years ago. I didn't expect such a big change." Liu Yanli sighed for a while, feeling fresh about everything around her.

"Didn't you say that you have been living in a small city? Why do you want to take the college entrance examination again? Isn't this tantamount to exposing your identity to the front?" Li Yun said curiously.

Liu Yanli also shrugged at this, and said while eating the ice cream bought on the roadside: "There is no way, no matter in which era, knowledge and education are very important things. In the past, there was an imperial examination system, and now there is a college entrance examination system. If I study and have no job, I must starve to death. Although I am so young, I will die if I don’t eat. I remember that there was a famine for a while and I had no money. I almost died in the toilet. In the end, I survived by eating insects. Come down. Not to mention, the taste is not bad, like chicken, crunchy."

"You are not a mermaid, you are Master Bei." Li Yun also complained.

"In short, it can't appear so frequently now. In the past, communication, transportation and information interaction were not developed. Where is it like now? Maybe one day I will be secretly photographed. It's impossible to prevent it. No, I will be discovered by you. Yes, although it seems that it might not be a bad thing at the moment." Liu Yanli said nonchalantly.

Li Yun stopped talking, and patiently talked about the modern changes with Liu Yanli. For example, the small county towns now are roughly equivalent to the big cities in the 8.90s and [-]s. Compared with the cities in developed countries, the big cities now have some places. Can be slightly better.

Liu Yanli also patiently listened to Li Yun's science popularization, and soon learned a lot
Little Su Li poked her head out from Li Yun's arms, with a look of【Although I don't understand, but I feel very powerful.】

Liu Yanli was no stranger to seeing something popping out of Li Yun's body, and even wanted to touch little Su Li. To Li Yun's surprise, little Su Li didn't reject Liu Yanli's touch.

"By the way, do you really know where that bastard Yang Yiqing is? I thought he was already dead." Liu Yanli said lazily while stroking Su Li's little head.

Li Yun asked rhetorically, "Since you think he's dead long ago, you wouldn't go to him. Living for others is actually quite tiring."

"I'm not tired, I'm not tired, after all, Xiao Sujie is my best friend."

Liu Yanli grinned, but Li Yun stopped at this moment.

A refreshing fragrance came from the front, Liu Yanli, an unscrupulous bastard who smelled this question, immediately salivated three thousand feet, her eyes were red like a red dog.

"It's so fragrant, it's so sweet." Liu Yanli quickly inhaled her mouth and looked up at the place where the fragrance came out.

The simple wooden signboard, the words written by the store owner with a brush, are vigorous and powerful. Although the wooden signboard has some rotten places, the handwriting is still very intact. You can tell that it is often maintained at a glance. The person who wrote this word is also a real person. cultural people.

'Yijie Baozi Shop——'

There is not a lot of traffic at the entrance of the small store. The store is simple and simple, with three or two stools and tables. People are sitting on the stools and chatting while eating buns.

At the door of the store, a middle-aged man wearing a mask and hat was making faces and playing it on repeat on the radio.

"Come and buy! Come and see! Freshly baked steamed buns! Steamed buns! The price is not expensive, all one yuan, all one yuan! Don't miss it when you pass by! Yijie Baozi Shop, a century-old brand, is delicious and fun! "

Li Yun walked over, smiled, and took out two dollars.

"Master, bring me two meat buns."

"Okay, two meat buns." The middle-aged master smiled and beat two meat buns, then looked at Liu Yanli and said, "And you, what do you want?"

Liu Yanli didn't react, she subconsciously said.

"I'll get me a colonel's nugget."

Middle-aged master: "."

Li Yun: "."

"We sell steamed stuffed buns here! There is no colonel's chicken nuggets." The middle-aged master said helplessly.

Li Yun looked at the middle-aged master dumbfounded and said.

"It's okay, two buns are enough, we are together."

"Come on, give me two buns."

Soon, two steaming buns were placed in front of Li Yun.

Li Yun took two buns, gave one to Liu Yanli, and found a seat to sit down silently. Although Liu Yanli didn't understand what Li Yun was going to do, the buns in front of her still blocked her mouth. Things like Yiqing were all left behind.

"The steamed stuffed bun is delicious. It's so delicious." Liu Yanli stuffed the steamed stuffed bun with a happy face, and the way she ate was like a vicious dog biting in Li Yun's words.
At this time, Li Yun was also eating the buns silently, looking at this clean bun shop, he didn't leave after eating the buns, just sat on the side like this, Liu Yanli was unexpectedly patient, and didn't ask Li Yun what to do. Mao wants to be here without moving, but she simply thinks that the smell of this steamed stuffed bun shop is so good, it doesn't matter how long she stays here, it makes her feel full, and even the next day's meal money can be saved.

Until noon, no one bought buns, the bun shop was empty, and when there was no one left, the middle-aged man came out to take a short rest, took off his mask, looked at Li Yun curiously, and handed over a Smoke said.

"Dude, no smoking."

"The poor don't smoke." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it." The middle-aged man didn't smoke, but put the cigarette back into his cigarette case, and said curiously: "I said buddy, what do you want to do here to see my bun shop, you want to learn how to do it?" How to make steamed stuffed buns or whatever.”

Li Yunxin said nonsense.

"Pindao doesn't need to learn how to make steamed stuffed buns. I just feel that your steamed stuffed bun shop has a strong sense of humanity, and I feel very comfortable here. Standing here, I can feel the surge of humanity."

"Yeah, yeah, the smell is so strong here, I'm so reluctant to leave." Liu Yanli echoed from the side, the saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth has already betrayed all her thoughts at this moment, how can this be humane, It clearly smells of burning meat.

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yun and Liu Mengli and felt a little suspicious, but he couldn't say why, he just smiled and said: "I am open for business, there is nothing inhuman, anyway, everyone thinks it is delicious Steamed buns are good buns, how about, do you want two more buns or something, buy more and get more free, if you buy ten, I will give you one bun."

"Don't think it's expensive, our buns are the cheapest in the neighborhood," the middle-aged man said with a sullen expression.

Li Yun understands this. In the center of this magical city, where every inch of land is expensive, if you sell buns for a dollar, you don’t know if you can earn back the rent, or you can barely make it back. It is cost money.

Even a local turtle like Liu Mengli knows that this is telling the truth, the one-dollar steamed stuffed bun is already lagging behind this city, it looks like it is purely doing good deeds.

"Pindao came here just to see the last period of this bun shop." Li Yun said with a smile: "That's all."

The middle-aged man paused, took a serious look at Li Yun, did not deny the matter, just lit the cigarette that had not been lit before, and said.

"That's right, this is the last period of the bun shop. Buns that cost one yuan a piece are no longer up to date. Even if the house is divided and there is no rent, the price of goods is also not up to date. But daddy , just stick to one yuan without wavering, and it hasn’t changed from before to now. I really don’t know how the old stubborn persisted. The price didn’t work ten years ago. Tsk tsk, I used to visit this dilapidated store every day. Take a little pocket money to buy buns to eat."

"Isn't this store yours?" Liu Yanli was a little surprised as she wiped away the saliva that flowed down three thousand feet. She thought the middle-aged man was the boss here.

"No, I'm not the boss here. How can I say it? It's a part-time job for the boss of this shop. After all, the old man is lonely and helpless, and he looks a little dazed. How could he sell this bun shop? Keep running, I have to be responsible for keeping this store running.”

The middle-aged man took a puff of the old cigarette, and slowly spit out the smoke ring.

Hearing this, Liu Yanli understood it, and said with some admiration: "Admiration, you are equivalent to working for nothing, selling buns for one yuan here, you might as well go to work, your skills in making buns , go to another steamed stuffed bun shop to work, or open a normal steamed stuffed bun shop, you can earn a lot of money, or you can make a lot of money by directly bringing the price of this steamed stuffed bun shop back to the normal level, so why bother? .”

"Haha, this is the persistence of the old man. I can only support it with difficulty in order to repay the favor. It's not that I don't want to support it. It's really that my old bones have no strength. It is impossible for me to do it when I am middle-aged. So much physical work with bread and buns.” The middle-aged man said: “Sometimes I also think, what is the purpose of doing so much. Then I thought, in fact, I, the purpose is to make this old man’s broken bun shop If we continue to operate, let everyone not forget that there is such a time-honored brand, there is a place where you can buy delicious meat buns for a dollar, and... pass on the belief of the old man.”

At this time, the middle-aged man stopped talking, returned to his shop, took out two big meat buns from the cage, handed them to Li Yun and Liu Yanli, and said with a grin: "Come on, don't you two?" You're welcome, it's hard work in a big city, these two buns will be your reward for listening to me, an old bastard telling stories."

Two round, hot, fragrant steamed buns just out of the oven, Liu Yanli's eyes turned green looking at these steamed buns, and her saliva began to flow down again
Li Yun knew that this middle-aged man regarded himself and others as wanderers or young people who came to big cities to work hard and have no food.
Li Yun did not refuse the two extra big meat buns, and accepted them, especially Liu Yanli, who had no morals and directly snatched the buns.

"It's delicious. Brother, your steamed stuffed buns taste really good. A long time ago, there was such a dude who could make such delicious steamed stuffed buns." Liu Yanli bit it down, showing a happy expression, and raised her eyebrows at the middle-aged man. thumbs up.

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and said with a broken smile: "What little brother, I'm already an old brother. If you don't mind, you can call me Uncle Song, or Lao Song."

"Yes, I got it, Brother Song." Liu Yanli obsessively wiped out the buns, her cheeks were bulging, and she almost choked to death.

Li Yun didn't eat the buns immediately, but looked at the corner of the street.

There were bursts of indistinct and noisy sounds.

This voice was so insignificant in this metropolis that even Liu Yanli didn't hear it, only Li Yun saw and heard it.

"Heavenly Rescue the Suffering Immeasurable, that's how it is"

(End of this chapter)

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