Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 562, the initial point of the chapter

Chapter 562, the initial point of reincarnation

"Isn't Yang Qingyi such a coincidence?" Uncle Song looked at Mr. Yang in astonishment, combined with the nostalgic attitude deep in Mr. Yang's eyes.

Looking at Uncle Song's expression, Xiaoqing thought she might have said something wrong, and hesitated, "Uncle, it was just a dream, and it didn't really happen. It's just that the dream was a bit long."

"No, this is really too coincidental. The dreams you had and the things that Mr. Yang experienced are too similar. He was also adopted by a woman, but when I came, that woman had already passed away. At most, I just listened to what Elder Yang said, about his past, the past of living with that woman, for Elder Yang, that woman is like a mother." Uncle Song said.

Hearing this, Liu Yanli, who was eating melons, couldn't help asking.

"By the way, you haven't said what happened to the old wet who adopted you and taught you. He went to join the army to kill the enemy, and he should come back later."

Xiao Qing recalled it for a while, and finally shook her head and said, "I don't know. In the dream, the man who taught me everything never came back. I don't even have a shadow. I don't know where he is."

At this time, Liu Yanli could only focus on Li Yun. If even Xiaoqing didn't know about it, then there was only one person most likely to know about it.

Li Yun, who was smiling at the side, did not answer immediately, but instead asked Liu Yanli: "What kind of thing is war to you?"

"War." Liu Yanli thought for a while, and said, "It seems that there is no concept. When wars happen, I hide as far away as possible. Especially in the era of hot wars, I can't stand the smell of gunpowder. When I smell that The smell makes me dizzy."

There is nothing unexpected about Li Yun. If this mermaid girl throws her head and blood when a war breaks out, she will probably be gank the next day.
"War is very cruel, especially when our revolutionary martyrs fought against the invaders at that time. It was not like in the drama, where you can dodge bullets by turning over with your left hand and right hand. Instead, you use your body, your body, to block the gun. If you get hit by a stray bullet, you will die, if you get hit by a shell, you will die, if you are attacked on the march, you will die, you will starve to death, you will die by burning, you will die by bombing, you will be killed, and you will die in many cases.”

Li Yun calmly told about the cruelty of war, Liu Yanli was a little uncomfortable, had a little idea about war, and if he was not careful, he would die.
"Yes, Yang Yiqing, he died, he died on the chaotic battlefield, became one of the martyrs, and gave his life to defend his family and country. This is the cruelty of war. On the battlefield, no one will It doesn't matter whether you have an agreement with your childhood sweetheart in your hometown, and no one will care if you go back to your hometown to get married after this match." Li Yun said without any concealment: "There, there is only blood and blood, blood and tears fighting , either you die or I die on the battlefield."

At this time, Liu Yanli didn't have any rebuttal, or it was expected.

Surviving on the battlefield, and still living until now, to become a centenarian, this difficulty is no longer at the level of the sky, maybe Liu Mengli just wanted to find a reason for herself to live, to find something that she could experience in the long years It's just time.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yanli said, "You seem to know that Yang Yiqing is dead, why did you bring me here just to see what Yang Yiqing left behind? Well, in fact, what he left behind is still there. It's quite meaningful, at least he passed down his will after he died."

Yijie Steamed Bun Shop started to pass on the goodwill a hundred years ago, passed it on to the present, and returned to the little girl in front of her. Liu Yanli also gradually understood that what Li Yun said was a story about reincarnation and inheritance. Qing's kindness was passed on to Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang passed it on to Uncle Song, and Uncle Song passed it on to Xiaoqing
At this time, Yang Qingyi, who was lying on the old man's chair, moved suddenly and stretched out his arms. Xiaoqing also subconsciously moved up and hugged the old man Yang Qingyi.

At first glance, they looked like grandparents and grandchildren, but upon closer inspection, they seemed to be mother and son.

Even Uncle Song felt that the impact of air gave him some hallucinations.
It's just that this delusion soon passed, and now Xiaoqing is holding Elder Yang in the attitude of a younger generation taking care of her elders, and the motherhood in the depths of her eyes has completely dissipated.

A white edge line that only Li Yun could see was completely broken, and replaced by another white line, which completely belonged to Xiao Qing, and had nothing to do with anyone else, no longer the relationship with old Yang's adoptive mother, It is a thread re-established with Xiaoqing's relationship.

"Why don't I take my grandfather out to bask in the sun, it's not a problem to stay at home every day." Xiaoqing suggested.

In this regard, Uncle Song is happy to see the success. In the past, he wanted to open a shop to make steamed buns, and the time he could push the old man out to play was usually at night. Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have a free helper who can take him to the sun during the day?
After some discussion, Xiaoqing pushed Elder Yang's wheelchair to bask in the sun. Her thin and petite body had a little strength, and she didn't have any difficulty pushing the wheelchair.

Elder Yang in the wheelchair just laughed, very happy, even happier than after hearing his favorite drama.
After Uncle Song carried the wheelchair and Mr. Yang to the first floor, he came up again and let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, this thing is really not ordinary. Is it considered that I have encountered something uplifting?" Uncle Song smiled bitterly. There are relationships.

"Perhaps there is something that makes you stand up even more." Li Yun looked at Uncle Song with a half-smile.

"Is there something more uplifting? What, do you want me to go to hell or something?" Uncle Song felt a little creepy, and he was a little uneasy seeing Li Yun's smile. He didn't believe in weird things before. What happened today seems a bit mystical
Li Yun just took out the hairpin from Qiankun in his sleeve, the hairpin that was broken long ago and could no longer be broken.

It's cheap but well preserved. The hairpin carrying Xie Sujie's wish may be sold as an antique in a few years. From the way Liu Yanli looked at the hairpin, Li Yun felt that it was a hairpin. Definitely had a similar thought.
At this moment, Li Yun looked at Uncle Song and said seriously.

"Pindao said before that this is inheritance and also reincarnation"

(End of this chapter)

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