Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 563, old photos

Chapter 563, old photos

"Big Brother, can you do this question?" Yang Chun looked at Bai Chen who was thinking with a speechless expression.
White-haired, handsome, with a charming and elegant demeanor like a villain, Bai Chen was facing the elementary school math problem in front of him, bewildered and at a loss.

Facing Yang Chun's vaguely contemptuous eyes, Bai Chen smiled proudly, shook his hem, his white hair fluttered without wind, and said calmly, "No."

"Fuck, you're still such a dick. If you do this, won't you be a dick? Who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru?" Yang Chun looked at Bai Chen who was smiling proudly with a cold face, and felt that the man in front of him might be It is a person who is lower than the lower limit of his teacher.

In the end, Yang Chun couldn't bear it anymore, and still complained: "Don't you have a lower limit?"

Bai Chen continued to smile proudly: "Do you know the man who went out with your teacher? He is the one who has the most limitless. He will unscrupulously make people speechless, unscrupulously deprive others of their hobbies, and unscrupulously attack Lori." , and even unscrupulously attacking animals, this is simply a collection of humanoid self-propelled scum, for such a person, I think my lower limit is no match for him."

Yang Chun was stunned for a moment by this unexplained sharp talk, and then he said subconsciously.

"I don't believe it, he seems to be more reliable than you, at least he won't be stumped by this math problem."

"Tsk, it's just a math problem, your vision is too small. If you think about how many demons and ghosts I killed back then, it can be compared with a math problem. You are like those people who only stare at my shortcomings. You're so stupid." Bai Chen dismissed this elementary school math problem, and didn't even bother to look at it.

"This question should be done like this." Hanxiang who was on the side smiled slightly, picked up a pencil, and scribbled and drew on the homework. Soon, this math problem that had been spent thinking and meditating for a long time was solved.

"These Olympiad questions are not what you primary school students should do. Really, your teacher is too anxious, let you learn these things." Hanxiang said helplessly.

Yang Chun looked at Han Xiang with a face of admiration
The proud expression on Bai Chen's face at the side finally changed slightly, and he said in amazement: "Why do you do it, shouldn't you be as non-human as I am? Why are you entangled in these mundane things."

"No, there are many books in the Taoist temple that Brother Yun used to study. I will take them out to read from time to time. Those textbooks are very interesting, and I can learn things that I didn't know before." Hanxiang was a little embarrassed As he spoke, he paused for the last moment, and added: "By the way, when you go to the Internet cafe to play games, I read those books and Taoist scriptures."

so dazzling.
going blind
obviously nothing
Bai Chen covered his eyes with his hands, resisting the inexplicable light emitted by Hanxiang, and at the same time felt an inexplicable sense of frustration towards himself.

Then Bai Chen comforted himself.

"Wait a minute. I'm a weapon. The vocation of a weapon is to kill people. It's useless for me to learn so many things. Yes, it's useless at all. She is dereliction of duty. As a mountain spirit, she actually went to learn those useless things. The thing, haha, hahaha, hahahaha"

Bai Chen's Ah Q-like laughter resounded throughout the orphanage, causing everyone to burst into laughter. For a while, the orphanage was filled with a happy atmosphere.

At the same time, this happy air also infected Xie Sujie, the director of the orphanage. At this moment, she was staring blankly at these orphans with a smile on her face.

Without hesitation, Hanxiang pushed Xie Sujie's wheelchair to the middle of the children. Surrounded by the children, the smile on Xie Sujie's face became even more exuberant.

"What kind of person is your dean, do you know her?" Han Xiang was suddenly curious about Xie Sujie, this centenarian who seemed to be dying, who had been running this orphanage for so many years.

Yang Chun put down his pen for writing math problems and said.

"Our dean, we started doing orphanage work a long, long, long time ago. Emmm, I don't know if it was earlier, it was all told by the teacher, but based on the teacher's experience, there must be a lot of processing place."

Regarding this, Bai Chen and Han Xiang could only complain silently in their hearts. This seemingly young teacher can actually be the grandmother of this very old-looking grandma Xie Sujie's grandma.
The person next to her, Xie Sujie, was lying quietly, as if she was sleeping, but also seemed to be awake, allowing Yang Chun to tell her life.

"Dean, she was originally the top singer of Tianhai Nightclub, but she was very popular at that time. Even warlords and military officers would specially come to listen to her songs and get drunk for her songs."

Yang Chun said: "At the beginning, there were many officers who wanted to have a good night with her. Yes, singing every night, what does singing every night mean? When I asked the teacher, she just smiled and said nothing. explain."

Fragrant: "."

Bai Chen: "."

"Is it really suitable for such a person to be a teacher?" Hanxiang complained a little, then looked at the pure Yang Chun and said, "The meaning of singing every night is to sing every night and be romantic all night." , is the wind that blows all night."

Yang Chun nodded, with a look of understanding, and said happily: "Then we all sing and sing together every night, and we have a good night, and we often sing and sing together."

Bai Chen looked at Hanxiang with a calm expression, his eyes seemed to be criticizing, seeming to be mocking, and also had a little sense of superiority.
Han Xiang rests her forehead with her hand, why does she have to know so much.
"Ahem, in short, these are some details. Don't worry about singing every night and having a good night. You will understand by then." Han Xiang simply and rudely skipped the question, and said: "Later, later how's it going."

"Well, let me think about it. Later, I was still singing. With the money I got from singing, I opened an orphanage in Tianhai to adopt those displaced children, just like us."

Yang Chun suddenly had an idea and said.

"By the way, there are still photos from back then."

Unambiguously, Yang Chun ran to the dining table and took out a dirty wooden box from the footrest under the dining table.

When I opened the wooden box, there were piles of photos and envelopes inside.

There are precious memories in the small box, but these precious memories are used as table mats. This style of behavior makes Hanxiang think of someone who also uses precious things as mats.
Well, maybe Bai Chen is not precious.
"Big sister, you must be wondering who used this box as a table step. That's right, it's her, our teacher, that creature without any lower limit."

Yang Chun is a little helpless, he already knows the level of his teacher very well, and now he doesn't take it seriously
Opening the wooden box, the photos inside were taken out one by one.

Photos with precious memories——

"These are photos of the dean back then, don't they look pretty?" Yang Chun introduced the dean proudly.

Bai Chen looked at these photos, the supporting roles on them were different, and they had group photos with many people, but the main character was Xie Sujie, a woman in a black cheongsam.

There is a black tear mole in the corner of the eye, and she is smiling all over the city. Bai Chen thinks that the woman in this photo is very beautiful, very beautiful, with a kind of caress unique to the secular world, but also with a gentleness beyond the object, eyes that can melt water , such as poetry, picturesque.

No matter who the photo is taken with, whether it is a warlord, an adult, or a scholar, the protagonist of this photo is Xie Sujie herself, a woman who looks soft and weak, but exudes a strong temperament.

"That's right. Although she's not the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, her aura is still attractive enough. It's understandable for those men to pounce on her." Bai Chen looked at Xie Sujie in the photo and said in admiration.

Finally, Yang Chun found a photo at the bottom of the box.

The same black and white, the same photo with others, but the protagonist is no longer Xie Sujie, standing next to this man, she is the supporting role.
This man has an ordinary appearance, an ordinary height, and an ordinary figure. He wears small glasses, a little shy, and a masculinity unique to young people.

"Well, my intuition tells me that these men are different from those cannon fodder." Bai Chen muttered.

"Well, I also heard from the teacher that she is a scum who abandons women, but I believe half of what the teacher says." Yang Chun shrugged and said, "I heard that they also met through the orphanage. Dean, at a reception, I met a young master who was teaching students in a remote mountain village. Oh yes, back then, this young master was still cleaning the toilets to maintain the expenses of the orphanage he opened, so he happened to meet the dean .”

At this time, Yang Chun paused, and then said with a confused expression: "emmm, I think what the teacher said at the time, oh yes, the teacher said at the time, the dean back then, because this person opened up Open your heart, have a romantic night with this master, and sing songs every night"

"Stop, stop, this can be skipped, it can be skipped, it doesn't need to be so detailed." Han Xiang coughed and interrupted.

Hanxiang looked at this photo, felt that there was something different, picked it up and stroked it, and finally found that there were some bulges in this photo
With a click, a letter fell out. It was an envelope that had been worn out for a long time. The characters were still in traditional Chinese characters. Although they were blurred, they were clearly readable.

"My intuition tells me that this is a love letter, and it has the unique smell of a love letter." Bai Chen spread out the love letter curiously, and Han Xiang next to him wanted to stop Bai Chen from peeping at other people's privacy, but Xiao Little curiosity still got the upper hand, and he was a step slower, allowing Bai Chen to open the envelope.

Even Yang Chun has a little bit of interest in this love letter
"A beautiful woman is hard to abandon, and she will live in peace forever, but bandits enter the country, the country rises and falls, everyone is responsible, the blood is still there, and the desire to serve the country faithfully."

"Therefore, I make this oath. When the sun and the moon are shining high, under the peach blossom tree, I promise you a lifetime of marriage—"

"wait for me."

Yang Yiqing, stay——

The handwriting is beautiful and neat, full of passion and tenderness, which made Yang Chun stunned and Han Xiang felt touched. Only Bai Chen looked at the letter with disdain.

"Your teacher is right, this is a scum. A real scum."

"But he... this love writing is very good, I'm a little moved." Yang Chun blushed.

"No matter how good the love letter is, it can't change the fact that he is a scum. The war he participated in, the war of defending the country, the war where he will throw his head and blood if he is not careful, is not a play. You think you can survive What are the chances of getting down? They are all the chosen ones." Bai Chen turned his head and said with disdain: "I'm afraid he thought he was the chosen one and could survive the battlefield, thinking too much Now, such a mortal is born every moment and dies every moment, at home, where, or in the hospital, what guarantees he can come home from the battlefield and make such an oath Making people wait, wasting youth and wasting life is really ridiculous."

This time, even Hanxiang felt that Bai Chen's words were reasonable. Having experienced many times, she knew the cruelty of war, ten deaths for one life, knowing that ten deaths and no life are commonplace.
The air was suddenly embarrassingly quiet, and it was scary to turn the pale face into black, especially for the children.

At this time, Xie Sujie who was next to her broke the awkward and quiet atmosphere, babbling, and moved her hand towards the letter.

The letter is old, but the words on it are not credible, at least Hanxiang thinks it is not for Xie Sujie.
Without hesitation, Hanxiang put the envelope in Xie Sujie's hand.

After tearing off the envelope, Xie Sujie just held it lightly, and she could laugh for a whole day, a month, a year, and a lifetime
Neither Bai Chen nor Han Xiang wanted to disturb Xie Sujie's peace and happiness at this moment.

"Tsk tsk, I always feel an illusion. As long as I hold this letter, she is not the haggard old man, but the singer who fascinates all living beings, or only when she is in front of someone." Bai Shen tut said.

At this moment, Hanxiang suddenly sensed Li Yun's telepathy message, paused for a moment, then nodded and said.


Han Xiang suddenly rolled up her sleeves, put her hands on her hips, and said to the people around her.

"Girls stay and help, boys go out first"

"Why?" Yang Chun asked puzzled.

"Well, there is something to do. Just now, senior brother told me to help the old dean change his clothes. Although I don't know why, but I listened to senior brother." Han Xiang rolled up his sleeves, ready to get started, and urged the men to go out.

Bai Chen was very witty, and swept all these brats out, only Yang Chun was still stunned in place.

"Huh? Why don't you go out." Hanxiang asked doubtfully.

Yang Chun suddenly said awkwardly, but was speechless again.
Finally, he mustered up his courage and said.

"Actually, don't look at me like this"

"Actually, I'm a girl."

Fragrant: "."

Can't really tell if it's good or not.
(End of this chapter)

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