Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 564, Ode to You 1 Song of Evening Primrose

Chapter 564, Ode to You with a Song of Evening Primrose
At this moment, the bald Uncle Song changed his previous rude appearance, and saluted Li Yun solemnly.

"Thank you Daoist for your kindness and virtue, I will never forget it."

"He..." Liu Yanli looked at the completely different Uncle Song in front of her with a look of astonishment. The change was so great that it was impossible to guard against. Just now he was a rough uncle, but now he has become like a scholar.
But soon, this temperament was completely integrated, one side was a scholar, and the other side was a bald middle-aged uncle. Liu Yanli felt that the sense of disobedience exploded even more.

Uncle Song in front of him was also slightly taken aback when he saw Liu Yanli, and then he said in relief.

"Miss Yiqing remembers, at that time you often came to find Xiaojie to eat and drink, once you got drunk and went crazy, and ate one of Mr Kong's fennel beans, which made him cry at that time, and"

"Ahem, I know, I know, I know it's you." Liu Yanli casually skipped the unbearable memory at that time, and at the same time said in shock: "I didn't expect it was really you, Yang Yiqing. Whatever you want, you hang up and cast it and then cast it back."

Liu Yanli finally accepted the fact that the oily man in front of him who was full of disobedience was the one Xie Sujie was waiting for.
At this moment, Liu Yanli quietly asked from the side: "What is this? Spiritualism? It attaches Yang Yiqing who is underground to him. Wow, this trick is really powerful."

"No, it's not the soul, nor anyone else, it's Uncle Song himself, everything that was erased in front of Naihe Bridge, just let him reappear for a short time, he is him, Uncle Song with just an extra memory, The extra one belongs to Uncle Song in the scholar's memory, that's all."

Li Yun looked at Uncle Song in front of him indifferently, and then looked at the Faxiang behind him. With the help of the Donghuang Bell, in this land, he extracted the memories belonging to Yang Yiqing, who was like-minded with Dean Xie Sujie.

Li Yun knew that when the body is gone, the soul is also there, and the resonance between soul and soul, even after nearly a hundred years, Xie Sujie has not forgotten, nor has Uncle Song's soul.

"It belongs to his own destiny, the fate he made himself, because it made him return to this place, and continue to complete the unfinished karma of his past and present lives." Li Yun said with a smile: "This is the fate he made himself, and it is also his own destiny." The final cause and effect of the decision"

"I'm sorry for her. I never thought that it would be so bloody on a cruel battlefield. I was still too young at the time, and I didn't understand what war is. However, I don't regret going to war." Uncle Song said calmly at the end Said: "I don't regret donating my young body for my country and my land"

In the end, Liu Yanli leaned on Li Yun cautiously and said.

"Will he still be like this in the future? Then we are equivalent to getting rid of Uncle Song, should we destroy the evidence and burn this place, anyway."

Li Yun and Su Li had a good understanding, they leaped out of their arms and hugged their faces without saying a word, the big fluffy tail riding on their faces made this disharmonious factor shut up immediately.

At this time, Li Yun just said seriously.

"Pindao just let him have this dream. After tonight, this dream will wake up, and you will no longer exist. Have you thought about what you should do?"

"Well, think about it, what I should do most"

Uncle Song and Yang Yiqing smiled in relief.

"I often help the dean take care of clothes and go to the bathroom, including feeding me, otherwise you think I am the king of children, those guys are convinced by me, the teacher is not reliable at all, either drinking or playing games Give us a lot of homework while we sleep." Yang Chun raised his face, full of pride.

Hanxiang gave a thumbs up silently, this is a really good boy.

The two washed and changed Xie Sujie's clothes. Although she couldn't move, with the help of Hanxiang and Yang Chun, she quickly got used to it and began to cooperate with the two of them to change the clothes.

"Evening Fragrance, I will sing for you."

A hoarse voice came out of Xie Sujie's mouth. The singing voice was no longer pleasant, but the dry voice was still touching.

Wash, take a shower, dress, and take out the cheongsam that has been dusty in the closet for a long time.

The black cheongsam was well preserved, unlike the photo in the box, it was not used as a support table or a rag.

"My intuition tells me that this cheongsam was not made into a discordant item only because the material of this item is not suitable for making a rag." Han Xiang complained silently.

Yang Chun did not refute
"I think so too. For a person like a teacher, when he sees useful things that don't cost money, [-]% of them will directly use them for recycling."

The two of them thoroughly inspected the cheongsam to see if there was any damage, and who knows if it will be recycled.

"No problem. Let's dress the old dean."

Han Xiang and Yang Chun put on a cheongsam for Dean Xie Sujie, and the bright red cheongsam was worn on this aging body.

It can be said that the cheongsam is very out of tune on the old dean. The body shrinks due to age, and it is a bit weird to wear a cheongsam.

After putting on the cheongsam, Xie Sujie's complexion changed slightly. Touching the cheongsam, she subconsciously began to sing and dance, but due to physical reasons, she could no longer dance and could only sway slightly on the spot.

"Why did that uncle ask the dean to wear a cheongsam?" Yang Chun then asked his own question.

"Because, at the most important moment in your life, you have to use the most beautiful posture to deal with it. Besides, he is a big brother, not an uncle, and he is just a big boy."

Hanxiang pushed the wheelchair, and pushed Xie Sujie to the yard. Under the strong willow tree, catkins were flying and dancing, and the whole person was enveloped in the fluttering catkins.

Spring is here, and it's the season again.

"Let's go." Han Xiang took Yang Chun's hand and left the yard, Nuo Da's yard, under Nuo Da's willow tree, only the old dean in a wheelchair was left.

The old dean sang songs in a daze, singing lyrics that even the current self didn't understand.

Not long after, a figure appeared not far away.
That figure is completely different from the person in the impression.

Seeing that figure, Xie Sujie smiled.

Smile very happily.
[The south wind brings coolness, and the nightingale's cry is sad,]

【The flowers under the moon are all dreaming, only the evening scent, exuding its fragrance,】

【I love the vastness of the night, and I also love the singing of the nightingale,】

[Love the flower-like dream more, embrace and kiss the evening primrose,]

【Evenorum, I sing for you, Evening primrose, I think for you,】

【Ah... I sing for you, I think for you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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