Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 581, your death star shines in the sky

Chapter 581, your death star shines in the sky
"Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Mu Chen... aren't they the protagonists of different novels?" the policeman next to him said quietly.

Wang Qing looked at the little policeman with a disdainful face, and said with a look of your face: "No, this is the protagonist of the same book, Lin Dong, Xiao Yan and Mu Chen are the same person, that's right, you read it Fighting the Sky is equivalent to watching The Great Master and The Martial Universe, don't ask me why I know."

The little policeman next to him seemed to understand but didn't understand. He only felt that what Wang Qing said was profound. After reading one book, it was equivalent to reading three books, which is quite awesome.

Wang Zhi felt even more uncomfortable when he heard this, but after reading this book, he couldn't control his emotions, so he could only calm down and say, "Where did you get this book? It's mine."

Wang Zhi knew that even if he didn't admit that this book was his, it was useless. After all, such things were easy to find out, and if he didn't admit it, he would set himself a target.

"Of course I can't find this book. Although a person is sick and mentally unstable, he can still hide something. For example, he can hide a book in a place where a doctor can't find it. After all, Even if it is a doctor, it is impossible to fully understand that the patient's ward hides the most cherished book, the book sent by others somewhere. This book is the most precious treasure for him. Before he died, he still wanted to hide it. Get up, don't let it be taken away." Li Yun looked at Wang Zhi with rabbit eyes that pierced everything, which made Wang Zhi feel quite uncomfortable.

Li Yun stopped talking, stood up, stared at Wang Zhi and said with a smile.

"You are a murderer."

There was an uproar in the scene, and even the fat aunt was taken aback for a moment. She thought Li Yun was here to see a doctor, but she didn't expect to suddenly mention the doctor as a murderer, which is unreasonable.
"This... I don't understand what you're talking about." Wang Zhi's face was calm, and he couldn't see any ups and downs at all, but Li Yun guessed that this guy's heart was beating so fast that it was about to explode.

Wang Qing also felt that something was wrong. As a policeman, he still has some personal qualities. For example, what kind of expression does a person have when he has a guilty conscience? Wang Zhi in front of him looks calm, but it is obviously the expression of making big news.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Wang Qing asked from the side, his eyes never leaving Wang Zhi.

"This Doctor Wang Zhi is a murderer. The murderer who killed Ye Xiaozhao used this book as the murder weapon. Of course, this person committed suicide. The usage of this book as a [weapon] is also very special." Li Yun Standing up lazily, he said: "As a doctor, you are the person who contacts patients most often, or you want to ask for something from the patient. Well, let Pindao think about it, for example, this layman's The blood type is very suitable for your wife, and his heart is very healthy, but the fact that this corpse was snatched from the cold storage was a bit unexpected. It can be said that you almost succeeded."

Wang Zhi almost staggered and fell off the chair, his expression almost didn't directly say that he was the murderer
Wang Qing on the side saw that Wang Zhi's expression was not right, so he squinted his eyes and stared at him, causing a ton of psychological pressure on Dr. Wang. Li Yun could feel the strong aura exuded by Wang Qing's strong back and handsome face.

"You mean Xiaozhao? He is the murderer who killed Xiaozhao? Does that mean he wants to pay our family money! Tell you, if you kill our family Xiaozhao and pay 100 million, don't even think about leaving!" It lit up in an instant, this feeling is good, it can be more fun to directly target individuals, this can directly go through legal channels, and it is determined that the compensation is more than tens of thousands of dollars, even if I am not an immediate family member, You can also get a piece of it.

Li Yun also ignored the fat aunt, but continued to say to Wang Zhi: "As a mental patient, Ye Xiaozhao has been receiving treatment here all year round, and the patients who live here have poor ability to distinguish information from the outside world. For example If you die, you can be reincarnated into the world of novels, no one would believe this kind of thing outside, but it is possible for him to believe it."

"Daoist, do you want to say that I used a novel to create some fantasies for him, just to let him commit suicide and go to the novel world? This is just your speculation." Wang Zhi took a deep breath. He said in a tone: "Everything must be based on evidence. It is true that this book belongs to me, but I have never induced him to commit suicide. He committed suicide because of his depression attack."

Wang Qing on the side also nodded. Although he believed Li Yun's words unconditionally, the crime of arresting people was all about evidence, especially the evidence of the abettor. If the murderer didn't admit it, it would be impossible to start.

Thinking of this, even Wang Zhi's expression became more and more calm. If there is no evidence, how can he still be arrested and thrown into prison? Now it is a society ruled by law, and what is important is evidence.

Facing the calm Wang Zhi, Li Yun also nodded honestly.

"Yes, there is no evidence. Although you have done all these things, Pindao has no real proof that you instigated Ye Xiaozhao to commit suicide. It can be said that Pindao's words will not have any influence on you. Regarding this matter, you What you said is indeed true, but, have you ever thought about a very serious question?"

"What's the problem?" Wang Zhi's eyelids twitched abruptly. Could it be that the last thing he shouldn't know has been known?
Li Yun stood up, looked at Dr. Wang Zhi and said.

"Apart from this matter, where else is your unclean? You must be aware of this, Dr. Wang. For example, use your own authority to reach some kind of ulterior transaction with others. The transaction What you get may be money or a heart, for this, you only need to pay a small certificate."

Wang Zhi fell down on the stool completely, and he could only support his body so as not to let himself completely go limp.

His greatest secret is known.
Li Yun said lazily
"Don't look at me with the eyes of a suspect like Xiao Hei, you have exposed it quite thoroughly."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for finding one of the murderers—"

After Li Yun finished speaking, one of the system tasks was ticked.

False murderer——

The sound of hot karaoke comes from the stereo, the sound of explosions and indulgent singing and dancing, plus the blessing of drugs, the young people in Nuoda Villa indulge in singing and dancing, hot girls and wild men are playing Wine binge.

"Braces girl, what a beauty, my sister has such strong and beautiful legs."

"I'm looking into the distance, above the moon."

"Ah, I want to borrow another 500 years from the sky"

The singing was in high spirits when the sound was suddenly cut off. An old man in a suit with white beard and hair came in from the door and looked at his children and friends with a gloomy expression.

When these flirtatious friends saw the gloomy, aura-exploding old man in a suit, they didn't dare to make a sound. Only his child, the flirtatious young man who dared to make a sound, immediately jumped up and brushed his yellow hair behind his head. , complained.

"Dad, what are you doing, we want to sing."

"Bai Wenyu, if you want to sing, go to the karaoke hall to sing, don't sing at home, and don't hang out with these dubious people, these people have no good except to bring you down." The old man in the suit stared at these "Now, get out of my house," said the youths.

No one else dared to refute the words of the old man in the suit. His aura was so overwhelming that he could only get out of the villa in despair, leaving only Bai Wenyu with a displeased expression on his face, leaning on the sofa carelessly.

The old man in the suit looked at his son's appearance, and wanted to spit out a few words when his blood pressure rose on the spot, but he was comforted by Bai Wenyu's mother, a middle-aged beautiful woman who still looked attractive: "Baiston, your blood pressure is It's raised again, don't get angry with this child."

"You, how can I not be angry, this guy plays with people like this everywhere, what should I do if he learns badly? He has caused disasters before, and now he looks like he can do whatever he wants. This is to make me angry. Boy." Baiston's gray beard was trembling, especially when he saw the expression on his child's face, what can you do to me, and his blood pressure increased, so he quickly took out a few antihypertensive medicines from his pocket and swallowed them. Slowed down a lot.

Baiston took a deep breath and pondered.

"You are not allowed to go out these days, do you know? You are not allowed to take a step out. If you dare to go out this time, I will really break your leg."

Bai Wenyu quit immediately, stood up and shook his long yellow bangs and said, "No, I will die if I don't play for a day, Dad, do you want me to die?"

"If you're really going to die, I'll feel at ease, you bastard." Baiston looked at his only seedling and really had the urge to strangle him to death, but this was his only seedling after all, so he really shot him to death There will be no more children.
In this regard, Baiston risked his blood pressure to rise, so he could only endure it again and again.

"Also, you said you were worried that I would be bad, so you're making a joke." Bai Wenyu lifted his bangs and sneered, "Don't think I don't know what business you're doing, you're actually the worst. "

The middle-aged beautiful woman wanted to prevent Bai Wenyu from getting angry again, but this time Baiston was very calm, instead of slapping Bai Wenyu like before, he calmly said: "You think what I did is bad, more than Is what you've done bad?"

"Yes, you have done much worse than me." Bai Wenyu said confidently.

"Come on, let me tell you what is bad and what is good." Baiston pulled Bai Wenyu out of the door without saying a word.

Bai Wenyu really didn't dare to resist this time. Seeing his father in such a calm manner was more frightening than being furious.
The luxurious Bentley came to a certain place in the suburbs. Standing outside, Bai Wenyu could feel the desolation and depressing horror of the place. There are few people within a radius of ten miles. This is the address that Baiston used to register the company in name.

The Bentley did not continue to drive in, but parked in an open space. Baiston pulled Bai Wenyu out of the car, and walked along with two bodyguards in black.

"Let me tell you what the so-called good and bad are."

Ahead, there was a smell of formalin, which made Bai Wenyu almost vomit, but in the end he managed not to vomit, which made Baiston slightly change his view of his child, thinking that this person is not such a waste .

"You hang around with those garbage who have no future and no future, that's bad, big bad, you don't have to hang out with those garbage, they don't deserve it." Baiston said indifferently: "This is the badness of the adult world. , in the adult world, waste is bad, but we, successful people, are good, they will care about you messing around with those people, but they won't care about what we did secretly."

"We are successful people, let's see, what is the difference between what your father left you and those waste."

Along the way, there was a pile of garbage dumps. Baiston ignored it and stepped into the garbage dump. What was in front of him was a dilapidated and empty factory building.

Looking at the abandoned factory building, Bai Wenyu swallowed his saliva, knowing that it was the place where his father did bad things. Bai Wenyu once heard that his father was secretly selling organs, and the organ harvesters Objects, there are many, many, there are widowed elderly, homeless, single, and even lost elementary school students, bought from traffickers.
"I thought you used to be in ordinary gray business."

Bai Wenyu looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. He felt that he was already a bad person. He killed someone by drunk driving and used his mental illness records to cover it up. But now it seems that maybe he is not so bad.
"You will be the man who is destined to take over my career in the future. You have to read these things, but you must be prepared. Maybe you will feel that there is a scene like hell in front of you." Baiston said earnestly: "You Do you have this awareness?"

"I have."

Bai Wenyu hesitated for a moment, but he still agreed. Selling organs is so good. You can make money at first glance. With money, you can do whatever you want. You can buy KTV directly, and you can sing and drive every day.
At this time, Baiston didn't go to verify whether his child was awakened, but just ordered the bodyguard to open the door.

"Welcome to hell, come to the hell that belongs to your father, you will be the ruler here in the future."

For a moment, Baiston's aura reached its peak, with his back to the gate like an emperor, Bai Wenyu was almost blinded by his father's aura, not by his father.

The light reflected from the sun came from inside the gate. Hey, why is there reflected light inside the gate?

"Who are you?"

The bodyguard in black looked at the two figures in front of him warily, and even Baiston was stunned.

Reflected light, caused by baldness—

A man with a firm face, who looks young, with a bald head, a red cape, and seven round scars on his chest.

One, wearing a hat and cloak, whose figure and face cannot be seen clearly, is holding a long stick, and is an unknown creature with a wine gourd hanging from it.

Wang Weigong said coldly, pointing at Baiston and the others: "Your death star is shining in the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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