Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 734, stone in stone

Chapter 734, stone in stone
"Young people, if you don't even have the drive to be free, what kind of young people are you?" Li Yun smiled and looked at the 'riot' in front of him.

Although the scene was quite chaotic, at the same time, the aroused vigor dispelled the lifeless twilight here.

Perhaps they may err because of their rebellion.

But this is not the reason why the school acts as a 'judge'.

"It's over, everything is over, do you know what you have done?" The middle-aged leader murmured, and the scene got out of control: "Those potential criminals rush out, no one teaches, no one educates, it is a disaster for society Those who suffer from Internet addiction and homosexuality, you are going to be sinners through the ages!"

"This potential criminal is really proficient in buttoning his hat, don't you often use this crap to promote it?" Li Yun felt that he couldn't complain: "Then you come and see, the so-called [potential] criminals. "

The middle-aged leader felt uncontrollable and followed Li Yun.

Li Yun brought the middle-aged leader to the interior of the school.

It's cold, empty, with thin white tones, and the rules are written on the wall like a concentration camp.

Here, is the concentration camp.

The students were all being 'drilled' outside, and there was no one inside. Li Yun visited here to his heart's content.

A dedicated punishment room.


review room.

The rules for each room are written on it.

For example, the last one should be punished more severely.

For example, the system of reporting each other in the dormitory.

very many
"Are you teaching? Treating? No, you are imprisoning them, you are domesticating them." Li Yun said coldly: "Where do you get the funds to imprison and domesticate these children? No, even if their parents grant You are not qualified, nor are you"

"You said that you are educating [potential] criminals. In contrast, you are already criminals now, and I think you should be dragged to prison."

At this moment, a group of people rushed in.

They were latent reporters who ran faster than anyone else, and they came when they noticed that the school was starting to mess up.

It turns out that the reporters have been eyeing this school for a long time.
Even though it is "justice" in the eyes of the parents, some people still feel that this is definitely not true justice.

"Fusheng Wuliang Tianzun, face these reporters by yourself."

What awaits the middle-aged leader is endless skinning, skinning himself, and school

Li Yun walked in this school, and it was icy and cold everywhere.

From the coldness of the soul.

"Fathead Fish, you said how about sending you to quit Internet addiction, I think you should also be shocked."

"Don't, didn't you just say that this was wrong? Why are you changing your rhetoric now, without such a thing?" Liu Yanli knew that Li Yun was joking with her, and she still shuddered, asking her to come to such a place Might as well let her die

"By the way, this kind of school is not limited to here. There are so many schools in the whole country. It seems that the market for this kind of thing is not small." Liu Yanli muttered.

"If there is no business, there is no killing. As long as there is such a demand, such institutions will continue to emerge. This cannot be stopped, unless parents understand the correct way of education and know that this is not good. The industry is extinct." Li Yun said with emotion: "This is not a simple process of elimination, it is only possible for the parents to constantly realize themselves."

"It's harder than climbing to the sky."


As for whether the parents wake up or not, Li Yun doesn't care, just like Wang Weigong, if his classmates didn't die because of this incident, they wouldn't come to this place.

Justice is always relative. At present, Wangwei Palace must be regarded as the embodiment of evil by the parents.

"By the way, what are you still doing here? It's a mess outside, why don't we go back quickly? I still have the abyss to brush."

"Sure enough, you should be treated with electrotherapy." Li Yun was speechless. The fat fish was still thinking about the game, but said, "I was just thinking, there seems to be something wrong here."

"What's wrong, it's just a little cold."

Liu Yanli didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Sometimes the environment can also affect people's physical sensations.

For example, on a summer night, there is no one, no sound, and the weather is hot, but even so, a person walking on such a night road will feel cold, and the vision affects the touch.

"The atmosphere is also a reason, and there is also the cold that only Hanxiang and I can feel." Li Yun looked at his arms, there was a row of goosebumps and inverted hairs.

Li Yun felt that with his own body, he would definitely not be affected by this so-called cold air.

As if it didn't come from the world.

Lonely cold.

Bone cold.

The desolate breath of misery.

Liu Yanli couldn't feel it without Linghai, but both Li Yun and Hanxiang could feel it.

"What are you talking about, it's making me feel a little uncomfortable." Liu Yanli also felt chills when Li Yun said it, and was at a loss.

Li Yun gradually walked towards the source of the coldness.

Getting colder
It feels like the body is almost frozen.

"is here"

In a trance, Li Yun had hallucinations, as if a white illusion appeared in front of his eyes.

In the place surrounded by distorted white mist, there is a laurel tree soaring into the sky in the distance.

Other than that, there's nothing but silent land
And in this silent and endless center, there is a dancing girl, wearing a white ancient dress, no one asks, no one knows, dancing under the moonlight.

Super beautiful girl.

It is so beautiful that it cannot be described in words. In terms of appearance alone, it can be said that it is the most beautiful humanoid creature Li Yun has ever seen.

Flawless, like a god under the moon.

But also lonely and cold.

Li Yun had encountered this kind of feeling before. He felt it once during the Mid-Autumn Festival when he worshiped the Moon God.

The legend of Chang'e, the dance of Chang'e.

The phantom of the Moon Goddess only lasted for a moment, and soon disappeared.

"Old Li? Are you in a trance?"

Li Yun was suddenly awakened by Liu Yanli, and the pulling feeling caused by the switch of senses from hallucinations eased.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the stone statue in front of him.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, raised his head and chest, and waved his hands as a command. Below is the introduction of this man. He is the founder of the school and a 60-year-old powerful figure in the education field.

"No, it's definitely not this"

Li Yun muttered in his heart, and summoned the Demon Slaying Sword.

The long sword was like a sharp edge, and the vertical and horizontal sword energy slapped randomly on the face like a sharp blade.

"Let's go."


After chopping up the stone statue, the cold source appeared in front of Li Yun.

It is a stone statue the size of a palm.

Chang'e's dancing posture is forever frozen in the stone.

A stone within a stone——

(End of this chapter)

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