Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 592, cannibalism

Chapter 592, cannibalism

"A flower, a dead Bianhua, appeared under the soil in the hospital, and there is also the statue of Emperor Dongyue." Bai Chen looked at the Bianhua in full bloom in front of him—the Bianhua that was in full bloom but died, and Bai Chen responded to this. Shen didn't find it strange, this life form was already quite strange.

Different from the Lycoris in reality, this Bianhua is a real Bianhua, the kind that grows in the land of the underworld. Li Yun was lucky enough to have a glimpse of this change when he entered the illusion of the underworld before, and it is exactly the same.

The bright red flowers are captivating and captivating.

"The Bana flower originally grows in the place between life and death. It is normal for outsiders to see that life and death are blurred. Maybe they look like they are dead when they are born. Maybe it is normal for them to be born after death. Who is that? I know." The system interrupted suddenly.

Li Yun was a little surprised, the system didn't even know what was going on with the Bianhua.

At this moment, Bai Chen, who was on the side, stared at the flower and said: "The Bianhua flower will only bloom by the Styx River. The place outside the Styx River is not suitable for the growth of this flower, and it cannot be picked off artificially. It is related to reincarnation. It was meant to be one.”

"But the flower was still picked off, turned into a toy for a child in middle school, and buried in the soil, and somehow it looked like it was dead."

"In other words, it was picked from the River Styx."

This Bianhua from Styx was planted by Li Yun on the soil behind him. Although I don't know if it will survive, but it is always beneficial to plant it - at least it looks good, at least it won't let it affect others in the mental hospital , Harms the world.

"Speaking of which, is this a miracle? It can remind people of things in their previous lives. In theory, it should be considered a strange power." Li Yun stared at this little flower and said, theoretically, there should be no similar things in the world. , from the current point of view, this little flower is also the kind that is harmless to humans and animals, and has no function of evoking past life memories at all. Even Bai Chen said lazily, this flower has nothing to do except it tastes like shi. strange place.

Li Yun didn't ask why Bai Chen knew that this thing tasted like shi, why he knew what shi tasted like, and why he was so familiar with the taste of shi.
In short, they are useless ornamental flowers. They were purely planted by a certain Dongyue Emperor in his spare time. Putting on all kinds of forceful styles, they become Bianhua flowers—some people will die if they eat them. They are poisonous, not only It tastes like shi, and it's also poisonous. Li Yun thinks there are a lot of bad things about it.

The other shore flower was planted next to the peach blossom tree, and Li Yun didn't bother to care whether it would grow or not. Anyway, let the king of the tree take care of it. It's the dragon who has to hold it, and the tiger has to hold it back. It's up to you What kind of flower is it? When you come to the backyard of the Taoist temple, you have to fall asleep.

"In short, let's put it away first. It may be caused by flowers, or it may be caused by the spirit veins of the land. I can't do anything about it. This silly-looking idol is at work."

At the same time, Li Yun also noticed that the statue of Emperor Dongyue looks ordinary, but in fact it is really ordinary. Bai Chen can knock off a corner by knocking on it twice, which is completely no different from ordinary stone statues. , the difference is that this stone statue of Li Yun has a strong sense of sight.

"Do you think this stone statue looks familiar?" Han Xiang looked at the stone statue, trying to think about the origin of this thing.

Even Bai Chen was lost in thought when he looked at the stone statue of Emperor Dongyue, only Li Yun felt an inexplicable sense of embarrassment. Regarding this stone statue, Li Yun probably knew how the sense of sight came about.

"This. Don't you guys think that this thing is a bit like the traces left by the incarnation technique? Even the material is exactly the same." Li Yun added: "It's just a very pure stone statue that leaves its own incarnation without any eggs. .”

Bai Chen: "."

Fragrant: "."

Liu Yanli, who didn't quite understand but could understand the atmosphere: "."

"Of course, for Emperor Dongyue, it is completely different from the stone statues we waited for. The stone statues he left behind can be used not only for pretense, but also to communicate his luck and serve as his avatar."

Li Yun looked at the stone statue of Emperor Dongyue in front of him, and then at the stone statue of the Three Lucky Gods next to him. The stone statues of the Three Lucky Gods can be used to burn incense to gain luck protection, but the stone statue of Dongyue Great Emperor can't communicate anyway. The input response is blank.

This may be a stone statue incarnated by Emperor Dongyue, but this stone statue can't communicate with luck at all now, this is the most embarrassing thing
"The stone statue of Emperor Dongyue, who can't communicate with luck, seems to be useless, but in fact it is really useless, but I always feel that this stone statue is a bit strange. Could it be that Emperor Dongyue has fallen? Well, it is impossible, Emperor Dongyue It is based on a tenure system, changing every 500 years." The system was puzzled.

Lord Taishan is not the name of an immortal, but a position. It may be this, or it may be that after 500 years. The legend is constantly changing. As far as Li Yun knows, there are several Taishan Lords with names and surnames. Transformed by an upright person in the world.

Li Yun shook his head, and put the stone statue of Emperor Dongyue in the main hall. Although he couldn't communicate with his real body, there are quite a few people who believe in Emperor Dongyue anyway.
"If there is no problem with Dongyue Emperor's body, it is possible to restore some functions under the impregnation of wish power. Let's just look at it like this now."

Under the observation of the Celestial Eye, although this pretentious stone statue does not have any connection with the outside world, the stone statue of Dongyue Emperor is still slowly absorbing the energy pervading in the Taoist temple, especially the energy that was originally connected to Zhong Kui. Fortunately, a small half of it was sucked in by the statue of Emperor Dongyue, although I don't know where it was sucked, maybe it was just stored in the stone statue of Emperor Dongyue, the devil would know.

Now Li Yun only hopes that the duo of Emperor Dongyue and Bianhua will have less influence on the world.
Summer passed quietly, and autumn came. As a fish, Liu Yanli's heart fluctuated greatly in this weather, and her whole body was sleepy, wanting to sleep, and at a loss.

At the same time, as a fish, she took out a large bunch of frozen fish from her travel bag, and this large pile of frozen fish looked up at the top with unrepentant eyes, and the miserable appearance was beyond words. to describe.

"Are you going to perform cannibalism? Don't be overwhelmed." It's hard for Li Yun to describe that as a fish, he brought a lot of fish back from the outside. Seeing this posture, it's time to cook.

Sure enough, Li Yun's guess was right. Not only did Liu Yanli bring back a lot of fresh fish, but she also made a BBQ grill to sweep away the fallen leaves, and the backyard became a natural barbecue place.

"Don't say cannibalism is so ugly, okay? I'm a shark, a shark, a shark. I have to say the important thing three times. I'm not a fish, not a fish, not a fish." Liu Yanli said to Li Yun issued a muay thai warning directly, and said with blank eyes: "So what if it's a fish, fish can't eat fish! Don't the fish in the sea and rivers eat small fish to survive? Why do you look down on fish eaters!"

After speaking, Liu Yanli put down the barbecue stove, put on the charcoal fire and the barbecue grill, and happily put these sad fishes with rolling eyes and blank eyes complaining about blood and tears.

Li Yun silently prayed for the raw fish for a moment, and then naturally helped to light the fire.

"So you Taoists actually eat meat? I thought you were like monks who forbade meat." Liu Yanli put a fish on the fork.

"Taoists are also divided into Taoists who are out of this world and Taoists who are in the world. I and other Taoists who are in the world can't help eating meat, but meat is not necessary for me, so I don't eat it often." Li Yun put salt and pepper pepper Pour something over the fish, and the simple version of BBQ sauce is ready.

zla -

The barbecue grill was sprinkled with sesame oil, and the fragrance wafted out, permeating the entire backyard, especially Ah Da and Ah Er, who drool all over the place.

"Pay attention to your quality. As a fist wet, how can you be so shameless? Seriously, be careful to eat like a fat man, with such a high calorie." Bai Chen proudly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with disdain. Pay attention to quality, but the body is still very honest, directly betraying his thoughts at this time, Ya is more greedy than Ah Da and Ah Er.

"Sorry master, it's me, Meng Lang, but it's really delicious." Ah Da bowed and apologized solemnly, while Liu Yanli who was watching was stunned.

Only then did Liu Yanli realize that the panda beside her could talk like a fucking dog, like a dog
It took only three seconds for Liu Yanli to accept this setting. After all, there are no normal things in this Taoist temple. Even the peach blossom tree behind him is shaking its branches, and he is very interested in the smell of barbecue.

"This is the main player who has cracked down on the illegal and strange business. Internally we call him Ah Er, and externally we call him Zhu Tafeng. He is the short-haired magic fist. The short-haired magic fist is bald. This is the inheritance An ordinary giant panda in Pandaren martial arts." Li Yun took out the coriander, added a big bowl of minced garlic, and there were all coriander parties present, there was nothing wrong with it.

"You call this an ordinary giant panda." Liu Yanli murmured in her heart that the thing in front of her didn't look like an ordinary giant panda from the ass to the head, and asked curiously, "You said pandaren martial arts, can you use both hands to see? I haven't seen martial arts yet."

Ah Da performed a qigong wave on the spot
Liu Yanli knelt down, offered her cheap knee, and asked Ah Da on the spot if he could become a Saiyan
"It can be seen that you have no integrity at all." Li Yun's mouth twitched.

"What is that thing? Can it be eaten? No, what's the use of it?" Liu Yanli stood up with a face of disapproval, and poured a lot of salt and homemade barbecue sauce on the grilled fish .

The delicious grilled fish came straight out of the oven. Liu Yanli was like a cat's tongue. She blew on it for a long time before she took her first bite, and the little happiness on her face was about to overflow.

Ah Da and Ah Er were unambiguous, and they ate it with their mouths open. Even Brother Ji and Xiao Bai were full of praise for the grilled fish, especially Brother Ji, who felt that the grilled fish could be compared with the big caterpillar.

Heck, heck, heck, the big bag of grilled fish was all wiped out. Liu Yanli looked delicious, but in fact, he didn't eat much. Two grilled fish and a bottle of beer almost made him full of hiccups.

The rest of the grilled fish was basically eaten by Ah Er Ah Da and Bai Chen. Lost it all.

"There are quite a few more. This time I went to the village and bought a lot. The owner of the fish pond at the entrance of the village has a big discount. He sells fish at a discount on the spot. Oh, my mother, I made a lot of money, crying I can buy a big bag at a time." Liu Yanli chuckled, and made another big bag of fish, making Bai Chen's eyes turn green.

Li Yun looked at the fish with some doubts, and said: "The fish pond at the entrance of the village. That is the fish pond of Zhang Han's family. The village is a relatively well-known wealthy household. Why are you selling fish at this time? I remember that it is probably not the season for fishing. Bar."

"It doesn't matter if he is, anyway, this fish can be eaten and delicious. Well, as expected of a rich man, this fish is really fat and tender." Liu Yanli hummed a little song, licked the barbecue sauce, and said again. A round of grilled fish fragrance, accompanied by the fragrance of peach petals, drifts into the distance. Fortunately, there are no pilgrims now, otherwise I feel that this is not a Taoist temple, but a BBQ place on the top of the mountain
Round after round of grilling fish, Li Yun felt that Liu Yanli probably contracted Ya's fish pond, and the money was really good. He estimated that watching a tear-jerking movie could earn a backpack's worth of money.

"Zhang Han? Is that the dry and skinny old man?" Hanxiang prayed for the dead grilled fish, and ate it with tears while eating, and said with a small mouth: "I haven't seen her child yet. Woolen cloth."

"Old man Zhang has a daughter, but she is an old girl. Now her daughter is probably working in the city, and she rarely comes back. It's normal if you haven't seen it, but she will come back at least once every holiday. She is a very filial girl. Son, after all, working outside to earn money is quite hard, that is, she has a problem that makes old man Zhang worry, and an outsider can't help her." Li Yun smeared the sauce and put the grilled fish in his hand. Eat it, one book will satisfy you.

Han Xiang just wanted to ask this old man what happened to his daughter, when he felt two people came to the Taoist temple and rushed towards the backyard.
"Someone came to the Taoist temple, it was two people"

As the master of the Taoist temple, Li Yun feels more meticulous than Hanxiang
"There are two people? Um... no, it's one person. Um... huh?"

"Is it just one person or two people?" Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun and Hanxiang, could it be that both of them could be wrong?Just when he wanted to continue grilling fish, he was so frightened by the person leaning against the backyard door that he almost spit out the grilled fish in his mouth.

Two are not right, it is a person, a woman is at the gate of the backyard, drooling, looking at the people at the BBQ party.
"It is true that one person is but the tonnage of two people."

Li Yun looked at the fat girl in front of him without any fluctuation
(End of this chapter)

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