Chapter 596, scam
"This. Can I know more about this Tianhong Technology diaper?" Zhang Han asked coyly, his words were full of embarrassment, and he had heard it a few days ago. This time, Zhang Han really wanted to understand this industry. .

The corners of Ye Wudao's mouth curled up, pretending to be embarrassed, and said: "This is our business secret, how should I say it? This question."

"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't say it, don't say it, I'll just inquire about it." Zhang Han pretended not to care, and felt very sorry, but it is not so easy to sink if his appetite is lifted.

"It's not that you can't say it. Since you are my father-in-law, it doesn't matter if you say more about this business secret. Anyway, I have already told you so much. You should pay attention, the number of places is limited, and you can't just mess around. Show off." Ye Wudao coughed lightly.

Zhang Han faintly regretted it, why did he tell Li Yun about this matter, he felt that he had forgotten everything after a few glasses of wine, what should he do if this took up his quota.

Ye Wudao looked at his words and saw Zhang Han's thoughts, and continued: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you want to say it, as long as it doesn't spread widely. After all, this involves the top secret of our company. If someone with malicious intentions comes Stealing business secrets is not good for everyone, but if it is to make money together, our company welcomes it at any time. You can also secretly search for suitable candidates. If you can be recruited into the company, our company will reward you."

Ye Wudao began to talk about the company's planning process, technological development, and making money.

For a moment, including Zhang Xia, everyone was engrossed and didn't notice at all that Xiao Bai was watching them while peeking at the next room changing feathers.
From Xiaobai's perspective, Li Yun saw the whole process of the matter, from the induction to the lecture, Li Yun listened to it. At the same time, in the shared channel, Bai Chen was also watching very intently, as if he had awakened.

Soon, Bai Chen was attracted, his face was flushed, and he said to Li Yun excitedly: "One hundred thousand is exchanged for one hundred million, what are you waiting for? Go invest, so that we can eat well and drink hot. After eating this meal, you don’t need to think about the next meal, I don’t want more, just give me 100 million, and let you guys spray me with snake skin C, isn’t my hand disabled? Do you want it?”

Bai Chen thought about the situation when he recharged 100 million, and he was a little excited when he thought about it. The number one in Lanyue District is just around the corner.

"It's still delicious and spicy. Now we haven't eaten this meal and are thinking about the next meal. I'm hungry or what." The corner of Li Yun's mouth twitched, and he looked at Bai Chen with a pained look.

Even Liu Yanli rarely showed a sense of superiority in IQ. Every time Liu Yanli could have a sense of superiority, only Bai Chen and Brother Ji, Liu Yanli was very fond of Brother Ji's food taste From the perspective of gourmets, the caterpillar has no merits except its crunchy taste and protein.

"This is a Ponzi scheme, a kind of advanced scam that was popular in the European and American financial circles in the 19th century, spread to China in the 80s, and then improved in our Chinese characteristic society, referred to as MLM." Liu Yanli tweeted Pushing the black-rimmed glasses that didn't exist on his face, he looked at Bai Chen with contempt and said, "It means empty-gloved evil pen, and after becoming a deceived evil pen, it will help others to deceive more evil pens." , thus forming a cycle of proliferation between the evil pens, the evil pens beget the evil pens, some of the evil pens have become the link to fool people, and some of the evil pens are always being mowed by the top, and even if they are mowed to death, they don’t know that they are being sucked blood.”

Although Li Yun felt that Liu Yanli's words were a bit harsh, he still didn't deny it and said.

"Everything has a balance. As an artifact, you should know that there is no free lunch or cheapness in this world. There are 90.00% traps behind these honeys."

Li Yun felt that Bai Chen should be ashamed of his fishy lips, but Bai Chen didn't think so, and said arrogantly.

"As an artifact, I know that whoever dares to lie to me, I will kill him. If there is a trap, I will break the trap and kill him. I will kill anyone who is weaker than me. White knives go in and red knives go out. People who are killed will die.”

Liu Yanli: "."

I almost forgot that this is not an ordinary evil pen, but a violent evil pen with unique skills. Liu Yanli suddenly felt that if someone deceived him, the result would be unimaginable. The knife goes in and the knife goes out, the picture is too beautiful to look directly at.

"Of course there is no free lunch in this world, but for some people, the temptation of this free lunch is too great, making people jump into the pit involuntarily. I also suffered the same evil consequences when I was young." Li Yuntan Sighing, his eyes looked deep and recalled the past, that year, when the Shuihu Card could be collected in the crispy noodles, and a set of Shuihu cards could be exchanged for prizes, and half of the lunch money was used to buy raccoon crispy noodles, but in the semester At the end, I still haven't collected a complete set, and it's all so repetitive.

Later, Li Yun found out that the collection of these things is not complete, and it doesn’t matter how much you buy——

"Let's go and persuade him, let him not be fooled, 10 yuan is almost all the property of the owner of the pond, if it goes in, then the owner of the pond will really go to eat dirt." Han Xiang was a little worried that Zhang Han would be fooled Deceived - In fact, I have already been fooled. Judging from the content shared by Xiaobai, this is obviously a state of being baited and fooled.

On this side of Xiaobai's perspective, Zhang Han's face was already flushed with excitement, and he wished to give Ye Wudao his heart and wallet all at once. Said, this is going to the company for training, and finally Ye Wudao's goal has finally been realized, let the family go to the so-called company headquarters for training, and step by step seduce the family into the MLM nest.

Li Yun looked at this scene, opened his Celestial Eye, observed through Xiaobai's perspective, and looked at Zhang Xia. The derived lines were intertwined with Zhang Han and Xie Min, and at the same time, there were also the lines on Ye Wudao's body. The threads are also entangled, among which the cause and effect of Zhang Xia and Ye Wudao are the most serious.

And behind this line, there is another line that flows into the distance, and the cause and effect are intertwined and cycled, which is as deep as the cause and effect on Ye Wudao, even exactly the same, without any difference.

Turn off the celestial eye observation, Li Yun squinted his eyes and said.

"The intricate interweaving of cause and effect comes from the past, present and future, exactly the same causal line."

(End of this chapter)

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