Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 595, Earn a fucking 1 million

Chapter 595, Earn a fucking [-] million
Zhang Han said, Li Yun listened patiently, from the company's scale, to products, to some detailed or not detailed things, Li Yun is okay, Liu Yanli next to him just feels that he is going through a nightmare, My mind is full of Tianhong technology paper diapers, even looking at the fat-headed Yuli Yanli in front of me, she has turned into a paper diaper
"So, you have to get rich as early as possible, and you have to have opportunities." Zhang Han said with a smile: "Our son-in-law is quite interesting, and he doesn't want our dowry, so he will take us to make a fortune. What a nice person you say! Now I want to fully support my daughter and son-in-law's career, so that our whole family can get rich, this is a treasure."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Han said mysteriously: "Don't talk to others indiscriminately. I only said it for the sake of our acquaintance. I don't tell ordinary people. The number of places is limited, so you should hurry up. The little girl is from every family, and a man can't do without a career, you can't be a Taoist priest all your life."

After speaking, Zhang Han glanced at Mengmeng's Hanxiang obliquely, gave Li Yun a thumbs up to cheer, and then went to drink, drink with everyone, come with white wine and beer, if you don't get drunk, you won't return. I was as happy as [-]-[-].

Li Yun didn't say a word, just listened to him finish his sentence, then looked at the handsome young man standing next to Zhang Xia, who still had the aura of being a cool and domineering president, shook his head and smiled.

"Bringing a fortune, how can there be such a good thing in this world."

The running water banquet in the countryside ended soon. After Zhang Han finished his banquet, he invited his son-in-law to his home. After about three hours, he woke up from the alcohol. During this period, the son-in-law was always Accompanying Zhang Han, the father-in-law, is well-behaved and filial. Originally, the father-in-law looked at his son-in-law less and less pleasing to the eye, but Zhang Han looked at his own son-in-law more and more pleasing to the eye.

Handsome, handsome, masculine temperament, gentle demeanor, full of all the qualities that a good man should have in every gesture, Zhang Han feels that his daughter has really found a treasure, and it is an opportunity in exchange for the blessings of eight lifetimes of cultivation.

Speaking of Zhang Han, he took out the good wine that he had collected for many years, and wanted to have a drink with Ye Wudao.

"Dad, let's stop drinking so much, your body is important. Your body is the capital of the revolution, and you still have to watch the birth of your grandchildren." Ye Wudao looked at Zhang Han with a serious expression on his face and said.

"Oh, this little mouth is so sweet." Xie Min also liked his son-in-law from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, okay, don't drink if you don't drink, I still want to save this life to enjoy the happiness of my grandchildren. In the future, I want a grandson and a granddaughter." Zhang Han smiled and put the wine glass lay down.

The two chatted about homework, from astronomy and geography to spiders and ants, Zhang Han understands, Ye Wudao understands, Zhang Han does not understand, Ye Wudao also understands, the whole person is a talkative and successful person.

Zhang Xia next to her is like a well-behaved little wife, leaning beside Ye Wudao, wanting to lean on his shoulders for the rest of her life
"E Xiaoxia, I just drank a lot of wine and I feel weak. Can you?" Ye Wudao looked at the unbearable weight of life on his shoulders and smiled wryly.

Zhang Xia shook Ye Wudao's hand and said, "No, I feel like I'm a little bit tired of you. We are newlyweds, and we have a honeymoon trip."

"Forget about the honeymoon trip, Xiaoxia, you know, we should focus on our careers at this age, rather than greedy for fun. The company needs you as well as me." Ye Wudao pulled his shoulders away calmly , rubbed the red spot on it and said: "As long as we finish these things, we will go back to the company. We can't let this great time be wasted. We must work hard and struggle, and we must work hard for Tianhong's high-tech paper diapers." Add bricks and tiles.”

"That's right, you girl, how do you understand what men do? As a man, you should put your career first. What Xiaoye said is absolutely right. Only when your career goes smoothly can your family go smoothly. Do you know?" Zhang Han was also educating his children earnestly, although Zhang Xia was a little bit reluctant, but she had to admit that her father was right, a man should put his career first.

I am in charge of being beautiful and beautiful, and you are in charge of earning money to support the family——

After Zhang Xia figured this out, she reluctantly let go of Ye Wudao's hand and said, "Well, we are still young and our career is the most important thing. I am also a member of the company. I know that the company is developing now." It will require the unremitting efforts of each of us.”

Ye Wudao let out a long sigh of relief, and sat on the sofa as if relaxing. It took him a long time to relax, and then he continued to chat with Zhang Han. No matter where he talked, he would end up with Tianhong Technology on a diaper.

Xie Min on the side felt itchy in his heart. He couldn't bear it when he heard Zhang Xia's words before, but now he can directly feel the company's high-tech and cutting-edge atmosphere.

"Guess, how much does a 20-year-old girl in the same position as me earn this year?" Ye Wudao said mysteriously.

Zhang Han's appetite was whetted, and he nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"How much?"

"One hundred million!" Ye Wudao threw a blockbuster and said with a smile: "I have completed my life's small goal and earned a fucking hundred million. What he earned last year is more than what I have earned in ten years!"

One billion!

Zhang Han and Xie Min have never heard of this figure, and dare not even think about it, but this is the money he earns in a year, and his prospective son-in-law can earn it in ten years, this is not a figure that he can imagine.

"What a big fuss. In our company, he is considered average. It's like playing with a million. Everyone is playing with tens of millions and hundreds of millions." Zhang Xia was full of pride, with a look of admiration Said: "This is the power of science and technology. Technology changes the country and the world. Even if it is just a paper diaper, there are countless treasures to be discovered. We are still developing around the field of science and technology, and even some things you dare not even think about. The desired technology is being developed.”

"Dad, Mom, do you know? It's hard to do business now, and many industries need a lot of money to operate, but our Tianhong Technology diapers are different. They only need an investment of [-] yuan, and they can have a hundred times the income. Science and technology rejuvenate the country."

[-] will have [-] times the income. Zhang Han always felt a little fake when he heard his daughter talk before, but he heard his son-in-law say that it is more real than real gold, and there is a guarantee from his daughter.

Zhang Han's heart is moved, and the blood that has been wiped out by so many years of stable life is a little bit ready to move
(End of this chapter)

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