Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 704, Injustice

Chapter 704, Injustice
Li Yun silently looked at the five incense coins and sighed softly.

Five incense coins means that not only one person's wish, but many people's wishes are entwined on the money.

The money that can carry the wishes of many people probably cannot be printed by banks in the world, only Tiandi Bank honorably produces it
Produced by Tiandi Bank, it must be a high-quality product.

After the middle-aged aunt came out, Li Yun said, "Do you understand your state?"

"I understand, I'm already dead." Facing Li Yun's question, the middle-aged aunt's expression was calm, without any fluctuations in her face, and she said, "It's just strange. I didn't know it at first, so I just wandered around and came here casually." , but as soon as you enter the Taoist temple, you will know what your state is like."

"The dead are covered with dust. Originally, he was persistent and could not let go of his complaints. Layman is a very generous person."

Taoist temple is the land of the living and also the land of the dead. After stepping in, the ignorance dissipates and you know your current state.

"So what if I'm not generous, I'm already dead, I just hope my family and children are happy, especially my child, I'm really worried about his character, oh, I regret it , but it seems useless to say so much now."

Between life and death, thinking about it is unforgettable, the middle-aged aunt left the Taoist temple very quickly, with some nostalgia, some regret, not much different from ordinary dead people.

How many dead people can truly leave the world without any regrets?I'm afraid not much
There is only a difference between letting go and not letting go.

This middle-aged aunt not only left the Taoist temple, but also left the human world.

The moment she walked out of the Taoist temple, the land of the living could not accommodate her existence.

Unlike ordinary souls that disperse, when this middle-aged aunt died, her whole body was wrapped in a yellow flame until it finally burned out.

First the clothes burn.

After that is the skin.




Turned into dust, dissipated—

"Be happy."

A purest ordinary person, after death, only has a little care and nostalgia. This nostalgia is more like an old mother going out to tell her children, ordinary chatter, simple motherly love.

Li Yun silently recited two scriptures to the middle-aged aunt.

The circulation of scriptures is of no use to the middle-aged aunt who has passed away. Li Yun just wants to make himself feel better.


The aunt came quietly and left quietly without taking a trace of clouds.

Li Yun didn't know whether the Three Lucky Gods responded to the aunt, after all, the object of prayer was not the middle-aged aunt.

"Dad, where's the teacher! Why isn't she here?" Tired of playing, little Su Li threw herself into Li Yun's arms, looking left and right, but didn't see the teacher who taught her just now.

Li Yunrou said: "Teacher, the teacher has already left."

"Really? Will I never see her again?"

Su Li's face was a little disappointed, she just met the teacher just now.

As far as Nine-Tailed Fox's sixth sense is concerned, he can vaguely feel that he will never see his teacher again.

After Li Yun comforted him for a while, his expression gradually became serious.

Han Xiang served Li Yun a glass of water, then hesitated.

"Brother, the one just now. She is"

"You're right." Li Yun's face gradually became serious: "She is a wronged soul. Although she is let go, the wronged soul is still a wronged soul. She died without understanding."

wronged soul.

People who died unjustly, the moment they entered the Taoist temple, the grievances on their bodies were eliminated, but unjust death is unjust death, there is a special smell on the body, Donghuang Bell can smell it, Li Yun can also smell it When she came out, the scene when she left reproduced the death at that time.

It was devoured by the flames, and finally became a worthless dry bone.

Liu Yanli, who was playing with her mobile phone, suddenly clicked her tongue and said, "Old Li, have you read the recent news? The recent serial car accident was hit by an overloaded unlicensed truck. The last row of cars caught fire, killing 5 people. It is a tragic tragedy of 3 deaths and [-] injuries. It is a pity that the driver of the large truck escaped. If the driver of the large truck did not escape, more than half of these people could be saved. After all, the fire started half an hour after the accident. Damn, these people were all burned. It's all charred."

When turning to the picture of the scene, Liu Yanli quickly swiped and dragged it. Even though the mosaic was applied, the chilly feeling still lingered in her heart.

Li Yun looked at the news, and indeed, he could feel the despair in the photos through the screen.

After half an hour, he was crushed under a large truck, but the driver who caused the accident abandoned the vehicle and fled.

He was not killed at the beginning, and he felt hope in despair, but because of the behavior of the perpetrator, he was covered up by despair, and finally burned out. Just think about how strong the hostility and resentment are.

Both Liu Yanli and Li Yun couldn't help but feel shuddering, feeling terrible for the driver who caused the accident, who killed so many people just to evade their responsibility.

"Oh, mom, it's a bit scary when you think about it. It's like playing chicken with an [-]x mirror in the front, a poisonous circle in the back, and gods on the left and right. It's such a desperate scene."

"I always feel that there is something wrong with your metaphor, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

Li Yun felt that there were too many complaints in it, and now he didn't know where to complain. The truth is that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Do you think the hit-and-run person would feel ashamed? I know that he killed so many people for his own selfishness."

"It should be."

"It's just what it should be."

"Overloading, speeding, hit and run, the person who did these things, do you think he will be ashamed?"


In the urban crematorium, the boy in black stared blankly at the incinerator in front of him.


Burning in the incinerator can turn people into ashes without any effort, and the corpse inside is instantly turned into a handful of ashes, which are put into the urn.

"Go and send your mother off. This is the last chance, and I will never see you again." Beside the boy, a middle-aged man with a desolate face was extremely decadent. How much better is his dead body? Everyone knows how bad it feels to send his wife away with his own hands.

Sadness is greater than death.

The scene was very deserted, or in other words, the people who came to pay their respects had already been here, and now they have left, leaving only the two father and son here, silently seeing off.

The boy picked up the urn, wanted to cry but couldn't, the tears had already dried up.

Put the urn on the father's car and let the car take the ashes back to his hometown.

The boy didn't get in the car, even though he wanted to see him off.

"It's ok, just send it here, you know what your priority is right now. Don't worry, I'll take care of the kid and fuck it, don't worry." The middle-aged man drove away directly, leaving The young man stood alone at the gate of the crematorium.

Now, there are more important things to do.
After bidding farewell to his mother hastily, the teenager took a taxi back to school and started the final sprint for the college entrance examination.

After arriving at his seat, he was already used to being unnoticed.

One more him, one less him, no one thinks about it, let alone cares about it.

"Wang Chengfeng, this question"

"That's how it was done."


Good at going with the flow, good at being oblivious to everyone.

For a dispensable role, no one will go to his business, and no one will care about him and ask him what happened during the time off.

"I am dispensable."

"No one is dispensable."

Wang Chengfeng froze for a moment, turned around and saw the smiling young man in front of him.

Why did someone suddenly appear in the classroom?
And the people around it didn't seem to notice.

Li Yun didn't say much, and put a spell in front of Wang Chengfeng.

"He can save your life. But how to use it is up to you to choose."

"Why give me this." Wang Chengfeng subconsciously believed it.

"Yu Pindao has kindness, it's just cause and effect."

The Taoist appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly, without any precautions.

Only the talisman with the ghost painting talisman still appeared in front of my eyes.

It indicates that what happened just now is not just a dream.

"Yeah? What is this? A spell?" The same ordinary girl at the same table asked curiously.

He was the same type of person as Wang Chengfeng, no one paid attention to him, with bun hair, thick glasses, and freckled face.

An ordinary tablemate, an ordinary type of person——

"Oh, I picked it up just now." Wang Chengfeng hesitated, and put the spell in his pocket. Up to now, Wang Chengfeng is still laughing at himself for being so calm.

The death of the mother, the sudden appearance of the Taoist priest, and the ghostly symbols left behind.

"You seem to be very strange when you come back. If there is anything, you can tell me." The girl at the same table said weakly.

Wang Chengfeng stared at the girl's face in silence for a moment and then said: "Fang Ning, have you experienced it? A loved one died unexpectedly"

"I've never experienced it. Sorry." Fang Ning immediately guessed what was going on, and fell into silence.

"It's nothing. On the contrary, I was surprised. After experiencing these things, I didn't feel so sad. You say, this is amazing." Wang Chengfeng looked up at the sky expressionlessly, surprised by his emotions.

After seeing off my mother, there were not many tears.
The two continued to be silent, it was the daily life of this pair of ordinary tablemates, equally ordinary, but there was no topic to talk about.

However, they can maintain a tacit understanding with each other on many things.


It should be.

At least in many things, the two can understand each other.

However, as friends, Wang Chengfeng felt that there was too little communication. They didn't know each other's mobile numbers, and didn't even add WeChat and QQ.

A calm day is like the first half of Wang Chengfeng's life.

When the school bell rang, a classmate came to the two of them and asked.

"Wang Chengfeng, Fang Ning, go and sing K?"

It's mediocre, but it's not the type who will be ignored and bullied. At least when there is an activity in the class, the two will receive an invitation. Of course, Wang Chengfeng knows that his pair at the same table will not go have too much impact.

Activities have protagonists of the activity, which they clearly are not.

"I have it at home today." Fang Ning looked at Wang Chengfeng and hesitated, "I'm fine at home. I'll go to the old place."

"Well, what about you, Wang Chengfeng?"

"I go."

After school, I didn't go directly to the ktv, but put all the things that should be put back at home before going out.
The house was empty.

Originally, my strict mother might cook a pot of soup waiting for me.

It's just that all of this is gone
Wang Chengfeng felt that his emotions were blocked by something.

Some uncomfortable, suffocated panic.

On the way, he happened to see Fang Ning.

It was sent by her father, wearing a mask, sunglasses and windbreaker, like a celebrity who is afraid of being discovered.

Wang Chengfeng laughed at himself, Fang Ning is so mediocre, his father can't possibly be a star.

"What a coincidence." Fang Ning changed her clothes. The old-fashioned school uniform was replaced by a white dress. She also painted some light makeup on her face, making her ordinary face still ordinary.

The man in the windbreaker watched Fang Ning off, far, far away, until the end.

"Let's go."


The two walked side by side, like a couple.
There is a tacit understanding, there is no chat, or the two of them have nothing to talk about.

The distance is not far away, Fang Ning thought it would be better to find some topics, and said with a smile.

"That was my dad just now. He is super powerful. He is the driver of a big car."

"Exactly, the job I hate the most is driving a big car." Wang Chengfeng looked at Fang Ning's face and said, "I'm serious."

most hated truck driver
These words made Fang Ning unspeakably embarrassed.

"My mother was hit and killed by a big truck driver, and many people died because of this driver, just because he wanted to evade responsibility and because of his selfishness"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had to go through this." Fang Ning felt really sorry and opened up his friend's wound.

"It doesn't matter, you don't know these things but I am careful, because one person hates a group... But there is no way, I have no way not to hate it, even if I say I don't hate it, it must be hypocrisy." Wang Chengfeng said: "I I'm not a gentleman, but I don't want to be a duplicity villain either."

"It's not good to be too blunt."


The two continued to remain silent, maintaining the tacit understanding and tacit understanding that they should have when they get along.

A faint feeling sprouted.

not love.

If Wang Chengfeng were to describe it, it should be that the mutual attraction between him and the stand-in messenger is a reason.

While getting on the elevator, Fang Ning was suddenly bumped by someone.

The wallet fell out.

The photos in the wallet also fell out.

Fang Ning couldn't bend over to pick it up in a skirt, so naturally Wang Chengfeng wouldn't leave it alone.

"Thank you." Fang Ning thanked quickly.

Just as Wang Chengfeng picked up the wallet, he caught a glimpse of the photo.
The middle-aged man in the photo was next to a brand new large truck that he had just bought, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

It's a new car, the one with the red ribbon still on it.

so similar.
It was the same model as the van with a cover plate that killed his mother.

The same.

(End of this chapter)

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