Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 655, digging graves for small things, summoning souls for big things

Chapter 655, digging graves for small things, summoning souls for big things
"Why is it so familiar? Why exactly?"

Zhang Xiaodou looked at his 'wife' in front of him, but couldn't remember anything.

It's as if I've seen it before.
It's not the déjà vu of a previous marriage, but a real feeling of having seen it.

It's obviously dead
exactly why
"What is the name of my 'bridal wife'? Is it too casual to just get married without knowing the name?" Zhang Xiaodou laughed at herself.

With the passage of time, Zhang Xiaodou felt that the numbness in his body had disappeared a lot, at least he could move his left hand a little bit.

When he was able to move, Zhang Xiaodou's first reaction was to cover the bride's red hijab.

"I'm such a fool"

The sound of firecrackers is getting closer and closer, and the bridegroom and the couple are invited to visit the church.

A group of people came in from outside, some driving Zhang Xiaodou, some driving the bride.

At this time, Zhang Xiaodou said with some difficulty.

"Can I. know her name"

One of the Miao youths said after silence: "You mean the bride? Her name is Miao Yufeng."

"Miao Yufeng, that's a nice name." Zhang Xiaodou grinned, as if accepting his fate, and let the young man from the Miao Village lead the way.

Miao Yufeng.

It was exactly the same as the name I blurted out.

As soon as I went out, I saw the door, and there were two people in the middle of the road.


"Taoist, why are you standing in the middle of the road? We treated you as a guest and let you in, not to make trouble." A tall and thick Miao man looked at Li Yun standing in the middle with a displeased expression on his face.

Li Yun still maintained a calm smile, with a pair of bracelets in his hand.

Everyone present knew this bracelet, it was Miao Yufeng's favorite pair during her lifetime.

"Isn't this uncle's thing? Why is it in your hand. You return it."

Village head Miao was also furious. Why did someone else's granddaughter's belongings appear in other people's hands? This was short of an order for everyone present to rush up and take down the thief Li Yun.

Faced with the anger of the people in Miao Village, Li Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he even laughed out loud, ignoring them, and came directly in front of Zhang Xiaodou.

Happy travels, like wind and fog, no one knows how Li Yun moves.
Li Yun just said to himself.

"Do you want to marry her?"

Zhang Xiaodou really wanted to say no, after all, except for real perverts, no one would want to marry a dead person.

But Zhang Xiaodou couldn't say this.

There is no way to say no.

He wanted to marry her, Miao Yufeng as his wife.

Li Yun smiled, and condensed the long sword in his hand, Hanxiang also condensed a long sword in his hand, which is purely composed of spiritual power, pure natural, non-polluting, and has nothing at all except what it looks like harm.

At this time, Li Yun was also a little nervous. After all, it was the first time to do similar things.

The long sword danced under the moon, and no one present had ever seen the dance, but they all admired the beauty of the dance from the bottom of their hearts—mainly Hanxiang's beautiful appearance.

There is no music accompaniment, only the cold wind blowing.

The cold wind blows, the shadow of the moon shifts, and under the moon, the shadows of the two gradually merge together.
Under the sky, the moon and the earth also began to merge.
In Sanqing Temple, Bai Chen was happily spraying the king's pesticide, concentrating all his attention, for fear of being killed, but 1 minute later, Bai Chen typed on the screen [Jungle shooter, if you don't give it, give it away. 】

After typing, Bai Chen turned off the phone
Give it to the shooter or give it away!
"No wonder you are still platinum scum"

"They gave me Sagittarius Laozi a long time ago to glorify the king." Bai Chen said flatly.

Liu Yanli: "."

"Hey, by the way, you should be considered a Taoist priest." Liu Yanli, who was eating melon seeds, asked suddenly.

"Theoretically, I am a magic weapon in the hands of a Taoist priest, but there is nothing wrong with saying that you are a Taoist priest." Bai Chen shrugged.

"I've always been curious, like in the movies, are those things like asking gods, summoning souls, pen celestials, dish celestial beings, etc. really true?" Liu Yanli was a little scared, but her eyes The fire of death in the middle is burning blazingly.

Bai Chen saw this mixture of fear and curiosity, and felt that whether it was a human, a fish or a weapon, they were all cheap. Although he resisted things that he was afraid of or didn't understand, he always exuded an inexplicable curiosity. ——

"I don't know what it means to be a pen fairy or a dish fairy, but I guess it's probably a kind of spirit summoning ceremony. Pay the price and then control ghosts to act. This kind of person can't do it. If you dare to do it, you have to do it well." The possibility of being backlashed by ghosts, the exchange of equal value is always only established when the strengths of the two parties are equal, why should people with unequal strengths exchange with you at equal value."

These words are very reasonable, Liu Yanli has no thought of refuting.
"This is similar to the power of God's Fighting Technique. Using rituals as a medium to invite the gods to distract the upper body to deal with the enemy, this is the same as the spirit summoning ceremony you said. The difference is that the upper body of the gods, they follow the rules, you You only need to pay a fixed price, but the price is often more serious. The power of the fairy is not something ordinary people can bear. Generally, if you use it too much, your lifespan will be greatly reduced, so the magic strike is an inferior technique. method." Bai Chen pushed the black-rimmed glasses that did not exist on his face and said, "Spirituality is different, it is different from the other two. Spirituality generally refers to souls that have passed away long ago and do not stay in the world, that is, It is said that if you want to summon souls, you must pass the Reincarnation Si Naihe Bridge and the Gate of Hades. In theory, this is against the law, unless you have a formal priesthood."

"Wow, it feels like I can do whatever I want with [beep]." Liu Yanli complained.

"It's not like doing whatever you want. The yin and yang are separated. The gates of ghosts can be opened in the first seven days or in the night of returning to the soul. People come to the world to meet their relatives and summon souls. As long as they don't do too much things, they generally don't care about it. Ordinary people do soul calling. At most, it is just a punishment of weakening Yangshou. The soul-caller should be a bit of a force, but the soul-calling and resurrection of the dead is different. This kind of thing is against the law of heaven. Looking for a way to die."

Bai Chen wanted to say something else, he was embarrassed to show off his knowledge, when suddenly his body shook, and he instinctively turned into a white dragon.

The operation of immediately transforming into a white dragon caused Liu Yanli to drop a few French fries
"Come and see the gods." Liu Yanli complained imitating the Moonlight Treasure Box.

Bai Shen didn't respond to Liu Yanli's complaints, and looked at the situation in the Taoist temple with his big copper bell eyes.

The stone statue of Emperor Dongyue reacted
Together with the other shore flowers.

The eternal dead thing that seemed to be fixed by time began to bloom.

The other side blooms.

(End of this chapter)

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