Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 591, Lord Taishan

Chapter 591, Lord Taishan
"The culprit that caused Ye Xiaomin and Ye Xiaozhao to split their personalities is here, and there is something that makes the old dog awaken the memory of his previous life." Li Yun returned to the bottom of the deserted building, and there was even a shitting dog beside him. ——It’s not Ah Er, the current Ah Er has experienced many battles and seen a lot, and his quality is comparable to that of a social person.

"Wang really has no quality." Ah Er, wearing a Tongxin circle, looked at the wild dogs shitting everywhere with contempt, and the sense of superiority in his eyes almost overflowed.

Liu Yanli at the side was stunned, a dog spitting out human words is already the most embarrassing thing, what's even more embarrassing is that this dog is still complaining about the wild dogs shitting on the side of the road without quality, this thing has evolved so thoroughly?There is no difference between people and people except for adding a word "Wang" in front of the words.

"Hurry up and apologize to all the dogs in the world. Isn't it a normal instinct to shit by a tree? It's a normal operation." Liu Yanli gave Ah Er a blank look, and Ah Er turned around and looked at Liu Yan pretending to be stupid again. Li, even if he can speak, it is still difficult to get rid of the instinct of Husky Erer.

"Old Li, do you think there is something strange here? If this thing is so awesome, all the people who live here will become mentally ill." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with a puzzled expression.

Li Yun used the Platinum Faxiang behind him to search for abnormal points here, and said naturally, "Have you seen Batman and the Hulk?"

"I've seen it, the Thunder God thief is funny, it looks like Xu Jinjiang."

"Leaving aside Thor, the theme is Hulk and Batman. Do you know what they have in common?" Li Yun laughed.

"The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation. One was bitten by a spider, and the other was shot in the face by gamma rays." Liu Yanli immediately understood what Li Yun wanted to say, clapped her hands and said, "You want to say, change Others will die if they are bitten by a spider, not to mention Spiderman, they are all spider silk, if someone else is shot by gamma rays, this is not the Hulk, this is a dead man with a green head."

"That's the reason. The abnormal phenomena caused by the things here all have something in common - none of them were ordinary people in their previous lives, and their magical powers have been lost in this life, but after all, there was no dust in their previous lives, and they had a stronger influence. If so, it can make people awaken the memory of the previous life.”

Li Yun pushed the non-existent black-rimmed glasses, and said in a malicious and slow tone: "The old dog was a fairy in his previous life, Ye Xiaomin's previous life. Well, I don't know, but I guess 80.00% of it is a magic door For a character like the female devil, Ye Xiaozhao is probably the lover of the female devil, a person of righteousness, probably the chief disciple or something, and then the two met and knew each other in a certain trial, and spent a sweet time, but the good times Not long after the Dongchuang incident happened, he was chased and killed by both the good and the evil factions. In the end, they could only meet in the next life. However, in this life, there are lovers who finally become brothers and sisters. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations."

Liu Yanli: "."

"Why do I think it's worse than that female devil like you? Your conjecture reveals an unconcealable malice from the beginning to the end." Liu Yanli felt that there was nothing wrong with classifying the current Li Yun as a villain. harmony.

Facing Liu Yanli's skeptical gaze, Li Yun just smiled. This fat-headed fish doesn't understand the resentment of a single dog at all.

At this time, Faxiang found the singularity buried under the ground.

The Dharma image that turned into a solid body turned up this piece of soil, not too deep, and the loess turned to the sky.

A thing that looked like a magic circle was dug out, with a diameter of about one meter. From the top, Li Yun felt that this was not 100% the Chinese talisman formation. It was written with something similar to letters, and it could be understood separately. , together they don't understand at all.
Li Yun looked at this piece of soil with an increasingly serious expression, which made Liu Yanli nervous, and asked.

"What is this, the gate of truth? The land is formed into an array?"

"No, this is the formation of the country's land," Li Yun said.

"Why do we have this kind of thing here? Is there some kind of earth-shattering conspiracy, some kind of national alchemist, wow, this style of painting has completely changed, okay?" Liu Yanli's face was shocked, looking at The expression of this piece of soil is even more terrified, if there is such a thing.
Li Yun took a breath, and said: "This is the country that the little kid imitated the film and television works. Don't look at it, it really looks like it. If you remove the letters on it, it will be even more similar."

Most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air, Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun with an expression of "you are fucking teasing me", feeling that she had been played with from beginning to end, and she was not generally unhappy.

Li Yun replied with an expression of "I'm fucking teasing you".

"However, the cause of the change is indeed related to the things above. Don't just focus on the cheap array pattern above, you should look here." Li Yun pointed to the soil, where there is a small red flower Son.

The bright flowers, which look like they are alive, sway in the wind after breaking through the ground.

This made Liu Yanli feel unbelievable. The soil was dug out from below. It can be said that the flowers have been buried in the ground. What kind of flowers can grow in the soil interlayer? Are they earthworms?
"Don't look at this flower that looks like it's alive, but it's actually dead." Li Yun opened his third eye and revealed that this flower has no life, it's just a dead flower that looks like it's alive. Put away the little red flower and observe carefully. Even if it is dead, this flower presents a coquettish charm different from other flowers. No wonder it is used as material for play by bear children.

Red as blood, delicate and picturesque, swaying in the wind.

"Then what is this?"

"The flowers on the other shore bloom on the other shore, what happened in front of the Naihe Bridge?" Li Yun pointed to the small hanging flower and said, "This is a legendary flower that grows by the Samsara River, and it is a sign that guides the dead to walk the road of the Styx River." .”

"Since it is guiding reincarnation."

This time Li Yun didn't move, but Ah Er moved. The stupid husky flashed sharp eyes, and continued to dig deep under the formation of land made by this bear boy and the Bana flower. His expression was like digging a fresh poisonous mushroom. like.

"Dogs sometimes have innate spiritual senses that are better than ordinary fish cultivators." The system said indifferently.

Li Yun felt that he didn't have to worry about who the miscellaneous fish cultivator in the system was referring to.

Soon, Ah Er dug out something, and under the cover of the soil, a gray corner was exposed.

After seeing the stone statue clearly, Li Yun was stunned.

The ordinary-looking stone statue has no spiritual reaction at all, and the touch of the spiritual sense can only feel the hard touch of a stone, and the outstanding one is ordinary.
"This stone statue seems to be a Taoist god?" Liu Yanli looked at the fairy stone statue and asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's a Taoist god," Li Yun pondered.

"Who is it? I don't think I've seen it before."

"Emperor Dongyue." Li Yun came to the stone statue, cleaned up all the dust on it with a dust whisk, and said: "Master Taishan, palm, king of hell in the ten palaces."

(End of this chapter)

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