Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 578, Intermittent psychosis

Chapter 578, Intermittent psychosis
Li Yun came to the front of the deserted building, and instead of going in immediately, he stood in front of the door and asked the security uncle next to him, "Uncle, is this also a hospital?"

The security uncle said lazily, yawning again at any time.

"Who are you? Yes, this is also the site of a mental hospital, and there are a few patients here."

"What kind of patient is there?" Li Yun continued to ask.

Uncle Security didn't feel impatient with Li Yun's question, he probably just stayed here for a while, and it's great to have Li Yun who can talk, so he cheered up and said with a smile.

"It seems to be for some patients who can't pay the medical expenses, abandon it and violate the policy and humanitarianism, and finally throw here the kind of patients who have no ability to work. Don't look at the desolate and terrifying place here, but the people inside are not It’s quite normal to get sick, so far, no one has ever gotten sick and hurt others.”

"Tsk, I thought this was a place like the Arkham Asylum where the secret Fire Cloud evil god was sealed off, and I hope to see Batman or Captain America." Liu Yanli felt uninterested in Uncle Security's usual answer.

Li Yun felt that Liu Yanli's acting was a bit too strong, from Arkham to Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

The security uncle said with a smile.

"Are you here to learn about it? I advise you not to go in and see it. There is nothing to see. A young man died recently. It's a pity. Their family is also pitiful."

At this time, Uncle Security smoked a cigarette and said: "I and my sister are the only ones at home. Both parents are dead. Both of them suffer from mental illness, especially my sister. It's a pity that the illness is not serious. What a lovely little girl."

The security guard sighed for a while, and after the two chatted for a while, Li Yun and Liu Yanli left. The security guard didn't care, and continued to smoke, stayed alone, and continued to read the Playboy magazine he bought from outside.

Li Yun and Liu Yanli learned about it, and came to the deserted building of the mental hospital. It was exactly the same as what the security guard said. It looked like it had been abandoned for a long time, but in fact, there were people living there, and there were even volunteers here to help. They care and stuff.

"He has a younger sister. Where is it?" Liu Yanli looked around, very curious, and hadn't given up the idea of ​​finding Huoyun Cthulhu and Batman.

"The deceased's name is Ye Xiaozhao. There is indeed a younger sister living here. As for who the younger sister is, we will know." Li Yun thought of the column where he had just peeked at the medical record. Fill in, or in a mental hospital, it probably makes no difference whether this kind of person has relatives or not.

There is no celestial eye line, so it can only be found through patients surnamed Ye. Li Yun does not believe that this building is full of patients surnamed Ye.

Li Yun and Liu Yanli were walking around when they heard bursts of childlike voices.

In the empty classroom next to it, five little girls with different appearances were happily playing games, led by a beautiful older sister in volunteer clothing.

"You take one, I take one."

"You shoot two, I shoot two."

"You shoot three, I shoot three."

"You and I."

Looking at these little girls, Li Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, with a bold expression
Liu Yanli stared at Li Yun and said in shock.

"Young man, don't have any bold ideas, it's a very stupid act to get pussy in the air."

Li Yun didn't pay attention to Liu Yanli, the bastard who lost his integrity, but leaned forward and spoke up.

"Kids, what game are you playing?"

The volunteer lady was a little confused when she saw Li Yun approaching, she looked at Li Yun's Taoist robe and thought it was a volunteer from the Taoist organization, so she didn't ask any more questions, and said: "This is a nursery rhyme, they are usually quite lonely Yes, just teach them how to play games, what number do you take in this game, what do you have to do."

"I can dance!"

"I can sing!"

"I can braid my hair"


The five children chattered at one another, with different personalities, and there was nothing wrong with it. Li Yun nodded with a clear face, and then pointed to a little girl in the corner.

The little girl didn't do anything, just sat there motionless, playing with the plasticine from time to time, her face was obviously red and swollen, her clothes were very messy, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Neither the volunteers nor the children who were playing turned a blind eye to this little girl.

Li Yun pointed to the little girl and said with a smile.

"Why don't you play with her, she looks so pitiful by herself."

The tall-looking little girl who said she wore pigtails said disapprovingly.

"Because she's a bad boy, we hate her if we don't play with her."

"Yes, I hate her!"

Even the volunteers chose to have a policy of ignoring the little girl
Facing the old man in suit and the idle young man in front of him, Wang Zhi said with a serious expression on his face.

"How is your condition?"

"My situation is like this, you know, don't beep beep, finish it quickly, I have to find Xiao Huang to drink and sing after I finish it." The young man said impatiently, shaking his legs while playing Game that treats wards like home.

"As long as you know how to play games and useless things, please be respectful in front of the doctor. Without a doctor, you don't know how to die. Hurry up and apologize to the doctor. You need the doctor's help. The doctor is also important to me. Customer, you little bastard are trying to piss me off." The young man still looks like a fool, the old man in a suit looks at his child with a complicated expression, shakes his head and sighs, he has spoiled this child for so many years , spoiled like this, able to do anything, remembering what his child did, continued to look at Dr. Wang Zhi sincerely and said: "Dr. Wang, look... my child."

"Oh, you don't have to read it, that's it, it doesn't matter." Wang Zhi reluctantly shook his head, and finally took out the case sheet, wrote the young man's name on it, and wrote a few lines in the case .

Etiology: intermittent psychosis.

When he signed his name on the form, the old man in the suit was relieved, his frown relaxed, and he secretly stuffed a check into Wang Zhi's drawer with a happy face.

"Then doctor, you are very lucky. Regarding your commission, I will let the people below follow up as soon as possible. This sum of money is considered as an extra reward for you. Don't worry, it will not be included in your expenses."

"It's okay, go get the medicine and let the next patient come in." Wang Zhi forced a smile, and watched the old man in the suit and his idle son leave the office.

Wang Zhi felt a little stuck in his heart, and put down his pen dejectedly.

"What the hell am I doing?"

"You just now..." Liu Yanli was about to say something when she was stopped by Li Yun's eyes.

Liu Yanli is very well-behaved at this time, she doesn't say much, and eats melons with peace of mind.

Li Yun was watching these little girls playing happily. After playing tired, the volunteer lady did not continue to play with them. Instead, she went to make a cup of tea and came to the corridor to drink happily.

The volunteer lady came to the corridor, lit a lady's cigarette with emotion and said.

"These children are very miserable. They seem to be quite free, but in fact they are still locked in this small cage, unable to play happily, unable to go to school, and have no family."

"Bullying is not a good thing." Li Yun said with a smile: "If you want to do good for those children, you have to use a more gentle way to make them feel warm about the future of this world."

The volunteer sister felt that what Li Yun said was so reasonable that she was speechless, then shook her head and said.

"I understand the truth, but ah, those children don't listen to persuasion. It's okay every time I come, but when I leave, I guess I will bully the children again. Every time I come, the child has a bruised nose and a swollen face. Oh, no There is no way."

"By the way, my name is Fang Tongtong. I am a nearby volunteer. I often come here to help with orphanages and nursing homes. If you are free, you can organize it next time. There are many people and the atmosphere is good for these children. My illness is also beneficial, so I’ll go back first, and we’ll chat next time.” Fang Tongtong said with a smile, and went back to the next ward, where the name hanging on the ward is [Fang Tongtong], and the cause of the disease [Delusion] is also marked on the bottom. disease】.

Li Yun continued to look at this small classroom, and the five children were bullying that little friend with a bruised nose and a swollen face again.

"Hit her."

"This guy is really annoying, it would be nice to die like Brother Xiaozhao."

"Such a disgusting person."


Li Yun saw these little girls, beating and scolding them, and pulling her hair from time to time, looking quite pitiful.

After Li Yun entered, these children looked obedient and sat there motionless, as if nothing happened just now.

"Children, the big sister just left, and the big brother will play with you." Li Yun sat cross-legged on the floor, looked at the little girls and said, "But this game must be joined by that child to play together. Who can play with you?" How about persuading her to let her join in?"

The five little girls looked around, not wanting to call the little girl who was being bullied. They all seemed to see the peerless plague god. Only the obviously autistic little girl raised her hand cowardly.

"I'll try it"

Under the accusation of the autistic little girl, the bullied girl raised her head slightly, looked at Li Yun, and met Li Yun with a warm smile.

"Can I really play together?"

"Of course you can. You are friends who live together. No matter what kind of conflicts you have, you can resolve them, right?" Li Yun paused and said, "Well, most of the conflicts can be resolved."

Except for the autistic little girl, the other four girls chattered about unforgiveness and absolutely unforgiveness. When mixed together, Li Yun felt like a hundred flies flying in the sky, which was ear-piercing.

But kid, in order to play the game, I finally let the bullied little girl join the game.

Li Yun silently took out a deck of cards from Qiankun in his sleeve, and said earnestly.

"As the saying goes, good friends, playing UNO, wouldn't it be a pleasure?"

After all, they are children, with the help of UNO, they successfully turned into plastic sisters, turning faces faster than flipping books, each of them was angry and ignored each other.

Li Yun went in the past, silently put away the cards, and said next to one of the irritable-looking children, that is, the little girl who was the most bully.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Don't get angry because of a small thing, and get angry with your friends."

"Hmph, don't talk to me, uncle stinky." The little girl turned her head away, continued to hold her chin angrily, stood on the window sill, and looked into the distance with a look of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

"You just said brother Xiaozhao, did he also go with you before?" Li Yun took out a lollipop from his pocket as if by magic, and said, "If you answer, then brother will treat you to it." Lollipop."

Seeing the little girl with lollipops, the dog's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment, and began to speak to Li Yun.

"Brother Xiaozhao, we are together. He used to live next door. He didn't play with us. He just played with that annoying guy. I hate him the most, huh."

As soon as the words fell, the lollipop was in hand.

Li Yun found another shy and autistic little girl and asked.

"What kind of person was Xiaozhao brother before?"

"Brother Xiaozhao, he is a lively person? A lively and good person, but I don't like him."

Another lollipop.

The third. The fourth. The fifth. Li Yun asked these little girls, each of them gave different answers, and they all had different views on the photo of the deceased.

Li Yun only didn't ask the little girl who was being bullied. According to what they said, he came to the room where Xiaozhao was staying. There is still no one to live in this room. The most important thing is that the really helpless patients are not Many, the country will only have special preferential treatment for children. Generally, when they are older, they will go to tutoring and training. For example, Fang Tongtong usually has to help with needlework.

When I came to the room, besides the clean and tidy quilt and bed, there were five different handwritings carved with a pen on the wall, which roughly meant something like [Go to die. Please die.].

"Old Li, this place is so gloomy, it's indeed Arkham Asylum." Liu Yanli couldn't help approaching Li Yun, with goosebumps all over the place.

In Xiaozhao's room before his death, Li Yun scanned it with his third eye, and soon saw a book under a loose tile. Li Yun had also read this book before. It was called "Martial Universe", probably It's about a boy who is a blockbuster in a different world doing things like a blockbuster, making the whole world think he is a blockbuster.
After picking up the novel, he patted the dust on it, and after turning it over, Li Yun squinted his eyes.

"Hehe, that's how it is"

(End of this chapter)

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