Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 573, fewer and fewer people

Chapter 573, fewer and fewer people
The old dog holding Ah Er's body was wagging its tail, with no fluctuation in expression, so that the stupid dog temperament belonging to Ah Er was about to break through the sky.

Yan Zhengnan stared at the old dog and said.

"I can recognize your eyes even if you turn into ashes, even if you change your skin, I will still know it's you, tsk tsk, the ghost knows what you have gone through, and you turned into a husky. You have reached the sky in one step. A ten-dollar dog becomes a thousand-dollar dog."

"I'm sorry that I've been with you for 20 years as a ten-dollar dog, right? Also, a husky is not worth 1000 yuan. If you bought a 1000-yuan husky in a kennel, you must have been cheated."

The old dog complained silently, looked at Yan Zhengnan, and didn't bark indiscriminately, just stared at him and wagged his tail very quietly.

Yan Zhengnan also stared at the old dog, his eyes were also extremely quiet.

"By the way, why aren't you dead yet? I thought you were dead, and I was so happy just now. Who knew that you came back like this, which makes me very disappointed."

"Wang - how could I die, if you die, you will die first, old man." The old husky dog ​​said contemptuously.

"If you don't die, it will be very difficult for me. It's very difficult for me to survive until now. You have to be considerate and considerate of me. Just die obediently." Yan Zhengnan looked at the old dog with a straight face, With the feeling of wishing you to die quickly, the elementary school students passing by were almost scared to cry when they saw Yan Zhengnan's stern face, and hurried back to find their mother.

Only the old dog didn't move at all, and after a long time, he showed mocking eyes, his mouth was crooked, and he was [-]% in need of a beating.

Even old dogs have to admit that compared to crossbred dogs, huskies can express too many facial expressions, even mocking happy skin or other expressions can be directly expressed, and the effect is outstanding.

"Old guy, it seems that you died first, it seems that you are disappointed, hehehe."

"I always feel like you're laughing at me for not being able to control myself or something." Yan Zhengnan muttered, shook his head and stood up and said, "Forget it, it's just a dog, I don't believe you can live longer than me."

"A mere dog died later than you, isn't it disappointing? Old man, my life was extended today, and I will definitely live longer than you. I am not old."

As Yan Zhengnan stood up and was about to take a walk, the old dog stopped crouching and followed the old man for a walk.

Yan Zhengnan's pace was very slow, so slow that the old dog felt that it was like a turtle crawling, but the old dog didn't care. In the past, when he was a little milk dog, the old man was waiting for him like this, and it was the same From time to time, say something like you must die before me.

One person and one dog wandered slowly, walking along with the sound of opera on the radio that the old dog could not understand.

"Well, thinking about the past, my wife and those stinky old men who followed me, now we are the two old bones that are still struggling to support us. It's good that we don't have to watch people leave anymore."

The old dog thought, in the past, not only the old man walked with him.

At the beginning, there were a few old men and an old woman with gray heads, which became a scenic spot in the park. They were active in the park as the most united group of elderly gangsters in the park.

Five people, listening to the same opera, walking in the same park, everyone competes who walks the fastest and who walks the slowest.

Generally speaking, when walking in the park, the person who walks the slowest will [walk] the fastest. At that time, the old dog remembered that the old man was the one who walked the fastest, and he was not even as fast as him.
There are five people in the beginning.

Then there are four people left.

Then there were three people left.

In the end there were only two people left.

Until now there was only one person.

a dog.

Sure enough, the slowest person walking in the park was the fastest one, and all of them fell into the soil, even the one who walked at the very beginning, the old dog can't remember much by virtue of his mortal memory. It's clear, I just know that this theory is not wrong.

The old dog looked at the sky, wondering whether those people had reincarnated, whether they had gone to a good family, whether they were little bear children now, arguing with their parents, or still breastfeeding, the old dog was very curious.

"Old man, you are going to die, don't hold on so hard and take me for a walk, okay? You're looking back at the light now, do you understand the light, maybe you'll die in the next second, it's really gratifying, congratulations, gratifying Congratulations." The old dog came back to his senses and barked mockingly.

Yan Zhengnan didn't know whether he understood or not, he just said: "I don't know why, I feel very energetic today, an unprecedented spirit, how should I put it, it's like returning to the middle age."

"So this is a flashback, you are going to die, old man, you are going to die soon, you can't die anymore, goodbye, you'd better die on the spot, go to die, go to die, go to Die," the old dog cursed Yan Zhengnan silently.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, anyway, you will die before me, hahaha, or if you are already dead, let's reincarnate on this husky, then you are considered a dead dog now, right? I won." Yan Zhengnan laughed at the old dog while stroking its head.

The old dog's expression didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like he would die before the old man.

At this time, Yan Zhengnan bumped into the young man who was walking in Thailand just now. The young man didn't intend to say hello, but when he saw the husky in front of him, he said, "You changed a dog? Where did the old dog go?" Yes, this husky has a beautiful coat color, and it seems that the pedigree is quite pure, it must be a few thousand dollars more. Look, this stupid look, this husky is too pure, it’s all right.”

The young man remembered that the old man in front of him should be carrying a mutton dog, not the stupid looking husky in front of him. He thought maybe that old dog was really dead.

Even if a husky has a different soul, a husky is a husky, and a stupid appearance is the essence that cannot be changed
Faced with the young man's question, Yan Zhengnan said with a smile.

"Old dog? My old dog is here. There is no pure-blooded husky, it's just a mixed-haired old dog."

As the sun sets, it is the backs of Yan Zhengnan and the old dog who are gradually going away.
"The old man always hopes that the old dog will die first. In fact, he said so because he likes the old dog." Yan Xiao said while driving the car: "Sometimes, living too long is also a kind of torture. People are bound to bear the most pain, he has always hoped so, hoping that he will be the last one to leave."

"Now there is only one old man left among the same old people. Maybe you don't understand when you are young. Those of us who are old probably understand the old man's mood. It is better to bear the lonely things by ourselves." Yan Hu paused and said: "However, I am quite selfish. I think it is better to live as long as possible. I just want to live. Well, I may realize this truth when I am old."

Liu Yanli listened to the chatter of two middle-aged bald uncles. While playing with her mobile phone, she used the money she earned from selling tears to draw cards in the Krypton mobile game. She felt that she had a thorough understanding of life.

It is understandable how Yan Zhengnan feels, the one who survives to the end always bears the most - it's just that Liu Yanli feels that she has probably gotten used to it long ago and doesn't care.

"So, do you want the old dog to die first or Yan Zhengnan to die first? In fact, it doesn't make any difference if you die a second earlier or a second later. According to Wuliang Daxian, you should go to the Reincarnation Department to report earlier or later. It's just a difference, in fact, I don't think the difference is that great." Liu Yanli said lazily.

"How can you, a little girl, understand these things? Only those of us half-buried in the ground would think about these things." Yan Xiao found a parking space next to the park and was about to get out of the car to look for his father.

Regarding Yan Xiao's words, Liu Yanli just laughed without saying a word, and muttered that she was older than the two of you combined.
"The place where Dad is most likely to appear is there. I used to be the small river beach in the park that I used to like with my mother and uncle. There used to be a lot of old men fishing here. They also like to discuss Peking Opera, opera and so on. Well, now There are also many old men there, but the familiar old men are gradually disappearing, one by one, and I don’t know whether they have left this city or this world.”

Yan Hu didn't say it, in fact, most people probably died of old age, this is something that cannot be avoided.

The three of them came to the small river beach, not much different from usual, there were old people, some were fishing, and some were walking dogs and cats.

The most conspicuous of them is probably among these people, an old man in a hospital gown, and a blue and white husky beside him.

The husky silently stood beside the old man in hospital clothes. The old man sat on a small stool, enjoying the sunset in the afternoon.

the sun is almost down
"If people live too long, they will lose their thoughts. As for me, the last thought is you, so I hope you die quickly, so that I can die well, you old man Dog." Yan Zhengnan stroked the head of the old husky dog.

The old husky dog ​​didn't respond to Yan Zhengnan, but just stood by like a guard.

The revolving lantern of life flashed past Yan Zhengnan's eyes, and his ordinary life appeared in front of him.

Yan Zhengnan thought for a moment, when did he have such a family member around him.

Because of a whim, I bought an old dog on the side of the road, but this whim is 20 years old.

Sometimes Yan Zhengnan wondered, if he didn't buy this extremely long-lived old dog, would he be free of worries long ago.

Lost friends.

Lost his wife.

Lost brother.

lost peers.

Lost a lot.
"I don't want to lose even you, so let me go first." Yan Zhengnan hugged the old dog, as the sun gradually set, Husky also narrowed his eyes slightly.

In Yan Zhengnan's arms, the husky's vitality gradually weakened
In the end, the huskies lost their lives
"That's great. Sure enough, I won."

With the setting sun, Yan Zhengnan's aura was gradually dissipating, and he stopped breathing soon, and slept peacefully forever, with a smile on his lips at the end.

At least he was the last one to go.

After Yan Zhengnan closed his eyes forever, the old husky dog ​​slowly opened his eyes, licking Yan Zhengnan's chin, but the mocking expression on his face still didn't disappear, but became more vigorous.

"Damn old man, this time... I won."

The consciousness belonging to the old dog began to dissipate, replaced by Ah Er with stupid eyes.

Ah Er looked at the old man in front of him, confused and at a loss, but he still recognized it. This man was the old man who fed him a few years ago, a pair of Shuanghui ham sausages. Now Ah Er still remembered the taste.

Ah Er knew that the old man in front of him would never give him another Shuanghui ham sausage.

As the sun sets, the body of the old man and the shadow of the old dog disappear forever.

In the city center, in a small box that no one cares about, a mutton dog lay quietly in the cardboard box, its breathing gradually became weaker, and only the air was exhaled, not inhaled.

The old dog's eyes are blurred, and the boundary between reality and illusion begins to blur.
This feeling, the old dog knows, is the smell of death. He is about to die, and like his master, he has to lie down forever.

"It's great, this time I'm the last to leave, and I don't need people close to me to bear the pain of my death. I hope that I can meet you next time. I hope that I can be born as a human being. We can really have a drink and listen to our favorite operas." , find the prettiest girl."

The body of the old dog is really dead, the light rain is falling, no one will notice that there is an old dog with a dead body in the wilderness, there are countless dead wild dogs every day, no one will pay attention, this is waiting for the owner to leave him Going old dog again.

A phantom appeared, and Li Yun's figure appeared from the end of the alley, holding a plum blossom paper umbrella to support the old dog's body, squatting down and saying.

"Your wish has come true, let him go before you"

An ordinary collar appeared in Li Yun's hand.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task."

"Acquire: Tongxin Circle (for dogs only)"

"Tongxin Circle: Allows dog creatures to gain the ability to communicate, and can understand the language of creatures without any external force."

"Note: Please note that this is not a sex prop, please do not use it for humans (including but not limited to ghosts and fish), thank you for your cooperation"

"Is the item about ghosts and fish aimed at me?"

The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched, ghosts would be used by humans, and he put the collar that appeared in his hand back into his sleeve, and continued to focus his eyes on the old dog's corpse.

The old dog's soul appeared from the body of the mixed-haired dog. From Li Yun's point of view, the soul formed by the condensation of dots of green fluorescent light was no different from ordinary souls.

Looking at the old dog's soul, Li Yun said.

"Okay, now I can tell Pindao why you have memories of previous lives."

(End of this chapter)

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