Chapter 653, married
24 hours ago -

"Young man, don't cry. When the matter is over, let you fend for yourself. Now just stay with me, don't make trouble, it's useless for you to make trouble." Accompanied by the smell of cigarettes, there was a lazy voice After hearing this, Zhang Xiaodou said excitedly: "I have money. You don't have to kidnap me, I'll give you whatever money I have as long as I have it"

"No, we won't take the money you gave us. In business, the most important thing we pay attention to is honesty. It's a violation of the rules to take money from customers and still take money from you. We don't do such immoral things. .” The voice said confidently.

Zhang Xiaodou was really about to cry, wouldn't it be immoral to tie himself to this unfamiliar place, his poor imagination really couldn't think of anything more immoral than this.

Now Zhang Xiaodou can only rely on these people who kidnapped him can really let him go after the fact.

"Brother, can I ask, why...why did you choose to kidnap me? I don't think... I'm worth being kidnapped." Zhang Xiaodou said that he is not handsome, and his family can only be considered barely, the only thing to be proud of. It's my own status as a college student, but now this status is definitely not worth mentioning in a big city.
"Who told you to pick up the red envelopes on the ground? If you don't pick up the red envelopes, nothing will happen. If you want to blame it, blame your greed. Dead money is not something everyone can afford. You know, this Learn your lesson this time, and don't play like this next time." The voice said lazily, with some teasing.

"Mouse, why tell him so much, anyway, it's none of our business when the goods are delivered."

"Hehehe, anyway, he will know what's going on by then." Shuzi said hehe, looking forward to Zhang Xiaodou's reaction.

Zhang Xiaodou wanted to cry, really wanted to cry, really wanted to cry, but only the remaining man's self-esteem controlled his lacrimal glands.

He never thought that he would be so unlucky.

Being under house arrest in a small rental house, with a sack wrapped around his head, without any personal freedom, the reason is only a little greed of his own.

In a big city, Zhang Xiaodou has experienced a lot of battles. Starting from picking up the red envelopes of dead people, Zhang Xiaodou knew that what happened to him might be a ghost marriage.
Immediately, Zhang Xiaodou felt a burst of despair, no matter whether he could escape in the end, once news of marrying a dead person spread, his ruin would be easy
Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaodou immediately struggled excitedly and wanted to go out.

"Look, mouse, who told you to stimulate him, give him medicine quickly!"


Zhang Xiaodou felt his neck was roughly pierced by a needle, and a burst of cool liquid poured into his body. He immediately felt dizzy, and his mood forcibly entered the sage mode.

The sky was dark, and there were only whispers left.

"I want to go home"

At this time, on the eight-carried sedan chair, Zhang Xiaodou, who was weak all over, groaned weakly.

"My life is coming to an end."

After being drugged, even though Zhang Xiaodou was not tied up, his muscles still had no strength, and he couldn't even make a fist or move, so he could only be slaughtered
The two entered the eight-carried sedan chair, directly drove Zhang Xiaodou up, and drove into the house.

"Miao Village Chief! The groom is here!"

Accompanied by the sound of festive firecrackers, Village Chief Miao walked out happily with a cane, and thanked Zhang Xiaodou.

"Good boy, good boy, thank you for coming, we can't thank you enough for that"

Zhang Xiaodou was crying so hard that she couldn't make a sound, this was obviously not the result she wanted, and it was too late for her to run away, so don't thank yourself.

However, Zhang Xiaodou's words would not be heard by Village Chief Miao, and a big man was forcibly locked in a small bamboo building.

"When the auspicious time comes, you can go to court and get married. Xiao Feng'er must be very happy, what a handsome husband, hehe, you should cultivate and cultivate your relationship first."

Most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air, in the small room, Zhang Xiaodou was lying on the bed, and lying beside her was a woman in a red hijab. From the woman's body, there was a burst of unique fragrance. Yes, it was the smell of antiseptic spices. .

"If I can go back alive this time, I will definitely study hard, make progress every day, and be a new man. I will never be greedy for petty gains. There is no free lunch in the world. Can any god save me? Anyone can."

Just as Zhang Xiaodou was praying silently in his heart, the surrounding air began to twist, and a white-robed Taoist appeared beside Zhang Xiaodou's bed.

"Blessed Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate."

Hearing this voice, Zhang Xiaodou wanted to ask for help in a jerky voice, as if hearing the sounds of nature.

"help me."

"Don't panic, Pindao knows you can't move now, so just listen to Pindao's advice." Li Yun stared at Zhang Xiaodou and said, "I still need to wrong you for a while, it won't take long, just be patient for a while, tell me now, Where is the red envelope lottery money you got earlier?"

"in the pocket"

The little fox ran out and fumbled in Zhang Xiaodou's pocket, and soon a red envelope was taken out. When he opened it, he found that it was a few hundred yuan bills, not the ghost money.

Looking at the red envelope, Li Yun was a little speechless. This is Chiguoguo's fishing law enforcement. Putting this red envelope on the aisle and letting people pick it up, even if he took the gift money from this family, it is equivalent to agreeing to this wedding.

In this red envelope, in addition to a piece of Ming coins, there are also the most precious things that belonged to the woman during her lifetime as gifts.

Inside is a golden bracelet, a bit worn out, but it also wraps around her fate, the fate of her life.

"You should feel wronged, little layman, and you should stay here for a while."

"Get me out first, okay?"

Li Yun's figure gradually disappeared, and little Su Li bounced and jumped back into Li Yun's arms. On the way, she directly tore off the bride's red hijab.

Zhang Xiaodou, who was facing the bride, had a full view of the bride's face in front of her.

Pale face without any blood color, delicate facial features, closing eyes as peaceful as a sleeping girl, this is an existence at the class flower level in any school, an existence that I cannot touch.

Because of death, the skin on his face had shrunk a bit, but it wasn't rotten enough to be scary.

Zhang Xiaodou felt that he should have been terrified, but to his surprise, he was not as scared as he imagined, facing the [Ghost Bride] who was about to marry him.

Why is this happening?
Why am I not afraid of her
At this time, Zhang Xiaodou subconsciously blurted out.

"Miao Yufeng"

(End of this chapter)

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