Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 735, Moon Goddess

Chapter 735, Moon Goddess

Li Yun was no stranger to encountering such things as real fairy stone statues, and he didn't care much about the palm-sized Chang'e stone statue in front of him.

"I've been single for too long, I feel so damn pretty when I see the stone statue." Liu Yanli looked at the stone statue in Li Yun's hand and couldn't help but want to complain.

So beautiful.

It's ugly again.

The rough craftsmanship and sharp-edged stone statues look like a semi-finished product, but this semi-finished product gives people a breathtaking beauty.

Like a true Moon Goddess.

"This is the stone statue of Taiyin Xingjun." Li Yun waited and watched with his spiritual vision.

The stone statue is connected to the void, and is somehow connected with a certain existence.

This stone statue is different from Emperor Dongyue, she has an owner
That is to say, it is a stone statue that is functioning normally, exactly the same as those stone statues that are enshrined in Taoist temples.

"The stone statue carrying Taiyin Xingjun will actually be made into the appearance of the founder of the Internet Addiction Treatment Center. I'll go." Li Yun felt that this place was no longer full of slots.

But I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. The stone statue of the founder of this school is also being worshiped by middle-aged leaders and other people, and worshiped by parents. Many people regard this treatment method as absolutely correct.

I don't know if the luck of worshiping this guy will drift to Chang'e.

Without much thought, Li Yun put away the stone statue of Chang'e and prepared to take it back to the Taoist temple.

"You don't care about that child anymore?" Han Xiang looked at Wang Wei Palace outside, bearing everything silently by herself.

"Of course don't worry about it, this is a matter that only that child can solve." Li Yun looked at the students standing with Wang Weigong and said with emotion: "Youth is such a thing."

"Just to make a fuss."

"The goddess of the moon, Chang'e, also known as Taiyin Xingjun, is the goddess who is in charge of the Taiyin, that is, the moon. Generally speaking, she does not accept worship. Her personality is also lonely and cold, and she does not get close to others." Bai Chen thought After a while, he said: "Thinking about it carefully, I have even forgotten her appearance."

In terms of Bai Chen's fucking character, if he forgets someone's face, it's either because he is too ugly to remember, or it's true that even Bai Chen has forgotten this person in a long time.

Especially the existence of true immortals.

"The sense of existence is quite low." Li Yun concluded.

"Yes, the sense of existence is quite low, so low that I don't know what to say, she is obviously a goddess representing the moon, with unparalleled beauty and temperament, people can't help but take a second look at the first glance, After seeing her for a second time, I can't help but sink forever, and I don't want to wake up." Bai Chen nodded and said: "But such a goddess, basically only a hundred years old, the impression will continue to fade, and mortals will forget it in a blink of an eye."

Kneeling and licking frantically in the first second, completely forgotten in the next second.

A very contradictory nature, aloof and beautiful house girl.

It is probably the behavior of Liu Yanli as a template, but his personality is the other side of the extreme.

"It feels like you're blackmailing me." Liu Yanli suddenly complained.

"No, he's actually praising you." Bai Chen shook his shoulders and mocked, "After all, Chang'e is compared to you, right?"

"Anyway, let's confess first." Li Yun placed the stone statue of the Moon Goddess in the central hall.

As soon as the stone statue was placed in the main hall, the breathtaking beauty disappeared immediately, and it became ordinary and unattractive, like a salted fish.

It's just that the mediocre is the mediocre, and the thread of luck is still connected to the distance.

From Li Yun's point of view, the lines in the Taoist temple are densely connected to the distance.

At the same time, the distant thread is connected to the Taoist temple.

It's like Yin and Yang have two sides, one side is the reflection of the other side.

"Well, this pattern is a bit interesting." Li Yun looked at the sky, always feeling a kind of "somewhere" doomed.

I was attracted by the stone statue of Chang'e, found her, and brought her back to the Taoist temple.

Li Yun felt a little surprised that after bringing the stone statue of Chang'e back to the Taoist temple, the first feeling in his heart was "relief", just like seeing Xiao Suli memorize the multiplication formula.

Feeling inexplicable peace of mind and gratification, it is a wonderful feeling.

She originally belonged to Taoism.
"Although I'm just guessing, are there many stone statues of gods left in the human world for some random reasons?" Li Yun thought about it, and it was really possible.

Emperor Dongyue, Chang'e, all kinds of artifacts.

Many things related to the heavenly court were left in the lower realm, and many of the cornerstones of the heavenly court were left in the Taoist temple.

"Facts have proved that this is the case. Maybe in a few days, even the stone statue of Erlang God will pop out." The system complained once after a long time.

"At that time, I will definitely ask him why the two of us are so destined." Li Yun paused and said with a smile: "Actually, it may also be because we are similarly handsome."

Handsome is a kind of temperament and a state.

Li Yun felt that he might be that kind, not obvious handsome, but very handsome, so he was very close to this three-eyed god.

Oh, I'm sure I'm guilty
Being handsome is a crime.


"This system is basically immune to your brazenness"

"That's a pity."

After placing the stone statue of Chang'e, Li Yun came to the Taoist temple and saw Bai Chen looking up at the sky and meditating.

The blank expression seems to be thinking about memories.

Evoked by the stone statue of Chang'e, it belongs to the past memories.

Memories kill, life is always like this, recalling the past when you are free, there are always many beautiful things in life worth remembering.

like the taste of first love
Sentimental, sour, throbbing and helpless.

Many young people have experienced this kind of thing when they were students, but most of them will be in a state of not wanting at the beginning, a small part of them can have it, and only a small part of them can go to the end.

Therefore, youth and first love are both green and astringent.
Li Yun thought of himself. From the very beginning, he was in a state of being unable to ask for it. It is really a sad story.

However, Bai Chen was even more sad. He killed his first love with his own hands, and then buried his first love with his own hands. After an unknown number of years, he buried his first love again with his own hands.

What a sad story.

It belongs to the ultimate version that you can't ask for. It's a little sad, and it's understandable to play deep.

Some people say that if the old does not go, the new will not come.

Li Yun just wants to say that sometimes old things can never be replaced
"Looking at the sky."

"Let me watch the sky with you too."

"Then thank you."

"you are welcome."

Bai Chen lay on the trunk of the peach blossom tree, and suddenly began to sing, with a deep voice, without the original spiritual pollution.

With falling petals.
"Longsheng always has ups and downs."

"Long Hai is always clueless."

"Missing has nowhere to go."

"It just so happens that fate always separates and reunite."

(End of this chapter)

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