Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 586, The last patient

Chapter 586, The last patient
"Don't come here don't come here."

When the fat aunt saw the ghosts of the children rushing towards her, she staggered and backed away desperately.

"Give me back my life."

"It's not me who killed you! It's obvious that you fell into the water and played around by yourself. You still blame me! It's clearly your own fault. What's the use of you wronging me? You go to the person who expanded the road to ask for it." Fate! You go to the people who built the reservoir to claim your life! It’s all their fault, so there’s no use blaming me, it’s not my fault.” The fat aunt hides in the corner of the wall, but the people around are still approaching.

Whether it's bloody, water-stained, or missing limbs, they are all slowly approaching.

"At that time, I could still be saved, why didn't you report 120, and just watched me die in the reservoir."

"You were able to give me a hand at that time. You obviously saw the big truck speeding up. You bumped me with your shoulder."

"Obviously I grabbed the branch at that time, and you broke the branch with a stone."

"It's not me, it's not me! It's not me, anyway, you couldn't be saved at that time, why don't you die early! Your parents can't afford your medical expenses, so I can just push you from behind Bundle."

The fat aunt was incoherent, and when she opened her eyes again, the surrounding water ghosts and shabby children disappeared, leaving only the relatives with horrible expressions.

These people, especially those who lost their children, looked at the fat aunt with hatred.
"you you"

"You said it yourself." A man next to him said with tears: "You obviously said that he was not strong enough to grab the branch, but if you had notified everyone earlier, the doctor said a few hours earlier when he came. You can be rescued, but what are you doing these few hours, you are playing cards and you are waiting for my child to die!"

The fat lady didn't know how to answer. Seeing that these people were getting more and more excited, they were about to hang the fat lady up and fight. Especially when you are here.

"You recruited all of them just now, you... how should I put it, I admire you." Wang Qing looked at Li Yun who was smiling strangely, then at the fat aunt, and said: "The matter of negligent death did not go away. Yes, the evidence was insufficient at that time, and you were all focused on compensation at the time. As long as the public sector compensated you, the result would not care, and the follow-up would be nothing. I didn't expect, tsk tsk, you understand, she You can swim for so long, and you can't get rid of the relationship yourself."

The relatives around were ashamed for a while, advocating to settle the matter with money, which means that there is no follow-up, and the police officer who closed the case would not investigate, but no one thought that behind this matter, there was actually a fat aunt who was obstructing it , He would actually attack his nephew.

Li Yun on the side looked at it and sighed, this drinking and pecking is all cause and effect. If these relatives had chosen not to close the case and let the responsible police investigate to the end, so many incidents, one point or two would definitely be found The clues came, but those people not only didn't want to investigate further, but they didn't ask anything after getting the compensation, and they didn't pursue anything. In the end, almost all the cases were classified as accidents.

This was originally aimed at money, but now that the fig leaf has been turned over, in the end, all the anger was vented on the fat aunt, all of them looked excited, scolded her, and almost threw the sticks in their hands. Thanks to the help of the two little policemen brought by Wang Qing, they stopped them all.

"What a disgusting person, I haven't seen such a person before." Liu Yanli boasted of her longevity, and she has seen many battles. She has never seen such a person, from the fat aunt to the fat aunt. relative
"Maybe they have suspected the fat lady for a long time, but they turned a deaf ear to it in the end. After seeing the benefits in front of them, the child's life is a trivial matter. What's more, they think it's better to die and reduce the burden on the family. This is the evil of human nature. Worlds, full of wonders."

Li Yun's voice was not loud, permeating the entire corridor of the mental hospital.

Many people looked at the fat aunt's family and felt that this family was the real psychopath.

"For Ye Xiaozhao, she is an accomplice." Li Yun said calmly: "But for the other children who died because of this, you are all accomplices present. I am not targeting you few, but all of you. No one can get rid of the relationship."

You are all accomplices, this sentence touched almost all the relatives of the Ye family present
"Retribution, these are retributions," one of the men murmured, and left the hospital in despair, and more and more people couldn't stay here because of shame.

Wang Qing didn't stop these people from leaving. After all, these people just chose to treat them indifferently, and didn't really participate in the crime.

"You, you definitely won't leave, right?" The fat aunt watched more and more people leave, and felt even more terrified in her heart. Without a large number of relatives as her backing, she immediately withered down, and her aggressive look disappeared. .

Fang Mei knew that she shouldn't show a happy expression, but after seeing the appearance of the fat aunt after she lost power, she really felt very happy, and her mood was indescribably comfortable.

"Now come with us." After Wang Qing finished speaking, he turned to thank Li Yun and said, "Master, thank you for your help. If we can find such a thing this time, if we really let her go, maybe Many more people will be killed."

"Just like the Taoist priest said, those people are also part of the accomplices. Emmm, those children are too miserable. Born in such a place and in such a family, they are simply committing crimes." The little policeman looked complicated. Looking at the fat aunt, I never thought that there would be such a crazy person, but the lives of her relatives and children became a tool for making money.

Not long ago, the little policeman Cai saw on the news that parents were throwing their two-year-old child around in acrobatics in order to gain attention in the live broadcast. As a result, one accidentally dropped the child into a spinal injury, and he will be paraplegic in the future. This is only two years old My child, what kind of future is waiting for her, the little policeman doesn't even know.
In this regard, Wang Qing patted the little policeman on the shoulder, and said in a vicissitudes of life tone: "Boy, don't mind if I say that, the world is big, China is big, what is the ratio of good people to bad people?" I don’t know, but if you stand in this position, you will definitely see more disharmonious things in the future. For this, you have to be prepared mentally. Otherwise, I advise you to resign as soon as possible, or have someone transfer you to the traffic police go over there."

"Forget it. Now that I've become a policeman, I've already realized that I've faced these things. I think my mental capacity is not bad." The little policeman grinned.

Wang Qing nodded, and wanted to take Wang Qing away to the police station, but was stopped by Wang Zhi.

"Officer. Can you wait a moment?"

"Huh? What else do you want to say?" Wang Qing frowned, thinking that Wang Zhi was trying to quibble.

"I want to see one of my patients. I hope to give her the last course of treatment. I hope I can redeem a little bit and let her live better."

Wang Zhi closed his eyes.
Wang Qing was silent for a moment, and did not refuse——

When he came to the barren building, everything here was so desolate, Wang Qing felt panicked looking at the surrounding environment, and the goosebumps were all over the place.

"Is this the legendary lunatic asylum? Is there Huoyun Cthulhu, Batman and Captain America?" the little policeman asked curiously.

"A shitty lunatic asylum. This place is used to house the homeless mental patients. They are all paid for by the state. Well, of course they won't receive good medical care, but the basic guarantee of board and lodging is still no problem. "Wang Qing shrugged. He had learned about the history of some mental hospitals before. In fact, it was a rescue station for mental patients. Compared with the rescue station, it only had some special drugs for treating special diseases.

Li Yun and Liu Yanli also followed, pushing Fang Mei's wheelchair.

"It seems that the little girl with blue nose and swollen face, Ye Xiaozhao's sister has the same disease as him?" Liu Yanli couldn't help interjecting.

This time Wang Zhi was very calm, he didn't shy away from Liu Yanli's question, and nodded.

"That's right, the same mental illness as Ye Xiaozhao, but more serious. Ye Xiaozhao can still communicate with people normally, but Ye Xiaomin can't even communicate with people normally."

"Because we can communicate normally, you coax people into committing suicide? What a good plan." Wang Qing couldn't help but sneered and mocked. Wang Zhi didn't answer this, but acquiesced to the matter.

Fang Mei couldn't help but put her hand on Wang Zhi's palm, hoping to give him some warmth.
"I will wait for you to be released from prison, and I will definitely wait until that day."

"En." Wang Zhi forced a smile and didn't say anything more. As long as his wife was still supporting him, his heart would be filled with infinite power.

In this desolate building, some people were being mended by the organization, among them was Ye Tongtong who Li Yun knew who was pretending to be a volunteer. Ye Tongtong waved hello when he saw Li Yun coming.

Li Yun also smiled and waved, the people over there were no different from normal people.

Seeing this situation, Wang Zhi on the side interjected.

"In fact, many similar patients have their own thinking ability. They are not as scary as rumors. They often cut people or hit people and hurt others. In fact, in normal times, they are still very normal. They can communicate and understand. Maybe they just In some special places, it shows special cognition.”

The little policeman next to him didn't say he had changed, at least he knew that the mental patient could communicate normally like ordinary people, unlike what he had understood before, he had no other impression except that he did not break the law by hurting others.

"So I think it's better to let the guardian take full responsibility. It looks normal now, but what about when it's abnormal? What should I do if I hurt someone when it's abnormal? I know, people like that are dangerous and scary." Wang Qing shook his head and said, "I can also take over a lot of schizophrenic patients committing crimes a year, and they don't even know that they have done something wrong. It's dangerous."

Wang Qing had no way to refute Wang Zhi's statement, and he didn't need to refute it. He knew that there were only a small number of people who were absolutely safe, and schizophrenia was indeed a more dangerous category. At this time, Wang Zhi couldn't help but look at Li Yun and said.

"Daoist, you have been here before, since you found my book, you must have met Ye Xiaozhao's sister. Then tell me, how is she now?"

"Layman, as a doctor, you don't even know what to do, so why ask the poor?" Li Yun replied with a smile, looking directly at the distant ward, which was far away from other wards.
From inside, five little heads poked out. The five little girls waved their hands and greeted Li Yun after seeing Li Yun.

Li Yun also waved his hand to greet them.

"Here it is. This little girl suffers from many kinds of mental illnesses. Just wait a moment and don't provoke her. She is also a poor person." Wang Zhi sighed and came to the front of the room.

Open the door, inside is a little girl, huddled in the corner of the wall, with large or small scars all over her body, these scars have scabbed over a long time ago, left over from a long time ago
When seeing the doctor, the little girl stood up, forced a smile, and said in a Qingling weak voice: "Doctor, you are here, did you bring something delicious today?"

"Well, I'm here, and I brought you a lot of delicious food." Wang Zhi took out a bag of bear biscuits that he had prepared a long time ago, put them in front of the little girl, then turned to Li Yun and the others and said, "This The little girl used to suffer from seven diseases. After years of hard work, I have successfully cured two of them. Now there are only five diseases left. I hope that before I leave, she can have the other five diseases. Get better."

Wang Qing and the others, including Liu Yanli and Fang Mei, felt that the little girl was really pitiful. Obviously, in these good years, the place where she should stay was the school, not this cold room for treatment. .

Different from other people's perspectives, Li Yun saw five smiling girls greeting him, and even the most irritable little sister greeted Li Yun.

"Big brother! You are back again!"

"I still want to play UN"

"I'll go, there are so many people"


"want to draw"

There were chattering voices, and Li Yun listened quietly. In the end, only the little girl who had been bullied all the time did not speak, but huddled pitifully in a corner.

Li Yun also didn't look at the little girl, but looked at the five little girls with a smile on his face and said.

"Pindao came here this time to treat your illnesses. Heal your heart disease."

(End of this chapter)

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