Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 580, Seeing a doctor

Chapter 580, Seeing a doctor

"Well, if you want to see a doctor, please go to the front desk to register first. There are still many patients queuing up in front." Wang Zhi recognized Li Yun, who was the one who rescued him yesterday, and his attitude remained unchanged.

Li Yun took out the registered medical record that he had prepared a long time ago. The name registered on it was Liu Yanli, and the symptom was brain damage.
With the medical records, Wang Zhi had nothing to say. He wanted to take Li Yun to see a doctor in the ward, but was stopped by the fat lady.

"Don't leave, don't leave, you don't want to leave before the compensation is settled!"

The fat aunt stared at Li Yun with hatred, thinking that if she hadn't been disturbed by the stinky Taoist priest in front of her yesterday, she might have been able to get the compensation and go to the pinnacle of life. How could she attract the police like today? It is said that life is at its peak, and it is possible to be invited to drink tea.

"This is the Taoist priest you admired? It's just a mental illness." The little policeman next to him looked at Li Yun mutteringly.

"Don't say that about the master. The master is definitely not mentally ill. The Taoist priest's name is Yun, and his common name is Li Yun. The person who just registered is called Liu Yanli. He must not be the one who is mentally disabled. Liu Yanli's name is very nice. Why? It's just a brain-dead oh yes, what is a brain-dead disease?" Wang Qing felt that it was a pity, and thought it should be Li Yun's friend.

What Wang Qing didn't see was that Liu Yanli, who was on the side with a dark face, was shot with holes all over her body.
"Since auntie, if you don't let Pindao go, then Pindao will tell about my mentally disabled friend's illness here, anyway, isn't it the same everywhere?" Li Yun sat on the chair next to him with a smile, Feng Qingyun Light, elegant temperament, completely incompatible with the slightly funny and depressing atmosphere here.

Wang Zhi hesitated for a moment, thinking that seeing a doctor here is nothing to worry about.

The situation in front of me should not be the kind of unsightly situation.
"Then tell me what your friend's symptoms are like." Wang Zhi pricked up his ears and listened carefully. When facing real patients, he also used a really serious attitude.

Li Yun didn't speak at first, just stared at Wang Zhi, which made Wang Zhi feel a little uncomfortable, not because he was uncomfortable being stared at by a man, but because he felt as if he had been seen through.
After a long time, Li Yun said.

"My friend, in addition to the obvious symptoms of brain damage, she also suffers from autism, depression, anxiety, split personality, and intermittent psychosis. How should this be treated?"

The corners of Wang Qing's mouth twitched while listening, don't treat such a person, just lock him up as the evil god of Huoyun.

When he heard the description of the disease, Wang Zhi was slightly taken aback, his face became a little unnatural.

"Did you bring this patient?"

"No, because the symptoms of brain damage are too serious, and it is easy to hurt people when taken out, so Pindao came to check on his behalf." Li Yun said with a smile: "Does the doctor have any treatment plan for such patients? Or, How should I guide her to make her illness better?"

"It's fine for this kind of person to be locked up in the cellar. What treatment is needed, it's best to let her die on the spot." The fat lady looked at Li Yun sarcastically.

"You think it's good for such a person to die on the spot, is that true?" Li Yun turned to look at the fat aunt and said.

The fat aunt even said without holding back: "Yes, what is the meaning of this kind of person, maybe you are the person like this, you are a fake Taoist priest, you are probably crazy, you came to see the doctor yourself, right?" !"

The fat aunt is afraid of the police, but not Li Yun, a Taoist priest who looks young.

"But auntie, do you know that the dear nephew you mentioned has the same disease except the brain damage, isn't it the same as insulting your dear nephew when you insult this patient? What do you call a relative with a harmonious family and a good relationship?" Li Yun said with a smile.

Wang Zhi's expression became even more unnatural, and the fat aunt was also stunned. Wang Qing, who was next to her, became amused, and said to the fat aunt, "Oh, why don't you say anything, just keep talking, Aunt and nephew are affectionate? Poop and piss? Go on, speak louder, I can’t hear you, so affectionate, you accuse Sang and Huai like this?"

"I, I. I have a very good relationship with him. What I mean is that this bull-nosed man is not my nephew. Don't bully us for being uneducated. You are just using words! Bullying us for being uneducated!" The fat aunt had a stubborn face, Rolling all over the floor.

Li Yun was too lazy to talk to the fat lady who was rolling all over the floor, but continued to stare at Wang Zhi and said.

"So, doctor, how should I treat this situation, or enlighten her?"

"There are so many diseases. It may be that there is something wrong with the brain, or it may be genetic. There are so many mental diseases. We can help patients in a more scientific way. If possible, I hope this patient can come in person. I come to diagnose, after all, whether there are so many diseases, whether there are other diseases remains to be investigated."

Wang Zhi's expression was very calm, and he looked like a very professional doctor when facing Li Yun, and he was impeccable.

"By the way, my autistic friend, she likes a book very much. She always reads this book before going to bed or after waking up. She is so obsessed with this book that she wants to read it day and night. state." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What book?" Wang Zhi's expression became even more unnatural, and he kept saying coincidence in his heart, coincidence, it's just a coincidence
But if it's a coincidence, why are they so similar.
"A book called "The Martial Universe". It's a copycat version of Fighting the Sky. Even the protagonists are used after changing their names. The writing is stinky and long. There are ten books in total. It's a pity that, My friend has only read one book, and she really wants to know the content behind it, but because her freedom is limited and her pocket is too small, she can’t afford this book, and even the first book was borrowed from others.” Li Yun said with a sigh, and took out a tattered copy of Wudong Qiankun from Qiankun in his sleeve.

Ordinary book, with a dilapidated cover and title page, the handwriting of Amakusa Potato has long been blurred.
When he saw this book, Wang Zhi wanted to blurt out something, but in the end he held back abruptly and said, "Well, this book is very good."

"Yes, it's very good. There used to be a patient here who also liked this book very much. He liked the world in the book, the protagonist in the book, and everything in the book. He wanted to go to the world in the book and escape from the real world. , I want to turn myself into Lin Dong."

Li Yunyue said that Wang Zhi's expression became more and more wrong.

Putting Wu Dong Qian Kun on the table, he said calmly.

"Actually, I really want to read the following content, such as whether Lin Dong was beaten into Mu Chen by Xiao Yan. Presumably the patient who has no money to buy it thinks the same way."

(End of this chapter)

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