Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 703, Being a Teacher

Chapter 703, Being a Teacher

Li Yun led Ah Er back to the Taoist temple. Along the way, Ah Er displayed his survival instincts and pretended to be cute and silly, attracting girls along the way who said they were rewarding ham sausages and meat bones.

Ah Er sticks out his tongue and wags his tail, enjoying the delicious food happily, while thinking about the dog's life, he said.

"That person just now, he is not a good person."

"In a broad sense, this person is indeed not a good person, and can even be described as a bad person."

"Then why did he behave like that?" Ah Er stuck out his tongue and asked curiously: "I always feel that he is not a good person, but he is much better than that scumbag. Although that scumbag can't be called a good person, in many ways Not as bad as him."

Ah Er is caught in a conflict, Wu De is a bad person, Lin Daxiong is neither a good person nor a bad person, but why does it feel that Wu De is much better than Lin Daxiong.

Shouldn't it be right that the good guys are better than the bad guys?
"This is the so-called [human nature]. Human nature is a very complicated thing. In many cases, it cannot be interpreted simply in terms of good and bad." Li Yun looked at Ah Er and smiled. Wisdom comes, of course, generally speaking, this look is still silly.

The original Ah Er had only human intelligence and no concept of human nature. In most behaviors, he made judgments based on instinct, and wildness controlled rationality.

If you want to be a social dog, you have to control the wildness by reason, that is, to have humanity.

Ah Er is gradually approaching people, just like a child.

At the beginning of the dog, the nature is good, give guidance, endow it with compassion and heart.

After seeing Lin Daxiong's poor mother, the compassion generated by his own will, and the anger expressed towards Lin Daxiong, an irrelevant person, rewarded him with a rocket head mallet by the way, in order to get the idea smooth.

Back at the Taoist temple, Bai Chen looked at Ah Er, noticed the change in Ah Er, and praised: "That's right, the 50 yuan is not in vain."

"One thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a fairy. Some things are doomed when the morality and worldview are formed. Good and evil are not the point. The point is that you have a bottom line deep in your heart."

"I don't think you have any bottom line," Li Yun complained. Bai Chen's integrity value is basically negative, so he has no right to talk about the bottom line.

Bai Chen was not in a hurry, he said calmly.

"I'm not a human being, why should I abide by the bottom line and morals of a human being? I am very moral to my own kind. For example, I never penetrate deeply. When I slay a monster, I will use all my strength to make her stand on the spot." died in orgasm"

Li Yun resolutely refused to listen to this guy and took the opportunity to talk about nasty jokes, and gave a 1-minute silence package.

Ah Er continued his live broadcast business, opened the live broadcast room, and spoke in a cute, soft girl voice.

"My friends, it's fine to reward rationally, you don't need to exceed your own responsibility, and even if you don't reward me, I still love you, okay?"

As soon as a word is said, the screen is full of rewards.

How can the real local tyrants give up because of these two sentences.

Obviously, it was to persuade the water friends not to reward so intensely, but in the end it aroused the desire of the water friends to give rewards, and wave after wave of fish balls were thrown down, and there was no way to stop.

Ah Er looked at the rewards on the screen with a dog face, at a loss, and this kind of operation?

If you are stupid, you should be thankful.

"Um, thanks for the reward. Wait a minute, no no."

The more Ah Er refused, the crazier the reward became.

1 to 666 is commonplace, and the salted fish continue to double-click [-] to worship the rewards of the bigwigs.

The ID of Nobita's local tycoon hangs high above, and the people below are chasing closely, trying to catch up with this big guy one day and become the king among the audience in the live broadcast room.

The chain has never been broken. Everyone wants to be admired, paid attention to, and envied and hated by others.

Some do it with pocket money, some with their fortunes.

"Human nature, there has never been any change. Paying such a price just to get a little emptiness of comfort, the rich people are like this now. Envy, envy, why are those people so rich." Bai Chen said on his mouth I am very envious, in fact, I am really envious in my heart.

"By the way, Bai Chen, a dog like Ah Er who has both [spirit] and [wisdom] open, can he cultivate immortality?" Li Yun asked Bai Chen, he is really daft when it comes to monsters.

Bai Chen thought for a while and said.

"Ah Er is different from ordinary dogs. He can talk and has humanity. He can feel sad and happy because of some complicated things. The three souls, seven souls, seven emotions and six desires are all satisfied. It can be said that Chitu is among dogs, Lu Bu is among dogs, Hero-level figures in the world."

Li Yun always felt that there was something wrong with this analogy, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.
"However, a mortal body is a mortal body, and no amount of talking can change his essence." Bai Chen said: "Actually, there is a saying in the world of monsters, people are born by their mothers, and demons are born by their mothers." Born, ordinary dogs beget ordinary dogs, demon dogs beget demon dogs, even if ordinary dogs have a chance to become demon dogs, there are acquired restrictions, and the upper limit of ordinary dogs becoming demon dogs can be predicted with the naked eye."

"I always feel that the sense of sight is a bit strong." Li Yun said.

"Well, just like Naruto, in the world of monsters, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the bloodline is the biggest." Bai Chen smiled: "Frankly speaking, this manga is quite realistic, and it ruthlessly tells about countless worlds. The truth lies in the fact that the lower limit is determined by oneself, and the upper limit is determined by fighting with one's father, and the lower limit of having a father is the upper limit of ordinary people's efforts.

"Even Naruto knows it." Li Yun felt that this was full of flaws.

"So it is said that Ah Er's mortal body restricts the future from the innate, and the bottom line is that it is a mortal dog." Bai Chen changed the subject: "But if you want to become a spirit, it is not impossible."


"Haven't you heard of it? 'One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven'." Bai Chen's eyes were deep: "Back then, that dead dog was also like this. It became rich because of its master, and it directly skipped the stage of demon and became a fairy. , That's quite awesome. But, there is only one mortal dog like this in the whole world, and it can only be regarded as a special case."

"One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, isn't it still a fight for father? It's just not a fight for a real father, but a fight for a godfather."

"Yeah, nothing has changed."

Xiao Suli turned into a human form, lying in Li Yun's arms, looking at the textbook in her hand seriously.

When he had nothing to do, Li Yun taught Su Li to read and write. In addition to the basic knowledge of Chinese, mathematics and English, he also had some interesting lessons, such as painting, singing and the like.

As for forcing subjects like geography, biology, and politics in elementary school like other children, Li Yun refused.

Of course, right now it’s just forced indoctrination.
If it weren't for the fact that Xiao Suli is quite smart, Li Yun would not even teach Chinese, Mathematics and English, and strive to give Xiao Suli a perfect and happy childhood, especially when the child is still young and the personality is shaped. Although Li Yun I feel that the personality of the nine-tailed fox Su Li does not need to be molded, it has already been formed at birth.

Quirky, lively and cute, Dad's caring little padded jacket.
A good girl is the best——

"Dad, this is the book my aunt gave me. It's called Hygiene and Health. Can you tell me about it?"

"It's still too early for you." Li Yun confiscated the hygiene and health book calmly, and at the same time looked critically at Liu Yanli who was eating spicy sticks behind him as if nothing had happened.

It's too bad, giving this kind of book at this age is really something that Fathead Fish can do.

At this time, the fat head fish was not convinced, and he patted the table and said: "Hey, I am not convinced by your education method. Children need to be exposed to these things when they are young. Parents nowadays ignore this kind of education too much. , who will be responsible if something goes wrong? You or the teacher? "

"But the child is still young."

"I can understand your mood, but ah, the mood belongs to the mood. Out of consideration for reality, you should also understand that I am doing the right thing. The current parents are too much, taboo this opportunity and that Yes, especially for little foxes growing up in such a closed environment, it is even more necessary to establish good hygiene and health knowledge early on." Liu Yanli took out a DVD from her crotch with a serious face, mysteriously Xixi put it in front of Xiao Su Li and said: "Come, come, this is an advanced chapter on hygiene and health. It has more exciting content. It can let you learn a lot of postures, but Auntie, I learned from your Uncle Bai Chen." The treasures that were stolen from here”

Li Yun resolutely pulled Su Li away from Liu Yanli, the fish head pollutant. His health and hygiene were fine, but it was really ulterior motives to bring out an unidentifiable DVD.
Pulling the little fox to the front of the main hall, he continued to teach Chinese, mathematics and English, the three favorite books of primary school students.

The pilgrims who passed by were slightly taken aback when they saw this scene. A young Taoist priest with extraordinary temperament was holding a primary school textbook to teach the children, and the children kept shouting at their fathers and fathers. strong.

While Li Yun was teaching little Su Li silently, a middle-aged aunt came over and said with a frown: "No, no, your teaching method is wrong. For children of this age, absorbing knowledge is only secondary." , the most important thing is to cultivate their interest in this area."

The middle-aged aunt was full of aura, and she sat down next to Xiao Su Li. Li Yun couldn't help but step aside, giving her the teacher's seat.

"First of all, do you know what an apple is?"

When the aunt was teaching, she didn't immediately follow the textbook, but first used something to arouse little Su Li's interest, and then taught her. Soon Su Li was gradually attracted by the textbook. The education level was so much higher than Li Yun's.

Li Yun silently ate melons, watching the middle-aged aunt teach little Su Li.
Half an hour later, the middle-aged aunt stopped teaching and said that Xiao Suli could go to play, and she said to herself: "The most important thing is to work and rest, children. I can't stop her from playing, and I have to find a balance between the two. This is the most effective way to teach. There are many teachers who like cramming teaching. They don't know if their children can accept it. And you guys Parents too, be careful not to overwhelm the growth, which may well ruin the child's life."

"Thank you teacher, goodbye teacher!" Xiao Suli very obediently called the middle-aged aunt a teacher, which made the aunt very happy, and praised Xiao Su Li for being sensible.

After class, little Su Li jumped up and down, and ran to play by herself. Besides running to play, she also brought the teaching textbook in her hand. Obviously, she was aroused by the middle-aged aunt's interest in learning, and she took the initiative to read it. to understand.

"What the family said is very true. Thank you so much. I don't know anything about teaching." Li Yun said this very sincerely. He really doesn't know anything about family education, let alone those people in the temple. Fathead Fish, who is most suitable for the profession of a teacher, may teach something that cannot be taught, and it is really hard to guard against.

The middle-aged aunt accepted Li Yun's thanks very calmly, and said: "Also, this little girl is old enough to go to elementary school, you can't keep her tied up in a Taoist temple or something, she should have something more suitable for her." Heaven and earth, you can make a lot of friends in school, this is the most important stage for a child's growth, I would rather be a scumbag than a lonely child"

At this time, the middle-aged aunt was so earnest that she regarded Li Yun as a person who traditionally prevented her daughter from going to school.

Li Yun thinks that this explanation does not make sense. Only after drinking alcohol can he turn into a human form, and the duration is uncertain. Only in Taoist temples can he maintain a human form for a long time, so he can't go to school at all, so he can only let his salty fish teacher go. Barely teach some basic things.
"Pindao's daughter has a stubborn illness, and she can't go to school until the treatment is cured. After the illness is cured, she will be allowed to go to school." Li Yun said, and let her go to elementary school when she can stabilize and complete her transformation.
In fact, Li Yun felt that he could directly finish teaching elementary school content and started from junior high school.

At this moment, the middle-aged aunt was at a loss for words, and she suddenly realized that she was a little regretful.

"Oh, that's it. It's a pity. He is such a cute child. If he is sick, there is really nothing he can do about it."

After speaking, it seemed to remind the sad things of the middle-aged aunt, the whole person was lost, and finally nodded to Li Yun and walked towards the Taoist temple.

Those who come to the Taoist temple are pilgrims——

Li Yun silently watched the middle-aged aunt enter the hall.

The middle-aged lady came to the stone statue of Fu Lu Shou, opened her bag, and threw a banknote inside, with a gentle face, she prayed silently.

"I hope my son can go well in the college entrance examination, can go smoothly, and grow up healthy and healthy."

The moment the middle-aged aunt put in the money, the system prompt sounded and the account arrived.

This time, the system added an onomatopoeia of 'jingle bell' in a very humane way, which is full of viciousness.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five incense coins."

(End of this chapter)

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