Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 576, dog lung

Chapter 576, dog lung

"What are you? It's none of your business if we claim compensation for our family." The fat aunt saw Li Yun coming out to block the gun and quickly yelled: "Fake Taoist priests, why are you in a mental hospital? Are you mentally ill? I'm fucking @# $%."

"Pimpedao is just saying that you are desecrating the corpse of the deceased. Even if you don't allow the autopsy of the deceased, you should let him rest in the ground instead of holding the corpse of the deceased here for your own benefit." Li Yunyi Staring at these people solemnly, an inexplicable coercion gushed out from his eyes.

Facing Li Yun's eyes, these doctors and troublemakers felt a little uncomfortable and felt a little uncomfortable, but the fat lady who was the leader still looked at Li Yun with disgust.

Because of Li Yun's emergence, more and more people surrounded him. These people came to see a doctor, or brought their family members to see a doctor. They dared not speak out when blocked by this large group of people.

Now that Li Yun is in the lead, these people have a leader and start expressing their ideas, condemning one after another.

"That is, a large group of people are stuck here, and others don't need to see a doctor."

"It's really unqualified, it's disgusting"

"These people don't even have a basic conscience."

More and more voices of denunciation sounded out. These people are always bullying and afraid of being tough. When they gather together to make trouble, their bones are tough and their voices are loud.

The people in the hospital started to be timid, and these people started to lower their heads and not speak, only the fat lady was still spitting wildly, five in a second, Li Yun thought that this might be the elite boss among the big guys.

In the end, a middle-aged man who felt something was wrong tugged at her clothes and said, "Why don't you let it go this time, let him see the patient first, and we will come back when there are fewer patients."

"You old coward, you deserve to be poor all your life, get lost."

How can the fat aunt talk to her husband, continue to prepare for the rolling position, and stare at the doctor next to her with a slightly swollen belly, who looks like she is pregnant, as long as she suddenly jumps out and hugs the pregnant woman's leg at this time, the pair will be brainless Maybe it's hot
At this time, a masked little fox came out from nowhere and scratched at the fat aunt. The scene was chaotic for a while, and no one knew where the fox came out from.

"Hey, where is the wild fox, come quickly! Take it away."

The relatives around were in a mess and wanted to help get the little fox down, but the little fox was petite and quick, much faster than their movements, and scratched on it for a while without catching it.

"Go, let's go."

The fat aunt ran out by herself, rolling and crawling, and these scolding kings who didn't have a leader didn't know what was going on, so they had to leave one by one.

Only the lonely corpse of the young man is left here, and these people have no time to answer.
In the end, the accomplished little Su Li walked back quietly, and slipped into the lapel of Li Yun's arms without anyone seeing.

"I'll give you an extra meal tonight. I'll use Bai Chen's meal to make up for it."

"Okay, okay, Dad is the best"

The little fox leaned forward and kissed Li Yun, then continued to observe secretly.

After the troublemakers left, the patients began to see the doctor as usual, and some of them even thanked Li Yun as patients.
Li Yun looked at the backs of these medical troublemakers and shook his head.

"Those people are more like hopeless patients than mental patients."

The people in the hospital helped clean up the abandoned young man's body, and Dr. Wang Zhi also came out to thank him and said, "Thank you very much. Without you, they don't know how long those guys will be in trouble."

Looking at the simple and honest Dr. Wang Zhi in front of him, Li Yun narrowed his eyes and didn't answer immediately.

And Dr. Wang Zhi was a little strange stared at by this gaze, and couldn't help but said, "Is there anything dirty on my face?"

"There is nothing dirty on the layman's face."

After Li Yun finished speaking, he left here and continued to wander in the psychiatric hospital. Wang Zhi looked at Li Yun's back with some unspeakable strangeness, and finally shook his head and muttered.

“What a strange priest”

The middle-aged uncle followed the fat aunt and frowned.

"Xiao Zhao's body hasn't been taken out yet, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"Didn't you see that my mother was scratched by that wild fox? Anyway, they didn't dare to do anything about the corpse. Let's just leave it there. By the way, this psychiatric hospital is really rubbish. Even the fox is so crazy. The madman's place, MD, still needs to be vaccinated against rabies. It's too bad, this time the claim must be successful." The fat lady looked at the scratched scars on her body complainingly, and said viciously: "Come back to this poor hospital tomorrow. Complaints, even my own share.”

These people were chattering about how much money they could share, only the middle-aged uncle hesitated and said.

"Forget it, this little photo is my brother's child after all, if we treat him like this, it's better to let him die in peace."

"Your brother died a long time ago, okay? The two children in the family are all mentally ill. It would be good if all the plague gods of the family are dead. Fortunately, there is still one left living in a mental hospital." The fat aunt looked disapproving. I thought it would be best for this family to be extinct.

Hearing my wife say this about the middle-aged uncle is a bit embarrassing. After all, this is my family. It's not kind to be so hurtful when everyone is dead.

"What are you looking at? Look at me gouging your eyes. How dare you refute me? You want to die!"

"I'm sorry." The middle-aged man lowered his head timidly, and could only walk in silence.

This group of people plans to disband now, go back to each house and find their own mothers, and organize troubles tomorrow. The fat lady with her hips on her hips, leading the way, said: "Psychiatric hospitals are no better than hospitals. Hospitals now have police departments. Make troubles there." It will definitely be unlucky. This mental hospital is different. The security guards don’t dare to stop the assembly at nine o’clock tomorrow morning when they see too many people. I better bring pots and pans, I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just want to scare those vampires in white.”

Everyone agreed one by one, saying that they would definitely do things to make a fortune. Anyway, the whole family is dead. Isn't it natural for me to share a piece of the pie as a relative?
Only the middle-aged man shook his head not knowing what to say.

"Let's go, old shrink, go home, my mother wants public food"


In the deserted building not far away, dilapidated buildings, mottled walls, there is a little girl on it, looking at this side, the middle-aged man noticed the little girl on the deserted building.

Looking at the little girl, the middle-aged man said with a complicated expression.

"It turns out that she has grown so big."

(End of this chapter)

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