Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 574, don't get lost

Chapter 574, don't get lost
Theoretically speaking, no matter whether the dog in front of me was a demon fairy, a barefoot fairy, or something like a gossip fairy in the previous life, in the second life, after entering reincarnation, all these will no longer exist, it will be another dog. Man, whose memory has been erased, is reborn as a man.

But the old dog in front of him knows everything, the things of his previous life, the things of his previous life, and the things of this life, except that he can't cultivate into a demon, the whole dog is a creature with enlightened intelligence.

Bai Chen popped up, looked at the old dog's soul and muttered.

"If you don't have a clear memory, you won't enter reincarnation. This is a rule that has existed from the past to the present. This dog now carries the memory of the previous life, which is obviously abnormal. It must not be like this from the beginning. It is likely to be affected by something the day after tomorrow. , revived the memory of the previous life, "

Soon, this white soul turned into a wisp of blue smoke, forming a human form. Only the body is human form, and the head is still a dog's head. This is a living kobold.

The kobold was also wearing a long gown that looked like a scholar. Li Yun was surprised that there was no sense of disobedience. This is the most coquettish.

The dog-headed scholar saluted Li Yun and Bai Chen, and said.

"I wasn't born with these things. It was when I was three years old. Because of some influence, these memories flooded into my mind. At first I didn't understand. Later, I realized that I am Ye Tianlong, the demon fairy. Ye Tianlong, I am still an old dog, I don't know where this memory came from, whether it was my previous life or this life, or it was because of the failure of being taken away by others, I don't know about these. I know who I am, and no matter what I was before, I have been the master's partner for 20 years."

The dog-headed scholar has unconditional trust in Li Yun, and he confessed all these words, which made Li Yun want to complain even more. This is another script. It is the rebirth of the strong. of hybrids.
Thanks to the special nature of this world, except for specific characters and specific magic tools, no creature can induce the effect of the spiritual sea, otherwise, it will really turn into a dog monster and run into the city, maybe there are already groups of dogs and concubines , there are tens of millions of puppies, it is not impossible for this world that has lost its miracle to become a world of dogs
Li Yun shook his head, throwing away these unrealistic ideas.

"Um, can you tell me where you lived, or what you were going through when you were that age."

The dog-headed scholar who is not bound by the body is very quick in thinking. Through his telepathy, he conveyed all the things that happened at the age of two to Li Yun's mind. From the first perspective, there is no misfortune throughout the day - including things like shit and eating shit It's all spread, and the smell can be smelled across the screen.

This memory caused a lot of mental damage to Li Yun. Brother Ji also tasted like chicken, and Master Bei could eat it anyway. This food is beyond the scope of Li Yun's comprehension. Maybe only Master Bei can understand it in the human world. Accepted.

After going through a period of spiritual tempering, Li Yun confirmed that the old dog spent all his time in the den and the park at that age. near that.
"Things that can evoke the memory of the previous life, and the mutual catalysis of the spiritual sea, I guess there must be goods nearby, so just go and have a look." Bai Chen shrugged and said.

In the end, the soul belonging to the old dog dissipated
"I hope you can become friends with him in your next life, true friends."

The rain is still falling, and the plum blossom umbrella is propped above the shaggy dog.

The corpse of the mixed-haired dog unexpectedly showed a smile.

The funeral is a very casual thing, at least for the two brothers of the Yan family, the inspection is random, the autopsy is random, everywhere is full of randomness, Liu Yanli can tell that the funeral is too simple and hasty , and strive to resolve it quickly.

Going away on her [-]th birthday, at least in the eyes of the two brothers, this is a proper joy and funeral.

"At that time, my father told us that the funeral should be simple. If we hold a grand funeral, will he be scolded by the underground." Yan Hu smiled wryly.

Even Liu Yanli got mixed into the queue for the funeral parlor - there was also a stupid husky.

Although the two brothers felt a little disobedient, they still let Liu Yanli in. After all, they had a heart, so they wouldn't make the sender seem so out of touch.

There are only two or three kittens in this funeral parlor. Firstly, relatives and friends are all out of town, and secondly, there are no other people of the same generation, so he is the only old man left here.

Simply push it into the incinerator, and what comes out is a simple jar of ashes.

"The old man actually died there, maybe it's quite lucky that he didn't die in the hospital." Yan Hu smoked a cigarette outside, with an indifferent expression on his face, but the corners of his eyes were actually red.

Even if you know that the old man in your family is dying, and you have already prepared in your heart, when the old man really leaves, no one will really be indifferent.

Even Yan Xiao, who has always maintained a cold and rigid image, burst into tears, missing every bit of his life.

Liu Yanli just hugged Ah Er and watched silently, Ah Er was unexpectedly aware of the surrounding atmosphere, she didn't run around, jump and roll, and she didn't bite anything.

At this time, Li Yun walked in from the gate of the funeral home, holding a cardboard box in his hand, and appeared in front of Yan Hu and Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao said directly after seeing Li Yun.

"Taoist? Uh, sorry, we don't do things."

Yan Hu also thought that Li Yun was here to sell Buddhist rituals, until he saw the old shaggy dog ​​with his eyes closed quietly in the cardboard box.

"This is the old dog of the old man's house. Pindao picked it up on the side of the road. Don't let it get lost when you keep pets in the future." Li Yun put down the cardboard box and said, "I will return it to you now, take care of it." Burial."

"Thank you."

Yan Xiao looked at the old dog's body in front of him, and remembered the time he had experienced together over the years, not only Yan Zhengnan had memories with it, but the two brothers also had memories of life with it.

For them, old dogs exist like family members.

The two bowed heavily to Li Yun at the same time, and at the same time put the box containing the old dog's body in the back of the van, lying with Yan Zhengnan's urn.

On the left is an urn, and on the right is a cardboard box, which looks like a brother.

Yan Hu couldn't help but suggest.

"Go back to your hometown and bury the old dog next to you."

Yan Xiao also nodded, patted the cardboard box and said, "Now, you won't get lost from home again, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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