Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 575, A Different Hospital

Chapter 575, A Different Hospital
"Hospitals have never been a good place, especially this kind of hospital, full of neurosis and neurosis and neurosis." Li Yun looked at the hospital in front of him seriously.

Bai Chen didn't follow, but chose to go back. As a weapon, he used the excuse that he was hungry and needed spiritual energy to replenish, but Li Yun knew what this guy was going to do Luke Antoun and something he couldn't understand. Anyway, this guy has become too addicted to online games recently.

But when it comes to coming to the hospital, it doesn't matter if Bai Chen follows or not, it's better if he doesn't come, who knows what fucking things this guy will do because of his lack of common sense.

Different from ordinary hospitals, the environment of this hospital is worse and more unique than other hospitals.

"You say it's full of mental illness, I understand." Liu Yanli nodded approvingly, then pointed at the signboard and complained: "Because this is really a mental hospital, full of all kinds of intermittent mental illnesses. Place, why did you bring me here, do you want to lock me in?"

The mottled walls covered with moss, the patients walking aimlessly, and the eerie environment, this is definitely the first crime scene in a horror movie
"Here is the place where the old dog lived when he was two years old, that is, the place where he opened his mind. Because at that time, the money was tight and he couldn't afford a house in a good location, so he could only live here until the two brothers got better financially. Buying a house outside, the old man and the dog don’t have to bear the mental pollution of the mentally ill, but if you think about it carefully, the difference between this mental hospital and an ordinary hospital is actually not that big, probably.”

When Li Yun stepped into this mental hospital, the mental patients around him didn't do anything to pollute people's minds. These people didn't even look as crazy as Liu Yanli from the outside.

"Are you scolding me?" Liu Yanli said abruptly.

"How do you know?" Li Yun said in astonishment, just now he blackmailed Liu Yanli in his heart, did he turn on his heart link?

"No, your eyes seem to be saying [The group of genuine psychos in front of me is not as crazy as the girl next to me]." Liu Yanli said with her eyes blank: "Your eyes are too clear, I am an upright person. Believe it all, you are the first one who can scold people with your eyes openly."

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders, remembering that the system said that he had a clear heart-everything was written on his face, not even someone as stupid as Liu Yanli could see it. . .
"You're scolding me again"

"Absolutely not." Li Yun said calmly with his hands behind his back: "Monks don't lie."

I'm not a monk--

Liu Yanli hesitated for a moment, thinking that it would be better to have more trust in Li Yun, after all, she was living in someone else's house.

As for the mental hospital, Li Yun has almost understood it from omnipotent. Those who can move around in the periphery are some relatively normal mental illnesses, that is, what is often called intermittent mental illness. Except for going crazy from time to time, other things are quite normal and belong to relatively normal mental illnesses. A safe patient, of course, compared with a real neuropathy, for ordinary people, he is a really dangerous person who will attack people at any time.

At the same time, the most distinctive feature of this mental hospital is the gloomy atmosphere created on purpose. Even Liu Yanli, who has experienced many battles, feels goosebumps all over her body and feels unbearably uncomfortable.

"Little brother, I've never seen you before. You're new here. Newcomers have to report to Dr. Wang." A refined old man in a blue and white hospital gown came out and said with a soft tone, He couldn't see anything wrong with him, and his attitude was more sincere than when Li Yun met Liu Yanli for the first time.

"But bro, I'm not a little brother, I'm a young lady, do you understand, a gentle and beautiful young lady with breasts and buttocks, why do you see me as a little brother, you mentally ill It's not serious, hurry up and go for deep electrotherapy." Liu Yanli immediately began to complain, and the elegant old man just smiled.

Li Yun thinks that this may also be caused by mental illness.

Then the elegant old man looked at Li Yun and said, "Little brother, you too, report to Dr. Wang as soon as possible, otherwise you will be scolded."

After speaking, the elegant old man continued to walk back and forth between the lawns, leisurely.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.
Liu Yanli broke the silence and said.

"It seems that he is not gender-neutral."

"Perhaps in his opinion, there is no difference between men and women. They are all called little brothers." Li Yun shrugged and said indifferently, until he was slapped in the face by the elegant old man. After the old man left, he went to talk to the little nurse. called 【Little Sister】
In other words, he really regarded Liu Yanli as a little brother.
"Don't take these details to heart. It's not good for your health to be entangled in these details. I'm sorry, I really endure it very hard." Li Yun had no expression on his face, he had to hold back and couldn't laugh.
"Come, come, sister, I'll show you a good baby." Liu Yanli stepped forward, picked up the brick, and when she wanted to do violence to this helpless patient, she was stopped by the little nurse next to her. up.

The little nurse looked at Liu Yanli and Li Yun, two outsiders, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Um, come to this place for a visit. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the humanities are intact. It is really a good place for those who are pure and pure like the poor." Li Yun said nonsense in a serious manner.

The little nurse looked at Li Yun suspiciously and said, "Really. Really? Is our mental hospital really that good?"

"That's natural. There are all kinds of people in a hundred kinds of rice, and there are all kinds of people in this place. Naturally, the poor can understand all kinds of truths here." Li Yun looked at the little nurse with a gentle smile and said nonsense.

The little nurse blushed a little, and her vigilance gradually disappeared. After all, this is only a mental hospital, not a lunatic asylum, even if it is a relatively special hospital.

"Then take your time and just pay attention to the patients. Don't provoke them."

The little nurse didn't care much, and continued to register and take care of other patients.

Li Yun and Liu Yanli walked in this mental hospital, looking at the patients around them, in fact, most of them are really no different from ordinary people. It seems that there is no difference.

Liu Yanli also forgot the annoyance of being called a little brother just now, and looked at the mental patient walking around and muttered.

"Old Li, do you think these mental patients are really mental patients? Why do they look so much more normal than normal people? Are there really so many intermittent mental illnesses?"

"There are many types of mental illness. Some are aggressive, some are non-aggressive, some are dangerous to others, and some are dangerous to yourself. There are many that you can't see at all when you are normal." Li Yun paused and said: " Oh, by the way, what you said is not impossible. Not long ago, Internet addiction was considered a mental illness. All these patients were dragged to Professor Yang to receive sophisticated treatment. But here comes the problem, love Is going online a mental illness?"

"Of course not." Liu Yanli's face was a little unnatural, and the Internet addicts themselves were shot.
"That's it. Some mental patients are brought in by their families, of course, and some are brought in by themselves." Li Yun said.

"Come in by yourself? Come to the mental hospital to play snake skin?"

"Well, it's just to play with snake skin."

Li Yun smiled without saying a word, and walked towards the mental hospital.

The Dharma image blessed by the Eastern Emperor Bell's spiritual sense is being sensed in the mental hospital. From the perspective of sensory search, the abnormal places here are all hidden.
Although the Faxiang couldn't sense it, Li Yun still knew that there was definitely something abnormal here, and maybe he could only check it when he was nearby, took back the Faxiang, and wandered around the mental hospital indifferently.

Compared with the intermittent or unable to hurt mental patients outside, the atmosphere inside this mental hospital is much more serious. Some patients are calm, while others are crying uncontrollably.

Looking at these patients, Li Yun whispered abruptly.

"Some mental illnesses, are they really illnesses?"

Although he has some conclusions, Li Yun still wants to know the system's views. After all, it is an alien species, so he must be more knowledgeable about these cognitions.

"Mental illness, in the words of your modern people, may be a mental illness, or it may be a brain disease." The system said: "For some mental illnesses, it may just be that they discovered something that they should not have discovered, or Sensitivity is affected In general, from our point of view, there is no such thing as a mental illness, there are just different people seeing different things, and even true madmen have reasons for being crazy.”

Li Yun listened to the system's words, and neither denied nor affirmed all of his words. As far as the current situation is concerned, there are still some mental illnesses. For example, people who hurt themselves or others for no reason are definitely mental illnesses. Alright, lock it up quickly.

"Let's walk into the inner world of the mentally ill." Liu Yanli looked at the mentally ill around him curiously: "I thought there would be a clown wearing a blue suit with a pale face and a big gash drawn with lipstick on the corner of his mouth." Woolen cloth."

"This is a mental hospital, not Arkham Asylum." Li Yun wondered if this guy had made a mistake.

At this time, while Li Yun was walking, bursts of shouting and cursing came from the next door, accompanied by the sound of a series of operations falling to the ground, which was clearly heard. It didn't sound like a mental illness, but it was actually more of a mental illness than a mental illness. .

It wasn't in the ward, but in a doctor's office. A fat aunt was rolling all over the floor, and an honest-looking doctor next to her was trying to persuade her, surrounded by relatives of the fat aunt.

"God damn it, my poor nephew, he just died in this hospital. Tell me, how will your hospital compensate me? Tell me, tell me! If you don't tell the truth today, I will let you no end"

The heart-piercing sound resounded throughout the hospital, accompanied by the voice of the fat aunt, and the cheers of relatives and friends beside her, the momentum and the sound made Li Yun's ears irritated.

Looking at the crying fat aunt, Liu Yanli couldn't help but complain.

"To be reasonable, it shouldn't be his mother who is crying the most at this time. Why does my nephew cry so badly when he dies?"

The leading doctor patiently said to the fat aunt: "Your nephew committed suicide. Before that, we didn't think that he would have the tendency to commit suicide. We will pay for the compensation, but it will have to wait Check the results first"

"Compensation? Your hospital calls this compensation? Is there such a compensation?" The fat aunt stood up excitedly and said, "You want to send us 5 yuan? What are you dreaming of? You won't give us one today." Confession, we are not finished with you!"

"That's right! This is a life! We have to pay 80 yuan for those who die in accidents while working on the construction site."

"Your hospital is only willing to pay [-], which is disgusting."

"At least 100 million is enough."

Dr. Wang Zhi was disturbed by the chattering voice, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to get mad. Looking at the menacing people around him, he knew that if he got mad, he would be beaten up [-]% of the time.

In the end, Dr. Wang Zhi could only continue to speak patiently.

"I can only say this. It is still under investigation. Please patiently wait for the family members of the patients. We will try our best to give you a satisfactory result. It is useless for you to make trouble here now. I have other patients to take care of."

Hearing Wang Zhi's evasion of the fat aunt, he became even more unhappy, and immediately started to roll and mess around on the floor. His fat body rolled around on the floor, and he didn't think the place was dirty.

A series of operations, Li Yun can be seen. I have never encountered it in the hospital so many times before, but I did not expect to encounter it in the mental hospital. This is definitely a medical trouble.
"Medical trouble, these relatives are really nothing, don't care about the unlucky ghost who died, they just open their mouths for money, they deserve to live poorer and poorer, if they don't have the ability to make money, they can rely on lies." Liu Yanli looked contemptuous looked at these people.

Li Yun did not deny Liu Yanli's statement. If the hospital is responsible, compensation is understandable, but this is not a reason to block the doctor and prevent him from visiting the doctor. People who are blocked are afraid to speak out. The emergency doctor in a big hospital is blocked like this, and it is possible that a life will be blocked.
"This layman, can you please let the doctor see the doctor first? The patient next to him and his family members have been waiting for a long time." Li Yun himself was blocked by these people, and he couldn't move forward if he wanted to.

The middle-aged man was quite upset when Li Yun asked him, he opened his mouth and said, "Who are you, don't beep beep, get away, don't delay our claim."

The mother who was leading the child with autism dared not speak out, and could only hug her child to prevent him from seeing this unsightly and dirty scene.

While squeezing in, a scene that made Li Yun even more shocked and angry happened. A man suddenly came over with a big sleeping bag on his back, and threw the corpse of the young man inside to the door. The corpse cries.

"You can also be considered relatives with this operation? Can you also seek justice for him?"

(End of this chapter)

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