Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 594, Run to a better life?

Chapter 594, Run to a better life?

Looking at his empty fish pond, Zhang Han felt indescribably happy and complicated. The complicated thing was that all the fish in his pond were sold at a loss, and he was happy that his worrying daughter was finally able to get married. , this is a great joy.

At this time, Zhang Han's wife, Xie Min, who was also short and thin, comforted her husband and said: "Yes, it is a great joy for our daughter to marry."

"Isn't there a song like this? Fat girls can also be sexy and beautiful." Zhang Han reluctantly accepted this statement, but looking at the empty fish pond in front of him, he always felt empty in his heart, just watching When I got the photo of my daughter and her husband-to-be on the phone, all doubts and worries were thrown away.

"Look at our son-in-law, how handsome. Our daughter is able to find such a one because of the merits of her ancestors. What kind of bicycle do you need?" Xie Min looked at the super handsome guy who took a photo with his daughter in the photo, it was from the bottom of his heart like.

Zhang Han couldn't be more satisfied with the image of his son-in-law. Originally, he thought that it would be considered a high incense for his daughter to find someone with a similar image to his own.

But now this son-in-law is outstanding in all aspects, even so good that it makes Zhang Han worry whether he is living in a dream.

"Do you understand love? Because of love, the young people nowadays all talk about love, not material things, or hobbies. It's called distracting the heart, not the kidneys. They only look at the connotation and not the appearance. You See what kind of guy this young man can't find, he has to find our daughter." Xie Min said earnestly: "Besides, it's not like you don't know our family's conditions, and they won't covet our family's money. , this time you selling fish is not for your own sake, you want to have a lively wedding banquet, get a good dowry dowry, people don't have so many demands, it's just you who force it."

Zhang Han was a little embarrassed. The prospective son-in-law didn't ask for any dowry, so he asked for something blindly. Subconsciously, he still felt that his daughter was not worthy of him, and he felt sorry for him if he didn't pay more.
At this time, Zhang Han felt the sound of vibrations from the wooden floor of his home, and he knew that his precious daughter had returned. Sure enough, Zhang Xia returned home happily, with a little happiness that belonged to a woman on her face.

"Good girl, you're back, have all the invitations been delivered?" Zhang Han patted his daughter's generous shoulder and smiled gratifiedly.

Zhang Xia smiled and nodded, all the self-confidence that she didn't have before was displayed on her face, which made Zhang Han and Xie Min even more gratified. Not only did her daughter grow up, but she also found her own happiness. This is what parents most want see things.

"When will you bring the young man home, let us see, we haven't seen him yet, as parents." Xie Min said from the side, although the young man in the photo is getting more and more pleasing to the eye, but in the end It's better to meet each other, after all, we are going to get married
Zhang Han nodded to express his agreement with his wife. To be honest, if it weren't for the special conditions of his daughter, he would not have agreed to marry his daughter so easily. This is the sweetheart he has raised for so many years.

"You don't say I will bring him here, but he is a bit busy recently and has a lot of things at work, so he will definitely come when he is free." Zhang Xia said mysteriously: "He is an executive of the company. , earning a lot of money, I am all his employees.”

Company executives?Zhang Han felt even more unbelievable. He heard his daughter say that his son-in-law made a lot of money, but he didn't expect him to be a company executive. This is a young, handsome and promising son-in-law.

Xie Min just felt that he was stunned by the pie falling from the sky, who is sitting at home, good things come from the sky, this luck can't stop it.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The company's affairs are important. Seeing us is just a trivial matter. As long as you like it, as long as you like it. Haha, hey, you are really promising. You have found a good job and a good husband." Zhang Han She smiled like a flower, indescribably happy.

"Hehehe, it's not that good. In fact, it was a coincidence that I seized this opportunity. I joined the company and met him. Many opportunities are fleeting, but it just so happens that I seized love." Zhang Xia scratched her head, smiled all over her face, and said at the same time: "Actually, Dad, you don't need to sell fish, and my guy doesn't care about money. He makes more money in a month than you do in a year. Just Even myself, a small employee, can quickly reach your income if the work goes well! In fact, dowry doesn’t need that much.”

Earn more in a month than in a year!Zhang Han smacked his tongue. Although his family doesn’t make much money, it’s still a year’s income. It’s feeding fish and raising fish, and treating fish diseases. The money they’ve been begging for for a year, but Zhang Han Still stubborn: "No, your dowry must not be less! This is related to the backbone of our Zhang family. Others say that marrying a daughter is selling a daughter. Today, I will not sell my daughter. I want my daughter to marry out in a fair manner!"

Zhang Xia's face is full of happiness. She has a good father, a good job, and a good husband. This life is much happier than running for a well-off life.
Xie Min next to her thought a little carefully. She knew her daughter's abilities very well. She couldn't say it was too bad, but she definitely wasn't much better. She could do odd jobs, be a clerk, or even do complicated jobs. If she can earn income from selling fish based on her personal skills alone, that would be great
"Good girl, can you tell mom what job you are doing now? With such a high income, can you share it with your parents?" Xie Min asked curiously.

Zhang Han didn't say anything, but he was still curious about what kind of luck his daughter had and what kind of job she found.
At this time, Zhang Xia looked around mysteriously, as if she was very nervous that someone suddenly appeared next to her.

"Dad, Mom, you are so lucky. Many people would not get this chance. I'm just telling you, don't talk nonsense."

The wedding banquet was held as scheduled, and most people in the village came here. The chefs of the flowing water banquet are the best in the town. It can be seen that Zhang Han has spent all his money in order to give his daughter a beautiful banquet. .

Li Yun brought Hanxiang and Liu Yanli to the wedding banquet. Firstly, Hanxiang is familiar with the village, and secondly, Liu Yanli is very curious about what kind of husband this fat girl is looking for. Bai Chen Ah Da and Ah Er are not interested in this.

Aunt Zhao had sharp eyes, and soon noticed that Li Yun had brought a new girl, and joked.

"This girl, is it possible that you are also enlightened?"

"Oh, hello, my name is Liu Yanli." Liu Yanli went up to say hello in a very ladylike way, the old-fashioned caressing and modern youthful style blended together, her moist temperament that couldn't be concealed, and a gentle smile He opened the mouth and said, "I am Lao Li's meat poop."

Xiao Suli directly silenced her speech manually, this accident made Liu Yanli beep a few more words, but it was a big hole, and she had to be careful not to let this guy talk nonsense.

"What do you mean by meat?" Aunt Zhao didn't understand what it meant.

"Auntie, you got it wrong." Li Yun sighed and said, "You can call her Xiaoliu. This person is so pitiful. A few years ago, he fell and was hit by a stone on the side of the road because he didn't look at the road when he was walking. My head exploded, but I also had to fall because of this, and I became less stupid than before, but it still has a lot of inconvenience compared to ordinary people.”

Liu Yanli waved her hands to protest, but the protest was ineffective, and she paid the price for her blind comparison.

Aunt Zhao looked at Liu Yanli with pity on her face, as if she was saying [How can you be a fool at such a young age.].

"It's a little silly, but it looks beautiful anyway. Although the figure is not good, don't you like this figure at a young age? No matter what, the image is good. But...how should I put it, little Xia’s image is just that, no matter how smart she is.” Aunt Zhao said mysteriously, “I’m very curious, Auntie, I’m worried that Xiaoxia will be deceived.”

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, there is true love in this world, we should not comment on it." Li Yun was a little helpless. Although Aunt Zhao had no malicious intentions, it is always bad to gossip behind her back, and Zhang Xia has a moon old person. Asylum, it's possible to say it's true love
Aunt Zhao was still not reconciled, and continued: "But Zhang Xia, what can I say about the man she is looking for, he is so good, so handsome that I thought Zhang Han was bragging again."

At this time, Aunt Zhao told Li Yun all the bragging about Zhang Han a few days ago. She is probably a listed executive with an annual income of one million, a promotion and a salary increase, and is handsome. If the chairman has a daughter, the second The sky can reach the pinnacle of life.

Especially the handsome Ye Wudao, described by Aunt Zhao as a handsome man who is rare in the world, what is it that such a person finds Zhang Xiatu?
No money, no appearance, no temperament, no talent, this Aunt Zhao can't think of anything, why.
"Some people just like greasy senior sisters, and that's what they want." Liu Yanli finally broke free from Su Li's manual silence, this time she learned to be smart, and didn't run the train with her mouth full.

Aunt Zhao was a little surprised, this little girl sometimes spoke quite seriously, nodded and said: "Yes, maybe someone likes this, maybe I think too much. Sigh, I'm afraid that Xiaoxia will be deceived, but If it's true love, your Aunt Zhao will definitely support it with both hands."

As for Zhang Xia, Aunt Zhao may have some complaints about her image, but she still likes her very much. After all, she grew up watching her, so her affection is not weaker than others.

Li Yun smiled, looking at Zhang Xia's luck pervading above her head, there was a high probability that there was nothing to worry about, but even if it was permeated with old luck, it was not guaranteed to be completely stable.

Especially the name Ye Wudao, Li Yun felt that the person with this name probably had a handsome face, a hulking back, and a sword on the back would be even more coquettish.

At this time, Li Yun came to his seat with the well-behaved Hanxiang and the carefree Fathead Yu, looking at the beautiful Zhang Han and Zhang Xia who was X2 of ordinary people.

Seeing that the person is almost here, Zhang Han said with a rosy face while holding the microphone.

"Today is our daughter's happy day. I don't know how to describe it, but as parents, we only hope that our children can be happy. It's great. My daughter has found an excellent husband."

All the villagers applauded. Although some people were secretly muttering, it still did not prevent them from witnessing the happiest moment as a girl. Zhang Xia cried with joy on the stage and said.

"I am also very grateful that I can meet such good parents and him. These are things that I did not expect. It is Tianhong High-tech Paper Diaper Industry Co., Ltd. that changed me. Tianhong Gao Technology Paper Diaper Industry Co., Ltd., I trust, I choose, Tianhong High Technology Paper Diaper Industry Co., Ltd."

Tianhong High-tech Diaper Business Co., Ltd. appeared three times in one sentence. Now Liu Yanli is full of diapers and limited companies. This is not an ordinary brainwashing
"I'm all in diapers. Is there any relationship between diapers and marriage? There is no relationship between half a cent. If you insist on emphasizing your company so much, is it a big listed company or a high-tech company?" , sounds like a bluff," Liu Yanli couldn't help complaining.

Li Yun didn't speak, and looked at Zhang Xia with slightly squinted eyes.

At this time, Zhang Han on the side said: "Although I don't know what high-tech paper diapers are, but our daughter and her current husband became friends in this company. No matter what company it is, it is a good company." !"

Next, everyone ate to add color to the flowing water mat in the countryside, especially Liu Yanli, who ate too much, especially fish. He ate a lot of grilled fish the day before yesterday, and now he is eating fish like crazy again. It looks like it has a grudge against fish.
"Cruel," Hanxiang said cruelly, and she didn't seem to be slow to eat.

Li Yun ate a few mouthfuls, and Zhang Hanjiu walked over after three tours, looking at Li Yun with a joyful face, even happier than when his daughter got married before.

"Daoist Yunyun. This wine is delicious and you can drink it too."

Li Yun smiled, took the wine, and drank it down in one gulp. He didn't feel anything after going down this glass of Erguotou.

"I just like that a bold person like you is not like those monks who don't eat wine and meat, how strange." Zhang Han smiled boldly and continued to drink.

"Lady Zhang, why are you so happy? Why don't you share it with others?" Li Yun asked with a raised brow.

Speaking of this, Zhang Han's face became serious, and the drunkenness on his face was still there, but he became cautious.

"Daozhang Yun. I don't tell ordinary people about this. My daughter has found a way to make money. She will make a fortune in the future. Not only will my family be well-off, but if you follow along, you may also be able to make money." Make a fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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