Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 597, the anger of the bald head resounds through the mountains

Chapter 597, the anger of the bald head resounds through the mountains
In a certain classroom filled with unhappiness——

"Wang Weigong, you come to answer this question. Well, I know you know how to answer this question. Don't look at me like that, okay? I won't ask you to answer it." Look at Wang Weigong's murderous eyes
There was silence in the audience, and they didn't dare to speak. Wang Weigong, the owner of this look, felt helpless for a while.

"Eh, my eyes are normal."

"No, no, Wang Weigong, your eyes seem to say [your death star is already flashing], don't say that the teacher can't stand it, I can't stand it either, what the hell have you been through? What." The fat man who was better with Wang Weigong couldn't help but make a noise, and Wang Weigong turned his head to look at the fat man, and the fat man couldn't stand it and turned his head away.

Wang Weigong could only sigh at this, recalling his own experience, since the day he learned martial arts, not only his temperament and figure have undergone earth-shaking changes, but even his eyes have become different. The expression of "You are dead" is similar to the protagonist of Fist of the North Star.
However, Wang Weigong didn't feel too much about it. At least he had protected the peace of the neighborhood and the school. Now the whole school, including the surrounding schools, knew that there was a man with fierce eyes and seven circles on his chest. Scarred, muscular bald head in funny bodysuits preaching love and peace.

Regarding Wang Weigong's attitude, those who used to be full of disdain became friendly, and those who used to love to provoke him became more obedient than anyone else, especially after getting rid of the organ trafficking organization, it can be said that the school leaders met This little hero had to take the initiative to say hello, and even the original school beauty came to the door.

But Wang Weigong always treats those who offer affection equally, not disdain, but that there is no need for much communication at all, after all, they are not from the same world.

After class, Wang Weigong appeared in the dining hall, and at the same time there was Ye Qing, who had been waiting here for a long time. Being able to eat with his idol every day, Ye Qing felt that he couldn't be happier. Eating eggs is like eating abalone wings. of.

Looking at Ye Qing, Wang Weigong said: "Have you completed today's training mission?"

"Well, it's done. I didn't miss any of the tasks assigned to me by the master. I ate a banana for breakfast. I finished 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups and running." Ye Qing rolled up his sleeves to show off, there are small muscles on it, although not as exaggerated as Wang Weigong himself, but for ordinary people, this is already a strong junior high school student, generally at the top of the bully, who If you dare to bully him, you will not be beaten violently.
Then Ye Qing was a little disappointed and said: "It's a pity that I can't reach the master's level. I can't learn your boxing skills, master. I don't have the strength and muscles of the master."

Ye Qing felt that the only advantage he had over his master was that he didn't need to be bald.
Wang Weigong ate the food in front of him three times, five times and two times, and said with a smile: "One day, you will also become bald, and you will also become stronger. This is my way of exercising. It has not changed from before to now. However, even now, I will continue to exercise like this, and I will not miss it every day."

Ye Qing nodded, he didn't expect too much, anyway, he can fight against the punks now, what he gains from exercising his body is not strength, but the self-confidence that can resist, and the ideal of following idols .

I also want to be that kind of person, able to help others, and able to use my fists to sweep away the evils that can be seen everywhere on the streets.

"By the way, Brother Wei Gong, there is something I want to tell you." Ye Qing said suddenly.

"Huh? What's the matter."

"It's my mother, she got a very profitable project, she said it's a high-tech project to make money." Ye Qing said: "We need a lot of money for this activity, it's the organ you went to get last time Selling, I paid a lot of fares in advance, so I should find some way to get some money. We have to face these objective problems."

Wang Weigong put down the bowls and chopsticks, thought about this issue, and it is indeed very serious. The two of them are students, and their families are not rich. Originally, the issue of the fare is considered very serious. If there are similar issues in the future You can't sit idly by, the funds must be necessary, after all, the reward for being brave is not so easy to approve
At this time, Wang Weigong raised his brows and said: "Well, it's going to be winter vacation anyway, so it's good to go to a part-time job. Let's talk about it first. I don't do things that violate laws and disciplines. I only do legitimate things. There’s not much capital to invest.”

"Of course it's right. What kind of technology company is investing in this? I heard from my mother that if it works well, the income will be ten times higher. But with a monthly income of [-], we will reach the pinnacle of life in minutes. After we have money, we will have more Space to do what we want." Ye Qing said a little excitedly, thinking of what his mother said, he felt a little itchy, if he was not a student and had no money, he would definitely go to work in that company, When you save enough money, you will be able to roam the world and act chivalrously.

Wang Weigong felt something was wrong when he heard it, and frowned.

"What kind of company has ten times the income, and the income is so high?"

"What is it called Tianhong Technology Diaper Co., Ltd.? It researches high-tech diapers." Ye Qing said honestly.

Wang Weigong listened silently, all Ye Qing's mother told him was relayed to Wang Weigong, and after listening, he stood up, patted Ye Qing's shoulder, and said earnestly.

"You are a junior high school student, so you don't know a lot of things, but I have seen many battles now. I haven't seen any kind of people. I have seen punks, I have seen meatball sellers, and I have seen people messing with human organs." Yes, I have dealt with those people a lot, and I understand some of them."

"What?" Ye Qing asked curiously.

"That is, those who sell meatballs, and those who sell organs, do not have a thousand percent profit."

At this time, Wang Weigong stood up, put the long-sleeved school uniform directly behind his back, took the lunch box, and walked towards the sunset, and at the same time tied the old blue bandages on his fists as gloves
The blue fist, strikes only for arbitration justice——

Zhang Han did what he said, and set off to the company with Zhang Xia and Ye Wudao. Xie Min finally decided to stay at home because of health problems. After all, there was no difference between going alone and two.

Sitting on the bus all the way to the bustling BH City, Zhang Xia and Ye Wudao had nothing to do, Zhang Han was a little excited, he was about to go to a high-tech company, and he was a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, we are going to the branch office later, there are not so many executives here." Ye Wudao said while eating Master Kong's hot and sour beef noodles, "Our head office is in San Diego, America. It is the strongest concentration of science and technology in the world, not only our high-tech diapers, but also world-renowned pesticides, if you do well, you can have a business trip to the headquarters."

Zhang Han nodded, and under the comfort of Ye Wudao, he was also more fascinated. In the city of science and technology, I, an illiterate fish farmer, also have such a chance to see such a scene
Soon a few people arrived at the station, Ye Wudao and Zhang Xia got off the bus with Zhang Han, and came to the waiting place.

At this time, Ye Wudao said with a smile.

"Look, the car is here to pick us up."

A luxurious Mercedes-Benz car parked in front of him, with a black and shiny paint surface, and the noble standing sign of the triangle intersection, Zhang Han felt that he could ride a Mercedes-Benz car once in his life.
Just when Zhang Han wanted to get into the car, Zhang Xia and Ye Wudao walked in another direction.

"Hey? Dad, what are you doing, get in the car, don't make the company wait for people to wait." Ye Wudao said with a smile, pointing to a Mercedes-Benz, a Wuling Hongguang said.

There are two more edges and corners than Mercedes-Benz——

"Well, maybe the company's cars are not enough." Zhang Han comforted himself.

Ye Wudao skillfully opened the door of the minivan. This car is not ordinary, except for the instant noodle box and betel nuts and cigarette butts all over the floor, even the seats are tattered.

After getting in the car, the driver with a big bald head gave Ye Wudao a pack of cigarettes and betel nuts. The young man picked up betel nuts and smoked on the spot, with boundless magic power.

Although Zhang Han drank, he still had some resistance to the smell of cigarettes.
"Is this a newcomer?" The big man looked at Zhang Han unscrupulously while locking the car door.

Zhang Han was a little apprehensive looking at the bald man, but he forced a smile and said, "Hi, my name is Zhang Han, and I'm Zhang Xia's father."

"Oh, so it's Comrade Zhang Xia's father." The big man looked at Zhang Xia, then at Ye Wudao who was full of smiles, shook his head, didn't ask any more questions, and just drove away.

This Wuling Hongguang is even worse than the average Wuling. It can tremble and tremble when walking on a flat road. The car drove for almost half an hour before arriving at the destination here, the urban-rural integration in the urban-rural fringe Finally, the car stopped in front of a remote small rental house.

"Here we are, this is the branch of our Tianhong high-tech diapers. The second floor is the dormitory, the third floor is the classroom, and the fourth floor is the office of the executives. Especially the fourth floor, you can't just go there. Private land, if you want to go, you will be cut by the bodyguards." Ye Wudao casually warned Zhang Han.

Even though Zhang Han felt that something was wrong, he still didn't take it to heart. The blueprint of ten times the income was too tempting, and he couldn't think of more things.

After entering the door, the big man in charge of driving directly closed the door and locked it with a super thick lock. After locking it, he casually said: "We are very careful about commercial secrets."

Ye Wudao and Zhang Xia both handed over their mobile phones. Zhang Han hesitated for a moment before handing over his own mobile phone.

A few people came to the second floor. This place is called a dormitory, but it is more like a utility room. The crowded bedding is all crowded together, and the unique smell of sweat and unwashed clothes brought by the crowding is lingering.

Ye Wudao pointed to one of the smelly quilts and said, "This is your bed."

Zhang Han didn't mind too much, but couldn't help asking.

"Then the person who lived here before."

"Oh, because of his hard work and exerting his personal value, he raised his level and became a member of the executives on the fourth floor. Don't worry, Dad, you will have such opportunities in the future, as long as you display your personal value." Ye Wudao patted Zhang Han's shoulder.

Zhang Han said with some trepidation.

"No, no, executives are unnecessary. I just want to earn a little money by myself, and then support both of your careers. You can live a better life in the future. After all, it is not easy to work hard in a big city."

"Hahaha, yes, it is not easy to work hard in a big city, so people have to aim high. We are all working towards the direction of executives. Don't underestimate yourself and feel that you are not capable. One of our executives two years ago Or a rural woman who grows vegetables, and now she is worth over [-] billion, did she ever think about becoming a senior executive?" Ye Wudao made a fool of himself, whetted Zhang Han's appetite, and said: "Yes , She wanted to! Just because she wanted to! So she became an executive, worked hard, struggled, obtained the shares of our Tianhong high-tech diapers, and reached the pinnacle of life."

Some speeches made Zhang Han blush, he can also be an executive, and he can also share dividends!
The big man next to him raised his mouth slightly and said calmly.

"Then... things are arranged, we have to go to the finance department to pay the money, pay the money early, and get the dividends early, after all, you are now a person with hundreds of thousands every minute."

"OK. Pay the money"

Zhang Han swallowed his saliva, and unloaded his cloth bag. Here is the 10 yuan he took out before. This 10 yuan is already all the money Zhang Han can take out, no more.
The big man was overjoyed after accepting the 10 yuan, but it was quickly covered up, as if the 10 yuan was not money, which made Zhang Han believe it even more. 10 yuan is not a small amount anywhere.
Tianhong Technology Diaper Co., Ltd., business manager, the shiny brand was hung on Zhang Han's chest and skirt. Zhang Xia also felt very happy that she could work with her father.

"Let's go to the class. There is a gold medal lecturer today, so you can't miss it."

On the third floor, rows of people listened carefully to the lectures of young people in suits and leather shoes on the stage. The young people spoke in a rhythmic, red-faced, blueprint of the company, which made people fascinated.

Almost everyone present was also very excited when they heard it, and the effect was outstanding.

Looking at the row of people in front of him, Ye Wudao was very satisfied, but then he noticed that there was a different person in the last row.

A bald head, even more bald than a monk's bald head.
"This is." Ye Wudao quietly asked the big man next to him.

"Oh, it was obtained by Xiaohong's downline." The big man didn't think so.

Ye Wudao didn't care too much about the big man, just looked at the bald man and muttered.

"Strange, why do you think this person looks familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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