Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 654, dancing with long sleeves, summoning the soul with a sword

Chapter 654, dancing with long sleeves, summoning the soul with a sword
In Village Chief Miao's house, Village Chief Miao handed over the reward to the three men in front of him.

"This is the reward for you, I am very satisfied"

After roughly looking at the remuneration in the burlap bag, the leader said with satisfaction: "Well, the most important thing in our business is integrity. As long as you can afford the price, we will do it for you." Liu Guangyu said with a satisfied face.

"Well, how about drinking some wedding wine before leaving? It just so happens that my granddaughter is getting married." Village Chief Miao smiled, and the wrinkles on his old face were crowded together.

The three of Liu Guangyu were very moved by Village Chief Miao's kind invitation, and directly refused.
Liu Guangyu felt that although there was nothing wrong with saying that it was okay to do what he wanted to do and love what he did, drinking the wedding wine for a ghost marriage was still too challenging for him not to refuse.

"Then so be it."

Faced with the refusal, Village Chief Miao was not too surprised, he just turned around and left after a few words. The three of Liu Guangyu also felt that there was no need to stay in the village any longer, and left soon.

After finishing the big ticket, the three of Liu Guangyu decided to go out for a good meal.

Inside the van, the mouse in charge of driving said: "What do you think will happen to that man? Will he be imprisoned in the village and not go out?"

"We don't care about this. It depends on what the people in Xielin Village do." Liu Guangyu lay on the van, smoking cigarettes and chewing betel nuts, and said, "Da Niu, have you made up your mind? Where shall we go?"

"I don't know, pack up and go to Hubei, anyway, we are wandering in a few provinces," Daniel said, turning on his phone and looking at the map on it.

Liu Guangyu didn't say much, the three of them performed their own duties, one was in charge of scouting, the other was in charge of doing chores, and he was in charge of contacting customers with high efficiency.

At this time, a call came into one of Liu Guangyu's cell phone numbers.

After answering the phone, Liu Guangyu didn't speak immediately, and he spoke after a long silence.


"I, I want. The one you said."


"Brother Fang."

"What do you need?"

"Women around 2020, you can do what you want."

"Women around 20 years old, do we have any stock here?" Liu Guangyu asked after hanging up the phone.

"Yes, didn't we get a lot from Kuodong before, and there is one. But it seems that the degree of decay is a bit high. I don't know if the guests there want it." The mouse replied.

Liu Guangyu sneered disdainfully: "You still want a good product with that little money? Just that one, and give it to him after a while."

For selling corpses, Liu Guangyu has no psychological shadow. In other words, selling corpses has long been a matter of indifference. He has been engaged in such an industry since the beginning of ten years. There are many people in the same industry as him, and they are the most edible. open.

Liu Guangyu feels that he can gain a foothold in this industry not only thanks to his ingenuity and boldness, but also the support of many "like-minded" people
For example, there are rats and big cows in front of you, for example, the internal response in the hospital is called a beast or something.
"Do you think we will suffer retribution one day or something? After all, what we did can be said to be unreasonable." Shuzi suddenly joked. Like his name, he was engaged in mouse-like activities a long time ago. I have long been used to work, digging people's ancestral graves, and stealing bones.

But Daniel said with a smile: "If we were going to suffer retribution, we would have already suffered retribution."

"However, we have to be careful. The business of living people must be prudent and prudent. The reason why we have been able to do so for so long is that digging graves is safer." Mouse said.

Liu Guangyu also nodded cautiously. This is the first time he is doing business with living people, but he has planned for a long time and has investigated a certain village in other places over and over again before deciding to do it.

"Everything is for living."

The van drove around and returned to a rented ice storage, which was full of unclaimed bodies recovered from nearby hospitals or dug up from other people's graves.

The rotten smell was very strong even in the ice storage, but for the trio who had already gotten used to it, the corpses in the ice storage were not a big problem at all, no matter how rotten they were, they could still chat and laugh happily in front of the corpses.

However, after entering the freezer this time, the mouse felt something was wrong, and said awkwardly.

"Why does the boss feel a little cold?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, can it still be hot in the freezer?" Liu Guangyu said, but his body also reacted, feeling that there was something wrong around him.

What is wrong, isn't it cold?Of course it's cold in the freezer.
Liu Guangyu wanted to forcibly ignore his discomfort, but the discomfort became more and more serious, to the point where there was no way to ignore it.

not cold
but cold from the heart
【I'm so cold.】

【Why put me in such a place.】

【I don't want it, don't go back to the ground again】

【Please, please.】

[I want to go home. Go back to my own home, not here]

"Boss, did you hear anything?" Daniu's tense muscles tensed up.

Suddenly, one of the corpses fell down, and the three of them were so frightened that they almost peed out.

"Don't be afraid!" Liu Guangyu was the first to calm down, and said, "There's no sound, it's just auditory hallucinations. Don't believe in these strange things. If you believed, we wouldn't be doing this anymore, would we?"

"Ke Ke..." Daniel was about to cry, and he understood the reason, but it was really impossible to calm down if he really encountered it.

The cold voice, the moans of despair were getting closer and closer, so that in the end, he couldn't even deceive himself.

It's real, there's a real voice—

who made the sound
Who is it
"Let's leave first, it may be an illusion caused by the impact of air." Liu Guangyu reluctantly said.

Mouse and Daniel didn't hesitate, and ran away, wanting to run out of the gate of the cold storage, but the further they ran, the farther they ran, the gate of the cold storage was only a few meters away at most
So close to the world, I want to run but I can't -

The cold voice became clearer and clearer, and fear spread among the three of them.

Clap—the door of the cold storage was closed.

"You guys. Excuse me. Sleep peacefully"

Hearing this voice, Liu Guangyu stiffened his neck and turned to look.

The corpse that had been lying quietly moved.

They all stood up.

These corpses that were lying down, had no way to resist, and could only be slaughtered stood up crookedly, not resurrection, but twitching and shaking with their rotting bodies.

Liu Guangyu, peed all over the floor.
The freezer was very cold, so cold that even Liu Guangyu couldn't control his chirp and wanted to pee his pants, but he couldn't shed it smoothly.

Dead siege, Liu Guangyu has only seen such scenes in movies
"Brother, what should I do?" Shuzi suddenly lost his center of gravity, and hurriedly asked the elder brother next to him.

"How do I know! You ask me who the hell am I asking!" Liu Guangyu trembled.

The zombies got closer and closer, and the air-conditioning in the cold storage became stronger and stronger, mixing with the surrounding zombie siege, it was a kind of coldness that came from the heart and soul.

body shaking
heart is shaking
"Please let me go. I'm just a part-time worker. I didn't harm you. Can I bury you back?" Liu Guangyu knelt down tremblingly begging for mercy, speaking incoherently, with a strong desire to survive.

However, the surrounding 'zombies' would not give them a chance to repent, but rushed towards them one by one, shouting as they rushed.

"Also. Who. Everyone. Everything. Say it!"

The female zombie at the front stopped in front of Liu Guangyu, with pus and rotten face and big upside-down eyes, Liu Guangyu, who was indifferent to corpses, almost vomited out, this is the first time that corpses are so disgusting thing.

However, when he heard that the female zombie wanted to know everything, Liu Guangyu hurriedly said without saying a word.

"I said, I said, I said it all! As long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you everything!"

"Professor Liu from Dongfu Medical University..."

"Fang from Zhonghai Hospital is called a beast."

"and also."

Liu Guangyu revealed all the people with whom he had money dealings, including their ways of doing things, and specifically searched for villages in the deep mountains, or villages that had conflicts with the neighboring villages to steal the bones, in order to cast doubts and clear himself of suspicion. .

From the past to the present, some people may have discovered it, but after those people reacted, they, the real criminals, had long since disappeared without a trace.
The female zombie listened quietly, Liu Guangyu was talking, Shuzi and Daniel saw the surrounding 'zombies' stopped moving after listening to Liu Guangyu's confession, and immediately began to confess, some things that even Liu Guangyu didn't know He was recruited, including the names of the corpse resellers who had contacted him privately over the years.

"That's all I know. Can you let me go?"

After Liu Guangyu exposed all the information, he secretly prayed that the disaster could be diverted to the east, so that these crawling corpses could go to those people to settle accounts
After a long time, the figures of these 'zombies' began to distort and melt like water.

"Is this a rest? Haha, we survived, we survived." Daniel was ecstatic, he had never thought that the disappearing corpse was so cute.

Wait a moment.
female zombie.
male zombie.
All turned into people?Or the policeman you least want to see?
In front of him was a row of policemen in police uniforms, looking at Liu Guangyu and the others with idiot-looking eyes, as if they were saying [I haven't done anything yet, so you confessed. 】

"Well, come with us, brother."

Kacha, the handcuffs were placed on the hands of Liu Guangyu and the others——

The great joy in Xielin Village is still going on, and the festive firecrackers are still going off. When the auspicious day comes, worship the heaven and the earth, enter the bridal chamber, and get married.

Village head Miao looked at the scene in front of him kindly.

"Master Taoist, how is our village?"

Li Yun ate and drank at the banquet, looked at the men and women dancing in front of him, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "The village is good, and the people are good. This dream is even better."

"Is the Taoist priest saying that I am dreaming?"

"If you think it is, then it is not." Li Yun continued to drink, and had a drink with Hanxiang from time to time.

As a mountain spirit, Hanxiang will not get drunk. After drinking this wine, he stirs up Linghai and makes his face turn red. He looks like he is drunk, which is very cute.

The little fox stared straight at the good wine at this table, but without Li Yun's consent, she would not drink indiscriminately.

"I'll drink it for you later. There's only one cup." Li Yun stroked the little fox's head.

Seeing the interaction between Li Yun and Hanxiang, Village Chief Miao said enviously: "That's great, it would be great if my granddaughter could be so happy, you are so happy, she should be so happy too, grow up happily, I spend my life happily with my husband and my children, but why, why did it become like this."

After drinking two glasses of wine, Village Chief Miao said everything he didn't intend to say.

For example, the wedding this time is not a wedding between people and people, but a wedding between people and ghosts.

Li Yun already knew, but Village Chief Miao didn't know, so he murmured.

"The life of the child is miserable. She is 18 years old. She died of illness at the age of 18. Why hasn't she left this Miao village, hasn't gone to her favorite university, and hasn't enjoyed the things she should enjoy at this age."

Li Yun sighed, it was indeed a concubine's fate to die, and it was pitiful. A child of this age should be the happiest time in his life.

But at this happiest moment, he was seduced by Yin Cao.

"Old village head, you should also know that a ghost marriage can't bring anything, it can't bring happiness to the dead, it can only bring pain and shadow to the tied person Well, of course, this person may not have any shadow That's it." Li Yun said, theoretically speaking, in the Taoist Qimen culture, ghost marriage is useful, but in this world that has lost miracles, the so-called ghost marriage is really just to create wealth for criminals, but also have brought misfortune to others.

And as a buyer, you can only get a little comfort from self-deception——

"You don't understand. As a grandma, my idea is just to make her happy. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not." Village head Miao smiled kindly, looked at the time, and found that the auspicious day was almost the same. He said, "I hope you can be a good guest and do your duty as a guest."

The words were vaguely threatening, and there were a few men from Miao Village who were aggressive.

If you don't make trouble, you are a guest, and if you make trouble, you are an enemy.

However, Li Yun drank the last sip of wine, and then secretly put a small bottle in his sleeve - to give Xiao Suli a drink when the time comes.

Then he stood up and said to Village Chief Miao.

"Of course the dead cannot obtain happiness"

Ignoring the threatening man next to him, Li Yun led Hanxiang to the center of the aisle.

The two 'troublemakers' were supposed to be taken down, but the big men didn't know why, and were stunned by the sight in front of them.

The moonlight shines on the two of them.
The soul is broken, and there is no way to return to the other side.

"Dancing with the long sword, summoning the soul with the body,"

(End of this chapter)

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