Chapter 599, Doubt

"Boss, a total of 5 students have been recruited this time. Three of them have already given up their money, and the other two have not paid." The big man came to the fourth floor, which is the office of the company's executives. The coveted sacred place, where all the legendary [winners in life] live here.

There were scattered fast food boxes on the table, and some discs for brainwashing. On the desk was a gentle-looking middle-aged man with his hands crossed and his glasses shining brightly.

"Not bad, this time, three of them paid the money readily. It seems that the work efficiency of the comrades is still high." Ye Shuo patted the big man on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Come on, your name will be on the sea of ​​stars in the future." .”

The big man quickly agreed, but in fact he couldn’t help laughing in his heart. He really believed in such a braggart. There are still stars and seas. I don’t know if the seas have been seen.
At this time, the big man retreated, and only Ye Shuo was left looking at his imaginary grand blueprint. He couldn't help being overjoyed that he could fool so many people. Just when he was about to indulge himself, Ye Wudao walked in.

Ye Shuo looked at Ye Wudao, smiled and said, "Cousin, what do you want me to do?"

"It's nothing, I just want to know, who got that man called Wang Coyote, I feel that something is wrong with him." Ye Wudao found a place to sit down casually, and smoked the Chinese cigarettes in his pocket .

"It doesn't matter what's wrong with him. When he enters our territory, he has to coil up if he is a dragon, and shrink back if he is a tiger. Didn't we make him docile if he intentionally made trouble before? Besides, there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, it just looks like it’s just a matter of exercising regularly, and the seven of us here are watching, even if we have evil intentions, we can’t make any trouble." Ye Shuo didn’t take it seriously, he had already paid attention to the bald head that flashed to the point of blindness, or in other words, It's hard not to pay attention to a big bald head
Ye Wudao shook his head, he always felt that there was something wrong here, and he couldn't even tell what was wrong.

"Let's not talk about this, you go organize their entertainment tomorrow, let them relax, and you relax yourself." Ye Shuo patted Ye Wudao on the shoulder and told him not to think too much, but he got up , ready to use today's income to enjoy, go to the KTV in the town to spend some money with my little sister.

Ye Wudao didn't say much, just watched his cousin, who is the general manager, the chief planner, take other people's hard-earned money to spend time and money.

What Tianhong Technology?

What high-tech paper diapers?
Nothing at all—

It's all PPT
At six o'clock in the morning, these people were called up and went to a nearby open space to do radio gymnastics and shout slogans. One of them stayed in bed for a while and was punched by the men of the big man. He didn't eat anything last night. The acid water was all punched out.

However, the man still greeted him with a smile, thinking that it was all for his own good, and that the company was urging him to study hard.

Wang Weigong looked at the so-called "veteran student" silently, and said to Zhang Xia next to him.

"Have you really seen this so-called Tianhong Technology diaper?"

"Yes, this diaper is really super high-tech. You may not know it as a newcomer. After we finish our morning exercises every day, we will go to the technology exhibition. Not only our diapers, but also many derivative products, Such as spaceships, such as electromagnetic guns" Zhang Xia said quietly. The big man guarding next to him wanted to say not to break the rules, but seeing Zhang Xia enthusiastically introducing the company, the corners of his mouth curled up, thinking it was better, so he followed suit. she went.

Wang Weigong felt a little funny when he heard it, the spaceship, the super electromagnetic gun, this is obviously a fool
However, Wang Weigong also knows that the brainwashing methods of this group of people are not so powerful. Even things like electromagnetic guns and spaceships can make people believe that they are even more charlatans than charlatans.

"Since they can't even show the real thing, why should we believe it." Wang Weigong looked at the serious people present and already had a plan in mind.

Not only to save people, but also to save hearts
This is the way of justice that Wang Weigong has been looking for——

"Everyone do morning exercises together and shout slogans. For the sake of the company and the future of the country, we must work hard and work hard!" Ye Wudao stood at the front and shouted slogans
Shout slogans, do morning exercises, listen to lectures, welcome new students, and old students recruit new students.

Looking at the mighty scene in front of him, Ye Wudao couldn't help thinking, is it true that one day, he recruited so many students, recruited people with real skills, and then developed this product, it will really be The dream of stars and seas comes true.

Ye Wudao couldn't help thinking of his cousin. In fact, at the beginning, he also came up with the idea of ​​developing products, but the development was not high-tech diapers, but ordinary diapers. But later, he saw more profitable products. The method is less risky and more profitable. As long as the PPT is in place, people will believe in anything.

"Tsk, what am I thinking, what about the stars and the sea, hehehe."

Ye Wudao shook his head, continued to lead the people in front of him to do exercises and shout slogans, and he noticed the bald head at the first sight. The sky was still slightly bright, and the sun was shining on this extremely smooth bald head. Take a blind look.
The big men in charge of guarding next to him were all affected by this ray of light, and they didn't look over there. Only Ye Wudao was still staring at the bald head seriously. .

Even after waking up, Ye Wudao still has no way to forget. He always feels that the person in front of him has seen it somewhere, a long, long time ago, and Zhang Xia too.
That inexplicable sense of familiarity is hard to let go, but it is also very awkward, especially for Wang Weigong, in addition to the familiarity from the heart, there is also a disgust from the heart.
"MD, can you get a hat for that bald head, I'm so blind." The big man covered his eyes with his hands, not looking at the bald head like the rising sun, and complained: "I can pay for it, hurry up, I really can't stand this guy, I suspect that he deliberately shaved so clean, isn't he afraid of being beaten to death one day?"

Ye Wudao ignored the big man and continued to look at Wang Weigong, but when Ye Wudao was about to strike up a conversation about wearing a hat, Wang Weigong stood up.

He didn't continue to do radio gymnastics with the students around him, shouted slogans together, and said in a clear voice.

"I have a question for you. Excuse me, is this diaper really produced? Can you show us the finished or semi-finished diaper?"

(End of this chapter)

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