Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 558, the day is a sheep

Chapter 558, ten days for sheep

On the corner of the street.

"Cao Nima, you dare to beg on my territory. Have you asked us? Are there any rules? You little trash deserves to be abandoned by your parents." A group of old beggars with mangy heads. Overthrow the little beggar in front of him to the ground.

The little beggar didn't resist, just eating the leftovers in his hands while enduring the beating, his eyes were dull and indifferent.

In the end, the old beggars were tired of beating them up, so they said viciously to the little beggars: "Don't appear in front of us next time, and don't grab food from us, hehe!"

These old beggars walked proudly and strenuously, when suddenly a gust of wind blew by.

The old beggars fell and ate shit.


The old beggars stood up, and there was another gust of wind blowing, which suddenly became stronger and then weaker as it stroked their feet.


The old beggars fell and ate shit again.


The old beggars fell to the ground again.

"Why is this place so evil?" The old beggars didn't stand up anymore, and just fell to the ground with horror on their faces, and left like four funny people.

The little beggar watched the old beggars leave blankly, wiping the blood on his face with his dirty hands.

Only a smile appeared on that dull face at the end.

As a murloc, Liu Yanli still has some innate instincts, and immediately felt some inexplicable sense of disobedience around Li Yun. She knew that every time Li Yun cast a spell, there would be such a sense of disobedience.
Look at the scene of a few beggars not far away from time to time throwing a dog and eating shit.

"You did it just now, you definitely did it, I'm sure it was you." Liu Yanli said in a tone of embarrassment before swallowing the bun in her mouth.

Li Yun shrugged and said.

"It's just a little magic technique I learned recently, and it's just an experiment. It doesn't have any other meaning. I definitely didn't tease those old beggars who are disrespectful because they are upset."

"You have spoken out your innermost thoughts directly."

Liu Yanli was speechless watching the little beggar slowly approaching the bun shop, but still watching from the sidelines. At the same time, after the little beggar appeared, some other beggars came over. There were three or three in number. Four, some of the children even hugged baby babies, and the oldest was no more than ten years old.

These children looked a little timid in front of the bun shop.

Boss Song, who had been busy inside, saw these children coming and didn't chase them away. He packed the remaining buns with ease, but he didn't give them to them, but said.

"How about it, have you brought what I want?"


"This is cardboard!"

"This is a small tin can!"

"It's a glass bottle."

The little beggars scrambled to hand over the rubbish they picked up, and put them in the corner of the bun shop very consciously.

Looking at these waste paper products worth at most two yuan, Boss Song packed nearly twenty buns with satisfaction, and handed them to the children: "Very good, you deserve these."

"Thank you, Uncle Song!"

The children thanked happily, packed all the buns, and left happily.

Even Liu Yanli could tell that he was so familiar with the road, Boss Song probably didn't do this less, maybe he was doing such a loss-making business every day. In Liu Yanli's opinion, it was no longer a loss, it was simply a gift to give,

Liu Yanli, who was watching from the side, was a little stunned and said, "I'll go, no wonder this steamed stuffed bun shop can't continue to operate, isn't it often a loss-making business. It's strange that it continues to operate."

Li Yun didn't answer Liu Yanli, and little Su Li poked her head out, ignorant, and also didn't understand Uncle Song's behavior.

"This is a kind of belief, which is passed on from the previous generation to the previous generation, and then passed on to this generation from the previous generation, and this generation will eventually pass on the belief to the next generation, and pass it on from generation to generation. Pass on the faith."

Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli mysteriously and said.

"This is a reincarnation."

The little beggar who had just been beaten did not exchange cheap things like small pieces of paper for buns like other children, but stood beside him, motionless, drooling while looking at the buns, tempted by the smell of the buns and did not come forward Go to get the buns, obviously there are a lot of waste products around.

I don't know if I can sell these scraps for fifty cents
Li Yun looked at the little beggar, handed her the steamed stuffed bun he hadn't eaten, and said with a smile, "Eat it."

The little beggar looked at Li Yun, his indifferent eyes moved slightly, hesitated for a while, and took the bun, but didn't say anything.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry, it's not poisonous," Li Yun said.

"Eh, okay." Finally, the little beggar summoned up his courage and wolfed down the bun, licking up the last bit of oil and water.

"If it's you, I'm afraid you can buy the buns from this bun shop at a very low price like them. A piece of paper is not difficult." Liu Yanli looked at the thin little beggar puzzled.

This little beggar is very thin. Even among those little beggars, he is also a very thin one. It is impossible to tell that she is actually a girl. Apart from blood stains, there are many old scars on her face. A little beggar who has seen many battles.
The little beggar hesitated for a moment, then said.

"Uncle is already very difficult. I can't increase his burden. He is a good person, and good people should be rewarded. If I go to ask for buns like them, this is the evil reward of a good person. There are no good people in the world. More, less will be miserable..."

For this reason, the little beggar swallowed his saliva and his stomach growled, thinking that he would starve to death.
"Well, if I really want to die of starvation, I have to go eat some food. There's no other way." The little beggar muttered.

"By the way, uncle, you are also a good person. Give me steamed buns. I hope you will be rewarded for being a good person. I wish you success in your career and good luck. You can eat chicken every night."

After sincerely wishing Li Yun, the little beggar held his shriveled stomach, waved his hands handsomely, and wanted to leave here. From time to time, he would look back at the delicious steamed stuffed bun shop with a reluctant expression on his face.

Li Yun looked at the back of the little beggar as he left, and then at the sneaking time, smoking a small cigarette, and finally started to beat the dough, preparing to sell the buns for the afternoon.

From kneading the noodles, filling the stuffing, to steaming and adding water, Uncle Song did it all by himself. Liu Yanli, who was next to her, felt extremely tired.

Uncle Song is already old and lacks strength...

Liu Yanli looked at the way Li Yun looked at the little beggar, then at Uncle Song, and said wittily.

"Old Li, do you want that little beggar to inherit his mantle? Be the shopkeeper of this shop? Be the next victim?"

"It's not inheriting Uncle Song's mantle. It's inheriting Yang Yiqing's mantle. Also, don't use the word victim so harshly. If you use our Taoist language, it should belong to martyrs."

Li Yun said with a smile, and came in front of Uncle Song.

"Hey, you haven't left yet." Uncle Song looked at Li Yun without any surprises and said, "Sorry, there are no more buns left. If you can wait, I can."

"There won't be anyone coming in a while now, don't you think so? Want to follow up and see that little girl who has been watching you from afar but doesn't want to get close? You are also very curious about her Bar."

Li Yun smiled and walked towards the little beggar without urging Uncle Song to follow.

Uncle Song hesitated for a moment, put down the cigarette butt, and muttered.

"Forget it. It's okay to be lazy sometimes."

The little beggar returned to the bottom of his own overpass, holding a dilapidated bear doll in his hand, and just stood there blankly, his brows and expressions were dull, without any emotion at all.

The little beggars who came back together ate the buns happily, but she was the only one who was hungry and gurgling.

These little beggars gathered together and also excluded her, and the beggars who did not want to receive alms with them were isolated.

"Xiaoqing, why...why don't you go to Uncle's to get some steamed stuffed buns to eat, you will starve to death, and you will be a ghost if you can survive just by eating those leftovers." A skinny beggar with messy hair next to him Walking over, he tore half of the bun in his hand and gave it to her, saying, "I'll give you half."

Xiaoqing swallowed her saliva looking at the half of the steamed buns exuding fragrance, and finally resisted the temptation of the steamed buns, shook her head forcefully and said, "I'm not hungry, you can eat, you're not hungry, don't worry about me , I ate some leftovers, and I’m still hungry.”

When facing the little beggar, Xiaoqing's face softened a bit, not as indifferent as before facing the adult beggar.

"Cut, I knew you were spoiled and spoiled before and couldn't get used to the buns that us poor people eat." The skinny beggar didn't say much, and ate the remaining half of the buns.

Xiaoqing turned pale and thin beggar's face, and said, "If I'm really pampered, do I still need to eat leftovers?"

"Then why don't you eat uncle's steamed stuffed buns, uncle's steamed stuffed buns are [-] times better than garbage." The skinny beggar muttered.

"People, you can't always live by pity, especially by the pity of a good-hearted person. The price of buns is already very low. It's okay once, but if you go too much, it will become a burden for him." Xiaoqing said.

The skinny beggar is ignorant. He doesn't know whether it is right or wrong. He only knows that there are cheap and delicious buns in Yijie Baozi Shop, which can keep him alive
"But he looks happy."

"Yeah, I'm very happy because he is willing. He likes to do this kind of thing. If he likes it, it doesn't mean it won't cause burden and trouble to him, you know." Xiao Qing patted the little beggar on the shoulder with a resigned expression.

"You know a lot, Miss Qing"

"Of course, before my parents ran away because of debts, I was in elementary school anyway, and I still understand these principles." Xiaoqing was a little hungry, and pulled out the grass next to her to eat. Said: "Maybe the boss doesn't want my buns worth a dollar. But I just feel that people always don't respond to charity."

When Xiaoqing was grazing, suddenly a group of old beggars came and surrounded Xiaoqing.

When the old beggar approached, the skinny beggar shrank behind Xiao Qing in fear, and Xiao Qing also protected the skinny beggar.

"You, you little bastard who just came to my territory to make trouble, now I have a chance to make amends for you." While eating a steaming steamed bun, the old beggar coldly put down a piece of paper and said, "Go I heard that he would sell cheap buns to those little beggars every day when he came back from buying buns from Yijie Steamed Bun Shop. Tsk tsk, this man is a piece of trash, he sold cheap buns to those little bastards, but not cheap to us."

The old beggar swallowed the bun viciously, and behind him was a little beggar who had been robbed of the bun, trembling, but he was trembling and didn't dare to resist, so he could only cry and wipe his tears.

Xiaoqing was silent for a moment, this is the world of homeless people, the world of beggars, living at the lowest level, but here, it is also the embodiment of the laws of nature, without any supervision, it is a naked predator of the weak, little beggars have no way to resist the old beggars , the buns can only be snatched away.

Those little beggars who ate the buns early were okay, but those who were reluctant to eat the buns and brought them back to keep them, or distributed them to their parents were not so lucky.

"Don't say that Uncle Song is trash." Xiaoqing, who didn't have any resistance or words when she was beaten by the old beggar, said stubbornly: "Uncle Song, you are a thousand, ten thousand, one billion times stronger than you! No, you don't deserve to be with Song at all!" Uncle."

"You little bastard, you're good enough." The old beggar pushed Xiaoqing to the ground with a look of disdain, her thin body staggered, but this time she looked up at the old beggar very stubbornly.

This time Xiaoqing didn't accept her fate, but rushed forward like crazy, and pushed the old beggar to the ground instead.

"Apologize to Uncle Song!"

"Sorry NM, he's a piece of trash, hypocritical trash, it's not fair to give you little trash buns, but not us old trash!"

The old beggar was an adult after all, and quickly suppressed the thin Xiaoqing. Finally, the old beggar looked at Xiaoqing and said, "MD, I didn't realize that, you are still a woman, since you are a woman."

Xiaoqing didn't resist, and she didn't have the strength to resist. It was enough to resist once.

For the sake of the longing figure in my heart, it is enough to resist.
"I clearly agreed to protect myself wisely, and I will not resist no matter how I am treated, as long as I live, hehe, what a fool, what's the point of living for this kind of person." Xiaoqing laughed at herself and closed her eyes.

Just when the old beggar was about to put his bold idea into practice, a long voice came.

"Be a sheep for ten days. During these ten days, I hope you can repent and be a new man. If you don't want to repent, you will only be a sheep forever."

Xiaoqing found that the old beggar who overthrew her was no longer an old beggar, but an alpaca.
(End of this chapter)

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