Taoist temple in the mountains

Chapter 742, I don't know how to lose

Chapter 742, I don't know how to lose

"The exam went very well, very well, I don't know how to lose, I really don't know how to lose, it's stable, it's quite stable, oh, don't hurt me."

"Don't be a poisonous milk, you think you Huang Xudong, you have passed the exam." Li Yun looked at Bai Chen, who was playing tricks in front of him, and said, "I believe my family will definitely pass the exam."

Xiao Su Li put her hands on her hips and looked at Bai Chen unhappy.

The baby was laughed at, the baby was unhappy, and his mouth was bulging.

It’s not shameful to be cute, it’s shameful that uncute people are cute, obviously Xiao Suli’s cuteness is not shameful, it’s super cute.

Bai Chen was defeated, and Bai Chen played GG.

Li Yun was thinking about the old man Xuan Daozi's voice.
"Old man, are you still paying attention to me for the trip you said to leave?" Li Yun drank a glass of turbid wine, stared blankly at the sky, wondering why the old man Xuandaozi's voice appeared, and why didn't people appear .

I drank the hot wine directly, and felt a little sleepy
In the dream, there is everything——

Xuan Daozi's face appeared, leading a big black dog, playing and making noise, walking in the bustling world.

Not a modern world.

but ancient.

Li Yun didn't know exactly what dynasty it was. He only knew that the old man Xuan Daozi was walking around with a black dog. It seemed that he was looking for something, and it seemed that he was just traveling.

Endless journey, walk the world.

In the end, the black dog disappeared, and he didn't know where he went, leaving only the old man Xuandaozi walking alone.

Life is like a dream, and big dreams are like reality.

After waking up, Li Yun found Han Xiang beside him, holding a cup of hot tea.

Feeling the softness behind him, Li Yun probably knew that the pillow he was using now was a fragrant thigh.

Really fragrant——


A cup of hot tea after a nap warms the heart and makes one sip full of energy.

The mental exhaustion of waking up from a nap has disappeared.

"Hee hee, senior brother, you two are welcome." Han Xiang smiled and took the empty cup away.

"Well, we're both parents after all." Li Yun joked, seeing Han Xiang's face blushing instantly, he was at a loss for what to do.

Even though Hanxiang's personality has become much more cheerful now, and she is not as shy as before, she still has little resistance to certain words.

Li Yun felt as if he had awakened something extraordinary, and it was very pleasant to see her blushing and shy.
This fragrant face became more and more red, and finally seemed to be burning.
Li Yun felt that enough was enough and didn't continue teasing.

"Okay, just kidding"

"It's not a joke." Hanxiang plucked up her courage and said, "After all, this is the truth."

Li Yun GG, Li Yun was turned into an army.

Super cute, cute, just a big and small little Su Li.
"Ahem, I'm sorry to disturb your interest, but... eh?" Bai Chen stared at Li Yun, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Why are you blushing?"

"Uh, the weather is hot, so it's not normal to get a little angry." Li Yun said calmly, his tone remained unchanged, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Well, I always feel that your mood is not calm now. What do you mean by pretending to be calm?" Bai Chen was still speaking without holding back, which made Li Yun really want to blow his head off with a punch.

Ashamed, it doesn't matter if he is ashamed himself, it's enough to be ashamed in itself, but the most important thing is that he's losing his own people.
This is the most intolerable.

Bai Chen felt that if he continued to play like this, he might be banned from talking, so he shrugged and said, "It's nothing, it seems that someone is looking for you, and I didn't want to interrupt you from coming here."

"There are so many people who want to find me"

Li Yun walked out of the backyard, stretched his waist, dispelled the exhaustion after the afternoon nap, and walked out the door with his signature smile.

After looking at the people who came, Li Yun realized that it was no wonder that Bai Chen beeped. The people who came here had a majestic face and a hulking back. They walked like dragons and tigers, and they were full of majestic aura. Even wearing an ordinary gray shirt couldn't hide it. Keep his sharp temperament.

The ghosts and gods in the world.

What should come will always come, Li Yun knew that after seeing the old soldier Fang last time, he probably became curious about the Taoist temple.

Li Yun was quite curious, did it represent the dragon group, the national supernatural search team, or something else.

Quite curious.

"Blessed Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate."

"Uh..." The middle-aged man didn't know Taoist etiquette very well, he just cupped his hands nonchalantly, and finally admitted generously: "I don't understand these."

"We don't like these things here." Li Yun invited the human [ghosts and gods] to the gazebo and said, "May I ask what the layman is doing here? What does he represent?"

"I'm just representing myself." The middle-aged man's expression was very casual: "Just call me Lu Dao."

"Lu Dao, a good name, the way of the world, the way of the land." Li Yun smiled, intending to see something from Lu Dao's eyes.

What about the dragon group?What about the ghost search team?What about the super power combination named Chao Er?Shake the settings now.
You are such a big boss, you should understand this, don’t talk about it, let’s listen to it, you can do anything, such as refusal, it’s more forceful.

Li Yun's eyes flickered, his face was calm, and he was still a little excited.

"What do you seem to be expecting, Daoist?" Lu Dao felt a little uncomfortable being made by Li Yun's eyes.

"Uh, Pindao knows about the supernatural power hidden in the country, what kind of special search force, dragon group?"

"Well, as I said, I only came here on behalf of myself." Lu Dao was a little dumbfounded: "Frankly speaking, I even mentioned the things I saw last time with my leaders. A small part thought that I was under too much pressure, and they all passed it off as a joke. In fact, before stepping here again, I also had the idea of ​​whether I was hallucinating."

Lu Dao didn't lie.

Li Yun suddenly felt a little dull, but he was not too disappointed. After all, looking for these things in the world of materialist core values ​​is itself sick.

Seeing is believing, those who see believe it, those who don't see are contemptible, after all, the only place that can evoke real miracles is this Taoist temple. Maybe there is also the mysterious Taoist father who travels somewhere and is elusive.

"What do laymen think? Is it a hallucination or too much to drink?" Li Yun laughed.

"I know, these things have opened my eyes, but my three views have not changed." Lu Dao said calmly, "This is not a common event. If it is a common event, the country must know about it. And there will be countermeasures. Since the country has no measures, this is just a coincidence. For me, this world is still materialistic. Even if there is a so-called [accidental], it will only happen to a few people, such as you body only"

"The world goes on as usual, at least for me. No one thinks that a car accident is inevitable just because they saw a car accident, and no one thinks that a chocolate cake must taste strawberries in a chocolate cake. It's strawberry-flavored, isn't it?"


Really powerful.

Li Yun admired it quite a bit. This kind of strength from the heart is more valuable than the strength of the body. I really admire it.

Dragon and phoenix among people are well-deserved.

"Then layman, why did you come here?"

"Because... such a small probability event was actually met by me." Lu Dao's eyes suddenly became a little strange, and he said, "You, do you know Zheng Heng?"

"do not know"

"Uh, okay." Lu Dao said after a moment of silence: "My child always said that he dreamed of a person named Zheng Heng, saying that this was his real name or something, and that someone with the same name and surname followed him or something."

Li Yun was silent.

It was as if an oversized green hat had been placed on Lu Dao's head.
Li Yun thinks it's not that his thoughts are not pure, most people think so, his current father is not his own father, in fact his own father is the old king next door or something like that.

What a sad story.

"Zheng Heng knows one, but it must not be the Zheng Heng you asked about." Li Yun said: "Generally speaking, it should be caused by something like a dream, young man, at this age. It's normal, I always use various methods to attract people, for example, when I was in school, my deskmate would use women's clothing to attract attention."

"Well, this problem is a bit big. If my son dresses up as a woman, I will definitely break his dog legs."

"Also, since he entered high school, he has become more and more rebellious, alas"

While talking about the topic of the two of them, they talked about parenting and tutoring. It was really hard for Ah Er, who was pretending to be an ordinary husky, to complain, so he had to run in front of Bai Chen and Liu Yanli with difficulty. Point to spit out.

As soon as the slot point came out, the whole person felt comfortable.

"Sure enough, people who become fathers are different." Liu Yanli looked at Li Yun's direction with a look of wanting to complain: "The difference between them is that one is an ordinary brat, and the other is like little Su Li. Good girl, this is the difference."

Someone like Xiao Su Li can only be caring and heart-warming, while ordinary brats are just worrying.
The relationship between parents and children is one of the most difficult problems in the world.
At this time, Lu Dao in the gazebo said with emotion: "Sure enough, I have benefited a lot from listening to Jun's words."

"Where is it, I just listen to what you have to say." Li Yun listened to Lu Dao's educational experience sincerely—basically, he just listened in reverse.

After chatting for a while, Lu Dao left the Taoist temple. As a high-level boss, he didn't have much private time, and it was already the limit to chat.

Watching the landing road leave, Li Yun's expression gradually calmed down.

"Why, the exchange of experience as a father is over?"

"Well, he is a good father and has enough experience in life, but he tends to be too simple and rough in teaching children instead of guiding." Li Yun didn't talk about other people's education policy, but said seriously: "However, he said I care very much"

"What did he say, haven't you guys been exchanging ideas?" Bai Chen asked doubtfully.

"He said his family's child, and said that his name is Zheng Heng. He himself is obviously sexual."

"Love is a light"

Like Li Yun, Bai Chen's first reaction was to think of the green hat.

The story that the old Wang and his wife next door had to tell.

"I just think it's a bit too coincidental. This name is exactly the same as the city god who has lived on obsession to this day."

When Lu Dao returned home, he was greeted by his lovely wife who was only 45 years old.
As usual, after returning home, Lu Dao's expression of the iron-blooded man softened.

Home is always the warmest harbor.

"Why is it so dusty?" Lu Dao's wife said with a reproachful face.

Lu Dao said with a smile: "I went to climb the mountain today, of course it's full of dust, not to mention, the scenery there is really good, I've gone there once and want to go there a second time."

"It's time to see and see." Lu Dao's wife sighed with regret: "But I don't have much time recently, and the quality of my hair is getting worse and worse. If you don't do your hair often, you will be shameful."

Lu Dao looked at his wife carefully. She is not young, but she still has charm. Recently, she has become more and more feminine and dewy.

Is it because of the hair?

Lu Dao thought about it carefully, should he also go to work on his hair to make himself radiant, moist and youthful?
"Well, I still need to exercise more when I'm not young."

"Don't worry husband, I do exercise a lot."

"Who would believe you?" Lu Dao smiled helplessly. After tidying up for a while, he opened the door of his child's room and saw me on the bed, like the son of a giant salted fish.

Wearing glasses, gentle, just loves to play games, holding a 3ds in his hand while playing, directly ignoring Lu Dao who fell through the door.

"Lu Helmet, don't play so many games."

Lu Helmet remained silent, and only said calmly after a long time: "What are you going to do if you don't play games during the holidays?"

"You have to get up early tomorrow, so you should pay more attention when you are young." Lu Dao frowned and said, "You have become more and more relaxed recently."

At this time, Lu Helmet put away his 3ds, and a carp straightened up.

Some thin body, gentle appearance.

But the eyes seem to see through everything.
Lu Helmet sat cross-legged on a chair and said while resting his chin with one hand.

"By the way, Dad, there is something I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Aunt Wu, I'm sorry for the wrong name. The mother on the household registration book, that is, the stepmother, she went to have her hair done today." Lu Helmet paused and said: "I went to the Kandy Hotel to get my hair done, oh yes, and The two Tonys from the high-end hair salon next door, well, they really did their hair, and when they came back, their hairstyle changed from wavy curls to explosive wavy curls—it was just a bit messy."

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

Very, very quiet, even dead silent.
The sound of the clock's pointer action became everything in the room.

After a moment of silence, Lu Dao said in a muffled voice.

"I go out for a while."

"Remember to close the door, don't quarrel so loudly, it's not good to quarrel with the neighbors."


The door was slammed shut, followed by violent quarrels.

"Yeah, I didn't hear what we said."

Lu Hel put on the earphones with a relaxed expression, listened to cheerful music, and continued to turn on the 3DS to play games.

Finally no one can bother him.

At this moment, Lu Helmet said to himself.

"Tomorrow's Go game, I won't lose, right?"

After a long time, a little white glow flickered behind Lu Helmet.
(End of this chapter)

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