Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 593, Protection of Qi Luck

Chapter 593, Protection of Qi Luck

"I'm exhausted, I'm hungry. I'm starving. I want to grill fish so much." When the chubby girl saw the grilled fish, her eyes were red like a wolf, and she was about to pounce on it if she disagreed.

The people present, including the kindest Han Xiang, felt that this grilled fish must not be given to this fat girl, it is already like a ball, and if you eat it again, you will be really fat and become a ball
Li Yun stood up helplessly, and smiled at the fat girl: "Little sister Zhang Xia, you have succeeded in losing weight recently, and you have lost a lot of weight."

"Damn, there are too many things here, I don't know where to start." Liu Yanli still understands society very well, so she didn't say it directly, but crazily complained through his Xintong public channel: "This is called Lost weight successfully? This is called losing a lot? I read a lot, it’s useless for you to lie to me. Even if you succeed now, how fat you were before, my old iron.”

As far as Liu Yanli and Hanxiang are concerned, the girl in front of her has a guaranteed minimum weight of 90 kg, which is still guaranteed. The fat all over her body is about to overflow, but Zhang Xia has indeed lost weight successfully. Li Yun Visually speaking, this is a guaranteed loss of three kilograms, which has reached the level visible to the naked eye, at least the eyes can see it.
Ah Da, who was concealed by the invisibility technique, finally smiled when he saw Zhang Xia's figure. Finally, he finally saw a human being as fat as himself.

"Haha, I have put in a lot of effort to lose weight, and the food intake has been reduced by half to achieve the current results." The fat girl looked at the grilled fish on Li Yun's side, and forced herself to turn her head away, so as not to be tempted by the grilled fish , Enviously said: "This is my father's fish, it is only my father's fish that is so delicious when grilled, it is fat and meaty, and it is delicious."

"She is the daughter of Zhang Han's family? Zhang Han is obviously very thin." Hanxiang couldn't help complaining, the genetics are too strange, obviously her father is so thin, and her daughter becomes so fat.

Li Yun silently nodded to Hanxiang. In front of him was the daughter of the Zhang family, a 21-year-old girl. In fact, she had a very difficult life, especially when she was in school. At the beginning, her grades were quite good, but because Obesity has always been ridiculed by classmates in the same class, and then they simply dropped out of high school and went out to work, at least outside, they probably won't discriminate too much because of your obesity, who is not using ordinary cheap labor
"Little sister Zhang, did you come to our Taoist temple to worship the gods and offer incense?"

"I am here to send you an invitation." Zhang Xia swayed shyly and handed a red invitation to Li Yun.

The big red invitation card is covered with dazzling lace, just like a wedding invitation.
Wedding invitations
Zhang Xia
Ye Wudao.
"Pfft..." Liu Yanli spewed out a mouthful of beer. After a moment of stunned, she felt a little impolite, and said, "Ahem, Ma De, this beer is really bad. I've never had such a bad beer. If I had known it, I wouldn't have tasted it." I bought this brand of beer hahaha."

Liu Yanli would not say that she was so shocked that she spewed out all the beer.
"Little sister? Are you married? So fast, how long have you been in love?" Li Yun felt a little surprised, not because Zhang Xia's body shape made it difficult to get married. It is not easy to find a partner in this era. The problem is the speed of marriage. It was really too fast. Before, the village was still saying that Zhang Xia was single. In less than a month, she found a boyfriend and was about to enter the palace of marriage.

Calculated from the acquaintance to the marriage at most only a few months
Zhang Xia nodded shyly and said: "Well, I'm getting married. The time to fall in love is not a problem, but true love is what matters. I want to distribute my invitations to everyone in person, so that everyone knows that I, Zhang Xia, am not looking for you all my life. What about the leftover women who don't want a partner! Let them laugh at me all the time!"

No matter how simple the atmosphere in the village is, people like Zhang Xia will gossip more or less. Maybe there is no malice, but for the person concerned, it will be aggrieved. Who wants to be gossiped? What's more, there is no way to refute it after being chewed.

Now Zhang Xia's expression is completely turned over to be the master, full of indescribable satisfaction.

Li Yun looked at Zhang Xia, who was full of pride, and knew that if she expressed doubts now, she would definitely be looked down upon, so she just smiled, accepted the invitation and said.

"Well, Pindao will go then, congratulations."

"Well, the Taoist elder brother must come, everyone in the Taoist temple can also come! Bye~" Zhang Xia waved her hand, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and left the road with a trembling body. Boom sound.

Arriving at the entrance of the main hall, Zhang Xia saw the statue of the old moon facing her, without hesitation, she came to the statue of the old moon with a happy face, happily put the money into the box, and prayed silently.

"I hope my marriage will be successful"

Burning incense is misty, and the incense burns into the clouds.
The portrait of Yue Lao responded to Zhang Xia's wish.

"Although I am very happy for her, I always feel that there is something wrong here." Li Yun thought for a while, and said it out. He didn't eat the grilled fish, so he just looked at the wedding invitation on it for a while Mutter.

"Well, it's actually not surprising when you think about it carefully. After all, there are people of all tastes now. Didn't the Tang Dynasty regard fat as beauty? Isn't that the reason for fat and fat? Looking at the fish, it's so fat, I think I like it too, haha." Liu Yanli's ability to bear it was strong, and she quickly accepted that Zhang Xia was already a young girl waiting to be married.

Han Xiang on the side said weakly: "In fact, the Tang Dynasty regarded plumpness as beauty, not fatness. That little sister Zhang Xia was really too fat. In fact, there were not so many fat people at that time. After all, there were so many fat people at that time. Not that good food."

The implication is that the Zhang Xia in front of her is eating like this, her parents are skinny, so she has no reason other than eating fat.

Li Yun couldn't refute it. In fact, the pot belonged to the owner of the pond. Zhang Xia was quite cute when he recalled the past. I want to fill my daughter with fat pork.

After killing N many grilled fish at the side, Bai Chen elegantly wiped the sauce stains from the corner of his mouth with a small handkerchief, and said.

"It seems that dead fat people are not welcome in any era, what a sad story."

"Will old man Zhang sell fish related to Zhang Xia's matter, little fat girl was cheated into marriage." Hanxiang worried.

Li Yungang wanted to talk about the possibility of a fraudulent marriage. In the main hall, vigorous pink luck rushed towards Zhang Xia. This pink luck surrounded Zhang Xia, just like the aura of a Super Saiyan.
Li Yun in the backyard felt the vigorous pink luck, and frowned.

The luck of the old age is surrounded by the sky, and the red line protects it.
(End of this chapter)

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