Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 700, Your Goddess Is Husky

Chapter 700, Your Goddess Is Husky

"You are really hopeless."

Wang Weigong looked at Lin Daxiong, who was beaten up and cornered by debt collectors, and felt a little flustered in his heart.

This fluctuation was caused by his 'loving mother'.

"I did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong! This is the only way I can get attention. I am a waste. In reality, everyone looks down on me."

Lin Daxiong, who was beaten up with a bruised nose and swollen face, looked at Wang Weigong with malice and said, "You are the same as those people. You came here for my money and my house, right? You greedy ghosts have already said I borrowed it for a month and paid it back, and it's only a few days before I came to collect the debt. You guys are not honest!"

"Fuck, the ghost knows that you are using money to reward the anchor!" The loan lender looked at Lin Daxiong fiercely, and his anger was not in one place: "I have been in this business for so long, and I have seen lending money. Those who gamble, those who have seen medical treatment, and those who have seen business turnover, but those who have never seen the past and gave money to others, let me tell you, if you don’t hand over the house today, don’t even think about leaving!”

"You are all liars! Liars! I said I would raise money. Also, the contract we signed is not legally valid, and this house is still mine! Hahaha, are you stupid?" Lin Daxiong replied hysterically, It looks like I have a great advantage and can turn the tables.


Talking about the law with loan sharks?
The boss feels that Lin Daxiong is no longer a person who can be described as stupid and naive.

"You are just a piece of trash and you still need to raise money? If you are given 100 years to calculate inflation, you may be able to afford it." The shirtless boss said disdainfully: "Also, did you make a mistake? When do we need money?" Tell you that the contract is not valid? Tell you, if you don’t hand over the house today.”

still trash
Hearing these words, Lin Daxiong's originally excited expression suddenly calmed down.

That's right, I am a waste, and people lend me money for the sake of the house.

By yourself? I don't know if I can borrow 100 yuan.

"Whatever you like, anyway, I have no money and no house."

Lin Daxiong was lying on the floor like a dead fish, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

The other party is a usury, and some of them are playing with themselves.


As long as the other party sells, everything is over.
Lin Daxiong's mother burst into tears and said: "You actually mortgaged the house at home, which is different from what was agreed."

"Ha, I'm going to tell you that you can give me the real estate certificate?" Lin Daxiong sneered slyly: "If you can sell the house honestly, will I have to borrow usury? It's all your fault! "

Selling the house is not enough, going out to rent a house is the same!Isn't it the same as renting a house!Anyway, my old mother can afford to rent, so that's not enough.

At this time, neither Lin Daxiong nor the boss of the lender looked at the tearful old mother.

As if she didn't exist, no one cared about her, only Wang Weigong looked at this poor woman, lost her family, and had a son who didn't even count as family.

Wang Weigong's face was indifferent, and finally his eyes became sharp.

"I have objections to this matter"

"Hoo hoo, the live broadcast is really fun." Ah Er was as happy as a husky, rolling all over the floor, overjoyed.

Ya was originally a happy husky.

During this live broadcast, many local tyrants rewarded this cute dog with a beautiful singing voice, and what he earned was called hi.

Suddenly, a trace of pig cry broke the tranquility of the Taoist temple.

It's not a pig call in the usual sense.
It was the sound of a person wailing.

But for some reason, this sound sounded like a pig's cry to Li Yun and others.

"Ah, there are wild boars?" Ah Er tilted his head, his dog face bewildered and at a loss.

When Li Yun came outside the gate of the Taoist temple, he saw the person clearly. It was Bai Chen's disciple Sun Wangwei Palace, who was escorting one...one person.

This man was roaring and howling uncontrollably, like a wild beast, trying to break free from the confinement of Wangwei Palace, but it was of no avail.

"Well, people who come to the Taoist temple should instinctively feel a sense of tranquility. Why is this one getting more and more manic?"

"We don't accept mental patients here. Shouldn't Internet addicts like this go to Professor Yang to receive love treatment?" Liu Yanli looked at Lin Daxiong in front of her and said, "This guy is obviously a withdrawal reaction."

"Yes, it's a withdrawal reaction."

Wang Weigong had a helpless expression on his face. As a partner of justice, he had done many drug addicts, and they always reacted like this when they were caught.

Lost dependence on something, became manic and aggressive.

Six parents do not recognize.


Maybe he's already disowned
"I'm going to sue you! I'm going to sue you for illegal detention! I'm going to sue you for bankruptcy! Wait until I'm a millionaire! You're dead!"

Lin Daxiong cursed incoherently, Wang Weigong apologized for bringing him here to bother the Taoist temple, and then said: "It's not that I want to bring him here, I took him to a mental hospital. The mental hospital said that drug addicts are not accepted, so take him Go to the bureau, the bureau said they won’t accept Internet addicts, take him to the drug rehabilitation center, the drug rehabilitation said they won’t accept idiots//forced.”

It sounds like throwing the pot away, but in a sense, they are really right.

Li Yun released the meditation technique, trying to make Lin Daxiong calm down, but he was still like a mad dog, showing no intention of stopping.

This is very flamboyant.

At this time, bursts of singing came from the backyard.

Very light, very soft, as if Stefanie Sun is singing.
It was still the same green light, without any defense.

A green light made Lin Daxiong quiet down.

"It's her. My goddess, she's here!"

Don't know where the strength came from, Lin Daxiong wanted to break free from Wangwei Palace desperately, but Wang Weigong was not something he could break free from.

However, Wang Weigong felt the persistence from Lin Daxiong.

Looking at Lin Daxiong's bewildered appearance, Li Yun probably knew what was going on, and said calmly, "Let him go."

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Weigong let go of Lin Daxiong's hand.

Lin Daxiong rushed into the Taoist temple and the backyard.

This time, I can see my goddess
With a feeling of pilgrimage, Lin Daxiong entered the Taoist temple.

I have thought about it countless times, why should I give a reward?

In order to get everyone's envy and praise.

In order to be thanked by the Goddess.

In order to get the goddess.

"If you know that I am a local tyrant, you will definitely be with me. No matter how bad you are, you will let me fuck you. Haha, I am a winner in life! I have such a destiny with the goddess, and I can meet her here ..”

Lin Daxiong put on his best smile.

It showed a mouth full of big yellow teeth that were almost destroyed by cigarettes and betel nuts.

open the door
"Where is the green light!"

"Thank you, old irons, okay?"

"Thanks to the local tyrants for letting their planes fly"


Lin Daxiong was stunned.

I saw the 'goddess' in front of me.


It's really a husky.
blood, straight to the forehead
Surprised or not, not surprised, not stimulated——

"Please calculate the area of ​​this man's psychological shadow." Liu Yanli looked at Lin Daxiong who was stunned and laughed wildly: "Finding out that my goddess is a dog, that kind of mood, ouch, what a puff, no, I laughed out loud .”

"Don't sprinkle salt on other people's wounds, there is a saying that is good, this feels like a dead dog." Bai Chen made another stab, causing real damage to Lin Daxiong.

All the fantasies of the day were shattered.

In other words, the feeling that all spiritual sustenance has been shattered
"I just heard your name Pindao and felt something was wrong, Lin Daxiong Lin Daxiong. The way you get your ID is really simple and rude. Do you use the Douyu account as your own avatar?" Li Yun himself has a superb memory, and even more Not to mention that [Daxiong Shenhao], he directly rewarded Ah Er with a huge sum of 100 million.

At that time, I felt that this man was really rich enough, and 100 million came as soon as he said it.

But at present, there seems to be something wrong with this local tyrant.

"In order to reward the anchor immediately, he borrowed 100 million yuan from a loan shark for his house behind his mother's back, and now he can't pay it back right away. The loan shark came to ask for a house." Wei Gong looked at Lin Daxiong with disgust and said: "Originally, this person should have brought the blame on himself, but this house is the inheritance left by his father to the two mothers and sons. I didn't expect it. Tsk tsk."

"This person is much, much worse than most of the criminals I have seen. In order not to let my mother find out, he mortgaged the real estate certificate privately."

Wang Weigong made a sincere evaluation of Lin Daxiong. In fact, Li Yun also felt the same way.

Looking at this scene, Ah Er was not in the mood to broadcast live, and said, "Old irons, I'm going to download the broadcast, see you tomorrow, okay?"

This sound made Li Yun sick.

Wang Weigong was stunned for a moment before realizing that the dog in front of him was talking and singing.
However, after thinking about it carefully, I quickly accepted this setting.
After all, my master is also a talking panda.
After Ah Er downloaded the broadcast, he saw Lin Daxiong with a spoiled face.

"Who is this?"

"The old iron who rewarded you with 100 million."


Ah Er’s expression remained unchanged. He really has no idea about money. It’s better to convert it into bamboo shoots and mushrooms.
Lin Daxiong's face became more sluggish, and the capitalized miserable words, not only the goddess is a husky, but also the husky did not have any psychological fluctuations because of the 100 million.

After sharing the profits with the Douyu company, the money will be split 50-[-], and [-] will be deposited into Ah Er's card.

"Return the money, give me back the money! Give me back the money! I won't tip you anymore! Give me back the money! I want to tip someone else," Lin Daxiong roared hysterically.

"Aren't you going to give a reward to Ah Er and give a reward to someone else? It's too flirty to think about rewarding this person now." Liu Yanli was convincing in capital letters.

"Although it's pretty scumbag, it's also a kind of sustenance in life. Fight for it. It's just going in the wrong direction. If you make money by yourself to reward the anchor, there is nothing to say, but the money is all left by your deceased father. Tsk tsk in exchange for all the inheritance." Li Yun looked at Lin Daxiong's face, and then said to Ah Er: "Ah Er, are you willing to return this sum of money to him? 50 yuan."

This money was earned by Ah Er, and only Ah Er is eligible to use it.

Whether it is to pay back the money.

It makes sense to not pay back the money.

Everything depends on Ah Er.
"Wait a minute, why don't you ask me, I'm obviously the one who takes the big money! The money is in my card!" Bai Chen raised his hand in protest.

Protesting is invalid, and Bai Chen's opinions don't need to be listened to——

Ah Er tilted his head and looked up at Lin Daxiong, who had a runny nose and tears.

"so poor."

"It's miserable."

"So helpless"

"However, I refuse."

Ah Er doesn't care about money, if Li Yun wants it, he can give it all.

But others, no.

This is his own.

"You are acting! You are lying! You are all robbers and liars! Pay me back quickly!" Lin Daxiong roared excitedly.

Ah Er tilted his head and wondered: "It's strange, this is obviously Ben Wang's, why do you have to share it with you, you are neither the master nor the hostess, why should I return the things that Ben Wang obtained through the live broadcast of labor to you?" Woolen cloth?"

How old are you~
What Ah Er said was very reasonable, but Lin Daxiong was speechless.

"This money is obviously my mother's house."

"Even if you are a local tyrant, you have already tipped the money to Ben Wang through the platform."

"Look, since Ah Er is unwilling to return it to you, then the poor have nothing to do. You can only settle the money yourself," Li Yun said indifferently.

"You are his master! You can ask him to pay me back the money!" Lin Daxiong saw Li Yun, and excitedly wanted to rush forward, coercing Li Yun to order Ah Er.

Ah Er stood directly in front of Li Yun, facing Lin Daxiong with a sharp face.

While being the anchor Ah Er, he is also a loyal dog Ah Er, it would be impossible for someone to attack his master right in front of his eyes.

Lin Daxiong was overwhelmed in an instant, and only when facing his mother and blackmailing elementary school students would he show courage comparable to his figure.

"The relationship between Pindao and Ah Er is not what you think, it is the relationship between the owner and the dog, more like the relationship between guardians." Li Yun said indifferently: "Ah Er has his own thoughts, his own will, is independent individual."

"You actually treat a dog as an independent individual? Haha! I laughed to death, are you a dog slave! How can a dog be compared to a human being! You are a pious, dead Taoist priest, you rubbish, you bastard!"

Faced with Lin Daxiong's hysterical abuse, Li Yun didn't speak, but Ah Er started to spray
"Turtle bastard."

"Horse hides."







All kinds of things, too many to deal with, made Lin Daxiong so angry that his seven orifices bleed.

Until the end, Lin Daxiong had to admit the fact that he couldn't even spray a dog.

Even the technology of spraying people is not as good as that of dogs.
The more Ah Er spouted more and more vigorously, he faintly had the air of a hero, and the scolding became more and more ugly.

Li Yun listened silently to Ah Er's rant, and said calmly, "Enough."

Ah Er shut up for a moment.

"Ah Er, follow the poor way."

(End of this chapter)

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