Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 560, he is not

Chapter 560, he is not
Uncle Song took Xiaoqing back to Yijie Baozi Shop. The bun shop is on the third floor. After taking Xiaoqing back to the second floor, he began to clean up in vain.

After asking the widowed old aunt next door to wash Xiaoqing thoroughly from the beginning to the end, she came out. For this, the old aunt put in a lot of effort, and in the end all she wanted was Uncle Song's praise.

And Uncle Song did not know where to get a few worn-out but starched white shirts. There was a slight musty smell on them, but it was not very strong. I don't care, the clothes are much cleaner than the clothes on my body.

Xiao Qing, who had been completely washed for nothing, was quite beautiful, but it was a pity that the scars on her face ruined this beauty.

Facing Uncle Song, Xiaoqing was a little shy, not knowing what to do next.

"Baozi, some people think that the most important thing is the noodles, and some people think that the most important thing is the stuffing, but I think the most important thing is the noodles." Uncle Song rolled up his sleeves, looked at the big ball of noodles in front of him, calmly Said: "Only the best noodles can make the stuffing taste to the extreme, and only the best dough is qualified to wrap the best stuffing."

Xiaoqing was ignorantly learning to make dough by the side. She was clumsy and didn't have the smooth flow of Uncle Song. Plus, as a child, it was difficult to persist in the physical work of making dough.
But Xiaoqing didn't say a word, even if she was hungry, she insisted on making noodles.
After stumbling, a ball of reconciled noodles came out, which was incomparable to Uncle Song's, but it was the noodles that could be used to make steamed stuffed buns.

"Very good, the next thing is to make the stuffing and the soup"

Under the leadership of Uncle Song, a cage of meat buns was baked just like that. From kneading the dough to stuffing, it was all done by Xiaoqing.

There is no good-looking shape, even a little crooked, but from the smell, this is the real meat bun.

Xiao Qing's saliva was about to flow down when she saw this basket of steamed stuffed buns.
Uncle Song grinned, patted Xiaoqing on the shoulder and said.

"This is labor. You can get something through your own efforts. At the same time, you can also decide how to spend these buns."

Looking at the steaming steamed stuffed bun in front of her, Xiao Qing's face was a little dull, and she finally bit down hard without hesitation.

This bun is very fragrant
There is no way to compare it with Uncle Song's buns, but the buns made by myself always have an inexplicable taste.

"This child, she is very similar to me. She is not ordinary. Whether it is experience or temperament, she is carved out of the same mold as me." Uncle Song looked at Li Yun curiously while smoking a cigarette and said, "You As if you know everything, let me follow that child, let me find her, let me teach her how to make buns."

Li Yun ate the steamed stuffed bun with a happy face. He definitely wouldn’t say that the [marginal line] on his head was so shiny that it blinded a dog’s eyes. He wished he could put a black eye patch on his Tianmu to save himself from being stabbed. It’s just that said with a smile.

"You are destined, and if you are destined, you will be connected. This is a reincarnation and an inheritance."

"Well, this is a heritage. Once upon a time, I was like her, a little homeless man with no parents who could only survive on the rubbish on the side of the road. At that time, I was thinking every day, Why do I live in this world, and why am I the only one who is so unfortunate that I have to encounter this kind of thing.” Uncle Song put down his cigarette butt and said with a smile, “Until I met the owner of this steamed stuffed bun shop, he sold the cheapest steamed stuffed buns to Xiao Beggars, we only need to pay a little bit of paper. Oh, no, it was not paper at that time, and we could use the grass we dug at that time. The boss wanted us to feel that it was obtained by [labor]. the taste of life, rather than relying on begging for a living"

"I did this for the first time, until I saw him, as the owner of the bun shop, eating steamed buns and cold water every night, I changed my mind, I can't let such a good person suffer."

Uncle Song's thoughts went back to the past, and finally put out the fireworks
"In the end, you became that person, the one who sold the cheap buns while eating steamed buns and drinking cold water." Liu Yanli said from the side, with four big meat buns beside her.
Li Yun felt that Liu Yanli didn't have any integrity at all. From the current point of view, she didn't plan to pay at all. After all, this was Xiaoqing's trial work.

Uncle Song didn't care about this either, and said with a smile, "Yes, I have become such a person, like Mr. Yang. How should I put it, we are just doing what we can."

Just like the firewood, pass on the kindness to Uncle Song, and Uncle Song will pass on the kindness to Xiaoqing, until one day, Xiaoqing will pass on this goodwill to the next generation
Hearing this, Liu Yanli seemed to have sensed something, and said, "By the way, Boss Song, can you let us meet that old man Yang?"

Liu Yanli felt that this Yang Laoba was the Yang Yiqing she was looking for, the person Xie Sujie had been waiting for for nearly a hundred years.

"Are you here to look for Mr. Yang? I didn't expect that someone would look for him." Uncle Song was a little surprised, but he still said: "You can look for him if you want, he may be basking in the sun on the balcony on the third floor."

Liu Yanli stopped eating steamed stuffed buns, and in a hurry wanted to go up to the third floor and drag the old man out.

Li Yun smiled at the side without saying a word, and continued to eat the delicious meat bun in his hand.

To this, Uncle Song didn't immediately refuse, but said: "I'm quite curious, why are you looking for him, he's just an old man with nothing but know how to make steamed stuffed buns, well, he's also a little demented."

It may be a little uncomfortable to say this, but Uncle Song knows that there will not be so many people who will remember Mr. Yang's kindness and come to thank him.

"I'm looking for him because I want to take him to meet someone, someone who has been waiting for him for nearly a hundred years. Really, after so many years, I don't even have any news. I didn't expect that he was hiding here to sell buns."

Liu Yanli was agitated, and hurriedly walked towards the third floor, leaving only Uncle Song with a dazed expression beside her.

Just as Uncle Song was about to catch up and say something, the door was opened.

The clean and tidy third floor is often cleaned by people. There are not many things, only some herbs and some old things. The side is full of old sundries, big and small, but these sundries are placed very well. Neatly, there is the sound of a radio next to it.

On the nearby chair, an old man was quietly listening to the drama on the radio.
When she saw the old man in front of her, Liu Yanli was stunned instantly
Not Yang Yiqing?
(End of this chapter)

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