Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 600 Chapter 597, saving people and saving hearts

Chapter 600 Chapter 590 Seven, saving lives and hearts

"Of course there is this product. I'm currently intensifying research in the United States. Didn't your instructor tell you about this?" Ye Wudao squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Weigong, and the strong men around him also began to move.

The second rule of the rule is that subordinates do not refute their superiors, including questioning——

The Wang Wei Palace in front of him broke the rules, the big man knew it, this was the second time Wang Wei Palace broke the rules, the first time he broke the rules was flirting with Zhang Xia and flirting with Zhang Xia.

"You can't, as employees of the company, it's very difficult for us not to abide by the rules." The big man twisted his fist and stepped forward.

Facing the big man who came, Wang Weigong's face was very calm, he just stared at Ye Wudao and said.

"Since we are here to invest and find a job, it is not impossible to ask to see the product, otherwise why should I pay for nothing? Don't worry, as long as I see the product, I will obediently offer the money, not to mention Am I not here, and I can't make any waves, can I?"

"The products of our company are still in the research and development stage. Now we mainly need to raise funds to develop other projects. The spaceship projects are completely successful. Of course, can you show us the spaceship? No, this is at the national level. Confidential, if something goes wrong, none of you can afford it." Ye Wudao said earnestly, as if what he said was true.

The people next to him also stood up and blamed Wang Weigong for talking so much. Was it the blue cat who was naughty?

Only Zhang Xia wanted to explain to Wang Weigong, but seeing her [husband] standing beside her, she couldn't explain it to outsiders.

After going through a series of ideological confrontations, Zhang Xia stood up and said with a smile: "It's nothing strange, newcomers are like this when they start a job, and they are a little uneasy about the future. Let's show him the semi-finished product. Okay, no big deal, I have confidence in our product."

"Shut up, don't interrupt when men talk and women! What are you thinking, you don't respect the rules!" The big man shouted sharply, what are you kidding, where are the products for others to see, there are not even semi-finished products, all are made by fooling around , My own boss like Jia Yaoting makes technology with PPT. He plays a good PPT, but there is no product. The only difference is that the fake Yaoding seems to be really interested in building cars.
Zhang Xia next to her was too frightened by the big man to make a sound, but she quickly mustered up the courage to argue: "Just the one you took out earlier, you"

"Zhang Xia, as my wife, what do you look like helping outsiders like this? You make me very sad." Ye Wudao looked at Zhang Xia with a serious expression on his face, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart. It is not the jealousy between men and women, but another kind of uncomfortable feeling, the uncomfortable feeling from the heart.

In the end, Ye Wudao found the source of this discomfort, which was Wang Weigong. Whoever treats him well will feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Xia's complexion was complicated, and she could only shut up in the end, but the thought of speaking for Wang Weigong was still lingering in her heart.

"Let's go back and talk about the problem with this product. Now our morning exercise is the most important thing. The day's plan is in the morning. A reasonable morning exercise can keep us energetic throughout the day."

Ye Wudao wanted to skip the words with a calm face.

But there are still some people who reacted, thinking that they were indeed watching PTT, slides, and textbooks when they came in. They had never seen the product, and they only had to pay and then listen to the lectures.

Company training is possible, but training must be done in conjunction with product training. This training has always been to promote the great cause of the company. It seems very real, but it is too far away when you think about it.

The big man and others who are old Jianghu saw the expressions of the people around them, and knew that they had work to do, and almost every batch of people like this would [wake up] come over.
For such people, Dahan has his own methods, which can make them shut up temporarily, or shut up forever, or let them become his companions.
The big man twisted his neck, clenched his fists, and sneered.

"Guys, we might have work to do tonight."

"That king coyote is [-]% here to make trouble, and he didn't pay the money. It's just a question. I think we should go early." In the headquarters, on the fourth floor, the big man looked at Ye Wudao and Ye Shuo, the two core leaders.

Ye Shuo wasn't too worried, he yawned and said while cutting his fingernails.

"Take those who seem suspicious to another room, lock the one named King Coyote alone, observe for a period of time, and if they come to make trouble, how to deal with it, how to deal with it, make sure that the brainwashing is no problem, and then put it back. If you are really stubborn, you will understand."

The big man was a little regretful, his hands were itchy recently, and he complained.

"Recently, all the beatings are women. Let's fight a man to practice our hands. I think that Wang Coyote should be quite durable. I feel that he has a great advantage."

The brawny men next to him laughed out loud. My boss doesn’t like anything, he just likes to fight, and he often beats people to death. Some people are already mourning for the bald head. It is inevitable to be found fault.

"Shut up and beat women. You don't know how serious you are and beat people up. It's because of the remoteness of the place. If you bury them, you'll leave. Otherwise, you'll be killed. What's the most important thing in our business? Is it low-key? Do you understand? Let's keep a low-key, don't let them be noisy, and try to use a gentle way to know? If you can solve it once, don't put it in the second time." Ye Shuo said earnestly He looked at the big man and said.

Ye Shuo's words seem to be quite gentle. In fact, the big man knows the so-called gentle way, whether it is tied up and gagged, or cut off his tongue, imprisoned and sold, or directly killed and buried, it is a 'gentle' way. , the most fundamental purpose of this gentle way is to prevent them from screaming and to prevent them from affecting other people.
"By the way, there is also that Zhang Xia. After the person named Wang Coyote came, something was wrong, and he always questioned us. It is not good for us if this continues. I think she has already paid the money. One person still occupies two beds, why not let her go to lock up with Wang Coyote, so as to save us trouble." The big man glanced at Ye Wudao, and Ye Wudao's face was a little unnatural at this time.

Looking at Ye Wudao with an unnatural expression, the big man finally confirmed what bold thoughts this handsome little boy had for the fat woman, and said in amazement: "Hey, you don't really have such a heavy taste, do you? developed feelings for that woman."

"If you are locked together, you will be locked together. I don't have any opinions. Don't talk nonsense. Be careful and I will sue you for defamation." Ye Wudao rolled his eyes at the big man, pretending not to care, but he still cared in his heart. Now, Even Ye Wudao himself didn't know who he cared about.

Is it because Wang Coyote and Zhang Xia are together that he cares?
Or is Zhang Xia locked up with Wang Coyote and let him care?
Ye Wudao still can't figure out who he cares about and why he cares about it. Until now, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and his emotions are becoming more and more difficult to control.

The big man looked at Ye Wudao, and if he really had a bold idea, he wouldn't say much, after all, he is the boss's cousin, knowing that he really has no feelings for Zhang Xia, he nodded and said.

"There's also that Zhang Han, let's lock them together too, he's a relative of Zhang Xia, if he's left alone, maybe something will happen to him."

"Today, the man named Wang Coyote has no food. Zhang Xia and Zhang Han will be punished by halving the meal. Don't commit another crime next time. You don't even know if you commit a crime!" Arched Wangwei Palace for a moment of provocation, and then closed the door of the room.

Click, the lock is locked, the reason is to protect the company's "high-precision secrets" from being leaked.Let Zhang Han, Zhang Xia, and Wang Weigong be assigned to a dormitory. '

Although the space in this dormitory is even smaller, because there are only three people living in it, it looks even more spacious. The only fly in the ointment is that there are no quilts or mattresses here, only the cold floor. Wang Weigong can feel that this room In addition to the lock at the door, there is also a special guard.

I was isolated, in order not to let myself pass the [dangerous] message to those people
The sound insulation of this room is very good, and it can even be said that it has been specially treated. Wang Weigong even found dried blood in the corner. Although it is rare, Wang Weigong can see it
And lingering, lingering resentment
With his eyes closed, Wang Weigong clenched his fists tightly, and now he knows that he has to endure.
Zhang Han and Zhang Xia didn't care that they were being targeted by Lian Zuo, and they were even very happy that they could be assigned a special dormitory.

"It seems that the company treats us very well. Let us share the same dormitory as father and daughter. To be honest, I'm not used to so many people crowded together. It's uncomfortable for a thief, even worse than fishing for fish." Zhang Han smiled all over his face. I mean, I think this is a great thing.

Zhang Xia didn't know what this place was used for, but she was also relieved. For her, the bed was too crowded for one person, and she would not be reported if she whispered here.

For Zhang Han, Zhang Xia has absolute trust, after all, she is her father, and Wang Weigong doesn't know why, but Zhang Xia has a kind of trust from the bottom of her heart.

That kind of trust is indescribable, even she, who has always trusted Tianhong Technology before, has an invisible crack caused by Wang Weigong's words.

The husband I trusted completely, the one who gave me warmth when I was in the most pain
However, at this time, Wang Weigong's face was more serious than ever.

"I know that you trust Tianhong Technology very much. Although I don't know the reason, I can tell you very clearly that Tianhong Technology is an out-and-out MLM organization. Our teacher said before that this is called Ponzi scheme." Wang Weigong looked at Zhang Xia and said, "At the same time, I want to tell you that my name is not Wang Coyote, but Wang Weigong."

Wang Weigong's eyes were very sincere and clear, Zhang Xia thought, she had never seen such firm and clear eyes, especially when looking at herself, the eyes of ordinary people must be more or less contemptuous.

When he was in the company, Ye Wudao often turned his head so that Zhang Xia couldn't see it, but those big guys didn't hide their mockery.

Zhang Xia, who has been at the bottom of the chain of contempt all year round, knows, understands, and is very clear, those eyes are really clear
"How could they be liars? Do you know that handsome young man is my son-in-law, how could my son-in-law lie to me? Besides, my daughter is also working here, but she will reach the pinnacle of her life in minutes, you Don't think so much about this young man." Zhang Han didn't believe that his son-in-law, who was both talented and beautiful, would lie to him.

"This is the MLM model, deceiving relatives, causing relatives to be deeply brainwashed, thinking that the family is cheated for the good of the family, so that family and friends will follow themselves to make a fortune, and the brainwashing model is like a virus. , Offline and then offline, brainwashing layer by layer, and finally the money they earn is your entry fee, and you don’t have any products.” Wang Weigong pointed to Zhang Xia and said: “She’s also training here. 'It's been a while, did she make a penny? How much entry fee did she lose, who among these people made money? No"

"These... definitely need training. If you don't have training, how can you join the job? You haven't grown up yet. Many companies need training." Zhang Han said with a straight face. The voice was a bit loud, and the guarded man Knock warning.

In the end, Zhang Han could only apologize quickly, saying that he would not do it again, and said in a low voice: "Our new employees are all sent in batches, militarized training, isn't there a lot of group photos in the classroom? Those people wear suits Leather shoes, sports cars behind you, Maseratis and Ferraris, they are all successful people. I know you may be a little anxious, but making money requires a long line to catch big fish."

Zhang Han is educating Wang Weigong with an attitude of an elder. In fact, Wang Weigong knows that there are such things as onboarding training. Many big companies will do this, including state-owned enterprises, and so many people will do it. The reason for being fooled in the first place.

Bewildered by common sense and interests.

In other words, as long as you step into this pyramid scheme, you will either become a person who is dealt with and detained, or you will gain trust and become a member of those people. This is the case for all the students who 'graduated', and become further victims or perpetrators. a member of the

"After what I said today, no matter how stupid someone is, someone should have come to their senses. This is a place for pyramid schemes."

Sure enough, there was a faint sound coming from the side, and the sound came from the dormitory.

At this time, Wang Weigong stood up with a firm expression.

No matter what, your words have an effect
As long as one person wakes up, this emotion will spread like an epidemic.
(End of this chapter)

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