Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 577, Ding, 3 murderers

Chapter 577, Ding, three murderers

"Doctor Wang Zhi, there is a patient here."

"Doctor Wang Zhi."

"Wang Zhi."

"Here we come." Wang Zhi pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face, accepted the pile of orders in front of him, and helped his colleagues solve their problems, and said, "This patient's condition is like this."

Wang Zhi enthusiastically answered questions for the people around him. When everyone around was busy and only Wang Zhi was left, the old dean who was patrolling beside him couldn't help but admired: "Xiao Zhi, it's not bad. If you keep doing this, the deputy The position of dean is definitely yours."

Receiving the affirmation of the old dean, Wang Zhicheng said honestly in fear.

"Where is it, I don't expect the position of vice president. For a person like me, it is enough to be the director of the attending doctor's office. I can't stand any higher position, and I can't do it. I just did some small things. work."

Seeing Wang Zhi's attitude, the old dean felt that the man in front of him was honest and serious, so he patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Don't underestimate yourself. This position will be yours sooner or later. To be honest, you have suffered at the forefront. Our hospital is no different from ordinary hospitals. Those people who make trouble in the hospital are crazier than anyone else."

"It's okay, I can bear it. If I don't do this job, there are other people who will do it. Everyone suffers. I have a thicker skin. I can bear this crime. So old dean, don't worry, I can do it." , can continue to shine in this position." Wang Zhi was a little nervous, for fear of losing this frontline job.

"Then you work hard. In short, I will fight for this position for you. In this position of deputy dean, your income will be higher. Your wife's situation will also be better. Come on, I am optimistic about you." The old dean patted Wang Zhi on the shoulder and continued to inspect.

When Wang Zhi heard the old dean mention his wife, his face became sad for a while. After the old dean left, he took out a group photo and looked at the photo of himself and his wife. Wang Zhi always carried this photo with him. .
Happiness, a wife who smiles like a flower and a silly self.
"Don't worry, wife, I will let you live. Let you have a happy life, so wait for me, I will save enough money to replace your heart"

Wang Zhi smiled softly, continued to focus on his work, and took every patient seriously, even if some patients asked crazy questions, he would take the trouble to answer them.

At this time, a family member of the patient who was different from others came into the room. A white-haired man in an expensive suit came in with a young man who was doing nothing.

After entering, the man in the suit first kicked the idle young man, then sighed at Wang Zhi.

"Doctor Wang, I've heard about you. Please let me know about this matter. I've heard about your situation. Don't worry. As long as things are done well, I understand how to do it."

Wang Zhi looked at the person in front of him with a complicated expression, and took a deep breath.


Li Yun and Liu Yanli lowered their sense of presence and wandered around in the mental hospital of Nuo Da, not just wandering around, but followed them to a place where corpses were temporarily parked.

The entire cold room was used as the young man's mortuary, Liu Yanli had goosebumps even standing up.

"Wow, old Li, what are you doing here, it's cold and gloomy"

"Look at the corpse." When Li Yun came to the corpse that claimed to have committed suicide, he used his third eye to look over it. There was no soul or spirit left on the corpse, only a scar of varying shades on the wrist.

Some of these scars have scabbed over, some are still fresh, and there is even a deep scar that almost cuts the entire wrist.

Li Yun knew that this deep scar was the cause of the young man's death.

"In the name of Detective Conan, I'm telling you that he committed suicide." Liu Yanli pushed the non-existent black-rimmed glasses with a wise look on her face.

"On the surface, this young man really committed suicide, and the cause of death was suicide by cutting his wrist." Li Yun silently recited the scriptures on saving people. Respect for the dead as a Taoist priest.

Liu Yanli frowned, and said: "There is still such a superficial situation? Could it be that he killed him?"

"First of all, there are many reasons for suicide. It may be due to his personal reasons, or he may have committed suicide due to other reasons, and it is even more likely that he committed suicide because of someone's instigation. There are too many reasons. Li Yun said patiently: "I just flipped through his medical records, probably because he was diagnosed with delusional disorder and some other messy diseases. Well, the doctor's words are still too difficult to read. Understand."

Liu Yanli always felt that there were a lot of holes in it, and she didn't know where to start complaining, and said it all over, especially the word doctor, which had a lot of holes.

"Speaking of which, if you can understand one, I think you're an old man."

At this time, the system suddenly made a sound.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering an emergency mission."

"Find out the real culprit, the fake culprit, and the fake culprit."

"mission rewards:???"

"Mission punishment: Swap bodies with the only merman in the world for ten days (Note: Abandoning the mission is considered a failure.)"

The system that had been hidden for a long time suddenly bubbled up. Li Yun said with emotion that when he finally got a reward, until he saw the punishment of this task, his smile suddenly disappeared, and the expression on his face gradually distorted.

"I accept." Li Yun suddenly said, jokingly, if he exchanged bodies with this unscrupulous mermaid, who knows how this bastard with no lower limit will ruin his body, thinking about it, I feel that this is terrible Compared with this bad punishment, I would rather be a big boss in women's clothing.
"I always feel like you were slandering my innocence just now." Liu Yanli muttered suddenly: "But I always feel that what you think is correct, is it my illusion?"

"That's right, it's your illusion." Li Yun continued to look at the young man's body.

Because it is suicide, there is no edge line on it, and the third eye can't see anything, so it can only reason and observe through clues.

Li Yun silently took out a pair of large flat black-framed glasses from Qiankun in his sleeve, and put them on his face, with a wise face, he didn't use his third eye to observe the corpse, but looked through it in a way that didn't leave fingerprints with a dead body.

"Are you cosplaying Detective Conan?" Liu Yanli said.

"Wearing glasses can sharpen Pindao's thinking. The cause of this young man's death may not be as simple as suicide. The suicide due to mental illness may be due to more complicated reasons."

Li Yun found his ward number, which was different from that of ordinary people. The position pointed to by this ward suit was in a place next door that looked like a deserted building.
(End of this chapter)

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