Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 572, I, an old dog

Chapter 572, I, an old dog
"How did you do this? Why did dad get lost?" Yan Xiao angrily scolded his brother, and the two took turns to take care of his father, but when his younger brother came to take care of him, he disappeared.

Faced with his brother's reprimand, Yan Hu had no room to refute, this time it was indeed his fault.

"I just squinted for a while, thinking that Dad should have no way to move around, the ghost knows he got out of bed and left."

Yan Xiao didn't want to refute now, it made some sense after thinking about it carefully, he also couldn't guess that an old man in his twilight years could get out of bed and still be missing.

"That. May I ask if Mr. Yan Fanghu is here?" Liu Yanli stepped forward and asked.

The two brothers were a little confused when they saw Liu Yanli, Yan Xiao asked suspiciously: "We are his children, what can you do with him?"

"Oh, I gave the dog back. What the fuck! Where's the dog? Where the hell is the dog!"

Liu Yanli was just about to say to return the old dog, but when she turned around, she saw that there was nothing on the rope, whether it was Ah Er or the old dog, they had all disappeared, the thief was clean, without leaving any traces.

Only Liu Yanli was left with a bewildered expression, at a loss, this rhythm is wrong, how did this dog slip away from the rope.
Liu Yanli hurriedly chased them out, Yan Hu and Yan Xiao didn't know what the woman in front of them was doing, was she here to play tricks, and they also remembered that they were going out to find their own father, and they came to their own car.

After the two arrived at the parking lot, Liu Yanli got into the Yan brothers' car with a familiar face, and said to the two brothers in a more familiar tone.

"Don't hesitate, get in the car."

As the sun sets, running on the street under the sun is a dying old dog and a husky. The husky slows down, waiting for the old dog to catch up slowly.

However, when the old dog followed, his old thinking gradually became clearer.

"I remember you. You are the dog that the old man fed last time and robbed me of food."

"Wang, don't care about these details, Wang Yi, why do I feel that my body has become so heavy." Ah Er wondered, "Why do I feel like I'm getting old?"

"I don't know. Speaking of which, why do you look exactly like me? I remember that you should have been a husky before." The old dog looked at Ah Er in front of him suspiciously.

Ah Er was stunned, why did his body become so heavy, so heavy, so...
When he was in front of the mirror in the roadside shop, Ah Er saw that he had turned into an old dog, and the old dog next to him had turned into himself.
"Woof, I became you, and you became me. Woah, shit! Why, why did I become like this! How did I change! What about the handsome me? The handsome me is gone!" Ah Er excited I want to roll over, but my old body can't even roll over, and walking is a problem. Thanks to the support of a young dog soul, I can still think.

"Well, I'm not used to it. I understand. Someone should have temporarily exchanged our two bodies with magic." The old dog licked his blue and white hair, looked at Ah Er wisely and said, " Rest assured, this is only temporary and it will return to normal after a while."

"How do you know? What does the technique mean? Ben Wang understands every word, but even together, Ben Wang doesn't understand."

Ah Er looked at the old dog in a daze, not knowing what to do.

The old dog with the body of the husky stared at Ah Er with unprecedented clear eyes and said.

"Of course I know."

I am a dog, an old dog. I am an old dog fostered by the master. What I like most is walking and playing ball. I have lived for many years, many, many years. My favorite thing is to be happy with the master. Even if he can't understand what I say, I still enjoy it.

I have learned a lot, such as CNM, such as NMB, such as a lot of languages ​​that I can understand, or I can't understand, such as the old iron double-click 666, such as my brother X in society.

Human language is difficult to learn for the current body. It took me a long time to learn some languages. I can't speak them, but I can understand them.

I don't know why I can understand human language, but I know that none of my companions can understand human language. I am special and I can understand it.

I. can understand, can understand my master.

I followed him for a long time, so long that I forgot a lot of things, I just remembered that I wanted to be with my master and live with him.

He took me for a walk, took me to run, gave me crunchy chicken, and gave me a lot of food that I had never heard of. To be honest, I really don’t like sweet tofu. The salty one is the best. I.

The salty tofu flower is really delicious.

Cilantro is so delicious.

The master who always feeds me sweet tofu brains is always talking about life and death. In fact, I understand it from the very beginning, and I understand it from the very beginning.

Why do I know this?
I seem to know, and I don't seem to know, all I know is that I will live longer than my master.

But the master always wants me to die early, after all, I have lived for 20 years, a 20-year-old dog, I heard that it has lived a long, long life, probably as long as the master lived in the human world .

Is it good to live so long?

Probably not good.
It wasn't until I got bigger and bigger that I thought more and more, the more I could think of memories that didn't belong to the old dog, and I could understand more and more things, from death to birth.

Before the master knew me, I lived for so long, living in a place far away from here, living a life where I would die if I was killed, and I would kill others.

In the end, I was tired of killing, and I didn't want to be killed. Later, I lived alone, but living alone was very tiring. I started to get married, I started to have children, and I started to make friends.

I am very happy. Whether it is getting married and having children, it is the happiest thing in my life. Two happy things overlap, and the happiness can be multiplied. However, why did it become like this?Why, it is obviously a very happy thing.
Yes, I live, they die, they are not killed, but they die when their lives come to an end. This is the rule of heaven, and it is also the rule of the world. There are probably no eternal creatures.

Even I can't, I just live longer, that's all
After that, I lived for a long time, so long that all the things around me had passed away, and I was still wandering in place. That kind of life is really too tiring, too tiring
When I died, I was killed by others. At the moment of being killed, I felt sincerely happy and relaxed. It was really great that I didn’t have to live with pain equal to the weight of happiness.

Who am I?

I am now a dog, a dog who wishes its master to die.

But I used to be not a dog
I am Ye Tianlong, I used to be a demon cultivator——

No, I am an old dog, just an ordinary old dog. I like the old dog waiting for the owner to call for dinner the most.

"Thanks to the great kindness of the Great Immortal, the old dog has no teeth to forget, if there is an afterlife, the old dog will repay it."

After recalling the past, the old dog respectfully bowed to the air in front of him to thank him.

There were some fluctuations in the air, and the Dharma image belonging to Li Yun appeared in the air for a moment, and then disappeared quickly.

The old dog used Ah Er's body to move forward. After moving for a while, he got used to this body. Ah Er was holding the old dog's body, unable to move in place, and could only fiddle with his hands and feet at most.

"Wow, this body. It's really worse than pooping all day. It's not handsome and woohoo"

"Sorry puppy, I borrowed your body temporarily. Just now your master told me that as compensation, I will treat you to delicious food tonight. Before that, please lend me this body."

The old dog bowed slightly to Ah Er, and tried to appease Ah Er with the condition that the mustache did not exist, but Er Er's Ah Er actually believed that, and now Ah Er only felt that this body was too heavy, for the originally happy For someone who is used to it, it is simply despair.

I can't run, I can't jump, I can't bite my tail, it feels really hopeless.

"Then come back quickly"

After the old dog took Ah Er's body to a big wooden box, he went to look for the man by himself.

Ah Er was carried into a wooden box and saw rows of ants moving in front of him.
Gradually, there was no fuss, and I concentrated on watching the ants move. In the past, I could watch the ants move all day long.

The old dog knew that that person would definitely appear in that place now.

"I just heard you say that the old dog is something. Could it be that you found the old dog? It's a shaggy dog ​​that looks old and is about to die, the one with some yellow and black." Yan Xiao asked suddenly .

"Well, the yellow and black mixed-haired dog looks very annoying, but I don't care too much about it when it is about to die. By the way, you are the old man's children, do you know what he has? Not where I usually go to.”

Liu Yanli asked the question naturally, Yan Hu and Yan Xiao who were beside him were also a little confused, they are obviously our father, why are you meddling.

However, Yan Hu didn't know why, so he said subconsciously: "His favorite thing is to go for a walk with the dog in the downtown park. He used to go there every day. He went with the old dog until he was hospitalized a few days ago. I will also walk the old dog."

But then Yan Hu thought for a while, and the old dog was not there, so it was impossible to go there, and it might be somewhere else.
At this moment, Liu Yanli interrupted her, saying in a deep voice.

"Well, it's probably there, your father is there, you can't be wrong."

"By the way, you haven't said what you are here for. What's the matter with our dad?" Yan Xiao reacted and was almost led by the nose. Why is the woman in front of him so skilled in getting on his car? The appearance of the deputy leading boss, why can he ask a stranger where his father is so easily.

Liu Yanli shrugged.

"How should I put it, the unscrupulous Taoist priest in charge of raising the old lady insisted that I let that old dog meet its owner"

In Central Park, an old man wearing a hospital gown appeared here, and he couldn't be said to be incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Yan Zhengnan held the radio and listened to the old opera with a contented look, with a happy expression on his face.

At this time, Yan Zhengnan was just walking on the road when someone recognized him. A young man walking in Thailand asked, "Old man? It's rare that you didn't bring your old dog out today."

"No, maybe he ran away, or he didn't know which way he died. It's good to die, it's good to die." When Yan Zhengnan said that the old dog died, his expression was so happy. The young man looked very uncomfortable, and there was no one talking about his pet's death.

After the corner of his mouth twitched for a moment, the young man greeted him symbolically, and then continued to walk Tairitian.

He muttered while walking Tai Ri Tian.

"Really, a weirdo."

Leaving in a hurry, Yan Zhengnan could also hear the faint murmurs left behind. For some reason, Yan Zhengnan felt that his stubborn illnesses over the years seemed to be healed. It's not a problem at all.

"Tsk, what a young man understands, I don't understand at all, what is the difference between life and death, cut, I will understand when I am old." Yan Zhengnan looked at the back of the young man indifferently, not caring what other people think .

Yan Zhengnan didn't feel tired no matter how he walked today, he just stopped at a small stool next to him and listened to the radio leisurely.

When the misty opera sound came, Yan Zhengnan remembered many things.
My friend, my wife.

"My wife, and you, wait for me, and I will accompany you after the old dog dies. Well, to be honest, the old dog must be too dead, after all, it is already so big It’s okay, it’s okay to die, it’s okay to die, maybe it’s because I was hit to death, hehe”

Yan Zhengnan, who laughed three times along with the opera, scared many people, especially the recent children. The parents hurriedly pulled the children away. In the end, only Yan Zhengnan and some wild cats were left in this area.

Several wild cats approached and meowed at Yan Zhengnan, wanting to beg for food.

Yan Zhengnan turned into his pocket helplessly. There was nothing in it except the radio, but his hands were free to tease the cat's chin.

The cats all squinted their eyes. For cats, being picked is as important as food——

"You guys are so nice, you don't have any worries, you can't do it like us, you have to curse others to die quickly, and you have to be old and immortal. This kind of life has a lot of things to carry. You guys, maybe the next day I was run over by a car, so I don’t have to worry about anything.”

The cats couldn't understand Yan Zhengnan's words, and they just enjoyed the teasing. However, soon, the group of cats who were sucked by the crowd ran away immediately after hearing a bark.
Yan Zhengnan looked up, but he smiled, very happily.

What is in front of me is not a familiar old dog, but a husky
Silly, stupid appearance, a standard husky, no matter what actions the husky looks stupid, it is not at all the same as that smart old dog.

However, when he saw the husky with its tongue sticking out in front of him, Yan Zhengnan said.

"Yo, old dog, you're not dead yet"

(End of this chapter)

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