Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 566, Inheritance of Goodness

Chapter 566, Inheritance of Goodness

Uncle Song slowly opened his eyes, looked at the familiar environment around him, his own home, the second floor of the bun shop like a kennel, rubbed his head and said.

"I'm so sleepy. Huh? Did I miss something important? I always feel like I've forgotten a lot of things. Did I drink too much yesterday? Damn, I wouldn't drink so much if I knew it mmp"

At this time, there was a rustling sound. Uncle Song looked over and saw Xiaoqing who was drying clothes on the balcony. Some of these clothes belonged to Mr. Yang, and some belonged to Uncle Song himself, especially the one that had been worn for N years. bear panties
"Uh, I can do these things." Uncle Song felt a little embarrassed to let this kid do these things.

Xiaoqing just smiled and said: "It's okay, I can do all these, uncle, you can just teach me how to make soup later."

"Not bad, a child can be taught, and he is easy to learn." Uncle Song yawned, got up and put on his clothes, and praised: "But you don't have to make buns all the time, you still have to go to school in the future, although I'm a bit old, but it's okay to start reading from the third grade of elementary school, your task now is to read those textbooks first."

When she saw these textbooks, Xiaoqing's face instantly turned gray. Like most elementary school students, when they saw these things, they would feel a sense of despair from the bottom of their hearts.
"By the way, what did I do yesterday? Why do I always feel like I forgot something yesterday, especially at night." Uncle Song changed his clothes and replaced them with a white apron, as well as a kitchen wet apron. hat and a mask, ready to start a new day, a new bun shop, then turned around and said: "I always feel like I care about what happened last night."

Xiao Qing said after a pause.

"Last night. It was the big brother who helped you back and said that you were out drinking and drinking, and it was all broken. By the way, the big sister also said that you drank her hundreds of dollars last night, saying Those steamed stuffed buns can be cleared, and next time I will eat steamed stuffed buns, it will be used to offset the cost of the wine owed."

"My intuition is telling me that the little girl is definitely lying. I don't believe a single punctuation mark in what she said." Uncle Song said subconsciously, then he was stunned again, and muttered: "Hey, it's strange, I shouldn't have met that little girl before. That's right, why do I instinctively think that she is a person who has no lower limit at all, absolutely unbelievable and strange, it's so strange."

"However, I think uncle may have been too happy to go out to drink last night. I still remember your expression when you came back. How should I describe it?" Xiaoqing was a little short of words. Primary school students, there is no way to describe Uncle Song's expression last night in words.

In the end, Xiao Qing could only speak in general terms.

"Anyway, it's right to be satisfied. It's like fulfilling a wish that hasn't been fulfilled for many years."

"A wish that has not been fulfilled for many years. Is it to ask for a daughter-in-law? Well, probably no one thinks of me, a poor and uneducated poor uncle." Uncle Song laughed at himself and didn't take it seriously. Putting your hands on your hips, no longer think about it, looked at Xiaoqing and smiled: "I won't talk about what happened yesterday. For us, tomorrow is the most important thing."

"You do your homework, I'll make steamed stuffed buns, that's the decision."

Xiaoqing continued to spread in the whirlpool of despair.
At the same time, there were other children walking in from the door, all of them with serious faces, only the leader Yang Chun had a relatively stable expression.

Uncle Song looked at the children suspiciously.

"These kids are"

"Oh, these children were brought here by the big brother, who said that these children can inherit will or something, so that the inheritance will no longer be reincarnated, but spread out to blossom and bear fruit, and pass on the belief of goodness to a higher and higher level. Far away" Xiaoqing repeated Li Yun's words, making Uncle Song even more stunned.

After a long time, Uncle Song smiled more happily than anyone else.

"That's a good relationship. I see your bones are amazing. Come and learn how to make buns with me."

I don't know why, when Uncle Song looked at these children, he always felt like he was looking at his own children, which was exactly the same as when he looked at Xiaoqing.

Regarding the inheritance of goodness, it will continue and bear fruit after all.
an hour ago -

"You said let us go to that uncle's place?" Yang Chun forcefully wiped away his tears, but he has not yet come out of the old dean's death.

"Well, you go to that uncle, that uncle will teach you the principles of life, that's right, it's not Liu Yanli's crooked principles, but the real principles." Li Yun patted Yang Chun on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Carry on well." Dean Xie's will will also pass on this kind belief, the world needs heroes."

The little chubby who had been silent next to him said weakly: "Isn't a hero...a big guy like Ultraman Tiga? How could we be heroes."

The orphans around him also think the same way, and those who can shoot down the monsters with light waves can be called heroes.

Li Yun looked at these people seriously and said.

"Kids, your thinking is totally wrong. Like the unattractive uncle yesterday, he is a real hero. He passed on the idea of ​​kindness to others. Some people are born because of it, and some people are full of life because of it. Hope, because of this, someone learns from him to pass on hope, so what is the difference between what he does and the Superman who puts waves in his hands? What they do are all the same.”

"If that's the case, I want to be a hero!"

"I want to be a hero too!"

"I want me too, I can't even protect my beloved, what kind of chef!"

After Li Yun successfully fooled him, he opened the Kunlun mirror, directly causing these children a great mental shock, but when he came back to his senses, he had disappeared, and what he saw in front of him was Yijie Steamed Bun Shop.

Everyone hesitated for a moment, stepping into the steamed stuffed bun shop, even if they just made a simple steamed stuffed bun, that would be a hero.

After seeing off the children, Li Yun came to the backyard of the orphanage. There was a small unnamed solitary grave with a simple wooden sign next to it, with the names of Xie Sujie and Yang Yiqing written on it.

The old dean's body, Yang Yiqing's soul.

"That's right. Little Su Jie finally fulfilled her wish before she died. It's really great. She can be buried with her beloved one. She must have had a good time in her life." Liu Yan Li looked very free and easy, with an expression of indifference, but in fact there were already piles of beer cans behind her.

Drinking away your sorrows and sorrows——

In fact, this is not parting sorrow, at least Liu Yanli thinks so, she thinks she should be happy.

Li Yun, on the other hand, silently recited the scriptures of the past life, translating the old dean who passed away, the singing girl who spanned centuries.

"What an ordinary and great woman, she spent her whole life waiting for someone, and spent her whole life fulfilling their ideals and careers at that time." Han Xiang looked at the small grave with emotion, clasped her palms together, Pray for her.

Even Bai Chen, who had never been serious, did not make sarcasm, but watched silently from the side.

Looking at her students, Liu Yanli smiled.

"By the way, shouldn't you be asking innocent questions like where the old dean has gone at this time? Why don't you seem to be sad at all?"

"Why should I be sad? No matter how loudly I cry, Dean, can she come back? Besides, when the old dean left, she still had a smile on her face. After fulfilling her wish for many years, it's too late for us juniors to be happy for her." Ah." Yang Chun said disapprovingly, and offered a stick of incense to the old dean.

The incense rises, and as the fireworks disperse, the souls of the dead float far away.

Yang Chun watched the ray of ghost leave without any fluctuation, and the orphans around him were also the same.

After Li Yun finished reciting the scriptures of Duhua, after burying the last thing, the hairpin, he slowly got up and came to Liu Yanli's side, looking at her with a serious expression.

"Why, I look pretty and want to [beep] me." Liu Yanli said lazily, twisting her slender waist flirtatiously, covered her face with her hair, and said with a charming smile: "How is it?" , Seeing the big beauty, is it ready to move, don't, don't be like that in front of her grave."

Li Yun: "."

The integrity value of this thing is roughly equal to no
Of course Li Yun wasn't in heat, he just pointed to Liu Yanli's shriveled chest with the Kongtong seal engraved with the Five Heavenly Emperors and said, "Do you know what this thing is?"

"This thing?" Liu Yanli hung up the Kongtong seal indifferently and said; "This is left to me by my mother. I told me at the time that it can be hung up or used as a table mat."

"As a table mat, you are actually being used as a table mat with this thing." Li Yun was unable to complain, the bad character of feelings is hereditary, and each one is worse than the other.

Liu Yanli still didn't take it seriously, and even played with the Kongtong seal in front of Li Yun, turning it around like a yo-yo, Li Yun didn't know that this thing had such an operation.

After sorting out his mood, Li Yun said solemnly.

"This is an artifact, one of the artifacts that have existed since the dawn of time, and the source of your immortality is amazing."

"I thought we were born like this, so it's because of this thing?" Liu Yanli looked at the yo-yo Kongtong Yin in front of her with a puzzled face, and happily played the yo-yo three times to the left and three times to the right, even if she knew It's a fetish and doesn't have any respect at all—it's not conscious anyway, so I'm afraid of it.

"So this is such a powerful table mat? It is very useful for pressing clothes. It is small in size and quite heavy." Liu Yanli has no real feeling for this thing. After wearing it for so many years, it is just a It's just a pendant with some small uses besides wear resistance.

"The Kongtong Seal of the Five Heavenly Emperors can bestow immortality on the mermaids. At the same time, it also has the basic power of a divine weapon. For example, like great luck, it can strengthen people's abilities, and they can also be born as they wish, and do what they wish. .” Li Yun looked at the small Kongtong seal, which also gave Li Yun a hint of response.

Unlike the Kunlun Mirror, this Kongtong seal doesn't even have the most basic consciousness, and can only give Li Yun a response that belongs to a divine weapon. The response means [I am a salted fish], which is probably derived from the basic consciousness to protect himself. consciousness
These artifacts have different ways of protecting themselves. The Kongtong seal is probably the most salty one Li Yun has ever seen. He doesn't intend to kill you, so why is he so nervous.

The Kongtong seal no longer exudes a faint fluorescent light, and continues to look like a small pendant of salted fish.

Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli, and said calmly, "Do you know how people around you evaluate you?"

"People around? I don't know."

Liu Yanli really doesn't know how the people around her evaluate her. She really doesn't care what others think of her. After wandering in the long river of time for so long, her attitude towards the people she cares about and the people she doesn't care about is that It's completely different. After all, most of them are passers-by at the flick of a finger, and they care so much to find guilt for themselves.

"Let me guess. Their evaluation of me is probably a beautiful and beautiful teacher? Young, beautiful, gentle and kind, who is the target of many older unmarried young men and young men who cast their magic at night? A proud goddess who can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with. ?”

Li Yun: "."

The air was suddenly quiet, and Li Yun didn't know how the girl's brain circuit was made, and what kind of strange brain hole connected him with the target of the older man and young man's spell.

"Their evaluation of you is probably a crazy female who talks nonsense every day, a female alcoholic who lives with an old man, and at the same time likes to be in debt when buying wine and drinking, sometimes you can bargain for half a day for a dollar, without any morals and morals. A sad creature with a lower limit." Li Yun stared at Liu Yanli and said.

Liu Yanli was stunned for a moment, she was already used to evaluations like the lower limit, but she didn't understand just living with an old man, she said in amazement: "Then what are you talking about those brats? Is it a ghost?"

"They are not ghosts, but if they stay by your side for a long time, they may really become ghosts. Your wish is to be able to live with a thin sense of existence. This is your subconscious wish and your living standard. There is nothing wrong with it , as a longevity species, if the sense of existence explodes, it will be dissected the next day." Li Yun looked at Liu Yanli seriously and said: "But, this Kongtong seal will also weaken the sense of existence of other people, such as Yang Chun, For example, the old dean. The old dean is okay, as an old man, the sense of existence is not strong, and this child has a low sense of existence. Once they are finalized, their future life will be like a real salted fish."

Liu Yanli was a little scared after thinking about it. It didn't sound like much at first, but if a person has a low sense of existence in society, he really can only be a salted fish for the rest of his life. Suddenly, an inexplicable frustration and bright sadness surged. Come to my mind, is it true that I can only be alone for the rest of my life?
Li Yun squinted his eyes and stared at Liu Yanli, at this moment Xiao Su Li's fox tail suddenly came out from Li Yun's skirt.

"If you continue to live a normal life in the future, it will definitely affect others. This is an inevitable thing."


(End of this chapter)

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