Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 584, Burning Night

Chapter 584, Burning Night
"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Facing Li Yun's greeting, the fat aunt burst into a rage and said, "You say I'm a murderer, believe it or not, I'll sue you for slander!"

The people around were also in an uproar. Why did they suddenly attack the fat aunt? It was agreed that the murderer was Wang Zhi's.

Now the middle-aged uncle next to him couldn't help but said: "Little Taoist priest, it doesn't make sense for you to say that. When Xiaozhao died, we were still out of town. Why are you the murderer who killed Xiaozhao? What are you doing?" Blood spurting!"

"Yes, you are spitting blood, we are all outside, how did you kill him, you are too undrafted for lying."

The people around are not happy about this. After all, the fat aunt is her own family. Can she bear being framed like this by outsiders?For a moment, the somewhat loose military spirit immediately condensed, spraying Li Yun crazily.

Li Yun looked at the fat aunt calmly and said.

"Who said that you can't harm people if you're not around?"

"How can you hurt people when you're not here?" The fat aunt looked at Li Yun's eyes looking directly at her, and had a faint feeling that something was really going to happen, but the loser did not lose, the fat aunt tried her best to argue: "You are Do you know if you are framing, I will sue you for defamation, a subpoena warning!"

"Hehe, you know the summons to warn you. You are not simple. If the murderer is really you, you may not be superficial relatives." Wang Qing was amused. He didn't expect this middle-aged man who looked like a monkey in front of him. Women also know what a subpoena is called.

Wang Qing was curious about what Li Yun wanted to say, just like what the fat aunt said, she was out of town before Xiaozhao died, how could it be related to his death.

"Sometimes, what kills a person is not necessarily other things, but also words and actions. Wang Zhi was the murderer who killed Ye Xiaozhao by words and inducements, but you used another method to kill him. heart kills."

Li Yun said with a smile, and at the same time, the column of [false murderer] in the system option has been ticked, and now you need the false murderer and the real murderer to complete the task.

"He is the [False Murderer], the direct cause of Ye Xiaozhao's death, and you, a layman, the indirect cause of his death. You must remember what you did that night six years ago."

When she heard about six years ago, the fat aunt's face suddenly turned half pale, her eyes dodged a little, and she turned her head away.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

six years ago.
Wang Zhi remembered that six years ago, when the two brothers and sisters Ye Xiaozhao were sent to the hospital. At that time, they heard that the parents of the pair of brothers and sisters died, and they still had a lot of inherited mental illnesses. mess
"Six years ago, Ye Xiaozhao's parents died in a fire at home. Laymen should be very clear about this. On that day, the fire was judged to be caused by improper use of fire, and these two children lost their parents."

"Do you want to say that I set fire to the parents of the Ye family! Fart, when the police came, they took me to check it again. They didn't say it was me, so why do you say it?" The fat lady said excitedly , Halfway through the speech, I saw Li Yun's half-smile expression.

Li Yun hasn't even said this yet, the fat aunt is so excited, isn't that tantamount to calling herself out, Wang Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the fat aunt like a beautiful rabbit, making the fat aunt feel like being pricked by needles It was the same, but he still raised his head quickly, and the eyes facing Wang Qing and Li Yun were not the slightest bit inferior.

"Pindao didn't say that it was you, the layman, who killed the Ye family's parents. What I'm waiting to discuss here is layman Ye Xiaozhao. Of course, Pindao knows that you didn't set the fire, otherwise you would have reported it directly."

At this time, the fat aunt was still quibbling and said.

"I didn't set fire, so why are you grabbing me and asking this thing? Do you want to rogue me?"

The fat aunt's eyes were in a trance for a while, and her mind was drawn into that night.
An ordinary day, an ordinary night, something extraordinary happened.

It wasn't me who set the fire
But if it doesn't matter, it's absolutely impossible
The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the wind is strong. In the same village, the neighbors, the fat aunt is having a relationship with someone, trying to have a half-child. Mingming is not young, and she doesn't even have a child.
After three quick breaths, everything becomes dull——

"You trash, it's really useless. It took another three seconds. You can't be saved. It's better to die quickly." The fat lady looked at the person in front of her with disdain and said, "Ye Niu, Ye Niu, listen! I thought you were like a buffalo, but you are obviously a wild worm, maybe you are worse than a worm."

The middle-aged man pulled up his pants in embarrassment, put on his clothes, and said with a blushing face, "It's better than last time. The last time was one second, but this time it lasted for three seconds."

"What's the difference between three seconds and one second? Don't you have any mental points? You have the nerve to say it and show off? Go eat shit." The fat aunt's eyes became more contemptuous and irritable.

"Uh, there's no other way. This is how I get older. What can I do? I'm also desperate!" The middle-aged man tried to defend himself again.

"Your brother, Ye Yang's family next door keeps calling until ten o'clock every day. They are older than you. This waste is waste. What else can you say? Don't talk to my old lady. Huh, if I knew it, I wouldn't marry I gave it to you, I thought you could get a little land, but I didn’t expect that you, a piece of trash, got a non-agricultural household registration, no land, not even soil, it’s really not an ordinary piece of trash.” The fat aunt looked at it with envy. Looking at the brightly lit room next door, this person is pissed off when compared to others, not to mention the comparison in nightlife, economic life is inferior in everything, why should it be like this?

A faint voice came, the voice sounded like a woman's scream, which made the fat lady even more unhappy, and she screamed, but it was stronger than those three seconds, so I don't know where it went.

The middle-aged man was not happy anymore, and he was a little angry at being squeezed out, and said angrily: "It's been so many years for you, and I haven't given birth to a single child. The next door has a son and a daughter. How can this compare? Yes, don’t think that anyone is willing to marry you, your temper is known to everyone in the village.”

"Isn't it because you're useless? I still want a child! You useless, useless, dare to refute my mother? I want to beat you!"

As soon as the fat aunt heard that she was run out, she picked up a feather duster and threw it at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man didn't dare to resist, and shrank after saying a word, holding his head in his hands and being beaten like a son.

"If it wasn't for my old lady who married you, do you think anyone in the village would marry you, a useless bastard? Who is Ye Yang and who are you? How dare you compare them? They can be abducted to other places as servants. The eldest lady of the rich family elopes, can you do it? You can’t do anything, you trash! Even farming is slower than others!” The fat lady raised her legs, smoked a cigarette and said contemptuously: “He is a well-known hardworking in the village. The earth is ten thousand times faster than you, and you have no shortcomings except your bad temper. What about you? You are weaker than a human, and your body is thinner than a human. Anyone can bully anyone. I don’t know if it’s because you, a piece of trash, have problems that prevent my mother from giving birth. .”

The middle-aged man felt aggrieved and could only kneel on the spot without moving, but objectively speaking, he had to admit that what the fat aunt said was true, and that he was indeed inferior to others, so what could he do.

The fat aunt felt that it was useless to bully this trash, so she stood up and looked at the neighbor next door with even more jealous eyes. They are all women, so why do others live better than themselves, their husbands are better than themselves, their children are both healthy and rich, this is not fair .
it's not fair
Why is God so unfair to me.

He was born in a wealthy family and lived a pampered life since he was a child. Why?
Is it my fault for being grumpy?Parents are born with such personality, why can she be so gentle and beautiful?Why!Why give them all home.
It's all God's fault, it's all the Ye family's fault, it's all the world's fault
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, the fat aunt bit her hand and Juan'er's teeth were almost broken. The fire of jealousy was burning, and her mind was full of bold ideas.

The middle-aged uncle looked at the fat aunt with a strange expression, always feeling very dangerous, but he didn't dare to bother her who was angry.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and the wind is blowing everywhere——

Suddenly, a little flame rose from the next door.
Under the whistling wind, the fire became bigger and bigger, until the middle-aged man could smell the burnt smell coming from his brother's house.

The fat lady standing by the window was a little dazed at first, but then showed a happy expression, and she was about to laugh out loud.

"My brother's house is on fire! Hurry up and put out the fire!"

The middle-aged uncle stood up without saying a word, and wanted to go out to fight the fire. The fat lady wanted to stop him, but it was a man, and he ran much faster than her. He quickly mobilized everyone to prepare for the fire. It was midnight, and everyone While sleeping, it is difficult to mobilize.
The wind howled, and the fire grew louder. Soon the flames spread throughout the house.

"Burn, it's best to burn your whole family to death. Hehe, it's really great. Is this retribution? Hahaha, it's so happy. It makes your life so good, makes you feel miserable every day, makes your children safe, come on, this You will be punished soon."

The fat aunt looked at the fire in front of her with a happy face, and she was so happy in her heart that you deserved it better than me. At the same time, she thanked God for blessing her wish and set this family on fire.
There was still no mobilization around, and some people who hadn't slept too much had already got up and went to the small river to carry water to put out the fire. Seeing that there was no one around, the fat lady came out quietly and came to the front of the house. Pretending to fight a fire, actually sneaking in
"Even the old hen is fatter than our own. Why is my old hen dying of illness, so angry."

"These things belong to me"

"What's mine is mine, and I want it all."

The old hen in the yard, as well as a few eggs, were all taken to her home by the fat aunt, and at the same time she threw the sick and dead chickens that she was going to sell outside, and came to steal the day. The next door was her own. What is at home is still at home.

The fire inside was raging, and the things outside were taken by the fat lady one by one, and there was a faint voice calling for help from inside, but the fat lady still pretended not to hear it, and only cared about taking the things that could be taken away, and threw them away. own backyard.

In the end, even the weeds that were used to build chicken coops in the yard were taken by the fat aunt to her home, and the stealing was a complete success. Looking at her own results, the fat aunt couldn't help but feel complacent and flattered.

"You're done, now it's ready. Just put out the fire, and I'll lose if I save it."

The fat aunt wiped the sweat off her face flatteredly, and smiled happily. Then she came to the front yard and joined the villagers, pretending to carry water.

While pretending to carry water, the fat aunt saw the door panel, the open door, and the fire inside the door, billowing thick smoke pouring out from inside, choking the fat aunt's eyes, it was hot, it can be said , even this thick smoke can kill people.

Seeing the wide open door, and the thick smoke filling the door.
The fat aunt didn't have time to wonder why the door was open, she just sneered.

"Hmph, I told you to live so well, you deserve it."

Without anyone noticing, the fat aunt looked around and leaned forward to close the door.
At the same time, I left without anyone noticing, and I was a little panicked when I left.
At this time, the fat aunt was in the illusion, looking at her life from a third-person perspective. In addition to seeing herself leaving, she also saw that she came back from playing outside, holding the apple she just bought in her hand.
He didn't see the fat aunt closing the door, but only saw a black shadow, using the most despicable means to add insult to injury and destroy his home.
With a bang, the sea of ​​fire burned, burning the entire night
"Parents, sisters"

In a daze, the fat aunt woke up, looking at Li Yun's expression with an unusually guilty conscience. The scene she just saw not only had her own existence, but also saw Ye Xiaozhao. It wasn't that no one saw her doing something at that time. What.

The people around looked at the fat aunt's cold sweat and didn't know why it was like this. They were not afraid of anything this day, but the fat aunt who was petitioning a professional household was actually sweating?It's only when you face the police that you will use your hands in vain.

"What do you want to say?"

The fat aunt just felt that it was very evil, why did she look at what happened in the past from such a perspective, and wondered if she really saw a ghost, and she became like this when she met this evil Taoist in front of her.

Li Yun looked at the fat aunt who was in a trance, and said without any fluctuations in his heart.

"That's why Pindao said that you were one of the murderers who killed Ye Xiaozhao. It was you who killed his parents' hope of escaping. At the most difficult and painful time, you made him If you hadn't closed the door after being so stimulated, his parents might have escaped."

(End of this chapter)

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