Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 701, human nature

Chapter 701, human nature


Ah Er was a little puzzled, but still followed Li Yun's pace.

In an instant, the portal of Kunlun Mirror opened, and one person and one dog were teleported to the city.

A food stall.

The aroma of fried noodles and scallops and snails overflowed from the inside, and Ah Er's saliva immediately began to secrete.
"It smells good, what is this?"

"The money you earn through the live broadcast can be used to buy these things." Li Yun smiled, took out the 100 yuan he got from Liu Yanli, and led Ah Er to the dining table.

"Big brother, what do you want?"

"Grilled fish, braised pork ribs."


Not long after, two plates of delicious meat dishes were brought up. Li Yun didn't take a bite, took out Ah Er's special bowl, poured it into it, and fed it all to Ah Er.

Really fragrant——

Ah Er licked the dog's mouth furiously, full of satisfaction, the aroma of pork ribs gravy and the smell of charred grilled fish, although it is not as good as the spirit grass, but it is really delicious!

"This is what money can exchange for. Just like your live broadcast, you will get rewards for what you pay. They have worked hard to make this dish for you to eat, and you can use the rewards you get in exchange."

Ah Er suddenly felt that the live broadcast was really great.

"How much can I exchange for this 50 yuan!"

"It can be exchanged for tens of thousands of copies."

What is the concept of tens of thousands of copies? Ah Er doesn’t know, Ah Er only knows that he is going to have a great time.
However, when Ah Er couldn't be happier and was indulging in delicious food, a semi-old woman who was wiping the tablecloth and picking up the trash, sweating profusely, came into his dog's eyes.

Ah Er doesn't know how to read words and expressions, but it can be seen that the half-old woman in front of her is not happy.
"She is also working, but her job is not like yours. She can exchange so many ribs and grilled fish. If she does this for a day, she can only afford two servings of what you just ate." Li Yun explained.

"Only two servings a day at work? Impossible. Isn't she very miserable?" Ah Er couldn't understand why this half-aged woman who looked so miserable could only change two such meals a day at work.

"Not only that, but as the pillar of the family, she also needs daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These are things that cost money. After working hard all day, she can only eat some things that even you don't like." Li Yun sighed Said: "But this is life, there are always many things that cannot be controlled in life, such as the girl in front of me now."

When the middle-aged woman was working, she was directly dragged aside by a group of tattooed youths.

"Let me give it a few more days, and I will collect the money for you."

Among them, led by young people from Zuo Qinglong and You Baihu, those who were impatient threw away their cigarette butts and betel nuts, and said viciously: "Finally squatting until you come to work, your son has escaped. Now, pay back the money, he You owe us a lot of money, and you have to pay me back even if you die here."

The half-old woman was so frightened by the people in front of her that she burst into tears, and knelt down directly.

"Wait until my child is admitted as a civil servant, and then he will be able to make money."

"I don't care what kind of civil servant your child is taking the exam for. Now the fact is that he owes me money! Do you know?" The boss grinned and said, "Besides, that trash of yours mortgaged the house to us and took it to us. I tipped the anchor, and you said that a fool like him can make so much money? Don’t make me laugh, stop talking nonsense, either pay back the money, or sell the house, there is only one choice between the two, do you know!”

After finishing speaking, the boss took out the IOU and the photo, which was signed by Lin Daxiong with a happy face at that time.

That smile seems to have got everything.

She can't come up with 100 million
In the end, the only way to offset the money is to hand over the house honestly.

"You lied to reward the anchor. He was definitely forced by you!" The half-old woman was incoherent and wanted to refute.

"Huh? We forced it?" The boss sneered: "We may induce him to spend, but we will definitely not induce him to tip. Garbage is garbage, and we are beyond our capabilities. In order to get satisfaction from pretending to be a local tyrant on the Internet, I think this This kind of thing will only happen to elementary school students. This is a giant baby."

The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

In the end, the young boss gave her an ultimatum, saying that she could either take the money or take the house and leave immediately.

Li Yun and Ah Er, who were using the invisibility technique, saw all this in their eyes.

"That's right, the one million yuan reward you got from her. Her son, for his own selfish desires, is about to drive his family out of the house." Li Yun said calmly, his face calm as usual .

Poor people must have something to hate, and the bottom line is that Lin Daxiong will be educated like this because of his fucking doting
Losing his father in his early years, in order to let his children get complete love, he finally turned into this appearance. It is not his own fault, but he must be half responsible.

Ah Er was ignorant, but when he turned around, he saw that Li Yun had disappeared, leaving only himself.


Ah Er tilted his head wondering why he didn't take him away, after thinking about it, he still followed the half-old woman.

With the blessing of invisibility, she didn't know that Huskies were following behind her.

Huskies, observing the lives of half-old women.

After hard work, I just swallowed two white flour steamed buns, boiled water, and maybe two plates of pickles left over from the food stall.

Debt collectors came to harass her work, she could only kneel down again and again, and work harder.

There is no hope of repaying the money. In the end, I can only consider selling the house. I only hope that my hard work can make up for other small loans that Lin Daxiong borrowed.

Lin Daxiong, who was sent back, was locked in the room all day long. No one knew what he was doing there. All he knew was that all the pressure was borne by his mother, from the mortgage lender, and from life.

My mother ate steamed buns, and Lin Daxiong ate delicious meat dishes every day.
Even being trapped in such a field, maternal love remains unchanged.

Ah Er saw her remorse, her sorrow, everything was her own fault.

"Wang here."

For some reason, looking at her life trajectory, Ah Er always felt blocked by something in his heart.

feeling bad.

I want to cry.

Why, cry because of someone other than the master?
Ah Er didn't know what his own emotion was called.
Lying peacefully on the balcony, basking in the sun, thinking about his dog life.

At this time, Li Yun appeared next to Ah Er. Ah Er, who was supposed to rush forward without saying a word, did not do so, but continued to think about Gou Sheng.

Seeing this, Li Yun smiled.

"This is called human nature."

(End of this chapter)

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