Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 561, Huangliang 1 Dream

Chapter 561, A Dream of Huang Liang

Don't say they look like descendants, there is no similarity at all, except for the surname Yang, which may be exactly the same.

Accompanied by the dramatic sound of the radio, Mr. Yang was humming opera beside him. Although he was a little dazed, he still loved opera so much that he could still hum opera with his current appearance.

"You are not Yang Yiqing's kid, nor are you his descendants. Could it be that the Great Immortal has made a mistake? No, the Great Immortal will also make mistakes?" When the signboard of Jie Baozi was named, I already thought that this one must be stable, but I didn't expect that it was not only unstable, but also made a big oolong.
"Uncomfortable shiitake mushrooms"

At this time, Uncle Song chased after him, looked at Liu Yanli out of breath, and muttered: "Oh, I'll go, I didn't see it, you little girl can run faster than me, I have been doing it all year round. I'm physically active, or I'm really old"

Although Liu Yanli was a little happy about being called a little girl, but now is not the time to be happy about such trivial things.

"You said you were looking for someone who has been waiting for nearly a hundred years. But the old man is only 70 years old this year. If you say that it is okay to be 70 years old for nearly a hundred years, but my intuition tells me that Mr. Yang is not the person you are looking for. "Uncle Song poured out a glass of water from the kettle next to him, and after taking a sip of cool water, his whole body felt comfortable.

In the end, Liu Yanli could only sit on the floor next to her with a deeply shocked face, and she didn't dislike the fact that the floor was a bit dirty, but she was a little annoyed and said: "How should I say, if the person I want to find is not found , Maybe it’s already dead or maybe um, maybe it’s been a long time, but I’m always a little unwilling to find him. My best friend has been waiting for him for so many years, and there’s no news at all. It’s like the world has evaporated. , and there is no news at all, really, at least tell us, or leave some souvenirs."

Uncle Song finally sat down on the chair before slowing down, smiling and shaking his head.

"There is no perfection in life. It is life with regrets. I have been single for so many years, and I have never even held a woman's hand."

"Okay, after ten years from Xiaoqing, how old are you? It's such a good time. You are old and frail, and she is in the blooming season. You are really a match made in heaven." Liu Yanli looked lazy. , said without hesitation, and opened the refrigerator next to him, wanting to see if there is any cold beer in it to relieve his sorrow.

"Cough cough."

Uncle Song spewed out old water. As the current owner of the bun shop, he almost choked to death in his own home. It was really impossible to guard against.
At this time, Uncle Song didn't dare to talk anymore, he faintly felt that the girl in front of him was even more immoral and unrestrained than he imagined.

Downstairs, Xiao Qing, who had been working hard to make noodles, also followed, and Li Yun, who was eating steamed buns, followed.

"Well, this steamed stuffed bun has improved a lot. It's not bad. It's far from the craftsmanship of Pindao, but the taste is enough if it's just for sale."

After being praised, Xiaoqing was a little embarrassed, but she still accepted the compliment with a blushing face.

"I've heard from Miss Hanxiang and that Chazi named Bai that even dogs dislike what you cook and eat, yet you have the nerve to say that the difference is far? It must be because your buns are far from hers," Liu Yanli said. Looking at Li Yun's face in shock, without any flamboyant face, how shameless it is to say such a high-sounding word, it is a fight with himself.

Li Yun was still calm, with neither joy nor sadness on his face, he led Xiaoqing here, and pointed at Old Yang.

"Uncle Song's inheritance is his ideal."

Xiaoqing was a little restrained at first, but when she saw the kind and peaceful face of Mr. Yang, she couldn't help but look closer.

Wrinkles can kill people, and there are not many emotions on the old face. It may only be a simple little happiness.
This little happiness may be obtained from the radio, or it may be obtained from other places, but Xiaoqing thinks that he is very happy now, but he can't tell the reason for his happiness.

Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, then approached Mr. Yang.

"Is that the old man?"

The faces of the two are also not clean, but one is a scar, and the other is a trace of vicissitudes honed over the years
After Xiaoqing approached, Mr. Yang, who only responded to the radio at first, smiled happily, like a child.

Uncle Song next to him said in a daze: "Well, it's strange that the old man would respond to things other than the radio. Could it be the instinct of love for granddaughters when people grow old?"

It makes sense for Uncle Song to think about it carefully. After all, as soon as a person gets old, he wants to have a grandson.

Liu Yanli stared at Elder Yang quietly, and said leisurely: "As the saying goes, a virgin is as obvious as the ice floe on a cola. I saw it clearly at the first sight. Boss Song, you are a virgin." .”

Uncle Song: "."

"So what do you want to express." Uncle Song felt that it was a miracle that the beautiful little girl in front of him was not beaten to death at such a big age.

"So, my eyesight is very good, and the situation in front of me is also obvious. The way he looks at Xiaoqing is [-]% not looking at his daughter." Liu Yanli rubbed her chin, a little hesitant, but in the end Said: "It's like looking at your mother, yes Xiaoqing is like looking at your son."

Uncle Song was a little confused. Looking at Xiaoqing and Old Yang, the eyes of the two had indeed changed. An irrepressible emotion, an emotion from the soul.
At this time, Li Yun stood up and put Xiaoqing's hand on Old Yang's.

The old palms and some young palms are connected together.
"Do you still remember what Pindao said before?" Li Yun smiled slightly and looked at Liu Yanli.

Liu Yanli was a little dazed, she didn't know what she was referring to, but then she seemed to think of something, and said with some hesitation.

"You said. It's inheritance, reincarnation?"

"That's right, this is a story of inheritance and reincarnation, from the first person to the second person, the second to the third, the third to the fourth, and then the fourth to pass it on." come back."

Li Yun smiled, and the power that belonged to the myriad phenomena poured out.

Together with the chains of the Nie Jingtai, explore the memory deep in Xiaoqing's heart
Xiaoqing had a dream, a long, long dream, as long as life.
The empty mountain is a dream, the yellow beams are short
A person's life, in a dream, is like a moment.

Soon, Xiaoqing woke up and saw familiar people around her.

"You seemed to have fallen asleep just now, but you seemed to have woken up again." Liu Yanli looked at Xiaoqing suspiciously.

Xiaoqing just wiped her eyes, and muttered, "Maybe it's because I haven't slept much recently, and I have to go out to look for food at night."

Speaking of this, even Liu Yanli felt a little sad. She also remembered that when she was the poorest, she went to the kitchen of the rich family to find fish to eat at night, and then the big black dog who guarded the door bit them. When the rich man found out, he was so pitiful that he dumped the blame for stealing food on the black dog. In the end, the rich man actually believed it.

"Well, there will never be such a life in the future. There will be a poorer life waiting for you in the future. Like this bald virgin, you will give everything for other people's lives, and then you will be poor @#¥%...& amp;amp;amp;amp;*O."

Li Yun manually silenced Liu Yanli before she could finish her sentence, and Bai Zhe's delicate and reliable arms were intimate with her mouth to release her - almost suffocating her to death.

"Please don't pay attention to the negative energy conveyed by this guy, just pass her off like a fart." Li Yun's heart fluctuated greatly, and he couldn't complain about Liu Yanli's behavior.

Xiaoqing didn't seem to care, just wiped her eyes and smiled.

"It's okay. I always feel happy doing this. I did the same thing in my dream just now. In fact, it's good to spend my life like this. I like it."

So far, for the first time, Xiaoqing has shown the most sincere smile. The scars on her face and other things are all covered by this smile. Looking at such a smile, even Liu Yanli, who is as low as the lower limit, is embarrassed to say goodbye. Spread negative energy.

Uncle Song next to him said curiously: "You said you were dreaming just now, what kind of dream did you have, can you share it with me, Uncle?"

Xiaoqing was a little embarrassed, but said it anyway.

"It's not a dream. In the dream, I was an orphan. My life was similar to my current life, but I was adopted by a big brother. That big brother taught me to read and write, and taught me to make steamed buns, especially steamed stuffed buns. People from all over the world like it."

As the story gradually deepened, Xiaoqing's expression changed, which gave both Uncle Song and Liu Yanli the illusion that the little girl in front of her was no longer a young girl when she was telling a story, but a woman who had gone through vicissitudes. people.

However, this was just an illusion, and soon Xiaoqing's temperament returned to its previous appearance.

"He not only taught me, but also taught others. By the way, he opened an orphanage, and there were many children of my age, but in the end, those children left for various reasons. , I was the only one still staying in that orphanage, and later even the uncle who taught me how to write and make buns left the orphanage.”

What Xiaoqing said was impressive, and Uncle Song couldn't help being attracted, and couldn't help saying, "Why did that uncle leave the orphanage?"

At this time Xiaoqing thought for a while, and said in a somewhat jerky tone: "I don't know what he meant, it seems to be saying [China's rise and fall, everyone is responsible], it seems that some foreigners invaded our country The country, and then the teacher went to be a soldier, to fight those people and those hateful invaders."

Liu Yanli also vaguely guessed which period of history those hateful invaders were talking about. It was the darkest era since the founding of New China, and it was also an era in which heroes emerged in large numbers.

In that era, some people threw their heads and some shed their blood, in order to defend the motherland and this beloved land.

"This dream seems to be quite real. Do you know what happened in that era?" Uncle Song couldn't help but said, as if he had really experienced it, what happened during the Anti-Japanese War.

Xiaoqing shook her head, and only said that it was something she experienced in her dream. As for what she experienced and what era she experienced, she didn't know anything, even the concept of the Anti-Japanese War period.

Only Liu Yanli could faintly hear something, heard something familiar to her, and said nervously: "Later, later, where did your old wet go, did you come back, and where is it now?"

Liu Yanli grabbed Xiao Qing's shoulders and shook them, looking at Liu Yanli whose face was getting more and more ferocious, Xiao Qing was a little scared, and was so frightened that she couldn't speak for a while.

Li Yun calmed down Liu Yanli with a little meditation
"Don't panic, let Xiaoqing finish."

"Sorry, some of my chickens moved." Liu Yanli apologized.

Li Yun always felt that there was something in Liu Yanli's words. If she changed her gender, it would be sexual harassment, and it was still the kind that started three years ago.

Liu Yanli met Li Yun's eyes, and added: "By the way, I absolutely didn't mean anything just now. I used the word excited to refer to it as a chicken, absolutely nothing."

"You have spoken out your bold thoughts." Li Yun held his forehead with one hand and said speechlessly.

"Blame me."

Seeing Li Yun and Liu Mengli's relaxed communication, Xiaoqing's mood eased a little.

Uncle Song was very curious about the follow-up of this matter, so he couldn't help but said.

"Later, what happened, where did that person go..."

This story seemed to have magic power, which attracted Uncle Song to listen to it.

"Later, I opened a steamed stuffed bun shop in the original orphanage. I used the name of the teacher, and the name on the envelope that the teacher never forgot. The name of this steamed stuffed bun shop is Yijie Baozi Shop, and Uncle, your steamed stuffed bun shop has exactly the same name."

"Yeah, it's exactly the same, the name," Uncle Song nodded.

Xiao Qing continued to talk on her own.

"Later, I met a kid who was watching me selling steamed buns at the door, neither stealing nor buying, just watching, and then I took pity on him and adopted him, just like what the teacher did to me Similarly, he taught me to read and write, taught me the principles of life, and taught me how to make buns. I also taught that child to read and write, taught him to make buns, taught him the principles of life, and finally raised him to inherit my bun shop. "

At this time, Xiaoqing's memory seemed to be a little fuzzy, and she finally said in an uncertain tone.

"I named him Yang Qingyi to commemorate my teacher. In my dream, my teacher's name was Yang Yiqing."

Uncle Song was stunned for a while.
Elder Yang's name is Yang Qingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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