Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 585, for evil 1 party

Chapter 585, for the evil party

"Heavenly Rescue the Miserable, the sky net is restored, and it is not leaked. You think that what you did at the beginning was not seen, just because Layman Ye Xiaozhao didn't want to say it. As for the reason why you don't want to say it, it's not convenient for me to say it. You just need to know that you are being hated all the time."

Li Yun looked at the fat aunt in front of him indifferently. The fat aunt just felt uncomfortable, not because of the condemnation of her conscience after closing the door, but because of the discovery of this hidden thing for many years, and whether it would affect her life.
"I, I didn't. It wasn't me. I didn't do anything. Ye Xiaozhao is already dead. You can frame me however you want. It's all fake anyway. I won't admit it!"

The fat aunt stuck her neck, she just didn't admit it, she just stood there with a stern look on her face, with a look of what do you want to do with me, anyway, after so many years, can you still catch me?

Anyway, Ye Xiaozhao, the only one who saw her doing that, is dead now, thinking of this, the fat aunt can't express her happiness, the last person who knew her is already dead, hehehe.
Wang Qing finally heard something, the fat lady in front of him must have a ghost in her heart, even if she wasn't an arsonist, it must have a lot to do with it.

"Wait a minute, you said that incident had something to do with my mother-in-law, so why didn't Ye Xiaozhao say anything about it at the time? Even though he was sick at the time, he was still normal in other respects. You're dead, why don't you splash dirty water? Yes." The middle-aged man couldn't help but argue for the fat aunt, although he hated her, but no matter what, he was his own wife, so he had to speak for her.

"Layman Ye Xiaozhao didn't say anything back then, that's another matter." Li Yun turned to look at the fat aunt, and said with a sharp look: "Do you think that's all you did back then? No layman Your bad karma has reached an astonishing level, and no one has ever thought about why this fat aunt is so proficient in the medical procedure?"

The omnipresent, insightful eyes hit the fat aunt again, and the fat aunt staggered back two steps.

Why. Why are you so skilled.

For the process of medical trouble, from trouble, to crying, to hanging, to appealing in one go.
"Naturally, it's because you often make trouble in the hospital, and you often get a lot of money by making trouble in the hospital, so as to maintain your gambling life."

The middle-aged man next to him frowned, his wife still gambles?Why don't I know, so the money I earned over the years is kept by her, isn't it?
"Why, don't you even believe me? You think you're a waste." The fat aunt wanted to vent on the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man could only hang his neck and say, "The money I earned so hard, every month Hand it in, and you don’t tell me where the flowers are, you have to tell me, there are so many times. The above compensation, but every time you ask you, you scold me and beat me.”

"I stay at home every day, how can I gamble? Don't you know it yourself! Do you prefer to believe that outsiders don't believe in me? You trash!" The fat aunt said excitedly.

The middle-aged man thought about it, and he was right. He also gambled a little at the casinos around the village, but he had never heard of his wife going to gamble. Maybe it was just being framed?
Regarding this, Li Yun just said lightly.

"Omen's first online casino is now online."

The fat aunt froze when she heard this, and looked at Li Yun like she was looking at a plague god.
"Now that the Internet is so developed, you can see the bustling everything with a small mobile phone, and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. It is not difficult to participate in gambling online, isn't it?" Li Yun said with a slight smile: "Of course, such things as gambling are Your housework, now you should know what your bad karma should be. For gambling money, accumulated bad karma.”

Opening his third eye, Li Yun saw the huge amount of evil karma on the fat aunt. For a rural woman, it is not easy to accumulate such a huge amount of evil karma. Li Yun, who didn't know it, thought it was a perverted murderer who was running around. That's about it, if you say so.

The point is, this fat aunt didn't think that what she did before was evil at all. This is the most embarrassing thing. It can no longer be described as shameless. Li Yun has never seen such pure, heartfelt evil. —Taking evil for granted.

"If this girl was born elsewhere, she must be a devil who is doing evil, or an extremely selfish cultivator. The so-called character determines fate. Her character is destined to never have a good death for her." The system said indifferently. .

The fat aunt on the side looked at Li Yun with increasingly unfriendly eyes, and her originally steady eyes began to flicker, and she felt a little discouraged, thinking whether she should retreat strategically first, and it would be more appropriate to come back tomorrow. Anyway, such things as doctors make trouble What is important is perseverance, the same goes for withdrawing first and then coming back.

"Hmph, let's go back first, don't hinder the police comrades from arresting the criminals." Before leaving, the fat lady still didn't forget to taunt Wang Zhi: "Forget about it, the compensation for your dead ghost wife is nothing to us for Xiaozhao's death." It's very sad, you have to prepare everything for mental damage and compensation, otherwise our Ye family won't let you go, hum"

Wang Qing was speechless for a moment, it clearly said that only Ye Xiaozhao's younger sister could get compensation, this stalker is really useful, sometimes even if the law stipulates that there is no compensation, the hospital will still compensate them for the sake of peace, Wang Qing I feel that the hospital's attitude of letting things go is one of the root causes of the rampant medical troubles.
Just as the fat aunt left in a hurry and just took a step towards the back, she felt a step into the abyss.

The surrounding environment has become wet, as if in water.
the top
Each stretched out a hand.
【Auntie save me.】



【Auntie, why are you pushing me down.】

【You why. Why do you still push me down! 】

By the river beach, by the cliff, and even on the road.
Some were due to accidents, and some were pushed from behind by herself. Almost when she was idle, the fat aunt would follow her younger relatives and juniors.

The scene turned to the hospital again. The fat lady was crying and fighting for justice in the hospital. She went to petition to seek justice for her relatives. She looked like a fair relative leader.

"Heaven, earth, my niece, my nephew"

"There is hard work without credit, and this is for you."

"Thank you for seeking justice for my children."

"With this money, I can have a son. Fortunately, the one in the river is a daughter."

A sum of money arrived in the pocket of the fat lady.

(End of this chapter)

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