Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 565, only this dream, unwilling to wake up

Chapter 565, only this dream, unwilling to wake up
The portal made by the Kunlun mirror brought Liu Yanli and Uncle Song back to this small city.

"This is my hometown at the time. When I was working hard in Tianhai, I was thinking about when I could go back to my hometown." Uncle Song looked at the strange and familiar environment around him, took a deep breath, and said in a tone full of nostalgia: " Later, after I met Su Jie, I was thinking that after this battle, I would go back to my hometown and marry Su Jie. Thinking of this, I knew that there was nothing to be afraid of, and the haze brought about by the war had all disappeared."

"Why are you so proficient in setting up this flag?"

Li Yun's desire to complain about Uncle Song is almost gushing out. This standard flag posture can't be more standard. Before the war, the one who said that he went back to his hometown to get married was [-]% tragic. For example, the guy in front of him is not That is, with flags stuck all over his body, he received a lunch box on the battlefield the next day, and it was impossible to guard against.

"If you didn't say those words, maybe you wouldn't have died. According to the modern saying, you are self-inflicted." Liu Yanli also complained about Uncle Song's skillful flag position.

Uncle Song didn't know what a flag was, so he just shook his head and said, "I'm just expressing my thoughts. After all, this is my promise to her, and it's also my wish."

Once the century-old wish is realized, Uncle Song is also a little nervous.

The closer he got to the orphanage, the heavier Uncle Song's body became. When he got close, he even had difficulty walking, but he still supported his body with a smile on his face.

Liu Yanli next to him saw something wrong with Uncle Song's face, and said, "Is this guy okay, why does he look like he's going to die. Well, although he is a dead person to begin with."

"The weight of the soul, when it is close to the things in the heart, the soul will become heavier and heavier. This is a weight that the body cannot bear. What has been bearing it all the time belongs to Yang Yiqing's soul. In other words, it is the soul of Yang Yiqing. I like to wait for people to be nervous, and operate normally, don’t worry.” Li Yun turned to look at Uncle Song and said, “But if you can’t bear this weight, the poor will let you die on the spot, without leaving any worries, and you will also die Treat this night as a night of dreams, you won’t remember anything, even if you may have some headaches the next day, anyway, this can be regarded as the fulfillment of your wish, isn’t it?”

Li Yun looked eager to try, he really wanted to try the feeling of making people die on the spot
Uncle Song shuddered, and his intuition told him that Li Yun would really do it if he agreed.

"No, I think I can bear it, it's nothing. I'm already, I have nothing to fear, nothing to lose, it belongs to my Yang Yiqing's last wish, I can do it myself!"

Uncle Song, who was carrying Yang Yiqing, finally stepped into the orphanage, his steps became heavier and his will became firmer.

No matter how heavy the weight of the soul is, it is not as heavy as the nearly hundred years that a young girl waits until her hair turns white.

Finally, Uncle Song saw her, Yang Yiqing saw Xie Sujie.

Relying weakly under the willow tree, the old figure resting quietly.

Blue and white night, the bright moon hangs high in the sky, there is a slight breeze under the willow trees, and the fallen leaves are fluttering, as usual.

The moment he saw Xie Sujie, the weight from his soul disappeared, replaced by an incomparably light step.

Uncle Song, who was slightly fat and greasy, walked towards the centenarian Xie Sujie with a tender face.

Although already demented, Xie Sujie still felt who this person came.
Finally at this moment, he regained his senses.

Xie Sujie slowly opened her eyes, trying not to let the tears blur, she looked at the middle-aged greasy-headed uncle in front of her and said.

"You came too slowly. So slow that I forgot how long I had been waiting."

"Sorry, I came too late. I kept you waiting, but I've always wanted to come here." Uncle Song came under the willow tree with an apologetic face, and said with a smile: "No, so many years have passed , you are still so beautiful."

"Hehe, you have a sweet mouth. It's exactly the same as before, and you will use some sweet words to deceive me. Really, I will do this if anyone tells me to. I am willing to be deceived by you, a stinky scholar."

Under the darkness of night, the environment has been distorted and changed. The person wearing the cheongsam is no longer the old man, but a charming girl with a black tear mole in the corner of her eye.

The charming girl leaned helplessly beside the willow tree, looking at the person in front of her tenderly, her long hair fluttering in the wind, she was so beautiful.

The greasy old man also disappeared, replaced by a handsome young man in a Chinese tunic suit and rimless glasses, as usual, without any change
"I'm a little tired."

"Me too, let me take a break. After singing for so many years, let me take a rest." Xie Sujie smiled with half-closed eyes.

Yang Yiqing silently walked to the side of the willow tree and hugged her body.

"Very light, exactly the same as before."

"Remember what you said before you left, before the next night, you married me with hair, will you regret it today, seeing me like this, old and ugly, and wrinkled , I can’t even see my eyes. Well, I can’t see it anymore, but even though I can’t see it anymore, I still know that it’s you.” Xie Sujie joked with a grin, her pretty face and mole exudes full caressing.

Yang Yiqing said with a smile.

"Of course I haven't forgotten. Tonight, you and I will marry each other, and the world will be a mirror. If you don't change your mind, you will be a member of my Yang family tonight."

Yang Yiqing silently arranged Xie Sujie's hair into a beautiful bun, and took out the hairpin, the only gift given to her, and it was also the last gift. I bought it with three months' salary at that time, but I didn't feel very distressed. Obviously, I would feel distressed when I bought a steamed stuffed bun to improve my food.

In the end, I pinned the somewhat tattered and old hairpin on Xie Sujie's black and beautiful hair, and the soft fragrance wafted out along with the smell of time.

Wearing a cheongsam, like a wedding dress
Xie Sujie smiled, very brightly.

"It's enough to be your wife for just one night tonight. I'm very happy."

Under the darkness of night, the two embraced each other and possessed each other.

The wish I once promised under the moonlight.
Yang Yiqing looked at the full moon and murmured.

"I hope that the moon will never sink tonight. It's just a beautiful dream, I don't want to wake up"

"It's just a beautiful dream, it's great not wanting to wake up, at the end of the end, it can be real."

Xie Sujie closed her eyes and leaned on Yang Yiqing's body, as if falling asleep.

This closing of eyes is forever.
 PS: I recommend a recently watched anime called "Gintama". You don't need to read the main story, just watch the daily and short stories.

(End of this chapter)

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